The Lost Years of Jesus

Jesus Approaching Ladakh
as a Youth
Oil painting by J. Michael Spooner
The Best of the Sons of Men

Jesus “traveled east in order to perfect himself in the ‘Divine Word’
and to study the laws of the great Buddhas.”
—Elizabeth C. Prophet, The Lost Years of Jesus. p.17

"He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep
before its shearers is silent, He opened not His mouth."—Isaiah 53:7

"[Y]ou were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold,
from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers,
but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb
without blemish and without spot."—1 Peter 1:18-19

140. If your interlocutor expresses stubbornness and extreme ignorance, ask him
if he has traveled much. You will doubtless receive the reply that his travels
have been no farther than a sparrow's flight. Besides, arriving in new places
he but falls into the old conditions as a result of not knowing the language
and of general lack of knowledge. Such a man will be particularly argumentative,
not being ashamed of his ignorance. Truly the experience of journeying
gives the best key to the realization of cosmic lives. The true traveler reflects lucidly
on the path which lies behind and clearly expresses the desired direction.
He will appraise former circumstances and will foresee the better possibilities. —Community 1926

"I would like to show you now the original oil painting so that you may admire the work itself. You may also see that it was our own beloved Nicholas Roerich who went and, in his journey to Tibet, also found traces of Jesus’ footsteps. And therefore, in this magazine you will find paintings of Nicholas Roerich.

"Here you see . . . the very heart of the ascended master Nicholas Roerich—paintings he executed while in the Himalayas, while hearing of the tales of Saint Issa. Therefore, by way of great art, another ascended master makes his debut through our magazine. Is this not a joyous occasion? ['Yes!']

Saint Issa by Nicholas Roerich

"See the precious colors and the blues as he painted with etheric skill the inner octaves. See how the little people may know what has been kept from them.

"O beloved hearts, this magnificent painting was conceived in my heart to the glory of the Lord Jesus, given to the messenger, translated to a very talented artist in Los Angeles who is not a member of this organization, but whose heart leapt in the knowledge of the journey of Christ to the Himalayas—who responded with joy to paint this rendition and to give to the youth of the world the true idol to replace all rock stars and heroin addicts and Hollywood masks and political figures and Castros and Karl Marx and all the rest. This is the true hero of youth.

"We will make available to you, beloved ones, this original oil reproduced as a lithographic print so that you may have it and hold it and frame it and have your altar to the youth and have it ready for the youth when you want to give that very, very special gift.

" . . . My beloved hearts, I am gratified that a magnificent painting has been executed, at the direction of the Darjeeling Council through the messenger, of a wonderful profile of the youth, our Lord Jesus Christ, as he made his way to the Himalayas and came to Tibet to receive the high calling of the Son of God to be the instrument of Maitreya and Gautama.

"I am grateful that this magnificent work of art will be made available to the people of the world. I am grateful that the knowledge of the journey and the trek of this holy one of God might be known by many across the face of the earth."

El Morya
December 31, 1982

"Your Lord did walk the earth in the spiral of resurrection’s flame to the age of eighty-one. He did not pass from the screen of life at thirty-three but took up his abode in Kashmir and there had a great following of disciples. And the Light and the presence of the Lord Christ filled the temples, the hearts and the chakras of a people who were ready for his message."

February 28, 1993

" . . . Your Jesus was here."

THE GOSPELS record Jesus age twelve in the temple. Then about age thirty at the river Jordan. That leaves approximately seventeen years unaccounted for.

During those so-called lost years, the child "increased in wisdom and stature," as Luke wrote. But was it in the carpenter shop at Nazareth?

According to ancient Tibetan manuscripts, Jesus secretly withdrew from the home of Mary and Joseph at age thirteen. Young "Issa" joined a merchant caravan. Destination: India
and the Himalayas.

At Juggernaut, "the white priests of Brahma made him a joyous welcome. They taught him to read and understand the Vedas, to cure by aid of prayer, to teach, to explain the Holy Scriptures to the people, and to drive out evil spirits from the bodies of men."

Buddhist scholars documented "The Life of Saint Issa" two thousand years ago.

Nicolas Notovitch discovered the long-lost document in 1887 at the Himis monastery in Ladakh.

Swami Abhedananda published a Bengali translation of the Himis manuscript in 1929.

Nicholas Roerich quoted the same verses in a 1929 travel diary of his Asian expedition.

