There Is a Price to Pay for Chelaship

Ascended Master El Morya

"[W]hen you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets,
that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you,
they have their reward. But when you do a charitable deed,
do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father
who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."—Matthew 6:2-4

"Do you have anything that you have gained in this world, that is worthy
as an offering on the altar of the Will of God? Your possessions,
your worldly success? I am not interested."—El Morya

"So you think it is easy to be a pupil of the ascended masters?
You think it is easy to get into our retreats?
You think that we do not sweat for our chelas?
You think that we do not have to give answer
to hierarchies of light?"—El Morya

"The orphans of the Spirit are our concern"—El Morya
" . . . only the soul can make the bliss of the Christ Mass permanent
by application—fervent application—fastidiousness in the law
and in the service of the law."—Lanello, December 24, 1975

"You must build with your own building blocks “stately mansions”
for your soul. You must self-realize the individual you desire to be,
whom God ordained to ultimately be a world saviour."
—Lanello, October 6, 1995

"You must be willing to take any rebuke, any correction, to take it swiftly
and to then swiftly self-correct."—El Morya, Easter Retreat 1995

" . . . the chelas on the Path do not understand
the nature or the necessity of suffering until the full victory is won.”
Phylos the Tibetan


" . . . Never tire, then, in the work that is your dharma, your duty to be the wholeness of yourself. Never be frustrated that you are misunderstood or before your time in your understanding of the stars, the universes, the mountains and the petals of a flower."

Nicholas Roerich

"Yet I tell you, beloved, it is the hour when the permanent atom of being can be forged and won by you in a manner that has not been possible to you because of past nonsponsorship by the ascended masters. Today the sponsorship is there. And yet the student must pay the price, for we do not give loans to nonpermanent beings, beloved, for obvious reasons."

Maha Chohan
June 30, 1994

"For you see, O beloved and noble chela of the will of God, there are but two alternatives outside of Eden: toiling in one's karma by the sweat of the brow under the false gurus—the seed of Satan—and the taskmasters of the world, or entering the path of service to all life through the Guru-chela relationship under the aegis of the Great White Brotherhood. All must choose and all do choose; though the outer mind seems to know it not, the soul knows, and the soul is making choices day by day."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
May 20, 1989

" . . . the gentle pressure brought to bear by Keepers of the Flame at the right point on the lever will raise the entire earth. Keepers of the Flame, apply the laws of physics! Archimedes' lever is yours to use spiritually. You must understand what concentrated power can do. And as in the use of the pulley, the winding of the cords of light around each soul, connecting each and every one of you, makes this entire movement a giant pulley that can raise millions of souls.

"Energy is God. You are God. You are energy. You are abundant resources. You have all that is necessary to change Terra. You have been told this before, but I must say it again because until you do it you do not know, truly know, that teaching which is given. We give it again, then, that you might hear the Word of the Lord and know that as you become one giant pulley for the elevation of earth, so the ascended masters apply the same laws.

"Be clever, study, use the principles of science. Apply them to a spiritual physics; apply them to an engineering—an engineering of the design of God for the focus of light that we seek to establish. If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again. Know that all roads lead to Rome, all roads lead to Los Angeles. If you try one way and it doesn't work, then try the next and try the next, and in the course of trying you will become masters in the way of initiation. You will learn the ways of focusing energy in this plane.

"We are not concerned that you make mistakes; we have all made mistakes on the Path. But we are very concerned when you do not pick yourselves up and try again. The crux of the matter is this: that you must keep on trying, keep on moving toward perfection, and do not listen to those who condemn you for your efforts, for your trying, for your faith and hope.

"You may do the best and even better than the most intelligent and astute businessmen of the world, but you may find that your plans do not work out because you have an extraordinary opposition of Antichrist that comes forth to thwart what seems to be an airtight plan. Let them point the finger, those who are able to be so clever in business. Were they to try to do the same things on the path of initiation that they do [in business], they would fall flat, flat on their noses, and you would wonder what dolts they were on this path of initiation. For you see, when you are dealing with cosmic energy, all things change.

"And therefore, mastery in the world is no guarantee of mastery on the Path. And yet, if it is truly mastery in the world, it is an excellent foundation, for the same laws that you use in any field of endeavor can be translated to the field of the Lord. Which brings me to the subject of the harvest, the harvest of souls where the laborers are few."

