The Bermuda Triangle

Atlantis was the island continent that existed where the Atlantic Ocean now is and that sank in cataclysm (the Flood of Noah) approximately 11,600 years ago as calculated by James Churchward. Vividly depicted by Plato; 'seen' and described by Edgar Cayce in his readings; recalled in scenes from Taylor Caldwell's Romance of Atlantis; scientifically explored and authenticated by the late German scientist Otto Muck, who fixed the time and date of her destruction (by an asteroid that plunged into the Bermuda Triangle with the force of 30,000 hydrogen bombs) at 8 p.m. June 5, 8498 b.c.!

In his dialogues, Plato recounts that on "the island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire" that ruled Africa as far as Egypt, Europe as far as Italy, and "parts of the con­tinent"
(thought to be a reference to America, specifically Central America, Peru, and the Valley of the Mississippi). It has been postulated that Atlantis and the small islands to its east and west formed a continuous bridge of land from America to Europe and Africa.

(James Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu [1931; reprint, New York: Paperback Library
Edition, 1968], p. 226. Otto Muck, The Secret of Atlantis [New York: Pocket Books, 1979]. Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World [New York: Dover Publications, 1976], pp. 11, 23, 173, 473. For lectures on Atlantis delivered by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan, send for a Summit University Press catalog.)


"Blessed ones, as you understand, America is in crisis! Therefore, the Holy Kumaras come. Therefore, the Fourteen Ascended Masters who govern the destiny of this nation come.

"Therefore, be seated, for you are now in the flame of the old and new glory of the flag of this nation, which does represent an ancient level of the civilization of Atlantis when you were there and raised on high truly the ensign of a people. And that ensign was the sign of the living Christ, and that sign remains in this flag, the five-pointed star—the memory of the Lord Christ, who did come, who did live, who did reign, who did deliver unto the people the laws of God-government and the laws of human behavior.

"Even so, the codification of these laws was for the ultimate triumph of the people. But, blessed hearts, there were many corrupt ones, even the fallen angels who moved against the Woman and her Manchild. And these held sway and held the people in their grip and moved them [to rail] against the pillar of fire who was and is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Thus, beloved, the continent sank into the depths of degradation, as if on a roller coaster, and [some of] those who were servants of God moved on to other places on the planet. The retirement, therefore, of the Son of God from Atlantis was the beginning of the end and culminated many, many years later in the sinking of that entire continent for the weight of the forces of Antichrist.

" . . . Where there is a heart and many hearts who will still burn with the fire of the threefold flame that I have rekindled in some of the peoples of the earth, we shall take a stand and a stronger stand each day as you increase your strength and your capacity to receive the strength of Almighty God. We shall be there if you will be there, and we will not withdraw from the earth. We will not be intimidated by the fallen ones who are overrunning the minds of the youth. We will not, so long as you sing the anthems of the free and direct your calls with piercing fire into the cause and core of Evil in the earth."

Sanat Kumara

"Therefore I am demanding and I am commanding souls of Light to set up now my own mighty forcefield in Puerto Rico. Let it be used as the island of the sun, as the island of Helios and Vesta, as a fiery vortex, as the fire infolding itself whereby all that are World Communism and anti-Christ and Mafia activities and drug activities are truly drawn into the vortex of the sacred fire, even as you have heard of that phenomenon in the Caribbean of the very swallowing up of ships and physical objects and men.

"Beloved hearts of Light, the vortex of sacred fire that I plant there is far more powerful. And it will draw the astral hordes and the astral plane and the very energy of the pit that comes out of the Caribbean into the vortex of the fire infolding itself that is your own Mighty I AM God Presence.

"Blaze forth the Light! Blaze forth the Light! Blaze forth the Light! Keepers of the Flame, I claim the Caribbean for Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst. Will you claim it with me? ['Yes!']

" . . . Beloved hearts of Light, though the judgment of Castro has already come, though the judgment of World Communism has already come, it must be anchored in the physical dimension. Have you seen anyone in the last twenty years who has been able to put Communism out of the Caribbean? [“No.”]

"Therefore, let Keepers of the Flame march! Let the violet flame begin! For I, Saint Germain, will turn them back! I will establish my beachhead. I will be the fire infolding itself. I will manifest that God dominion and I will raise up hearts of Light. And you will see how history will reveal, when you look back upon this day and date, how the light of the golden age and the light of Zadkiel’s retreat did begin to pulsate for the very consuming of the cause and core of Soviet interference in the Caribbean, in Central and South America."

Saint Germain

" . . . Therefore this day I have looked again to Atlantis and the records. And I have shown the Messenger in meditation that darkness of debris of Atlantis which yet is upon the Eastern Seaboard of the United States—a deleterious momentum whereby dark forces yet gain power over the minds of the people. Then, too, on the borders of Europe, here on the side of the west where the seas touch the landed areas and moving across the entire span of the land we see the mists of Atlantis and dark momentums.

"I descend this day with legions of Chamuel and Charity and of Mighty Victory. I descend in the full fury of the sacred fire of Love which has been called in biblical terms 'the wrath of God.' Indeed it is his fire and that of the Sun behind the sun that does leap and lick and burn up now additional records. And you will see at inner levels the ruby ray and the violet flame blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! burning now and consuming that substance! burning and consuming those records! burning and consuming now all that has confounded the tongues of the people, depriving them of the communion of Love in the Holy Spirit."

November 3, 1985

"Now, Omri-Tas does not come for no reason or just any reason on a day that is not the third of the month! So, beloved, Omri-Tas comes. And Omri-Tas is coming for the increase, for the tending of dispensations given, for the call to those who are the Europeans to tend, therefore, the reservoir of light and not let it be diminished.*

"Now as never before does the violet flame go forth to give you opportunity for the transmutation of greed, greed for material things and alliances based on that avarice that is part and parcel of the money beast.

