Ascended Master
Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot with Jesus Christ
"There is one thing you can't do in life, Elizabeth.
It is make people to like you."—Mark Prophet

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
—American Industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947)

"'As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, / A soul from purgatory springs.'
So went a mantra from 16th-century Europe, when salvation
—or, so the idea went—could be purchased by anyone
willing to pay the price: sold to the sinner for cold hard cash


"Many of you have heard of the story of Judas, who betrayed the Christ in that life, portrayed himself as one of the twelve disciples and in that portrayal was called upon to be the keeper of the supply of the twelve. In the portrayal of that role, he entered into the spiral of betrayal, became attached at the line of the ten—attached to that substance—and determined in his heart, 'Someone will betray him. It might as well be me, for then I will have that substance to do with what I will.'

"This rationalization has often entered into the minds of individual criminals and members of organized crime: 'Someone will do it. If there be benefit, it might as well accrue to us.'

"Some of you know the story, then, of the intense remorse of Judas, who went and hanged himself in the revelation of the light and by that light saw the great darkness into which he had momentarily entered. Yet in his subsequent incarnation that one became such a devotee of God that he rose over the path of initiation to the ascension in the light, leaving behind millions who yet condemn him for his betrayal of the Christ.

"And so you see, beloved ones, God sends all kinds of lifewaves to earth. The children of God would be wise, then, not to continue to condemn or criticize the villains of the past or the villains of the present but to realize that this is one of the subtleties of the fallen ones. For if you can find someone whom you think has greater error or evil than you have, then the fallen ones enable you to keep your attention constantly upon that one, thereby establishing yourself as superior.

"Therefore you walk the earth, saying, 'So-and-so is wicked. I would never enter into such wickedness.' And by this statement you bind yourself to the eventual confrontation in which you will have to choose precisely between light and darkness in the identical situation, given the identical weight that is upon that individual.

"Therefore unwittingly, by your condemnation you sometimes invoke upon your own head a mountain of karma that is held by that individual, and then you must hold the balance until you yourself can pass the test for which you are condemning that individual.

"Is it any wonder that those who have light sometimes fall suddenly from the Path and all others wonder?

"Beloved hearts, it is written clearly in the Book of Life, 'Call no man fool.' When you call another a fool, instantly all of the fallen ones who are upon that individual, making him like unto a fool, are now upon you, together with that one’s own momentum. And when you have spent many years invoking the violet flame and being on the Path, you are clearly unaccustomed to the sudden
influx into your life of so much density.

"Beware, then, that you judge not, for the Lord is the judge and through you he will proclaim the judgment. This is the razor’s edge, to know 'for judgment I AM come' and yet to leave the ultimate decision unto the Lord God to send forth light, as the sun of Helios and Vesta shines on the just and the unjust, and to know that, inherent within itself, the light will exercise the discrimination of the judgment and determine the working out of the karma of lifestreams.

"This is why in the coming revolution in higher consciousness, beloved hearts, it is for you to bring enlightenment and it is for people to eliminate, by the vote and by their voice, the evil that is principle and the evil that becomes personified by choice, the free-will choice of the individual.

"When you decide that an individual is aligned with evil and that that individual must be removed from office by legal and lawful means, you do not have to enter into spirals of condemnation or judgment. You may be at the fine point of discrimination of the mind of God. You may pronounce the truth, pronounce the word, give forth the light but never enter into the condemnation that is pure hatred and that is entirely apart from the judgment of God.

"Beloved ones, you know in your heart when you misqualify energy. I caution you: many of you who are old souls are yet on earth because you have allowed yourselves to be entangled with the laggards and the fallen ones by your criticism, condemnation and judgment of those fallen ones.

"And as I look into your faces and the faces of many lightbearers upon earth, I see the very same individuals whom I left aeons ago, when I entered into the Great Silence to commune with the Mother Flame of Victory. Now I come forth and still you have not disentangled yourselves from that constant criticism of parts of life.

