I Hear the Fears of the People . . .

Elizbath Clare Prophet
for the Revolution in Higher Consciousness

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are:
'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"—Ronald Reagan

. . . I hear the fears of the people who wonder if the debt bomb will destroy the economy and ruin their future. How did it all begin? It started with the Congress giving its control of our money system to the Fed in 1913, which enabled what have become the megabankers to control the system covertly.

After the Great Depression of 1929—caused in large measure by the Fed—the federal government became increasingly more protective of the banking industry, particularly the big banks, so that we would not have a repeat of the Depression. This was the rationale for increased government control.

So the bankers have turned the government's guarantees to depositors into an insurance policy to cover the bad loans they have been making to foreign governments and to give them the confidence to make so many bad domestic loans. Since it's not the government's policy to let large banks fail, they can count on being bailed out when the going gets tough—on your money, my money, or funny money that isn't even real and makes us feel wealthy when we're not.

Did you know that in 1982 the federal government gave Western banks $177 million to keep Poland from going into default by covering the interest on loans the Polish government owed to those banks?

You wonder why Solidarity didn't make it—why World Communism hasn't collapsed? Because this government decided to protect the international bankers instead of the freedom fighters in Poland—that's why!

Did you know that the federal government extended $120 million in credit to Romania at seven percent interest to enable their Communist government to build nuclear steam generators?

How about backing the faltering steel industry? How about helping our farmers? How about shoring up America? What do they have in mind?

There is no need for a man, woman, or child in this nation to go hungry or jobless, to be undernourished, to be wanting in medical care or in the finest education in the world. We are determined to reverse the tide. We are determined to reverse the tide!

There is enough room in this great land for every baby aborted annually to live, to grow up, to be free, and to have a livelihood and a job—to enjoy a fruitful life.

There is enough room for all of the aged whom we are told ought to die. There is enough room for the handicapped. There is enough room for all of us who come into life together and must share the grand burden and the noble experiment of a free people—and, by doing it right, fulfill our duty to export that example to all nations.

We are the Flame of Freedom that must speak for a world! And if we do not speak, who else will? Who else will speak if we do not? Shall we be dumb dogs that will not bark, as Becket said—will not protest in the face of heinous crimes against humanity? Shall we be those dumb dogs or shall we speak out?

"Speak out!"

We have a Goliath in our midst. Did you know that in June of 1983, Congress, in what has been called the "Big Bank Bailout," gave the International Monetary Fund $8.4 billion to help cover loans to Communist countries that were not paying back what they borrowed from U.S. banks?

Who would suffer if the Communist countries were allowed to default? The bankers would collapse. The Communist regimes would collapse. And the little people of the world would rise up in the Flame of Freedom to once again claim their nations, their banks, their institutions, and their industries for freedom!

Why do our boys have to fight in Vietnam in a no-win war when our government, the power elite, and the banking houses are supporting an international Communist system? They're supporting it for managed conflict so they can also manage the outcome. That's what they're doing!

Why should our Marines die in Beirut? Why should they die anywhere? Why should any freedom fighters of any nation have to die fighting World Communism when it's already a dead beast? We just need to let it go!

Did you know that the United States government—that's us, remember, not they. (They think it's them, but we know it's us!) What they did in our name was to guarantee more than $70 billion in direct loans from private bankers to the Soviet Union and other members of the Warsaw Pact. That's what they've done with our money and our Flame of Freedom!

At $17.67 billion, the Soviet Union is the largest recipient of loans subsidized by Western governments. As the Wall Street Journal recently asked: "The Soviet subsidy loan level, never before acknowledged by the lending countries, raises an interesting question for Europe's political and business leaders: When did taxpayers in the lending countries ever decide to subsidize communism?"


I hear the cry—I hear the cry and you hear it—of the people who are paying more and more of their annual earnings into a bankrupt Social Security system. In order to honor its obligations, today's workers may have to pay a payroll tax of more than 40 percent—that is an increase of over $5,000 a year in the employee and employer tax for each worker earning $20,000.

As it is, the Social Security system lives from bailout to bailout. And there are great inequities in the system. Listen to this: A black male born today has a life expectancy of about 64 years. But based on current legislation which has pushed the retirement age to 67, on the average that black male will not live long enough to receive any benefits at all! But he will pay into the system all the days of his life and owe his soul to the company sto'.