"Let there be an elevation! [Let there be an elevation of the consciousness of the violet flame!]

"Let there be a rising spiral! [Let there be a rising spiral of the violet flame, which you call forth!] Visualize [the violet flame saturating Europe and the Isles] now! For these ten tribes that settled on the European continent must know a new day and must rise to the level of seeking the Inner God and the Inner Light, else go down in a hopelessly depressed round of cynicism and materialism that could go on for many centuries.

"Yes, the other side of Atlantis embodied there, ** the other side of a mighty continent. It must rise, beloved. And now is the hour of the Keepers of the Flame who are there or who have come here and shall return there to keep that vigil. An economic unity that is not based on the living person of the Universal Christ in all shall only be a weight even though it may bring, and I say may bring, prosperity.


* Violet flame reservoir over Europe. On February 26, 1988, in a dictation given in Lisbon, Portugal, Omri-Tas announced the dispensation of a violet flame reservoir positioned over central Europe: “It is a very large reservoir of light as a sea in itself; and this [light], beloved, is there for you to invoke as a direct transfusion to all Lightbearers of Europe, Eastern Europe and the entire Soviet bloc . . . When you invoke the violet flame, it will draw forth the light of this reservoir and also maximize it, fortify it, multiply it by your own love and devotion; and therefore that light shall flow to every Lightbearer in these lands. And as it does flow to them it shall quicken them, it shall cut them free, it shall therefore transmute their spiritual and physical blindness as to those events coming . . . This reservoir is a certain dispensation. If those Keepers of the Flame in embodiment do not make the violet flame call daily, then this reservoir will come to be used up in its entirety, apportioned then among all Lightbearers. But if the call continues to be given, the reservoir shall be like the unfed flame. It shall not fail. It shall remain full and all that goes out of it shall be returned unto it multiplied by your call.” (See “A Reservoir of Violet Flame over Europe,” in 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 33, Book I, pp. 251-52.)


** 'The other side of Atlantis' refers to the ten tribes of Israel, who prior to their incarnation in Israel had lived largely in the eastern half of Atlantis. Following their incarnation as the ten tribes of Israel, they reincarnated primarily on the European continent. Some of them actually migrated to the European continent following the Assyrian and Babylonian dispersions. (See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 5, 1991, “The Destiny of the Reincarnated Twelve Tribes,” on 2-audiocassette album, 179 min., A91087. Also 1991 PoW, vol. 34 no. 9, p. 134 n. 1 and no. 61, p. 677 n. 1. See also E. Raymond Capt, Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets: Study of Assyrian tablets that reveal the fate of the Lost Tribes of Israel [Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Artisan Sales, 1985].)

In this dictation, Omri-Tas addresses the Keepers of the Flame who are serving Saint
Germain on the European continent. His admonishment to them to tend the violet flame reservoir of light and 'not let it be diminished' comes at a time when the European nations are trying to establish economic unity. It is a time for transmutation of the divisions that have divided the ten tribes for centuries. Because of their rivalries and idiosyncrasies, they were not able to respond to the efforts of the Count Saint Germain to establish a United States of Europe in the eighteenth century. They ignored his counsel, and the French Revolution ensued. (See 'The Count Saint Germain' in Saint Germain On Prophecy, Book One, pp. 33-34, 37-38.)

With the opportunity for unity again on the horizon, we see one of the age-old forces of division among the ten tribes: their greed for material things and their entrapment in the clenches of the money beast. If Europe is to transcend herself and move on to the place of cooperation based on Christ-Love—rather than on mere economic expediency—she must have lots of violet flame. When such a great being of Light as Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, makes such a statement as in this dictation, his 'word to the wise' should be sufficient to galvanize the Lightbearers of Europe. The European Keepers of the Flame have the tremendous opportunity to respond to Omri-Tas with perpetual violet flame vigils and dweller calls dedicated to the binding of the money beast and the ancient momentums of greed.

The atrocities in Yugoslavia and the right-wing neo-Nazi fanaticism in Germany are more blatant indications of the non-resolution of the people with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As the Messenger has taught, Jesus was embodied as Joseph, the most favored of the twelve sons of Jacob. These twelve sons are the progenitors of the twelve tribes—the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Out of jealousy, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt (see Gen. 35:22-26; 37). All these records must be cleared if Europe is to enter the New Age and fulfill her destiny. The violet flame will work wonders in this direction if Keepers of the Flame are constant in their vigil.

Omri Tas

" . . . Let me say then that the Holy Family as symbol was revered on old Atlantis long ago when Atlantis manifested the beauty of the golden-age civiliza­tion. The breaking down then of the Holy Family pattern is the intent of the sinister force. The Communist communes and all those organizations designed to tear away the mothers from their children, the children from their mothers, and to separate the family so that unity cannot be employed are a distinct antichrist manifestation which the sinister force intends to wield as a means to destroying this civilization piecemeal.

"Now I say to those of you who might consider this statement to be a prophecy of doom that such is not my intention. For I have come to you this day in order to avoid just such a happening. Because the forces of shadow in the world community are legion and are everywhere dispersed, it requires great vision for men to be able to see them and to ferret them out and to recognize that in keeping the flame of Almighty God, they must stand for something, not against everything.

"We want all to understand then that when you stand for something, you ought to stand for the symbol of the Holy Family. And the Holy Family and its magnificent triunity is actually captivated in many manifestations-the father and the mother of any family and their child create a trinity of unity. Let me say also that the symbol of myself when embodied as Joseph, with Mary and Jesus, is also a symbol of triunity. Understand then that within yourself you have also resident the triunity of God in many ways-in the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power within your heart, in body, soul, and mind."