" . . . Beloved ones, you will notice that I have not even mentioned the criticism of one lightbearer by another. I should hope that by this time I should not have to speak in this vein. Nevertheless, I mention it because some, by their own insecurity on the Path and in the Law, contain those subtle vibrations.

"Beware, then, those of you who are placed in positions of responsibility within our community. As you receive discipline from the Messengers and the Ascended Masters, do not let your receipt of that discipline become a reaction to those who are under you and who are charged to your care. Do not, in your smarting over that discipline, turn to condemn other souls.

"Understand that first you must resolve your own path of discipleship and then, in the resolution of the alchemy of your initiation, once again you become a clear pane of glass so that others serving with you may have the like benefit of the loving chastisement that you received.

"Beloved ones, in the world, people take out upon their animals the karma of interaction with one another that is belittling, and you will see that when people smart from their own returning karma, they are brutal with their household pets and with any form of life.

"Getting even, then, with Hierarchy personally or with Hierarchy as your returning karma will not suffice. It will place you once again in the vise of a perpetual turning of karmic energies, whereby you will not escape into the great sphere of the ascension flame that is promised for those who accept in this hour the absolute forgiveness of Eve.

" . . . Blessed ones, the only condition that will stand between you and your ascension in this life is your failure to transmute your condemnation of any and every part of life. This is the requirement of the Law and of your entering into the grace and mercy of Almighty God this day.

"I trust, then, that you will ponder my Word and be reminded thereof, for many avatars who have gone before have counseled, 'Judge not, that ye be not judged.' I have been permitted to give you greater revelation on this teaching in this hour. Take it to heart and see how the assimilation of this teaching will be the opening for the manifestation of Saint Germain’s purple fiery heart and will be the dissolving of every last vestige of your own hardness of heart.

"Hardness of heart is the crystallization of judgment in the heart chakra, which has shortened the span of men’s lives, shortened the days of their creativity and caused them to pass from the screen of life by the failure of the heart muscle. Beloved ones, when the heart chakra becomes over-filled with hardness of heart, the threefold flame withdraws.

"Thus, it is hardness of heart in many cases, not other ailments, that results in the transition from life of individuals who require many more years of service to the cross and to the crown in order to enter in to the halls of God to go no more out."


"I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, all mankind’s criticism ought to cease. It does not matter whom you are criticizing; you are criticizing part of God. And if the individual is acting in accordance with the law of human control, then I tell you, by criticizing him you will only be pulling him down into a greater degree of degradation. If instead you exalt the God within yourself and the God within that individual, you will raise him up.

"I call this to your attention today because it is essentially the factor of criticism that is responsible for the condition in your land at the present moment. The assassination of your president is, in one sense, a direct action of criticism that flowed through many, many minds generating and fomenting tremendous hatred. It takes as its focus one who is susceptible and then that individual carries out the nefarious act of the many. The thought processes of the many are carried out by the one.

"Individuals then point their finger at that one and say, “Behold, what a despicable man!” And yet, beloved ones, this was also done in the case of [Judas] Iscariot; for mankind, to the present hour, point their finger at Iscariot and say of him, 'He is a despicable betrayer of good and of the Christ.'

"I tell you, beloved ones, man ought to recognize his right to improve. Those who believe in reembodiment and who affirm that people do return to the screen of life to right the wrongs they have done and to continue in progressively outpicturing their God-design must recognize, in all fairness, that men and women do improve. Death itself is no seal upon their improvement nor a guarantee that they will improve in the next embodiment, neither is the passing of a day; and yet it can be, for a day can dawn when an individual sheds from his consciousness the cocoon of ignorance and rises into the virtue of righteousness."

Sanat Kumara
December 1, 1963

"It is possible to be in our midst, to be as close as Judas was to our Lord and yet to betray. He knew he would betray and yet he chose him. Why? Why indeed, beloved hearts? Because all evolutions and lifestreams must have the contact with that sacred fire.