July 3, 1976

"I do not say you cannot become members of this and that, but realize that in the ultimate sense of the word a member of the Great White Brotherhood [which you are or may aspire to be by becoming true disciples of the Law of Love] gives allegiance first and foremost to that Brotherhood. The tests will inevitably come of allegiance and of defending the right of the ascended masters and their chelas to be on planet Earth."

Saint Germain
July 6, 1984

"I come to those who have set themselves in a convenient mode of chelaship, who have designed for themselves their relationship to the ascended masters and to the messenger and have carefully set themselves apart that their interaction with God and with his hosts might only be with that portion of their being and world and life in which the presence of God is convenient. And they have carefully wrapped and put aside even the elements of the subconscious, the human consciousness, that become the difficulty on the Path. For here is the necessity for striving. Here is the necessity for travail to give birth to the fullness of the Light. Here is the necessity for confrontation.

"O beloved hearts, that serpent mind—until it is cast out—reserves for itself that position of power. And it is most clever. It is most subtle. And therefore it is kept well hidden behind the smile or the garments. And some of you, beloved hearts, do not realize that when you wonder why things do not go as you think they should in your life or on the path of attainment it is because you have actually withheld from submitting to the Great Guru those elements of consciousness, those islands that represent the courses of rebellion and disobedience, those mountains of pride and ambition, those peaks of pride from which the ego gazes in the lofty manner to survey the empire of the mind and the desire body and all that it can successfully manipulate in others and in the world.

"Beloved hearts, this is no Path! Better there were no Path at all than the chelas of the light come forth and use the violet flame to their own convenience to clear the debris of the day, to make human existence more comfortable, to heal their diseases. Blessed hearts, is it not a state of gross illusion when the invocations are given to create a walled-in life, a sealing of the self within the glorious light of God—sealing off those portions of consciousness that are no part of God’s kingdom, no part of his grace, no part of his permanent being? It is gross delusion, beloved hearts! For, you see, when you cut yourself off from those very elements within the subconscious, from past karma, that must go into the flame, you are denying to yourself the real path of the ascension.

"This is a burden upon my heart and it is a burden upon the heart of the messenger, truly. For those individuals who will set themselves about much work without the necessary sacrifice, using work as the replacement for sacrifice or surrender, may enter into a mechanical consciousness and into all of which the Great Divine Director has warned you—of this monstrous plot of the evasion—the invasion of heart and mind of mechanization man.

"Realize that it is the alternate path. It is the byway that is taken by those who, once the flame reaches the bedrock of being, are not willing to cast themselves upon the rock of Christ and be broken."

Lord Ling
December 28, 1980

"And I demand that the pure hearts and souls who love the light take your stand and defend your own mantle of Chelaship which is trampled upon every time another chela does betray that trust."

Mighty Victory
July 20, 1986

" . . . Therefore, my beloved, consider then with me as the hour strikes and opportunity is at hand: the only certainty in the cup is your own will to be. Reduce the entire equation to yourself seated here. All that you can trust is God, and all that you can hope is that your will tethered to His, your hand reaching out and reaching again for Christ, will take the right step and make the decision—not for life or death, for these are not thine own, but the decision of the securing of the soul wherever it may be found."

Lanto and Confucius
August 26, 1982

" . . . You can be one who is quickened, one who is no longer willing to dally in the doldrums of a set pattern but whose soul soars in an upward spiraling momentum. You can be one who does not bow to the rote routine, round and round again. For within the rote there are bright but unclean essences, sparks of creativity, yet sparks of creativity that shall not fly. They shall not fly, for they are not born in Love. They are not born in the creative fires of the origin of the creation."

Lord Lanto
October 9, 1994

" . . . Understand then that the path of excellence is being lost in the world at a most rapid pace. In the trades, in the arts, in merchandising and manufacturing the profit motive has replaced the love of excellence and even service for the love of humanity.

" . . . we see that the flow of love, the flow of the Holy Spirit is stopped on one hand by the human consciousness of greed itself, which then becomes vulnerable to the manipulation of the fallen ones from without.

" . . . Well, beloved hearts, it is the absence of love and of perfect striving, it is entering into the rituals of Satanic ones and their mechanization man that closes off the flow of love into the world.