Saint Germain
April 13, 1968

"Therefore understand that in a nation [United States] where people take pain pills and
medications to cover every form of pain possible, there is, then, the denial that the experience of pain has a noteworthy side effect—and that is that it causes one to enter into the understanding that many in the earth are burdened and are in pain.

"By the power of contacting that pain, you go to the very root of divisions in your own members, in your own four lower bodies, that you might experience transmutation, as the very fire of God's love itself does sustain you. And you are sustained as you take your stand not to cower before the fallen angels, the powers-that-be, the people that are pulling the strings in government, on Wall Street and in the economy.

" . . . Therefore I, Chamuel, come to you in the person of the Angel of Judgment, even as I brought the judgment of the tower of Nimrod and the judgment of the people in their idolatrous delusion that they could be as gods. I come, therefore, into this city for the binding of the forces that move against its victory.

"For this city [New York] is an ancient site of Atlantis. This city does focus the fullness of the All-Seeing Eye of God. And above this city [on the etheric plane] is the Temple of Liberty. It is the temple of the action [of the release of the rays] of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun. And there, through the threefold flame [enshrined on the altar] and the [sponsorship of the] Divine Mother [in the person of the Goddess of Liberty], there is manifest the same ancient temple that was present here in the time of Atlantis, [excepting that it is not physical].

"All peoples who require resolution with the heart of the Divine Mother and with the threefold flame and with the hierarchies of the Sun have followed the rays back to this city and back to this temple that [their souls] might go there nightly (during sleep) for instruction. This city, therefore, is key and it always has been key even on that ancient continent.

"Understand that you are here for a reason and that the same forces of Light and Darkness that were juxtaposed on Atlantis are juxtaposed here today. The strangling effect on the economy of the city through organized crime, the welfare systems that threaten to bankrupt the city and so much manipulation in the money markets—these things are a stranglehold upon the people and they are strangling [the arteries of commerce], preventing the flow of the lifeblood of God into this place.

"Beloved ones, the tampering with the economy by the fallen ones has continued almost since the founding of this nation, as it has in other nations throughout history. The playing with money and the [buying and selling of currencies] and the effects of usury have brought a yoke upon a people and a nation [—and the nations—] that defies resolution.

"Well, I tell you, beloved ones, the Seven Archangels do have a plan for the resolution not only of the monetary debt of this people of America but also of the karmic debt. We will not lay out that plan to you this day, for it involves both spiritual and physical action. But we will tell you that if you will keep the vigil with the Archangels, you will see how we will inject into this economy those solutions that can be made plain and those actions that can resolve the crisis.

"I urge you, therefore, to stay close to the Archangels . . . as living, vibrant beings in God who are the helpers of all people upon earth without discrimination. We do not discriminate, beloved ones. We serve those who are most open to being served because they have opened their hearts to God and are of a devotional nature. Yet we assist all, for the hour of opportunity is at hand, and this opportunity must be seized by every one of you.

"Why not commit a minimum of fifteen minutes a day without fail to giving one of your favorite invocations from the angel booklet just to maintain your tie to us so that waking or sleeping we may pass the light through your chakras and bring resolution day by day?

"The problems in the economy and the national debt, beloved ones, are problems that defy
human solution and they almost defy angelic solution. There are only two ways out: collapse or victory. You might as well go for the victory with all of your might! For if you do not, then the collapse will come.

"Know, then, that inasmuch as there has been a manipulation of your funds through the [monetary] systems of this, [the American] government, so all of these things can be exposed and Divine Justice can come about. Your key role, which we depend on, is to make the call and demand the answer. We, then, give that answer in so many different ways.

"The forces of Darkness are on the run. This you must be aware of. But they are like coyotes. As soon as they think they are not being watched, as soon as you drop the vigil, they move in again.

"Know, then, that the children of the Sun and the sons and daughters of God who have been
moving to this calling throughout all ages are [here in embodiment] in the hour when the
greatest good can be accomplished. You have heard of the Fátima prophecies and of many of the messages of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as she has appeared at so many points of Light
around the earth. You have heard the warning, then, of those coming calamities, earth changes and wars and rumors of war.

"I tell you, there is yet time to mitigate these. Therefore move for the mitigation and make yourself as an angel of God, a pillar of fire in your town. Go be that pillar of fire!

"I, Chamuel, with Charity and all hosts of God, summon you! It does not take twenty-four hours
a day. It takes a commitment, even of a small amount of time, to keep yourself as the open door for us to step through the veil.

" . . . I will use your body to speak to the dark spirits [as you command] them to be bound.
Yes, I will speak through you the words of wisdom. You must simply meditate and give me the opening that we might yet deliver to the world the solutions for this era.

"Shades of night are fast falling upon this civilization. The only hope is the star of the individual son or daughter of God. For when darkness covers the land, the only light is the spiritual light that you have garnered in your chakras, in your mind and being. Therefore be that light, that city that cannot be hid, each and every one of you. You have ties to all people on this earth, O beloved.

"Therefore, I, Chamuel, raise this sword once again:

"Be gone, forces of anti-Love!

[Congregation gives the fiat with Archangel Chamuel:]

"Be gone, forces of anti-Love! (5x)

"Now I perform a sacred ritual that is performed by the Archangels and that is taught to you. Understand that when you take this sword in hand physically and when you direct it as I have directed it before you, there is a light ray that goes forth from the sword that does not end. It crosses the entire Spirit-Matter Cosmos and it does bind the force of anti-Love on that line.

