
" . . . The definition of the Christ Consciousness is a perfectly balanced threefold flame, all plumes at the same height and the energies consecrated to the correct qualification of the sacred fire—pure love, pure wisdom, pure power. That means, for example, that all misuse of power as tyranny has to be transmuted into the pure action of the will of God. All misuse of the yellow plume in intellectual pride and the tendency of the ego to displace the Christ has to be surrendered. Selfish love, possessive love, all aspects of the misuse of the pink plume must likewise be transmuted.

"We see in Jesus the Christ the archetype of the Christed one, or the anointed one. Jesus was the Christ and was known as the Christ because his threefold flame was in balance and his energies were qualified according to the sacred fire. He was born almost without karma and at the hour of his transfiguration he had increased the size of his threefold flame to the point that that flame was no longer only one-sixteenth of an inch in size but was larger than his physical form.

"The only way we can liberate the soul force in the chakras is by the light that we have anchored in the central chakra, the heart. Therefore the heart is the seat of all life, all living, all giving, all flowing, all energy received from God. And the heart receives the light that is distributed to all the other chakras. The light comes over the crystal cord from the heart of the I AM Presence and it goes directly to the heart, which distributes it to the three chakras above the heart, three chakras below, making a total of seven, plus the eighth chakra, which is in the chamber of the heart.

"There are also five secret-ray chakras, making thirteen in all and there are a total of a hundred and forty-four chakras in the body of man. The remaining chakras are lesser points for the release of light and are associated with the points of contact healing or acupuncture. They are places that can be contacted for a greater flow of energy in the body.

"The secondary heart chamber is the eighth chakra, and if you are interested in pursuing a technical and advanced explanation of the chakras, I recommend the series by Djwal Kul that is to be found in depth in The Human Aura. My motive here today is to work with you to see how light can be released in the chakras in a controlled forcefield, and the control factor is your Christ Self, myself conducting the meditation and all the Ascended Masters working with you."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
May 25, 1975

"The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, the oldest-known book of Chinese medicine and the foundation of the macrobiotic diet based on the yin-yang principle, describes a ten-day rice gruel fast as the first remedy for disease. Ronald E. Kotzsch writes in Macrobiotics:

" . . . The Yellow Emperor’s Classic asserts that food is an important means for treating disease. It says that in ‘medieval days’ the sages treated illness first by diet, usually prescribing a regime of rice gruel for ten days. If this treatment was not successful, then the roots and leaves of medicinal plants were used to harmonize the energies.

"Acupuncture and moxibustion were employed only as a last resort. If the emotions and the will of the patient are stable, says the Classic, then cereals alone can effect a cure. Grains have a special importance and power as human food. Water and grains are the root of life and ‘death comes only when they are exhausted.'

"In particular, rice is mentioned as a vital and harmonious food. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic is attributed to Huang Ti, the legendary Yellow Emperor (born c. 2704 b.c.), but was probably not written down until about 500 b.c.

"The Yellow Emperor is believed to have ruled China during a golden age and is considered the ancestor of all Chinese people. Lord Lanto, working under Sanat Kumara, is said to have inspired The Yellow Emperor’s Classic."
Astrea and Purity
March 25, 1989

The Moods and Energies of the Soul Correlate
to Specific Meridians and Organs

"Esoterically speaking, the word soul comes from the word solar. Every day our souls rise with the sun and set with the sun. Yes, the soul is a creature of ritual. She moves with the Son—the Son of God that shines in her heart—as well as with the sun of this solar system and the Great Central Sun.

"The soul experiences moods and energies, which correlate to specific meridians and organs. According to the principles of Oriental medicine, the chi (life force) flows through each meridian and organ at a specific time of day, as shown in the chart above from the text Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture by Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman and Ken Boss. [Andrew Ellis, Nigel Wiseman, Ken Boss, Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture (Brookline, Mass.: Paradigm Publications, 1988), pp. 37-38.]:

"The text explains:

"As day turns to night and one season follows another the rhythms of the body follow the rhythms of the natural world. Chi flows through the body in a daily cycle that begins in the lung channel [meridian] and ends at the last point on the liver channel. It then proceeds to the lung to begin once again . . . The time listed opposite to each channel [in the chart] represents the time of maximum chi and blood in the given channel. This information is useful in both diagnosis and treatment. A symptom that occurs regularly at 4:00 a.m., for example, may be indicative of a lung disorder and may best (though inconveniently) be treated at that time.

"William Tara, in his book Macrobiotics and Human Behavior,* gives the following table, listing specific organs and the corresponding behavioral characteristics that reflect either balance or imbalance:

"One can see from this table that if one does not maintain balance in his physical body, his emotional well-being will suffer. What the table does not show is that the soul will also suffer as a result of the condition of the body. This is a spiritual suffering and it carries over into the mental health and the psychology of the lifestream.

"The soul recedes as you recede, the soul is happy as you are happy, and the soul ascends as you ascend. But her fortunes sit squarely on the base of your pyramid of life. This pyramid contains (1) the four lower bodies, (2) the systems and organs that make up the body, and (3) the corresponding chakras that rise from the base of the pyramid to the All-Seeing Eye in the capstone.

"The strength of the soul is dependent upon the health of the individual organs, their harmonious interaction, and whether or not the soul chooses to embody a perpetual joie de vivre. The soul’s karma and her past incarnations, as well as the balance of light or darkness in her chakras, are also factors that affect her physical health and determine in part where she is on the path of becoming an integrated being in God."

* William Tara, Macrobiotics and Human Behavior (New York: Japan Publications, 1984), p. 72.

Elizabeth C. Prophet

This website page has been created in honor of Mr. Neil Kramer,
acupuncture practitioner par excellence.

May God Bless him!


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