How's that for manipulation? Create the retirement age above your life expectancy and promise you, "In the end, you'll get your benefits!"

I hear the cry of the unemployed and the underemployed who are being deprived of their sacred labor by the deindustrialization of America caused by the intentional diversion of investment capital away from the United States to foreign countries. Did you know it was intentional? Did you know there's a plan behind carrying industry and money out of this country?

Corporations have money to invest. U.S. Steel just spent $6 billion to acquire Marathon Oil Company instead of rebuilding its steel plants. Don't you think that's odd, seeing as how many steelworkers are out of work today? One of the great crimes of America today: that our government and the moguls of industry have allowed our own steel industry to go down. I think it's one of the worst things that has happened to this nation in this century, leaving us vulnerable and disadvantaged in time of war.

General Electric added 5,000 workers to its payroll by adding 30,000 foreign jobs and reducing its United States employment by 25,000 jobs. Who are the heads of these multinational corporations who neglect the Flame of Freedom in America, and by their deeds prove themselves untrue to her divine destiny?

In part, deindustrialization is motivated by a plan to develop international specialization of labor in order to make it easier to establish a "new world order." The economies of the nations are being rearranged by international bankers and multinational corporations. They want a new world order where the little people have nothing to say about what they do—in fact, where the little people are the slaves of the State.

I hear the soul of George Washington who declared, "'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it."

We are giving away bites of our soul when we give away our money, our economy, our industry, and our Panama Canal. The net result of this deliberate policy to disinvest in America is the loss of somewhere between 32 and 38 million jobs during the decade of the seventies.

It's not just a job that's lost, it's one's life, one's self-esteem, one's dreams—all that one has worked for for one's children and one's family. The work of generations gone before, knocked out because someone is rearranging our life and our world according to their design, not ours. We'd better find out who they are and what they're doing through the Flame of Freedom that speaks in our breasts.

The people of America are caught—caught between the debt bomb, the inflation-recession cycle, and the deindustrialization of America. The dollar, although it appears to be strong, is nearly worthless. It's only stronger against other currencies of the world that are more worthless. And the economy--not only of this nation, but of other nations—is on the verge of collapse.

Take note of this: Communist and Third World governments can't pay back their loans, so the frantic ones at the top create more paper money. It is worthless and ultimately the whole deck of cards must come tumbling down. And they want it to come down on our heads. And we say, "Let it be upon their heads!"

This is the American Revolution 1984. It is an economic revolution and it is waged not for this nation alone, but for the people of the whole world! It is a revolution where we say once more, "No!" to the tyrants.

We the people of planet Earth do have certain inalienable rights derived from Almighty God, which rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The abundant life, guaranteed and vouchsafed to us by our Creator, is ours. And we are given the mandate by our God to "take dominion over the earth."

But there are those who do not want us to take dominion over this earth. There are those who have not believed that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." They want the world and its control for themselves, for their little nuclei of power elite.

Beloved hearts of freedom worldwide, I address you. Our first premise: Greater is He—the Almighty One—who is in you, than he that is in the world! The second premise: Our numbers far outnumber and outweigh by Light the oppressors, the manipulators, and the destroyers; and they fear the people as they always have.

The tyrants of this world, the monied interests, they have their power by your consent and mine, by your money and mine—or by our combined lethargy. They exist only by the will of the people. The will of the people, enlightened and educated, withdrawing their support from these demagogues can turn the world around, can ignite a revolution and win it!

Their tactic is intimidation by reverse psychology. They make us believe that we need them when the reverse is true—they need us!

Economic slavery is one of the greatest forms of tyranny over the mind, the body, the soul, and the health of one's psyche. We, the American people, should be enjoying the abundant life God gave to us. And instead, we the people of the greatest nation on earth are being oppressed by the gangsters and sociopaths who have been playing with our money for decades.

Soviet citizens are often arrested for their belief in God. Now hear this. The medical superintendent of one of the psychiatric hospitals believes that "people who believe in God belong in a mental ward."

Well, pretty soon it's going to be the people who believe in God in a certain way or the people who believe in God not in the way everybody else thinks. If you believe in their system, their orthodoxy, political or religious, you're OK. But if you seek the path of the individual and you're willing to listen to the voice of the Flame of Freedom alive in your soul, the flame that is God's divine spark, then watch out. Sooner or later, someone else who believes he knows better than you is going to restrict or attempt to restrict your comings and your goings.

