"Music is the geometry of God.

" . . . Each note has its frequency, its mathematical formula, its color, its healing potential. Thus by the music of the spheres and its release into the hearts of mankind do the Elohim release the sacred energies of the creation, and through the intercession of the Elohim mankind are co-creators with God."

" . . . all creation that is in truth is wrought by music. There is the music of the workman, . . . the captain of the ships, . . . students in universities. There is music that accompanies the walk of a child

" . . . O man, let thy senses expand so that thou, too, might hear the grand symphony of the soul."

Cyclopea, Elohim of Music
October 11, 1973

" . . . The certitudes of life are often unknown by the young in heart who, while they are borne upon the tide of human events, are seldom able to compass those events with a relevancy that would give greater meaning to their lives.

"I am therefore advising all to eschew the evil and darkness that enter the forcefield of the four lower bodies when the attention is placed on the jangle of modern jazz. I advise all who would truly be alchemists of the Spirit to seek out the classical music of the world’s greatest composers—of Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Haydn, Handel, Wagner, Liszt, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Mahler, and many others who have been commissioned by the Brotherhood to bring forth the music of the spheres.

"I advise all to learn to seek in meditation those peaks of cosmic elevation that will enable them to understand and interpret the language of the angels. I advise all to take the time to learn what is real and to develop passions of genuine love toward humanity. But let not these passions take the form of mere devotion to communal efforts or to the raising of one segment of life into a more advanced state of economic development; rather let them take the form of raising men to new levels of spiritual appreciation of their own divine potential as sons of God.

"Only by this form of devotion shall their hearts, touched by the hands of the Infinite Creator, be imbued with such reality and love that they will move with precision to execute the divine will. Thus shall men behold the outworkings of a Providence that has for so long yearned to find greater expression in mortal affairs, that those affairs might become truly guided by the power of Life from on high.

"Then shall liberty live in human lives. Then shall freedom in honor raise men to a state where they can invoke, by the creative power of the Spirit, a golden age that will transcend the age of Pericles and every other golden age that the earth has ever known. This shall come about through the establishment of a fountain of living flame-power, -wisdom, and -love."

Saint Germain

"I want you to know that each one of the Archangels represents one note in a grand cosmic scale. And when we function by levers of infinite harmony, by harmonic patterns, there is created a music of gratitude back to God's heart, which enables the entire system of worlds in which we function to feel the pressure of our gratitude back to the Godhead. This is an experiment which those of you who have some knowledge of your affinity for certain rays can also use from day to day in your own individual service to life.

"Beloved ones, if you will only understand the infinite laws of harmony and the power of true transmutation, you will draw forth, then, the gratitude flame from the heart of God for every gift that life has given to you. And as you do it, as the power of that action of gratitude cascades in mighty concentric waves of light back to the heart of the Great Central Sun, you will find that the law of supply and demand is once again met. For as you give, so you shall receive.

"And when the heart of God is made aware of your gratitude, at that specific moment the momentum of the Universal is touched; and the response is a chord and a release of a infinite increment of harmony that starts out from the beginning and passes through all life-expressions in time and space down to the present moment right where you are and brings into that moment the celestial realization of the universe's gratitude for your love and gratitude."

Archangel Zadkiel

Musical Keynotes
for the Soul
Messenger of Music

Chopin Bach

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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