And in 1939, a beaming lama at Himis presented a set of parchments to Elisabeth Caspari with the words:

"These books say your Jesus was here!"

Now you can read the controversial stories of these travelers together with the original Buddhist scriptures on the most important events that shaped the life and work of the Saviour Jesus Christ.

An historical breakthrough that will shake the foundations of modern Christendom!

"Beloved hearts, as Mary the Mother has told you, let this book [The Lost Years of Jesus] fly!! Send it to all you have ever known. Balance your karma by releasing the flame of the Christ encounter.

"Here let the individual begin to think as a free spirit. Let him begin to wrestle with his archdeceivers. Let him wrestle! Let him be uncomfortable! Let him have to take a stand and have courage. Let him hurl the book to the floor! Let him pick it up again.

"You see, beloved hearts, Truth must come and Truth brings a revolution. And a revolution is good because it is a turning of the mind and the heart—and this time in the right direction.

"They follow Karl Marx. They follow Lenin. Let them follow the man Jesus. Let them follow the youth. Let them follow a real person of flesh and blood.

"It is the most thrilling story, if you could read beyond in the records of akasha, of his encounter with the many on his way—his wisdom, his narrow escapes, what he learned about human character. You have known it as he did, in other lives, but it is required to learn it again. It is a refreshing story of one who dared, one who took the chance—the chance of God to be victorious—and made it. It is the most exciting story of the hero of the age. And it will tear them from their orthodoxy, else leave them angry and growling and hissing.

"Let them hiss! Let them condemn. As long as you give the dynamic decrees and continue your support, these arrows of hatred will touch neither yourselves nor the messengers. It does not matter what anyone says. Let Truth march onward, and let it be through you personally."

December 30, 1984

Your Hope the Christ in You

"The mystery of the Son of God as the chief cornerstone of every man’s divinity is the very crux of Jesus’ own teaching both before and after his resurrection. Hebrews 7:3 is a crack in the stone wall of an adamant doctrine.

"[Hebrews 7:3 says that Melchizedek, was 'Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.']*. And through that crack all the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood step through the veil to deliver humanity from the stonewalling of a false theology!

"The Ascended Masters and their path are the witness and the example of what the Christ of the son of man taught beloved Paul and all of the saints of East and West both before and since the advent of Jesus.

"He taught him that by following his example each one of us could be a joint heir with Christ [Romans 8:17; Gal. 4:17] by putting on our own individual Christhood—'till Christ be formed in you' [Galatians 4:19]. He taught his unascended disciple that his hope was in that Christ who lived in himself—'Christ in you, the hope of glory' [Col. 1:27].

"These statements set forth the Master’s teaching to Paul concerning the Christ Self—the realizable Real Self of us all!

"Now, when the point of one’s true origin in the Universal Word is realized as the goal of Life, when the footsteps have been victoriously taken, then the soul, satisfied because it has awakened to the likeness of the Son of God, is truly ‘born again’—'like unto the Son of God'
in whose image the soul was made in the beginning."

* For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Hebrews 7:13

Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth C. Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus, Vol. I, Chapter Two, “The Point of Origin: King of Salem and Priest
of the Most High God,” pp. 58-59

"O how in my journey to the East I did exult in the path and the teachings of the heart!
Blessed ones, I was taken up into etheric and physical retreats of the Great White Brotherhood and of unascended masters. And there I did receive out of the heart of Maitreya truly the instruction, the initiation, the soul-testing whereby I was indeed required to go and challenge the corrupt ones of the day who hid the Light of religion and did not give this blessed tie that binds the soul to Hierarchy.

"Blessed ones, I must perform deeds for the masters that I found in the East. Thus they sent me into the lairs [of the fallen ones], into the very dens of these who had all but put out the candle of self-knowledge unto those whom they considered beneath them and not even worthy of having the impartation of the flame.

" . . . Thus, beloved, as you read of my journey to the East, the chronicles thereof, you will understand that that which was recorded was that which was seen by men, that which was known by those devotees where I did take my rest and abide for lengths of time to study their ways, their scriptures, their language, their needs and their hearts.

"Blessed ones, if one spends seventeen years of one’s life, all of one’s nights out of the body studying in the temples of the Brotherhood of the Himalayas, I can assure you that much [much learning and soul-testing and sanctification] does accrue to the lifestream. And in as much as I had been in a continuity of purpose within those retreats for many thousands of years, I was able to bring back the most precious gift of all to the West, beloved. And yet I was allowed to bear it [only] as far as Palestine for that particular mission of three years.

