Franz Liszt

"Rhythm is a tool for the Masters' use in transforming the impure energies
of the physical and astral worlds."—Saint Germain, March 15, 1981

"You have heard, Keepers of the Flame, the mathematics of joy transferred from my heart to your own. You have heard in this piece that bears the flame of my heart that very formula of the violet flame, * and yet its cipher can be decoded by no man.

"For that which you hear in this manifestation of my causal body is but a part of the spherical formula of life. Yet the meditation upon its detail is for you the means whereby you pass to those higher dimensions of my own purple fiery heart where I would receive you, yes, there in the round tower of my heart, and keep you there forever and a day as you pursue here and now those glorious initiations of the Seventh Ray, drawing down by the light of Rakoczy, by the light of that march, even those conditions for your own self-mastery that are the distillations of my causal body and your own and of the fair flower of Portia’s own lily heart.

"Blessed ones, we are indeed drawing down the strains of light—the rhythm and the beat and the impulse of sacred fire that bursts by the marching tempo, by the threefold flame, by the three-quarter time, by the exactness of the disciplines of Serapis Bey that rise, even as the fragrance of your soul rises to meet the fairest flower of your own life, the blessed Christ Self, who is in this hour the mediator of my own Light whereby that which flows through the Messenger may reach your own heart flame."

* Light of Rakoczy. Prior to Saint Germain’s dictation the “Rakoczy March” from Hungarian Rhapsody no. 15 by Franz Liszt was played as the meditation music. The Great Divine Director, teacher and sponsor of Saint Germain, founded the royal House of Rakoczy of Hungary and established the retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, the Rakoczy Mansion, in Transylvania, where Saint Germain had transported the flame of freedom prior to the sinking of Atlantis. In 1684 Saint Germain ascended from the Rakoczy Mansion. When he appeared as the Wonderman of Europe, the Comte de St. Germain, historians of the period speculated that he was a prince of the Rakoczy family. The light of Rakoczy is the lineage of the Great Divine Director since Atlantis.

Saint Germain

" . . . The certitudes of life are often unknown by the young in heart who, while they are borne upon the tide of human events, are seldom able to compass those events with a relevancy that would give greater meaning to their lives.

"I am therefore advising all to eschew the evil and darkness that enter the forcefield of the four lower bodies when the attention is placed on the jangle of modern jazz. I advise all who would truly be alchemists of the Spirit to seek out the classical music of the world’s greatest composers—of Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Haydn, Handel, Wagner, Liszt, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Mahler, and many others who have been commissioned by the Brotherhood to bring forth the music of the spheres.

"I advise all to learn to seek in meditation those peaks of cosmic elevation that will enable them to understand and interpret the language of the angels. I advise all to take the time to learn what is real and to develop passions of genuine love toward humanity. But let not these passions take the form of mere devotion to communal efforts or to the raising of one segment of life into a more advanced state of economic development; rather let them take the form of raising men to new levels of spiritual appreciation of their own divine potential as sons of God.

"Only by this form of devotion shall their hearts, touched by the hands of the Infinite Creator, be imbued with such reality and love that they will move with precision to execute the divine will. Thus shall men behold the outworkings of a Providence that has for so long yearned to find greater expression in mortal affairs, that those affairs might become truly guided by the power of Life from on high.

"Then shall liberty live in human lives. Then shall freedom in honor raise men to a state where they can invoke, by the creative power of the Spirit, a golden age that will transcend the age of Pericles and every other golden age that the earth has ever known. This shall come about through the establishment of a fountain of living flame-power, -wisdom, and -love."

Saint Germain

"As you meditate on this piece, * beloved, consider that each note and the intensity of the note and the octave in which the note is played indicate a point of initiation. There is encapsulated in this piece the sense of perpetual initiation, perpetual testing up and down the scales of life.

"Understand me and accelerate!"


Hungarian Rhapsody no. 15, 'Rakoczy March,' by Franz Liszt was played as the meditation music before the dictation.

Saint Germain
March 19, 1995

" . . . Cosmic Christ Peace is akin to the flame of the Maha Chohan, who is also one of the sponsors of The Summit Lighthouse. You see, beloved, when you receive the elixir of Christ-Peace and you receive the essence of the Holy Spirit, then there is a coming together, an invincible presence and a sharing of the bread and the wine symbolized in the celebration of the Communion cup.

"Call upon the Maha Chohan. For you, above all, should be a people who know the Holy Ghost, who know the cloven tongues of fire that descended at Pentecost and who know that the Peace of understanding is the all-power of God.

"Now, beloved, I trust you will have the opportunity to listen to our words again and again and to write them down so that you will know that there are prerequisites to your victory. Now move on the winds of the Lord and Saviour as you imbibe the following music.

[Musical meditation, 'Rakoczy March' by Franz Liszt played.]

"Now, beloved, see how Elohim of Peace and all angels of Peace hold the tight rein upon the quality of Peace. For they know what damage can be done to a world, the world of yourself, even the world of the solar system, when the misused power of Peace does descend upon a civilization.

"So you see, Peace is not necessarily a condition, but it is the power to hold the forces of the sun. Take this to heart, beloved. For to hold such power, you must be God-centered. And though you may think she is in error, the Messenger has often told you that it is in part what you partake of that prevents you from living for a century and more.

"And so, precious ones, let Peace abide at many levels. And may you imbibe that Peace and know that when you knock upon the door wearing your seamless garments, it is the Christ your Lord who shall open it. He shall open and you shall enter, nevermore to go out again. For you have truly embodied the flame of the Prince of Peace."

Elohim Peace
August 10, 1997

The Important Keys in Music

"In these hours of the Dark Cycle in Virgo, you must remember the dance of the hours and the ritual of taking up the hours of the day and the flames thereof. You see, it is the ritual and the rhythm of the waltz and the march that enables you to keep the flame constant as the ship of the soul passes through the etheric, mental, emotional and physical quadrants of Matter. Ritual, then, is the movement of music that emanates from your heart and from every chakra.

"Thus the march comes forth from the four petals of the base of the spine, while the waltz comes forth from the heart. You will learn, then, as you study music and the mathematics of the chakras, how each time, or tempo, in music relates to the flow of the chakras. Even the keys in music key into the light of certain chakras.

"This is an important study, which should be taken up by you who are musicians, together with the Mother of the Flame, for there are keys that the great musicians of earth who have transcended these planes and returned to their native home on Venus would convey to you, for by the knowledge of the mathematics that equals the music of these sacred centers, you will have an understanding of healing in the four lower bodies, especially the healing of the mind and the emotions and the integration of these energies."

Lady Master Venus

"Confucius believed we could bring order into our lives by tapping into the divine order of heaven and conveying its love and wisdom through culture and its ritual and music.

"Confucius was often moved by the etheric patterns and the beauty of music. One day when he was traveling, he saw a boy skipping and dancing while carrying a full pitcher. He found out that the boy had been listening to the ancient music of the sages. Impressed, Confucius hurried to hear the rest of the performance and was so moved by it that he went into a trance for three months. The original Chinese text says literally, 'he did not know the taste of meat for three months.' When Confucius finally came out of the trance, he said, “I never imagined that music could be so sublime!”

Elizabeth C. Prophet

Musical Keynotes
for the Soul
Messenger of Music

Mahler Haydn

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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