"Therefore, if you will take your sword and turn slowly [in place] in a circle and do this daily, as the Messenger has demonstrated for many years, you will know that by and by you will have in fact contacted every line of controversy, every force of anti-Love that has ever moved against you.

"Behold the Chart of Your Divine Presence! Behold the rays of light! Behold, then, how by the power of the aura of an Archangel superimposed upon you, you may cut across those lines in all dimensions of being, in all directions. And if you use this [technique] for many years to come, you will contact every point of karma that you have ever made in any direction on any system of worlds and you will be directing the fire of God for its consuming.

"By using this action, beloved ones, you are indeed manifesting the presence of the Great Central Sun where you are. And by the repetition, you are literally carving a pathway of the sun rays of light to go forth from your heart. When you see the [auras of the] saints and you see the Sacred Heart of Jesus or the Immaculate Heart of Mary or the hearts of the Archangels or the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain, you can see that your heart flame will also increase by exercise, by allowing [the light] to flow [through your heart].

" . . . The hour is late, very late. As Saint Germain has said, in terms of cosmic time you have seconds to save the earth and turn things around. But those seconds for you may very well be years and the remainder of this lifetime.

"So know, beloved, that tremendous changes can take place if people will stop dabbling in those things that only relate to the human self and the human body and the human mind."

Archangel Chamuel
October 4, 1992

The Neutralization of the Misuses of the Light
on Lemuria and Atlantis

"I have come specifically for the neutralization of all misuses of the Light of the Mother on earth, including the ancient records that caused the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis. Certain members
of our bands, including Sanat Kumara, have come to perform this service and, increment by increment—so the Solar Logoi will it so—that these misuses of the sacred fire might be neutralized and the energy itself rechanneled in the heart of the sun.

"Specifically, now, I concentrate upon those misuses of the Light by the black magicians of Atlantis causing the sinking of that continent. We are determined that no advanced science or scientists (all of whom use the Light of the Mother) may activate again, and reactivate, those very causes for the destruction of life and earth and the changing of continents.

"Therefore, "neutralization" means the sealing of all such records and their knowledge in an intense white fire until day by day the violet-flame angels, in answer to your call, may also transmute this energy. As you well know, Darkness begets Darkness as innocent lifestreams tie in to the ancient records. If earth is to become a sun, as we are that sun, earth must be cleansed and purified at the rate which can be tolerated by her evolutions. Too much Light or too much Darkness will burden the patient and destroy the opportunity for Life.

Anchoring the Light of World Transmutation
in the Mountain Chains of the Planet

"Thus, my beloved, in the person of Mother in every manifestation of Durga—as Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Kali, Astrea, Mary, Kuan Yin; as every virtue of the feminine power of God in the water, the earth, the fire, and the air and in the ethers themselves—I say to you:

"Receive now the flow of Cosmos' secret rays which does trace the path marked by your Christ Selves today. Receive, O earth, all that a Mother's heart may bestow. Through the God and Goddess Meru and Lord Himalaya, we anchor now in the currents of the mountain chains of the entire planet and the underground waters this Light of world transmutation.

"I AM Vesta and I AM determined now in the fiery center of earth to release the Light of Elohim
to consume all forces perverting the life-force in any manner and in any chakra. I come because
of the danger of the spread of the karma of these individuals who misqualify the Light, and the spread of disease and death because of their infamy and rebellion against the Divine Mother Flame.

"Let the Mother Flame, then, increase within you and let your protection be commensurate with your need. For the Mother Flame is great power. I place it under the control of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva within you, that it may not cause insanity or derangement or quicken anger or emotions, but be kept in the very heart of fire for the release and control of the planetary home and changes that are to come.

"I come now as a bird of paradise to nestle with you. I come in many forms, beloved. See me in everything and you will not miss me."

January 1, 1985

"And there are many old Atlanteans that I have sponsored among you. And I am telling you this day—because Saint Germain has told me I must tell you this day and I am obedient to the hierarch of the Aquarian age—that you, individuals who have been around so long, we have no longer dispensation for you. And therefore, if you would want to be a part of this dispensation and a part of the ascended masters, you must finally cast into the flame those things that have bothered you whether for years or for decades and, as far as you know, it may be for lifetimes, all the way back to Lemuria.

"Beloved hearts, I have personally sponsored you who have become embittered, you who have attacked this organization and the messenger. I have sponsored you. And Saint Germain has told me this day that as of this day he will not allow me to sponsor those of you who are of this ilk and state of consciousness any longer, beloved."

El Morya
August 6, 1995

" . . . how key it is to preserve freedom in Central America and the Caribbean, how very important it is to see through the lies and the rhetoric and the desire for compromise or to stay out of other nations' problems. But I tell you, acting in the name of Christ, your president does know the dangers and the insidious forces of World Communism that enter now through another door—that of Nicaragua."

John the Beloved
March 27, 1986

" . . . Better to pass your test and disassociate yourself from these ancient coils that go back to Mayan civilizations, to Atlantis, to civilizations on the continent of North America where the fallen ones did engage you on a path of mastery, not by the light magic of the hosts of the LORD but by the black magic of the fallen ones. Even in this area [landed areas bordering on the Gulf of Mexico] and throughout the Caribbean there have been brought forth again such practices of enslavement of body and soul."

Lady Master Meta
October 12, 1991

Archangel Chamuel and Charity

Golden Harvest Conference
The Light Is Gone Forth and the Light Shall Prevail

Legions of the Great Central Sun, we, the Archangel and the Archeia of the Third Ray, call thee forth in the Light. Answer now the call of Chamuel and Charity.