"It is the flame of Maitreya that I bore, his actual flame, beloved. This I carried in my heart and this to me was the personification of Father, for the concept of Father and Guru are one. Thus you understand, 'I and my Father are one, I and my Guru are one.' And it is so this day, beloved. Thus, it did remain for my disciples and others to bring that flame of Maitreya to the West. And you have followed our Messengers to this place prepared for the flame of Maitreya.

"Of course, I had many journeyings beyond the hour recognized as that of the resurrection in that life and did appear here and there around the world to the peoples that were waiting for the coming of the sign of the avatar of Pisces.

"Blessed ones, the establishment of the Mystery School, therefore, at this retreat has been a profound completion and joy to my heart—and to see how you have gathered from ancient times, whether you knew me in my life in Palestine or in previous incarnations. You have followed my lead, my Presence, though at times you have not seen me nor even known if the guidance was mine, yet it was."

Jesus Christ

Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet. From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha.'

In 1894 Nicolas Notovitch published a book called The Unknown Life of Christ. He was a Russian doctor who journeyed extensively throughout Afghanistan, India, and Tibet. Notovitch journeyed through the lovely passes of Bolan, over the Punjab, down into the rocky land of Ladak, and into the majestic Vale of Kashmir of the Himalayas. During one of his jouneys he was visiting Leh, the capital of Ladak, near where the buddhist convent Himis is. He had an accident that resulted in his leg being broken. This gave him the unscheduled opportunity to stay awhile at the Himis convent.

Notovitch learned, while he was there, that there existed ancient records of the life of Jesus Christ. In the course of his visit at the great convent, he located a Tibetan translation of the legend and carefully noted in his carnet de voyage over two hundred verses from the curious document known as "The Life of St. Issa."

He was shown two large yellowed volumes containing the biography of St. Issa. Notovitch enlisted a member of his party to translate the Tibetan volumes while he carefully noted each verse in the back pages of his journal.

When he returned to the western world there was much controversy as to the authenticity of the document. He was accused of creating a hoax and was ridiculed as an imposter. In his defense he encouraged a scientific expedition to prove the original tibetan documents existed.

One of his skeptics was Swami Abhedananda. Abhedananda journeyed into the arctic region of the Himalayas, determined to find a copy of the Himis manuscript or to expose the fraud. His book of travels, entitled Kashmir O Tibetti, tells of a visit to the Himis gonpa and includes a Bengali translation of two hundred twenty-four verses essentially the same as the Notovitch text. Abhedananda was thereby convinced of the authenticity of the Issa legend.

In 1925, another Russian named Nicholas Roerich arrived at Himis. Roerich was a philosopher and a distinguished scientist. He apparently saw the same documents as Notovitch and Abhedananda. And he recorded in his own travel diary the same legend of St. Issa. Speaking of Issa, Roerich quotes legends which have the estimated antiquity of many centuries.

. . . He passed his time in several ancient cities of India such as Benares. All loved him because Issa dwelt in peace with Vaishas and Shudras whom he instructed and helped. But the Brahmins and Kshatriyas told him that Brahma forbade those to approach who were created out of his womb and feet. The Vaishas were allowed to listen to the Vedas only on holidays and the Shudras were forbidden not only to be present at the reading of the Vedas, but could not even look at them.

Issa said that man had filled the temples with his abominations. In order to pay homage to metals and stones, man sacrificed his fellows in whom dwells a spark of the Supreme Spirit. Man demeans those who labor by the sweat of their brows, in order to gain the good will of the sluggard who sits at the lavishly set board. But they who deprive their brothers of the common blessing shall be themselves stripped of it.

Vaishas and Shudras were struck with astonishment and asked what they could perform.
Issa bade them "Worship not the idols. Do not consider yourself first. Do not humiliate your neighbor. Help the poor. Sustain the feeble. Do evil to no one. Do not covet that which you do not possess and which is possessed by others."

Many, learning of such words, decided to kill Issa. But Issa, forewarned, departed from this place by night.

Afterward, Issa went into Nepal and into the Himalayan mountains . . .

"Well, perform for us a miracle," demanded the servitors of the Temple. Then Issa replied to them: "Miracles made their appearance from the very day when the world was created. He who cannot behold them is deprived of the greatest gift of life. But woe to you, enemies of men, woe unto you, if you await that He should attest his power by miracle."