"This absence of love is the upsetting of all things of the culture of the Mother—of education, of the sanity of souls and especially of the correct use of the laws of supply and demand. When people have thrust upon them goods that are inferior and goods that cater to the flattery of the body or of the ego then the very substance of the Holy Spirit—the energy of creation—is being totally misapplied.

" . . . For, many perform these works for human happiness, for human peace, for human freedom, for human comfortability. And all these things then are minus the state of grace, the vibration and the light of grace that always descends from the Lord Jesus Christ and from your own Christ Self as the result of this perfect Self-givingness. Working hard has gone out of style in many quarters.

" . . . See how the handiwork [toward excellence] then draws forth energies of God that are necessary for the evolution of the soul. And when souls are cut off from this interaction with their own inner being then the rebellion sets in, then the ingratitude, then the demand for more and more freedom and money from the parents, then the getting into the drugs—too much time and space and the absence of Gurus in the midst thereof to teach them the way of self-
perfectionment through love.

"Let us realize then that it takes time to hate, it takes time to gossip, it takes time to lose the energy of the sacred fire in dissolute living! And all of this time is the absence of the filling of hallowed space with the striving for excellence in one way or another according to the freewill expression of the heart of the individuals. Therefore you can sum up all of the perversions and the misuses of love as energy misspent because of the misuse of time.

" . . . Therefore let all energies vested in incompleted spirals which are not to be completed—for the time is past—now according to the consent of your freewill be withdrawn that thereby you might reinvest those energies in the common goals of our Cause. Thus we show you how—though past history has shown the sign of the zero of incompleteness—in this age it can be the fullness of your victory in the test of the ten.

" . . . Let harmony be the sign of the Presence of Love; let harmony endure. And let your own path of self-perfectionment toward the ascension be filled with this love: this love of striving all the days of thy life. And recognize that the perversion of striving is strife—internal strife, strife with one another and the strife among nations.

" . . . We are Chamuel and Charity ever striving to focalize within your heart that perfect love and to bring you into congruency with the soul's erection of the ruby ray pyramid (upon the foundation of sacrifice, selflessness, surrender and service). Cherish this goal, for the starlight will pass through that pyramid and make you whole."

Archangel Chamuel and Charity
December 31, 1980

"Give my mantra, have my manifestation, have access to my Causal Body. This is the foundation of a greater association with me and a stronger tie. Upon this foundation, then, return to the call and the dispensation at hand of the violet flame decrees. Let the diamond chalice building and building upon itself day by day as you give the 10.03 decree become a basket-weave crystal chalice for the violet flame.

"If you reach a certain momentum of vibration and crescendo in these two, you then can say the mantra for the sealing of this blue-violet session: 'I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending!'

"What does this mean, this mantra? It establishes around you the T'ai Chi of Alpha and Omega. It establishes the balance of the yin and the yang spiritually, which your bodies may be the reflection of if you care for them carefully. It is the mantra of the Body and Blood of every Christed one in all octaves. It is the mantra of Holy Communion: 'I AM Alpha and Omega in the white fire core of being!'

"It does establish balance and harmony to the point where angels of the violet flame, angels of the blue ray joined by healing angels can accelerate the mending of your garments."

El Morya

"There Is a Price to Pay for Chelaship"
Ascended Master El Morya

I come from the Royal Teton Retreat to salute you in the light of illumination's flame, the flame of illumined action, the flame whereby the will of God takes on the golden corona of the sun and those who will to do the will no longer are weighted down by the ignorance of world karma, but are adorned with the Light of the saints of East and West, of those who walk the Himalayas and those who are found in the Rockiesthe saints who wear the halo of their communion with the Lord of the World.

Therefore let the crown of Life be upon those who would do the Will of God, for it is not sufficient to say, "I will do the Will of God." You must say, "I will know the Will of God and I will take steps to know that Will. I will study to show myself approved unto the Lord of the First Ray.

What do you think devotion to the Will of God is? How do you think you put on the consciousness of the Mind of God? By sitting as a rock and absorbing by osmosis the strivings of others? Nay, I say. You yourself must become the student. You must take the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, of the Chohans and of the Mother. You must study them.

Some of you do not chew your food sufficiently. You are gluttons, wolfing your food. And so you do the same with the teaching. You think because it has passed through your consciousness, that somehow it is anchored there by some miraculous hocus pocus, you think that you have put on illumination's flame.