Hail, legions of Light! The hour is come. Descend, then, for the Light of God to appear.

The Transmutation of the Records of Atlantis

In this hour, O children of the Sun, initiates of the sacred fire, alchemists of the seventh ray, we return for the lawful execution of the will of God pertaining to the transmutation of the records
of Atlantis. <1> This work begun early in August (under the sign and hierarchy of Leo) now must be fulfilled, as the hour is come for the sending forth of the Mother to the seed of the Son (Sun). <2>

Therefore make way, ye gods. For the hour of thy judgment is come. I, Chamuel of the Sun,
say unto thee: Be bound in the name of Sanat Kumara, for thy end is come! Thou art weighed
in the balances and found wanting. <3>

Light, now, of the vortex of sacred fire, descend throughout the Atlantic. Descend to the very depths and beyond Atlantis. Descend now through the earth!

O fiery vortex of Light, now take in as the whirlwind action of the sacred fire of the wind and the water and the earth. So let there be the clearing of those records of Atlantis throughout the Atlantic Ocean, the eastern seaboard of the United States, Canada and South America, the west side of Europe, the Isles and Africa and throughout these nations where the seed of Darkness of Atlantis have wandered. <4>

Let them be bound in the name of Helios! For the hour is come for the judgment of the dark ones of Atlantis. They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass!

By the power of the ruby ray, by the power of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, by the power of the sword of the ruby ray, let the Light of the Ancient of Days penetrate now to the very seed, to the very core of that Darkness—its incipient stages.

Burn through, O living Word! By the power of Almighty God, let now the evolutions of Atlantis who caused its sinking through genetic engineering, through the misuse of science, be bound!

Blaze the Light of the twin suns of Alpha and Omega! Blaze the Light of the white-fire/blue-fire sun of Sirius! Blaze the white-fire/blue-fire sun in the heart of the earth!

And therefore this earth does receive in this hour the cosmic spin of Lord Maitreya and of the Great Central Sun Magnet to throw off that density that must be taken by the hosts of the Lord in this hour.

Legions of the Central Sun, seize the Darkness in this hour! Let it be cast into the lake of sacred fire that the golden age might descend. So, then, let the mighty action of the sacred fire heal the burden upon this planetary body—heal the karma, heal now the burden upon the axis of the earth.

Blaze the Light of Helios and Vesta! Alpha and Omega, we, Chamuel and Charity and the twelve archangels, do complement thy Light. We are the receptacles within this heart of that Light going forth now. By the power of Sanat Kumara there is the taking of much of the Darkness of that continent. And the work of elemental life and the Holy Spirit and the arch­angels and the legions of Light does continue and intensify. And that mighty whirling action of the sacred fire does descend.

Blaze the full power of the Great Central Sun Magnet over the Atlantic and Atlantean records! Blaze the Light in the Caribbean! Blaze the Light through the Bermuda Triangle, and let there be the demagnetization of those instruments that were used for black magic.

Burn through by the sacred fire of the ruby ray! Burn through now into the needle! Burn through, then, into the geometric forms! Burn through into the black altar! Burn through and let it be consumed by the power of Shiva! <5>

Shiva! Power of the Holy Spirit, power of the ruby ray, power of Gautama Buddha, blaze into the very cause and core of it now. Blaze into the very cause and core of it now! Blaze into the very cause and core of it now!

Blue lightning from the heart of God, blue lightning from the heart of God, blue lightning from the heart of God:

I call for the full power of the Light of God that never fails! I call for the full power of the Light of God that never fails! I call for the full power of the Light of God that never fails! [highlighted by webmaster]

Helios and Vesta: the Rolling Up of the Darkness

Helios and Vesta, come forth now for the burning and the consuming and let [the] sacred fire descend. Blaze the full power of the Light of God that never fails!

Beloved ones of the Light, understand in this hour that the earth changes which you have experienced since the departure of the Messenger from Los Angeles on August 1st have to do with the preparation of the earth for the giving off of this great Darkness of the Atlantean continent. <6>

Beloved ones, the records of that continent have to this hour affected every lifestream and civilization and nation on the planetary body. Whether you are facing the denizens out of the pits of Death and Hell, the reembodied Atlanteans who purvey their drugs and their rock music, whether you deal with scientists making war across the face of the earth or the misuse of the Light in chemical pollutions or genetic engineering, beloved ones, it stems back to Atlantis.

Ratify the Judgment on Earth

Blessed hearts, all of this is brought to the sacred fire. And yet this dispensation of Light which goes to the core of the manifestation does indeed go to the very core and the record of the etheric plane. This is the case in many dispensations. And there­fore to make it a fait accompli on the physical plane, in the astral belt and through the mental belt requires the decrees of the violet flame, the decrees to the ruby ray and the judgment upon earth.

Understand that you cannot ratify on earth any judgment that has not taken place first by the hand of the Lords of Karma, the Four and Twenty Elders, and the Cosmic Council in the etheric plane. And the higher etheric plane is called the heaven world. And that heaven world must contain the glory and the Light and the judgment in this hour.

And therefore, the Elohim Cyclopea does focus and intensify the full power, the pure power of the emerald ray and the All-Seeing Eye of God. Penetrate through, O Holy of Holies! Angels of the sacred fire, penetrate through in this hourO mighty angels of the Light! And therefore the All-Seeing Eye of God, as a mighty laser beam, does now penetrate to the very core of the Darkness that has covered the earth for world transmutation.

It is indeed the hour of Saint Germain coming out of the West and going unto the East as the mighty lightning of the Lord God going, then, from the West unto the East-going into Western Europe and there establishing the bastions of freedom that shall indeed be established and shall roll back the Darkness and shall continue and shall send waves into Eastern Europe, into the Middle East, across Mother Russia.