That's the reason why on July 4, 1776, a group of people got together and signed the Declaration of Independence. That's the reason—because they knew the tendency of power, power that corrupts and corrupts absolutely. And they knew the tendency of tyrants to become insensitive to the needs of the people and what they and their ancestors had gone through in Europe. They came here to see to it that no rights or freedoms, human or divine—unless they would encroach upon the well-being of all—should be denied any individual.

We are here today to see to it that those rights are championed in America and then extended to the whole world. We have known the meaning of persecution. And we have known the meaning of the victory of our God. And we are satisfied that he is the defender of the oppressed and those against whom injustice has been brought. We know the power of the Flame of Freedom that speaks, and that's why we are satisfied to be God's instruments in this Revolution for Higher Consciousness.

There are 100,000 Christians in Soviet prisons today. We pray for them. Some are incarcerated for the crime of organizing prayers at funerals, organizing baptisms without prior registration with the government, and giving religious instruction to children.

Here religion is our divine and human right. There it is controlled by the state. Is that what we want?


Then we must see to it that we do not allow it to happen by those who think that they are ordained to decide whether the people shall enjoy the use of their private property and when their speech or religion or assembly or press shall be limited.

An eyewitness of one of the prisons in the Soviet Union near the city of Archangel wrote:

"We were transported . . . to the camp by train and then by . . . river barge. The hold of the barge was overfilled with prisoners, who were forced to sit in a doubled-up position. There was hardly any air to breathe. We were not allowed to go to the toilet . . . We were issued old camp clothing, and . . . herded off to the logging area. We were driven there in such a way that, by the time we arrived, we were half dead from exhaustion."

I bring these things to our attention today as we celebrate our independence lest we forget, lest we forget that while we enjoy freedom, some people suffer the abject degradation of their very humanity—lest we forget.

"For fear of ending up in the isolation cell or at being put on hunger rations, we devoted all our energies to doing the work assigned to us, sinking into the deep snow in the process . . . After work we were escorted . . . back to the camp. We ran all the way back to the camp so as not to become numb from the cold. We ran, we fell, we cried."

And today we cry also. We shed a tear for Mother Liberty as we feel the pain of this planetary outrage.

"There were times . . . where [the guards] were absolutely bestial. Spotting a new prisoner, they might send him to fetch something . . . outside the working area, which was marked off with red signal flags. On reaching the marked-off area, the prisoner would be shot for attempting to escape. The guard who fired the shot would then be given leave as a reward."

My beloved, this earth is the Lord's. Why do we allow it? We may not be able to stop those guards, but we ought to be able to challenge our own government and bankers and monopoly capitalists. We ought to be able to challenge them to stop feeding the money and the technology and the wheat and the gold to the Soviet Union that supports a system that treats our brothers and sisters in this inhumane fashion.

Where are the activists for human rights?

My heart is filled with the joy of the Flame of Freedom today, but I do not block out the suffering of my soul, which I allow to be sensitive to pain so that I will never forget to pray for these ones. And I pray that you, also, will not drown out the sensitivities of the World Mother in your own being —drown it out through entertainment and the pleasure cult and drugs and all manner of surfeiting and endless noise bombarding the senses.

It is time to go within and feel a planet in distress, feel the pain of the World Mother as she is in travail to give birth to the Christ in the hearts of her children.

Members of Solidarity in Poland have been asked by the Communist regime to emigrate—"Get out of the way so you're no longer a nuisance, so we can keep the less revolutionary ones under our control." They have refused to leave their country. The price they pay: They're in prison. They're fed a low-protein, low-vitamin diet because they will not leave. This regimen will slowly turn them into vegetables, or is calculated to do so.

I believe that their faith and oneness with the Blessed Mother and with the sacred heart of Jesus and the Flame of Freedom within their souls will be a mighty power to defend them against becoming those vegetables.

But we know that ultimately those who are so subjected must be liberated, must be freed —whether by God or man, whether in death or in life. And it is high time that we as Americans stopped turning our backs on the fact that the regime in Poland is alive and well today by the federal government of this nation, by the monopoly capitalists, and by the international bankers. That's why the system didn't come tumbling down. That's why Solidarity didn't win. That's why.