I tell you, illumination's flame is worth striving for, driving for. It must be sought and won. And therefore see that you balance your discipline and your devotion to the Will of God with ample preparation, for wisdom is the principal thing.

Understanding and knowledge must be yours, for when it comes to the determination of what is the Will of God, you need discrimination. Whether this or this or that. Sometimes not two choicesbut five choicesare in the way.

And which choice you make, will depend upon your exercise of the Christ consciousness, your exercise of right and wrong, of the discipline of precepts, of that, which is stored in consciousness already, that which is there, waiting to be usednot that which has been the drippings to the bottom of the subconscious because of the flitting of the mind and the flirting of the mind with the principles of the law.

You cannot sit as bumps on a log and think that you will acquire the gold of wisdom. You cannot think [that] by simply being in this retreat, you will suddenly become world teachers and Cosmic Christs. That which you are, you will beunless you do something about it.

You may dwell in the folds of the garment of the Mother, of the Messengers, of the Ascended Masters. But when they are gone, that which you are will be that, which you have digested, that which you have assimilated.

And you cannot assimilate knowledge and understanding without chewing it, taking it into your mind and consciousness and studying it line by line. Do not neglect the study for thereby you neglect the balance of your threefold flame.

How can we hold up the chelas as examples of the law, when they fail to know the law? How
can you be an advocate, a lawyer in defense of your own Christ flame, let alone the Christ consciousness of mankindwhen you fail to study our Word?

We speak for a reason. Many times we release through the Messengers directions which are not understood by the devotee, and sometimes they are not even understood by the Messenger. But when they are heeded, you will find the bursting forth of that buttercup of understanding, that little flower, the fiery golden flower, that bursts in the fields of the world.

That bursting of illuminationthat is the reason for the teaching. That is the reason for the direction. That is the reason for obedience. If you are not obedient, not willing and not loving in your obedience in these simple things, you will never pass beyond your training under the Lord of the First Ray.

Now I have had some chelas in my classes too long. They have taken the same class over and over again in the simple precepts of the Will of God. And even they have become bored with hearing the same teaching. They are bored because they are not taking the teaching, infusing it with understanding by obedient love and going on to be in the class of Lanto. And therefore, in Lanto's class, there are seats that are empty. In my class, we have too many and they are seated on the floor.

This day, I am kicking out of my class certain students who have warmed their seats too long. Now let them make their way and let them see, if they can arrive at the Royal Teton. And let them see, if Lanto will admit them. Let them see, if the hierarch and the Chohan of the Second Ray will consider them sufficiently prepared.

When the Lord of the Second Ray receives a chela, he expects that the blueprint and the chalice of consciousness is formed, for he is ready to pour the golden oil of understanding, and the cup is required. He will send his angels to greet you at the doorif you make it to the doorand they will examine your aura and see, whether the fibers of the cup are strong enough or if there is a leak in that cup.

Vision of the Grail

So then, if you are not received by Lanto, what will you do?

You will then begin the trek back to Darjeeling, I dare say, and you will knock upon our door again. And you will say, "O Morya I am penitent, take me in. I must take my lessons over."

And I will say, "You have had them over and over again. You are an unworthy pupil. Now what are you willing to give? What price are you willing to pay for this course that you have taken time and time again, consuming my time, and your time and the time of cosmos, and of the World Mother?"

And you will stand there trembling, as others have done before you, and you will blink your eyes and you will wonder what price it is you might pay.

Well, chela, I say this: You don't have anything I need or anything with which to barter. Now,
what will you do? What will you offer to get back into that class? Think awhile.

Do you have anything that you have gained in this world, that is worthy as an offering on the altar of the Will of God? Your possessions, your worldly success? I am not interested.

Therefore, we will let you sit outside the door and meditate on the Will of God and learn to love that Will. We will let you sit there through the seasons, as the snow falls, as the spring rains come, the sun and the heat of the summer, and the turning of the autumn.

And when you have produced a diamond in the heart by your devotion to the Will of God, you may knock.

And I will answer, for I like to answer my own door.

And then you will hold up the diamond and I will say, "This is the price. I will take your offering. Come back into my class and we will begin again. For you see, when you were received into my class originally, I gave the diamond of my heart for you. I gave it to the Lords of Karma. I was the chela who knocked at the doors of the Royal Teton Retreat where the Lords of Karma were meeting in session, and as they looked at me come again and again, almost becoming a nuisance in their meetings, with my pleas for wayward chelas on the path, they said, "Come in Morya, what will you have?"