And therefore, the Light is sent forth. And the Light does go forth from this very heart of Jesus, from the very heart of Maitreya, from the very heart of the Lord of the World, from the very heart of Sanat Kumara, the Seven Holy Kumaras, from the heart of the Goddess of Liberty. And there is a rolling up of that Darknessnot a rolling back but a rolling up of that Darkness across the Atlantic that has sought to send its Darkness across America and has already sent that Darkness into Europe and Mother Russia.

Therefore let transmutation go forth now! Now from the heart of the retreat of the Great Divine Director, now from that very heart in Europe there does go forth a mighty Light ray for the clearing of the evolutions, for the clearing of the continent of Europe and Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Iberian Peninsula, including all East European countries that have been absorbed by the Soviet bloc. Blaze the Light through!

The Light is gone forth from the heart of the Great Divine Director this very moment. It does go forth as he does stand there to release a blue-fire vortex of Light that is for the binding of all Darkness and the release of the Light of the people of Light. And it is for the binding of world condemnation, self-condemnation, the condemnation of the black brotherhoods of Europe and of the Satanic Council.

They are bound by the full power of the hosts of the Lord. Their works have no power! Their day is done! The Light shall prevail! And the Lost Teachings of Jesus shall come to the fore once more. And they shall be raised up, for the Light of the Lightbearers on those continents is raised up. And it shall be raised up! And the Light shall fulfill the perfect work. And therefore the Light shall stand.

Saint Germain Claims His Own
Right Choice and the Dynamic Decree

And therefore, behold, let the people make right choice and exercise their prerogative by free will to lower now from the etheric octave this mighty dispensation by the power of the dynamic decree that shall be taught to them through the very mouthpiece of the Messenger from the very word and heart of Saint Germain. And therefore Saint Germain does go forth to claim his own and claim the Lightbearers and to bind the seed of the wicked that have opposed that flame of freedom in all ages, that have moved against the dispensations of God given unto Saint Germain and Portia for the age of God-freedom, for the age of the seventh ray, for the age of the violet light.

Therefore it does go forth! Therefore it is God-victorious! Therefore the Light does descend! And I tell you, Keepers of the Flame worldwide, you have but to claim this Light and this mantle and to go forward and preach the word of Saint Germain and it shall be done. And the nations shall be converted, and they shall be drawn into the vortex of Helios and Vesta.

Earth Must Proceed into the Golden Age

And earth must proceed into the great golden age. And you stand as the watchmen on the wall of the night to bind, then, the forces of Antichrist throughout the galaxy, to bind those fallen ones who now no longer may take their stand against the Mother or the Messengerfor they are bound, they are put back, they are put to naught in this hour, beloved hearts of Light.

And you see the coming of the whirlwind action of the sacred fire into this very sanctuary from the heart of Mount Shasta, from the heart of the Grand Teton, from the heart of Mount Hood, from the heart now of the great mountains of the Himalayas. Blaze the Light of ten thousand suns!

So the Light does descend! So the Light does come forth! So Ra Mu does come forth!
So he does come forth for the sounding of the mighty RA MU, for the sounding of the Light of Lemuria, for the sounding, then, of the action of the Light for this transmutation now to be extended over Lemuria and over the islands surrounding that fire-ring and over all continents and peoples who have come forth from the Motherland.

And therefore the Light is gone into Manila and Sydney and Melbourne. <7> The Light is gone forth into the cities of Light and the cities of Darkness. The Light is gone forth, therefore, into Taiwan, <8> into China, into every nation. And that Light is for the chemicalization. It is for the binding of the seed of the wicked and the raising up of the sons and daughters of God.

Bind, therefore, the beasts of materialism and sensuality! Bind the beast of World Communism! Bind their leveling processleveling all to the mediocrity of the lowest common denominator of the human race that is not the God-race, that is not the race of Light, that is not the I AM THAT I AM!

Bind, therefore, all systems that have been imposed upon mankind from the governments of the fallen ones that ensconced themselves in Lemuria and Atlantis and now must be bound. And now this bottom ten percent of the planetary body who are on the astral plane are taken in this hour to the Court of the Sacred Fire on the God Star by legions of Mighty Victory, legions of Archangel Michael, legions of the Great Central Sun.

For the Binding of the Fallen Atlanteans I AM Come

Lo, they come forth! Lo, it is done! Lo, for the binding of the fallen Atlanteans I AM come in this hour by the full power of the mighty ruby ray. And they are bound and they are judged! And the children of the Light shall come forth and they shall rise again!

And there is a binding of the astral hordes of the dark ones. And there is the binding of those who are known as the cat people. And their fangs and their claws are removed one by one from the sons and daughters of God upon earth. And they are bound and they have no power. And they have no animal magnetism or allure any longer over the children of the Sun. And they are exposed as the false-hierarchy impostors of the sons and daughters of God!

The Messenger's Sponsoring Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood

Children of the Light, come into prominence, then, by the decree of the Word, by the declaring of the Day, by the declaring of the Night, by calling that which is Good "Good" and calling that which is Evil "Evil." And therefore go forth, children of the Sun, to preach the word of the Everlasting Gospel. And know that the power and the mantle of the Messenger does sponsor you, for it is the sponsoring mantle of the Great White Brotherhood that you may claim and call upon, even as you must call now to the Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self of the Messenger in embodiment for the balancing action in the earth, for the driving back of war and the nucleus of war and the misuse of nuclear energy.