"Yet, though he betrayed, his heart, broken in that hour, was washed clean by his own Saviour’s sacrifice. And in his next incarnation that one, Iscariot, [through profound penance and great service to the Light in thousands] took his ascension. Beloved hearts, he committed suicide following his betrayal of the Lord; and he could have gone into the very depths of the astral plane but for the love of his heart whereby he was reconnected to the Saviour—his own heart’s love [being] the receptive point. Our Lord could have done nothing for him, nor set him on the Path again had he not contained that essence of love.

"Though there be betrayers, some of them shall return to the heart of God; some shall not —because in that point of spiritual pride they will never go back and admit to their own emptiness, to their own impoverished consciousness. They will not admit the need for that One Sent but rather would lay claim to a Godhood they have not, as they proclaim loudly from the pulpits of the world, “What need have we of another, save God and his Son Jesus?” thereby denying the golden-ratio spiral forming the golden path of the hierarchy of saints of all ages, [even the Mystical Body of God which is the Great White Brotherhood on earth and in heaven].

"Enter at the gate of the golden spiral. Enter in at the gate of the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral. Enter in at the gate of thine own heart. And if thy heart be wanting, if there be there hardness of heart toward one another or impure desire, blessed ones, you can houseclean, you can summon the violet flame!"

April 26, 1981

"Well, beloved, you need not take ten thousand more years to make your ascension. But I warn you and I warn you clearly: Jesus had twelve disciples. Only a few made their ascension in that lifetime; others waited two thousand years, [and some are still waiting].

"What made the difference, beloved? They had the violet flame. Jesus did impart it to them. Why did they have to wait two thousand years?

"I will tell you, beloved. In the very first instance, it was because they did not seek and attain the bonding to the heart of Jesus Christ and [to the heart of] their own Holy Christ Self to that level that is sufficient for the permanent bonding and the walking the earth as the Christed one.

"Yes, beloved, there are other reasons [why some of the] disciples who were there then would have to come now, and [the most compelling] is [that they might] carry that flame of [individual] Christhood in this day. But there were others among them and among the other seventy who made the choice to withhold the full power of love that you saw in John the Beloved. And therefore, [they missed the cycle] by an absence of love and of an excessive love, an excessive love, beloved. An excess of love is the requirement, a heart full of love that is pouring out that love and that essence of the Blood of Christ to Christ and to one another who are the disciples.

"There must be the removing of the barriers, I say! There must be the understanding that you do not need to read five hundred pages to get the message of the mystical path of the ancients. That is why you are God-taught through the Messenger-so you can put that message into your cup and you can [drink it and] digest it.

"But how can this come about if you do not place your God-controlled attention upon the subject long enough and thereby contact not only the teaching but the Teacher behind the teaching and Sanat Kumara behind that Teacher and the Great Central Sun with Alpha and Omega behind Sanat Kumara? [Thus, by means of the Teacher and the teaching,] you go straight to the Source. And you do Djwal Kul's Breathing Exercise and you give your pranayama <4> and you give adoration to the Mother. And soon you find that God is inhabiting your temple, the Light is rising!"

El Morya

" . . . If you must indulge a desire in order to neutralize it, remember that though it be an experiment, all action equals karma, all inaction equals karma and all are responsible for doing, not doing, undoing or overdoing anything."

December 31, 1993

"I, Judas" by Taylor Caldwell and Jess Stern

The psyche of Judas Iscariot has proven fertile ground for writers since the death of Jesus Christ. Robert Graves for one explored this psychological terriory when he wrote King Jesus in 1946.


On Forgiveness
Criticism, Condemnation
and Judgment, p.1
Criticism, Condemnation
and Judgment, p.2

Criticism, Condemnation
and Judgment, p.3
Criticism, Condemnation
and Judgment, p.4

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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