And so I said, "I have these diamonds I am offering for these chelas." And so they said, "We will take your diamonds for these chelas but these are the last we will take. Do not come back again. You will not be admitted to the council chambers of the Lords of Karma. We will not hear of you and your chelas. We have had enough of promises of chelas to their masters."

And so I went forth, grateful for having been heard, grateful for a final dispensation. And therefore on that basis some of you and some others who are abroad in the world, some within and some outside this activity were received. And so the courses were given, the words were spoken, the meditations were offeredincrements of light from my causal body. And you were surrounded by angel devas with every opportunity to assimilate the Will of God.

But as stones you are unmoved. It was too easy! So you think it is easy to be a pupil of the ascended masters? You think it is easy to get into our retreats? You think that we do not sweat for our chelas? You think that we do not have to give answer to hierarchies of light?

Well, I tell you, I have come from the Royal Teton this day because I have had to give answer for these chelas and the answer was as it was told me.

There is no more opportunity for me to give my diamonds of goodwill to those lacking in goodwill. Therefore, let chelas throughout the world who have basked in the light of our releases know, that there is a price to pay. It is time to put LOVE into your decrees and not to sit and decree by rote.

We are grateful for the words. We are grateful for the energy, but after all, while you are putting in the words and the energy, can you not sprinkle in a little love, a little visualization, a little thought of the ascended masters who have sacrificed for you?

Be not overconfident of your position. On the rolling logs going down the rivers of the world moving, you have to remain surefooted to remain on those logs. You are yet in time and space. You have not yet confirmed your individuality in the flame.

Do not take for granted the fires of the hearth of the Mother. They will not always be there. As time and space move, you will find yourself some time, somewhere, totally on your own. And if the fire of your heart is not sufficient, you will freeze in the cold of the world's neglect of the teaching. Some day, you will have to rely upon your heart alone for sustenance, for flow, for tie to hierarchy, for your own ascension.

You must learn to know when you are living of the light of another and when you are living on your own attainment. This is not a game. This is serious. I have come from the Royal Teton to give you a report on the world situation. My remarks thus far are prologue, for I need to speak to the chelas.

I need to make clear that it doesn't matter what you think you have given, your gift is not enough. It does not matter how you assess your progress. I say, your progress is lacking.

We are entering a period of the step up of the energies of light and darkness, as you have been told before. And so you say, "Yes, yes, Morya, we have heard it before." And so the great cosmic epoch of the coming of the World Mother becomes a drone in your consciousness because you have heard it before.

Well I speak it again, for it is the greatest moment in all cosmic history when the Divine Mother returns incarnate, in flesh, in the flame of living fire. When Lady Venus comes to Terra, when Mother Mary gives the dispensation of her light, her love and her rosary in this age, when the quickening and the awakening of the soul within you comes about almost automatically because of the great onrush of light.

And thus the greatest moments of the cosmos are taken for granted because of the thimble cups who think that what is here will always be, as though God were simply going to lavish upon a selfish humanity that flame forever and a day.

Do not be surprised, precious ones, if I tell you that the Great White Brotherhood has paid dearly for this rescue mission and we are here to gather first and foremost chelas who are worthy, who have done some favor or service to the Brotherhood in the past, whose records show an opportunity must be given.

If these will respond, if these will swim through the mire of their own selfishness and rise to the occasion, they can become the torch that will ignite the planet and the people. But, it is not automatic.

You must not take for granted because you have passed through Summit University, or been
on the staff or because you are a Keeper of the Flame or because you have read our releases, that suddenly you will become a world avatar. We cannot crown you with a crown that you have not earned. Therefore let us consider the consequences of idling in selfishness, of selfish indulgence, of even toying with the idea of deserting the Masters or the Mother in the hour of the crisis.

Yes, the crisis is the opportunity. Yes, the crisis is the crossroads of Alpha and Omega, the mighty cross of life. And you walk through that door into the unity of the one and you show the hierarchies of Light that out of the criss-cross and the cross-currents of crisis, you can produce the miracle of the Christ consciousness.

We will not eliminate those rocks from your path. We will not eliminate the tests. We will not eliminate the temptations. We will give you the equipment by wisdom to discern, to meet every experience, to make the right decision.