Issa taught that men should not strive to behold the Eternal Spirit with one's own eyes but to feel it with the heart, and to become a pure and worthy soul . . .

"Not only shall you not make human offerings, but you must not slaughter animals, because all is given for the use of man. Do not steal the goods of others, because that would be usurpation from your near one. Do not cheat, that you may in turn not be cheated . . .

"Beware, ye, who divert men from the true path and who fill the people with superstitions and prejudices, who blind the vision of the seeing ones, and who preach subservience to material things."

Then Pilate, ruler of Jerusalem, gave orders to lay hands upon the preacher Issa and to deliver him to the judges, without however, arousing the displeasure of the people.

But Issa taught: "Do not seek straight paths in darkness, possessed by fear. But gather force and support each other. He who supports his neighbor strengthens himself

"I tried to revive the laws of Moses in the hearts of the people. And I say unto you that you do not understand their true meaning because they do not teach revenge but forgiveness. But the meaning of these laws is distorted."

Then the ruler sent to Issa his disguised servants that they should watch his actions and report to him about his words to the people.

"Thou just man," said the disguised servant of the ruler of Jerusalem approaching Issa, "Teach us, should we fulfill the will of Caesar or await the approaching deliverance?"

But Issa, recognizing the disguised servants, said, "I did not foretell unto you that you would be delivered from Caesar; but I said that the soul which was immersed in sin would be delivered from sin."

At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back. Then Issa said,

"Reverence Woman, mother of the universe, in her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her depends the existence of man, because she is the sustenance of his labors. She gives birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Bless her. Honor her. Defend her. Love your wives and honor them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and laterprogenitors of a whole race. Their love ennobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames the beast. Wife and motherthey are the adornments of the universe."

"As light divides itself from darkness, so does woman possess the gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your best thoughts must belong to woman. Gather from them your moral strength, which you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for therein you will humiliate yourselves. And all which you will do to mother, to wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrowthat shall you also do for the Spirit."

So taught Issa; but the ruler Pilate ordered one of his servants to make accusation against him.

Said Issa: "Not far hence is the time when by the Highest Will the people will become purified and united into one family."

And then turning to the ruler, he said, "Why demean thy dignity and teach thy subordinates to live in deceit when even without this thou couldst also have had the means of accusing an innocent one?"

From another version of the legend, Roerich quotes fragments of thought and evidence of the miraculous.

Near Lhasa was a temple of teaching with a wealth of manuscripts. Jesus was to acquaint himself with them. Meng-ste, a great sage of all the East, was in this temple.

Finally Jesus reached a mountain pass and in the chief city of Ladak, Leh, he was joyously accepted by monks and people of the lower class . . . And Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazaars (the market places); wherever the simple people gatheredthere he taught.

Not far from this place lived a woman whose son had died and she brought him to Jesus. And in the presence of a multitude, Jesus laid his hand on the child, and the child rose healed. And many brought their children and Jesus laid his hands upon them, healing them.

Among the Ladakis, Jesus passed many days, teaching them. And they loved him and when the time of his departure came they sorrowed as children.

The Lost Years of Jesus:
On the Discoveries of Notovitch, Abhedananda, Roerich, and Caspari
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

"Thus you must understand, a choice must be made. There comes a day and date in your
life when it is time for you to accept the path of personal Christhood. And it begins with the celebration of the Passover feast, followed by the crucifixion and the resurrection of your soul in Christ.

"This is the season of the year when you determine that putting on the fullness of your Christhood, increment by increment and day by day, is your sole reason for being. And all other concerns and goals must be subject to the test of whether or not you are applying your efforts and work and service and thoughts and thoughtfulness to that goal of the internalization of your Higher Self.

"Many, many have foregone the ascension because they could not make this choice. The key is to know when it is your time to say:

"I have lived through many lifetimes when I indulged and enjoyed myself and knew the satisfaction of success, of wealth, of every aspect of human life. These things I have known. Now I am ready to drink the cup of my Lord, to drink all of it, and to live my life for the quickening of that Christ in all whom God sends to meyes, to live my life for the enlightenment of humanity.

"The alternative, of course, is to take what light you have and use it for selfish purposes or for personal aggrandizement. This choice will ultimately lead you to enter the left-handed path. That is the truth. That is the fact. Some may not enjoy hearing it. For who in the course of history has looked forward to the initiation of the crucifixion?