Let the Light be gone forth, then. And let the action of that sacred fire descending through her chakras now blaze across and around this earthblaze across and around this earth for the contact, then, by the power of the Great Divine Director and his mighty chakras of Light, which he does place now over the Messenger.

And therefore those chakras of the mighty seven rays of the Lords of Karma do go forth to contact those souls of Light who must be contacted, who will immediately receive the quickening now, who will hear the voice, who will know the One Sent, who will know the path of victory of the Ascended Masters and who will come into alignment with their own Mighty I AM Presence blueprint from the heart of the Great Divine Director. And they shall ascend and they shall be whirled now and spun by the whirlwind action of the sacred fire from the heart of the Great Central Sun.

Fast and Pray on the Violet Flame
Hold the Balance for the Americas

And Alpha and Omega command it! And they send forth the Light for acceleration now. Therefore fast and pray on the violet flame and let your bodies be filled with Light that you
might absorb the mighty Light rays from the heart of God that must be released during this conference for the sealing of the earth, the sealing of these continents, the sealing action of the sacred fire that this earth might be safe and remain safe for the victory of the Light in the world. Blaze, therefore, the Light of Mighty Victory and his legions!

Beloved hearts of the sacred fire, understand that in this hour, the troubling hour of world terrorism, when we send forth the Messenger from this continent, those who remain must keep the flame and understand that it is necessary to call upon the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, and the mantle of the Messenger to be upon you each day to anchor in America physically through you that which is the balance that the Messenger does hold in this continent. And therefore, beloved, understand that when we transport the Messenger to Europe it is you who must become the embodiment of that one. Therefore I say, fast and pray. And understand the value of the emptying of the cells of the body that they might be filled with Light.

The Pouring Out of the Mighty Vials of the Ruby Ray

Beloved ones of the living fire of freedom, we are in the very heart of Chamuel and Charity. Lo, I AM Chamuel and Charity! Lo, I AM the flame of freedom! Lo, I AM the one that is sent now for the pouring out of the mighty vials of the ruby ray into the earth.

Beloved ones, you have heard of the pouring out of the vials of the seven last plagues by the seven mighty archangels. <9> It is the hour of the pouring out of the ruby ray. And that ruby ray, therefore, does send Light! Light! Light! as the initiation of the third ray and the Holy Spirit unto all people.

And those who move against the Light of the Holy Spirit are therefore bound by the Light of the ruby ray that is poured out! And it is sent to the four winds and it is sent to the four corners of the earth. It is sent into the air, the fire—it is sent into the water and the earth.

Blaze the full power of the ruby ray! For truly it is the action of the Lord's dissolution of unreality. And therefore, let one half of one percent of unreality on planet earth in this hour be dissolved by the full power of the pouring out of the vial of the ruby ray in the earth. Let it be done. So it is done by the power of the sacred fire, by the power of Omri-Tas, by the power of Mighty Victory and Alpha and Omega.

Elohim of God, guard now the action of the ruby ray in the heart of the earth. So it is done.

Where, then, is the unreality? It is a Darkness that was spun long, long ago. It is found here and there, deep in the recesses of the subconscious mind. And the ruby ray will ferret it out. It will find thee out! And therefore it does go after the lodging of Absolute Evil in the form of the Liar and the lie, the Murderer and the murderous intent. And it does consume that unreality of the fallen ones. And it does tear from them their masks so that people will see and know the Adversary, will recognize the Antichrist.

Let the Light Descend from the Great Central Sun

Lo, let the Light descend from the heart of the Great Central Sun!

In the name of the Father and of the Mother, in the name of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, we have spoken into the very heart of the earth, into the very heart of the chelas, into the very heart of all Life.

The Light is gone forth. The Light is sealed. And we shall return for that more that is to be revealed when this action of the Light is balanced and stabilized through the chelas attending this conference and those across the face of the earth who will now give forth the calls to the violet flame, to mighty Hercules and Arcturus and to Surya for the holding of the balance in the physical earth, that the Light that we pour forth may not cause that cataclysm that is not anticipated. And therefore, let the Light go forth to avert that which the force attempts to put forth upon the earth.

Let the Light be absorbed in the chakras of the Lightbearers of the earth. Let the Light be absorbed in the heart center of the earth. It is sealed in the sun center of the planetary body. It is sealed in the heart of the Messengers and all who are one with the hearts of the Messengers. It is sealed in the heart of Helios and Vesta.

Earth is held this night in the balance of Elohim until you may become that balance and accept the stepping up of your lifestreams to receive the next dispensation which we desire to deliver at noon on the morrow. Therefore, let your bodies fast until that hour. And let them be filled with Light. Beloved ones, let it come to pass that you are self-emptied that you might be full.

In the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, in the name of the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be sealed in the cosmic balance of Mighty Cosmos' secret rays. Amen.


This dictation by Archangel Chamuel and Charity was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, October 10, 1985. It was the opening address of the 6-day Golden Harvest Conference held at Camelot.

1. Clearing of the records of Lemuria and Atlantis. See El Morya, July 19, 1985, "The Inner Temple Work of Serapis Bey," and Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, July 21, 1985, "Our Mission in the Earth," Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, nos. 43, 44, pp. 521-26, 530.

2. European and North American Stump. On October 15, 1985, the day following the
conference, the Messenger and Stump team departed on a 4½-week stumping tour to bring the "Teachings of the Ascended Masters" to Europe, Canada, and New York. Their whirlwind
itinerary includes a lecture a night in Bristol, Dublin, London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Amsterdam, Berlin, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo,
Hamburg, Rome, Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, and Torontowith special
weekend seminars in Flevohof, Holland (November 1-3), and New York (November 15-17). The Messenger has been received by large and enthusiastic audiences in each city, and
thousands have come to the altar to receive Saint Germain's blessing for the sealing of the servants of God in the forehead (Rev. 7:3).