I hear the cry of Barbara Sadowska whose son was beaten to death at a Polish police station in May of 1983. We are all mothers at heart. Can you imagine for a moment the suffering and the loss of your son or daughter, beaten to death, dying in battle, senselessly.

Why isn't it clean and fair? Why aren't the Forces of Freedom on the march to win? Why don't we wipe out World Communism, beginning in our houses of education!

Why not? Because the ones who manage our lives don't want Freedom to win—because if the people are free, they won't have their money and they won't have their power. Therefore, they'd rather have money and power with the people enslaved.

Just go out and look at the world and prove me wrong if you will. I'd like to see some evidence that it isn't so. Tell me it isn't so, and I'll know it's a dream.

These people in Poland, in Russia, and other countries have to wait in line every day for the necessities of life—the bread that ought to be theirs, withheld by control. It is inhuman. It is degrading. It is designed to break the will and the creative spark of anyone.

In Poland they ask, "What is three miles long and eats potatoes?" The answer: A Polish meat queue.

There's a joke about a Russian woman who, tired of standing in line for bread, turns and says, "I'm going to go and kill Andropov!" to the horror of everyone else in line. She comes back six hours later and, in answer to their question "Well, what happened?" she says, "The line was too long."

While its own people do not have meat or bread or the necessities of life—this, mind you, being the result of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that promised life, peace and plenty for all and has delivered only death, war and deprivation—the Soviet Union today is defending itself against six insurgencies, forces fighting against the Soviets in Afghanistan, Mozambique, Angola, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, and Cambodia. Today people in these nations are offering armed resistance to Soviet hegemonism.

Six areas of Soviet conquest. Are they haphazard? They are there by design—the design of Communist world takeover.

In Mozambique, the MNR guerrilla movement seems to have the upper hand over Marxist president Samora Machel.

In Angola, UNITA, led by Dr. Jonas Savimbi, has control of a large portion of the country. But 30,000 Cuban troops keep the Soviet- and Cuban-backed Marxist-Leninist MPLA government
in power.

And who pays these 30,000 troops in Angola? Gulf Oil, which provides Angola with about 80 percent of its revenues, keeps the Cubans there. Since the Communist government of Angola could not afford to give Castro the $100 per soldier per day it is reportedly paying for his mercenaries, we know where it comes from.

This is a very simple example of a Western multinational corporation funding the Communist takeover of a free nation. And the peoples of that nation bound by that economy must act independently of that subsidy to the Communists, which does not make it a fair fight. And still UNITA is in control of areas of the country.

Now who of all free governments of the West has offered to help the people defend their free land? Who goes out to help them? Not even a capitalist corporation will throw its weight into the side of the freedom fighters.

This is the great tragedy and travesty of our time—that bit by bit the world is being devoured by Communism. And the American government is not preaching to its people that soon there will be only one nation left that is free.

Or will it be free by the time the whole world is enslaved? Will it be too late? I think we should act today—not wait for ourselves to be surrounded, not wait for the whole world to be subjugated.

And you know, as I know, that the first to die when the Communists march in are their lists of freedom fighters. And thus, they kill off generations of professionals, the educated people, and the daring revolutionaries. And so far, in this century it has worked. Very few nations where Communism has taken over have ever recovered and become free again, thanks to the hands- tied policy of the West.

Who do the Western powers think they're saving? They think they're saving their own statist system, but they're not. They're creating an international sorcerer's apprentice, and one day in the not too distant future they will not be able to control it . . .

Unless we the people make the difference. One day there'll be another reign of terror and their heads will roll and they will find out that they could not control their managed conflict, that one side or the other got out of hand. And, of course, there's no love lost among the rivalrous power elite. That is the characteristic trait they have shown in all ages.

So much for Mozambique and Angola—freedom fighters holding their own.

In Nicaragua, a variety of groups—the FDN, the ARDE, the Miskito, Sumo, and Rama Indians, the Catholic church, and a business group are trying to oust the Sandinistas. And our Congress debates whether or not we should help the freedom fighters in Nicaragua, while students in our institutions of higher learning are told that it is the Communists we should fight for and support.

If they knew the real history, if they knew the truth, they would stand on the side of the Flame of Freedom because they would know that the Communists perceive anyone who betrays his own government as the first who must go when they take over because he will also be a traitor in their system.

Elizabeth C. Prophet
July 4, 1995

Alpha's Agenda
Yalta 1945 Communism

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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