"I will tell you who, beloved. Not only your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ but every son and daughter of God who has found his way to the kingdom of Light. That ultimate moment of the crucifixion, beloved, if you can understand itand I speak not of mere persecution but of the initiation of the crucifixion itselfis surely the moment of self-transcendence.

"Thus I show you a mystery of Christ crucified. And I show you the glory of the crucifixion, not the sorrow of it. I show you how through that very process of Christ being crucified in you the Light of God, as symbolized and actualized in the Blood of Jesus, flows from your Christ Self for the spiritual nourishment of life.

"Thus when you come to understand the meaning of Jesus on the cross, you can hold in your hand the crucifix, not in the sense of death and sorrow but in the sense of everlasting Life.
You can understand that as long as Jesus is on that cross, as long as the Christ of you is on that cross, the sacred fire is flowing from his Sacred Heart and from your heart that is sanctified through him as he holds the burden of Light and Darkness at the very center of the cross.

"And that Light does flow! It does nourish and sustain, transform and heal you! It does bring you to the point where you also may give your life, not in death but in life, for the many and the millions.

"This is a profound mystery. May you come to understand it through the All-Seeing Eye of God, through the single-eyed vision of your soul purified in Christ. Understand, then, that the Blood of Christ does flow perpetually to those who know and understand the mystery of Christ crucified. And they become vessels of his divine Blood, his divine Body and they imbibe the essence of what was his flesh and is his flesh in a spiritualized sense.

"This, then, is the crossroads of life. And this is the profound understanding that the Lord has given to your Messenger that you might have it at this Eastertide. It is the perpetual flow of Light from the Sacred Heart whereby you merge with that Christ in the alchemical marriage.

"You find yourself in Christ and through Christ as that Christ, one with Jesus, with him on that cross, knowing the bliss of bonding to his Sacred Heart as the flow of Light passes through you and as you bear in your etheric body and in your soul the stigmata that the saints have borne. Thus you are that point where Light and Darkness meet and the Christ of you overcomes that Darkness so that the world may not pass through the blackness of Death and Hell but because you have determined to be that Christ, many little ones will survive to know another day.

"You have pondered what is the best care you can give to your little ones as you have desired to teach them and nurture them at all levels of beingin their souls, in their hearts and in their four lower bodies. Neglect not to teach them the true spiritual meaning of the fourteen stations of the cross. For, if you delay that teaching, how do you expect them to receive it when their time does come?

"Do not spare children the knowledge that the way is hard and sometimes painful. Do not spare them the opportunity to make sacrifices early in life that they may also make sacrifices later in life.

" . . . Blessed hearts, you know the history of the final incarnation of your Lord. You know that he went on and did deliver his message in many octaves and levels of being and did settle
in the East and there did live many years beyond the hour of the crucifixion. Yet from that hour on, his Ascended Master Light Body superimposed upon his flesh body was the open door
of the Light flowing from God that held the balance for the karma of the world. And that Light has been sustained for two thousand years. In his footprints, walk ye. In his footprints, walk ye!"

April 7, 1993

"Many of you understand the journey of Jesus our Lord to the Far East, and you understand the purpose of his journey taken when a teenager, as many of you who are here today are. It was in pursuit of the teachers of the Far East and a teaching itself. It was preparatory to his final years in Palestine.

"And so he did meet the great lights of India, and he did take the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism and make them come alive. And he did challenge, therefore, the priesthood, the classes who denied to the poor the full flowering of that Spirit. And he preached to the poor and he gave them back the dignity of life. And for this, they who held the reins of power in religion sought to take his life as they did later in Palestine.

"Beloved ones, I point out to you one of the most pernicious errors of orthodoxy this day, and it is the lie that Jesus is the only Son of God, and furthermore that Jesus came into embodiment in the full mastery of Christhood and did not himself have to follow the Path and realize his own inner God-potential before beginning his mission.

"These things are plain in scripture, but the scriptures have been read and reread so many times that the true intent is no longer heard by the soul. The layers of misinterpretation and then the removal of the very keys themselves have given to Christianity today a watered-down religion that does not have the fervor or the fire to meet the challengers of civilization —whether it be in World Communism or in pornography or all manner of perversion or immorality that does steal the light of the soul.