3. Dan. 5:25-28.

4. Hurricane Gloria. One of the manifestations of the judgment announced here by Archangel Chamuel and Charity was Hurricane Gloria (a divine name for a divine transmutation)the effects of which were greatly mitigated by the dynamic decrees of Keepers of the Flame. Gloria, which began September 17, 1985, as a tropical storm off Cape Verde, Africa, grew in five days to a full-scale hurricane with winds as fierce as 150 mph. Ranked as a Category 5 storm (highest on the scale), it was labelled one of the most dangerous and feared storms of the century.

Eleven states issued emergency decrees and more than half a million people were evacuated to inland shelters. Hurricane Gloria first touched the Outer Banks of North Carolina at 1:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27, ripping away power lines and igniting numerous fires, but causing much less damage than anticipated. The storm swirled up the East Coast, hit Long Island around noon with winds of 135 mph, and then moved into Connecticut. Further north, it diminished in intensity, losing its "hurricane" status as it swept from western Maine into Canada around 8:00 p.m. Along the East Coast, trees and electrical lines were toppled, beaches eroded, roofs dislodged and roadways flooded.

Fifteen people were killed and total property damage was estimated at $210 million. In contrast, the historic "New England" hurricane of 1938, which followed essentially the same path, killed 600. Gloria's impact was diffused partly because its strongest winds remained centered over the Atlantic as it traveled up the coast and, unlike the 1938 storm, it coincided with low tide, minimizing flooding. New York City's parks commissioner, Henry Stern, summed up the sentiments of many: "As the storm of the century, it was a washout . . . We suffered serious losses, but it was not the grand tragedy we feared."

On September 19, at 7:18 a.m., a violent earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter scale struck Mexico City and a wide area of southern Mexico, rocking coastal towns and bringing disaster to the world's second largest metropolitan area. Skyscrapers swayed as far away as Houston, Texasmore than 1,000 miles from the epicenter on Mexico's Pacific Coast. Damage from the quake, which lasted four minutes, was most severe in central Mexico City, where hundreds of buildingsincluding major hotels, massive housing projects, and hospitalswere destroyed and victims buried beneath mountains of concrete, steel, and debris.

The next day, a powerful aftershock, registering 7.5 on the Richter scale, again rocked the city. The two quakes left an estimated 7,000 dead and 1,000-2,000 missing. 3,000 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged and more than 50,000 Mexico City residents are now homeless, being cared for in temporary shelters or camps. Property damage is estimated at $4 billion.

On October 7, the hillside community of Mameyes, Puerto Rico, was devastated by a massive mudslide which buried more than 250 shanty dwellings under thousands of tons of mud, water, and debris. The slope on which the settlement rested gave way after three days of torrential rains which had caused widespread flooding across the island. Authorities con­firmed 87 dead but believe that as many as 500 people were entombed in the mud and rubble. Property damage is estimated at $500 million.

5. Reference to the records of the misuse of the sacred fire in Atlantis in practices and focuses of black magic

6. Earth changes. Between August 1 and October 10, 1985, there were 133 earthquakes in Southern California registering 2.5 and over on the Richter scale: 89 occurred in August, 40 in September, and 4 in the October period.

7. Pacific Stump. In February-March, 1985, the Messenger and team stumped Australia, the Philippines, and Hawaii, with an itinerary that included Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne, Manila, and Honolulu. See Saint Germain, February 10, 1985, "Send-off of the Messenger's Stump to the Nations: We Seek a Change of World Consciousness," Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 133-48, and p. 147, n. 1.

In mid-October, President Reagan sent Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-Nev.) with a personal letter
and what officials described as "the bluntest presidential message ever," warning Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the danger of the "growing Red threat" fueled by government corruption. On November 1, 1985, Sen. Dave Durenberger (R-Minn.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, urged Marcos to resign his post. Durenberger made
public a report by his committee which predicted that Communist insurgents will topple the Manila government within three years unless fundamental economic and political changes are implemented.

These would include reforming the army, permitting free and democratic elections, and eliminating economic privileges enjoyed by Marcos and his cronies. According to the report, the Philippine Communist Party and its military wing, the New People's Army, are expanding quickly because of Communist exploitation of growing popular grievances, and Moscow is developing ties with Marcos' inner circle as well as with the insurgents. On November 3, Marcos announced that he is "ready to call a snap election" in "perhaps three months or less" with 60 days for campaigning. Two key U.S. military installations are at stake. Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base, both about 60 miles north of Manila, are crucial to the U.S. defense posture in the Pacific.

8. Exposure in Taiwan. Earlier this year a multi-million-dollar fraud, known as the "Tenth Credit banking scandal," surfaced in Taiwan, causing the removal of both the finance and economic cabinet ministers from the government. In a separate incident, military intelligence chief Vice Admiral Wong Hsi-ling and two other intelligence officials were convicted and sentenced for complicity in the murder of Chinese-American journalist Henry Liu, who was shot outside his California home on October 15, 1984.

According to the International Herald Tribune (29 Oct. 1985), these episodes are two in a series of recent scandals that have "provoked widespread controversy in Taiwan," leading some analysts to talk about "a crisis of confidence in the Nationalist government." There have been assertions in both the National Assembly and the press that the ruling Nationalist government is facing "its most serious crisis" since the country was expelled from the United Nations in 1971.

9. Vials of the Seven Last Plagues. Rev. 15, 16. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Vials of the Seven Last Plagues: The Judgments of Almighty God Delivered by the Seven Archangels.


by the Ocean Waters and Air

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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