"Beloved ones, I tell you, nothing can move forward in life unless the individual has a true understanding of God and his relationship to that eternal Spirit. Therefore, realize that Jesus did not come from God a new soul, born for the first time in his incarnation in Nazareth. Nay, I tell you! He was embodied as Joshua, the military hero of the Hebrew people. He was embodied as Joseph and wore his coat of many colors as the favorite son and did go through all manner of trial and persecution by his own brothers who were jealous of him; and yet he found favor in the sight of Pharaoh.

"Beloved hearts of light, you know the soul of Jesus in Elisha, the disciple of the prophet Elijah. And you know that Elijah came again in the person of John the Baptist as was prophesied and as it is written. Jesus gave to his own disciples the confirmation that this John the Baptist was Elias come again, thereby ratifying the teaching of reincarnation. Yet it is still denied by those Bible-quoting Christians who have determined to say it is not so. And I will tell you why they say it is not so: it is because they do not want to accept their accountability for their own past karma!

"You cannot believe in reincarnation unless you will also stand, face, and conquer the deeds of the past. Thus, the nonaccountability, due to the upbringing of children in the West today, does not prepare warriors of the Spirit to meet the inroads that are being made by all forces of lust and greed after this nation's light and after this citadel of freedom.

" . . . Therefore, understand the meaning of the trek to the Himalayas by the teenager Jesus. Those lost years—eighteen in number—show the great preparation of this soul of light, this Son of man, this one who truly embodied the full effulgence of our God. It shows that by his example he left for you a record of the path of discipleship—that it is true, that it is legitimate.

"And in the ancient texts of the Vedas and the teachers of India, stored in the Himalayas and held in the heart of unascended masters, there is that living record—the law written in the very body temples of those who have kept the vigil of that which was held in the ancient temples of Lemuria. For those teachings of the law of God that were there were transported to the caves and retreats of the Himalayas before the sinking of that continent. Thus, going back, far back beyond all recorded history, you find the lineal descent of those who have come to earth for a single purpose: to seek and find the thread of contact with Almighty God and to demonstrate by their lives a living Truth.

"Men may tamper with scripture. They may rewrite the codes of law to suit themselves and their lowered and lowering standards. But they may never change the records of akasha. In akasha—as the subtle energy and force that permeates the planet and your auras—you
will find the record of all past incarnations of yourself, of all previous incarnations of masses
of lifewaves who have come here from other planetary homes. You will find the records of civilizations.

"You will find that today those who write the stories of motion pictures and books—such as Taylor Caldwell, who wrote as a child of the story of Atlantis—have been given the gift of tying into these akashic records. And they have sat down and written about subjects concerning which they knew nothing. And not only have they recorded for people all sorts of invaluable information that would give keys to the past and past glories of civilizations of great light and scientific achievement, such as in the Edgar Cayce readings—but they have also shown a teaching and a path and an understanding for each individual soul to find his true roots all the way back to the birth in the heart of the Great Central Sun and the descent to incarnation here."

El Morya

"Beloved, seek the lost chord of Jesus and the lost Word. Set them forth, O ye ministering servants. Set forth the Lost Teachings of Jesus Christ. Preach them! Know them first! Preach them well, that we might be proud as fathers are wont to be of their children’s accomplishment. Be watchful and pray. Follow the star."

El Morya with Saint Patrick
June 16, 1985
Summit University

"And then you may call to the Elohim Cyclopea, God's all-seeing Eye, to reveal that which is hidden which ought to be revealed—those things done in secret against the very integrity and flame that is the flame of freedom in America and every nation.

"Beloved ones, someone once said that history is made by the little people and not by the 'important' people. Well, it is so when the little people discover on that mighty day of their soul liberation that a William Tell or a David or a single voice or a single one holding the finger in the dike can make the difference. The little people do not shape history unless some among them get the idea that the power of God is in their hands, that the ball is in their court."

The lost teachings of Jesus
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Why are Christians Outraged about Documentary "Jesus in India"?

Movie reviewer Pete Hammond says of my new film, the feature documentary, "Jesus in India" that it's "a fascinating and profound film, a deeply spiritual journey." While, Jeff Wilser figures it will "make Bill O'Reilly choke on his eggnog."

On the other hand, Nancy Dewolf Smith of the WSJ called the film "pseudo-history" and "a cavalcade of crackpots."

In fact, Jesus was a consummate crackpot in his own time. If you had asked Jews of his day what they thought of the man who declared "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath," they would have told you: a nut-case. So, who was that upstart?

Is it true that Jesus survived the crucifixion and spent some years in India? The NY Times says that "Jesus in India" sifts "through legends, myths and historical evidence in an attempt to unravel the mysteries of the life of Jesus of Nazareth from ages 12 to 30."

Some among the Christian orthodox would prefer you never saw this movie, which is based on the quest of the maverick author, Edward T. Martin, to prove that Jesus traveled in India for several years. After decades of exploration in remote, exotic locations in India, Nepal and elsewhere in Central Asia, from Afghanistan to the Himalayas in search of the mysterious missing 18 years of Jesus' life, Martin distilled his quest for the truth and his research into the book, King of Travelers: Jesus' Lost Years in India (now in a new revised edition).

While working as a Peace Corps volunteer in Afghanistan, Martin had his first encounter with East Asian accounts of the historic Jesus Christ, including the Indian legend that young Jesus joined a caravan and took the Silk Road to the East, where he lived in India with both Hindus and Buddhists before returning to the Holy Land to begin his ministry.

An upstart himself among the fundamentalist Christians of his hometown of Lampasas, Texas, Martin sold his house to complete his research and travel, and publish his book, and remains a pariah in his community for suggesting that some years of Jesus' life are unaccounted for in the Bible, and that there is evidence that he spent those years in India, and that he sent St. Thomas there.

Martin was ousted from his provincial church, and some members of his family never spoke to him again, nor did they do more than flip through the pages of his book.

The title told them all they needed to know—they "knew" that Jesus was never in India, so why should they read the book? Everyone was of the same opinion—that every word of the Bible is true, without question, and that Jesus' "missing years" have no impact on whether you go to heaven or hell.

So, why should I produce and direct a documentary tracing Martin's journeys and revealing his controversial assertions that, among other things, Jesus survived his crucifixion and is buried in India?

First, I met Martin and read his compelling book and found him to be a passionate man involved in a David-vs.-Goliath battle like the protagonists in virtually all my films, and second, Jesus as a historical figure has captivated me since my college years at Princeton, but I was interested in a different interpretation of Jesus than the one that is almost universally accepted.

My studies of the writings of the Hindu guru and philosopher, Paramahansa Yogananda, convinced me that it's very possible that Jesus traveled to India in response to the birth visits of the Three Magi from the East.

I also found out that the Ahmadiyya Muslims believe that Jesus—Issa, as they call him—did not die on the cross, and lived to travel to India after most assumed he was dead (or ascended to heaven), and that the Ahmadiyyas insist Jesus is buried in the Rozabal in Srinagar, the very ancient "Prophet's Tomb" that dates back to the era of Christ and has carvings of the prophet's feet showing the scars of crucifixion.

Adding to the compelling nature of Martin's research, I also learned from some of the most famous Biblical scholars in the United States, including Professor Elaine Pagels of Princeton's Department of Religion, that "We cannot rule out that Jesus may have traveled to India."

And the third reason why I took on a film project that I knew had the potential to set off an international storm of controversy was—it's what I do.

Each of my films has challenged conventional thinking—from "She Dances Alone," the movie starring Max von Sydow about the great Russian ballet dancer who refused to perform as a protest against WWI, to the Golden Globe-nominated "Roswell," starring Martin Sheen, a movie that I co-wrote and produced about the notorious 1947 UFO incident that many believe marked the beginning of the government's coverup of the existence of extraterrrestrials.

I also tackled two other subjects perfect for that "cavalcade of crackpots" the WSJ spoke about: Vincent van Gogh, in "Starry Night," and LSD guru, Timothy Leary, in the film "Timothy Leary's Dead."

Upsetting religious tradition? Revealing hidden truths about Jesus? A thrilling worldwide journey of spiritual and historical discovery?

Stirring up outrage and controversy? I knew that making "Jesus in India" would be an adventure of a lifetime.

It was six weeks of filming in India, making a movie about the Prince of Peace while dealing with monsoons and flooded roads, temperatures hotter than an Iraqi desert and incidents of terrorism and violence in Kashmir. This was followed by months of travel and filming at locations in London, the Vatican and throughout the United States.

Now three years later, after a lengthy and arduous phase of post-production, the film has had its U.S. premiere on the Sundance Channel (which showed it three times in December of 2008), and the DVD has been released with an additional 80 minutes of provocative bonus materials. The film even has a magnificent music score by Brian Thomas Lambert, which we've released as a soundtrack CD.

And the debate rages on! Some have accused the film of advocating religious "revisionism," although it is not an attempt to revise so much an attempt to address omission.

The Bible does not discuss the activities and travels of Jesus from ages 12 to 30, and so we are not revising anything, we are trying, as the New York Times indicated, to "sift through" legends, myths and historical evidence in an attempt to plug a hole. In the world of film, we call the problem of the lost years of Jesus a "jump cut."

In one sentence in the Bible, 12-year-old Jesus is expounding to the rabbis in the Temple in Jerusalem. In practically the next sentence, he is thirty years old being baptized by John the Baptist at the River Jordan. That's a tough edit. What fell on the cutting room floor? What was left out?

Once you open the door to Jesus' youth having been partially spent in India (after a lengthy journey with merchants on the Silk Road), you open the door to other questions and issues, a door that orthodox Christians, from the fundamentalists of Texas to the Catholic clergy at the Vatican, have locked shut.

"Jesus in India" pulls the door from its hinges, while giving experts on all sides the chance to state their case. Such luminaries as the Dalai Lama, two professors at Georgetown University, an apostolic nuncio of Pope John Paul II, and the "Pope" of Hinduism (the Shankaracharya) are featured in the film.

The Self-Realization Fellowship of Paramahansa Yogananda, in a full page at their website, declares "Jesus in India" to be "groundbreaking" and commends it to their members and devotees for viewing.

Len Kasten, in the March-April 2009 issue of Atlantis Rising, writes:

"This film . . . has the potential to revolutionize Christianity by virtue of the humanization of Jesus. By taking away the godlike status conferred upon him by Constantine, and showing him as the brilliant and courageous spiritual teacher who succeeded in bringing together three great religions of the world, it removes the superstition and ritual from Christianity yet leaves the world with a magnificent message of hope and renewal."

The implications of the film promise an upheaval that may ultimately be unsettling to those who hold inflexible and orthodox views about Christianity, Biblical accuracy and religious history. You can read all about it in Edward T. Martin's second book: Jesus in India: King of Wisdom—The Making of the Film and New Findings on Jesus' Lost Years.

Watch the trailer, hear music from the soundtrack, and get more information about the movie, "Jesus in India," at

(A Presentation of Paul Davids Productions, Inc. and Yellow Hat Productions, Inc., Distributed to Television Worldwide by NBC-Universal) Available to the media are review copies of the DVD, "Jesus in India" and the new book, Jesus in India: King of Wisdom—The Making of the Film and New Findings on Jesus' Lost Years.

Paul Davids was Marvel Productions' production coordinator for the original "The Transformers" TV series (many episodes of which he also wrote), and he went on to executive produce and co-write Showtime's now-classic film, "Roswell" (1994), nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Motion Picture for Television. He made his directorial debut with the feature documentary "Timothy Leary's Dead" in 1997. The husband and wife team of Paul and Hollace Davids are also noted for authoring six "Star Wars" sequel books in the early 1990's for Lucasfilm, published by Bantam, which sold millions of copies worldwide and which came out in many languages. Those books include The Glove of Darth Vader, The Lost City of the Jedi, Zorba the Hutt's Revenge, Mission From Mount Yoda, Queen of the Empire and Prophets of the Dark Side.

Paul Davids, who wrote and directed "Starry Night," followed that Yellow Hat Productions film with two other Yellow Hat independent features that he wrote and directed, and which he produced with Hollace Davids: "The Artist and the Shaman" (2002) and "The Sci-Fi Boys" (2006). Both "Starry Night" and "The Sci-Fi Boys" were picked up for distribution by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment and NBC-Universal's International Television division (Universal City Studios Productions LLLC). "The Sci-Fi Boys" won the prestigious Saturn Award in Hollywood from the Academy of Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror as Best DVD of 2006. It also won the coveted international fan-based Rondo Award as Best Independent Film on DVD and three EBE Awards. More information is available on these films at

and also at

Source: Paul Davids, Producer/Director of "Jesus in India"


Issathe Teenage Years

Jesus in India—the Movie

Essene Gospels Of Peace The Life of Saint Issa

Beyond the Passionthe Secret Life of Jesus Christ

Editorial Reviews

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