If you do not study the law, how can you be expected to outsmart the fallen ones who come
with all of their many schemes and temptations to take from you the abundance of the Divine Mother?

Consider then, what is it worth to continue in the schools of the Brotherhood?

Now I have told you, I am putting out this day the chelas who have not confirmed the Will of God by action and by study. So we will see what will become of you and what ascended master guru will receive you. Then you will understand why Morya came to found The Summit Lighthouse, why Morya raised up a beacon of light to call you home.

You will understand that few, if any, Ascended Masters will receive you until you have confirmed the Will of God within you, until you have fired obedience to the Law within your four lower bodies.

I am the one who has stuck out the neck for the chela. I am the one most likely to lose that head by sticking out that neck. There are not so many masters who will trifle with human creation. Now understand why we have the discipline of this retreat, why we have the discipline of the first ray.

Yes, I will tire you out today. I will make you sit here and listen to me. I will make you hear the word of the Will of God. This is my time. I will speak as long as I will speak and you can shrivel up in your seats if you will, but I will not leave until I have spoken my piece!

Now I have gained the dispensations to take in the chelas, to train them in the will of God. There is no progress possible in this activity or elsewhere until you have passed the tests of the first ray. All precipitation begins with the ray of the Will of God. If you cannot meet its demand, you might as well forsake all of the rays. There is no way to get to wisdom or to love without the blueprint of life.

Could you move anywhere without your skin? Your skin is the Will of God. It holds you together. It seals you. And so is the will of God the chalice and the blueprint. And all of life hangs on the skeleton, and between the skeleton and the skinthe two aspects of the yang and the yin of the Will of Godall else comes into manifestation.

Now I say, let there be no further trifling by energy, by misuse of the sacred fire, by lack of emotional control, by the unguarded word, by the subtle resentment unspoken which is more heinous than the spoken word because it hides from the Mother. Those who hide their criticism, and their hatred and their malice year in, year outthese are more dangerous to the body than those even who allow themselves to speak the word of the fallen ones. I say, let both be exposed.

I say this day, if we are to give greater dispensations of abundance and opportunity to this movement, we must have chelas graduating from Darjeeling, moving on in the seven Chohans of the rays, moving on with the disciplines, that they might come to the level of the Buddha and these initiations in the secret rays.

Therefore, let us see that you do not forget the words of this dictation. For I come in the same spirit of those Masters who came long ago to announce cataclysm in that golden age civilization in the Sahara, in South America, on Lemuria and on Atlantis. There was never a time that cataclysm came forth without the warning from the Ascended Masters, without the warning of cosmic beings telling the people that if they were not harmonious, if they did not serve unselfishly, the light would be withdrawn.

Well, I come. And it is not Alpha, or Omega, or Helios, or Vesta, or Surya or the Lords of Karma. It is I who come because I AM the one who has sponsored this activity and you individually. Therefore, I AM responsible to hierarchy and to your souls. I come and I say:

This body must be welded together as the diamond of the Will of God without flaw. I am not interested in presenting to the Lords of Karma a diamond for which I must apologize and say, "It is so many carats, it has so many brilliants, but, it has ten flaws." I will present a flawless diamond or I will present none. Therefore, I will remove the flaws.

Do you know that if I were to speak to Saint Germain, he would say, "Give me that diamond with flaws and I will transmute it," and he would do that. And then, what would we have? Saint Germain with another thousand years or ten thousand years of karma to pay off from the chelas who refuse to surrender to the Will of God.

Well I say, I will not look into the eyes of Saint Germain and tell him that you have precipitated a diamond with flaws. It will be a flawless diamond or it will be none.

We will have that diamond, and it does not matter to Morya or to the Darjeeling Council who must be eliminated. Either eliminate your human creation or we will eliminate you.

This is my word.

This is my warning.

And I have said it for the last time.

I will not have the play of power around our Messenger. I will not have the interference with her work by the petty consciousness of those who intrude with every form of petty problem upon the time of the Messenger.

You must rise. We have descended as low as we can go and that low is the level of your Christ self. Unless you rise to that level, you will have the responsibility of having broken the tie to hierarchy.

And then you will see what it is to swim in the depths of the astral sea without the lifeline, without the cord of oxygen to the mother ship. You will see what it is to flounder in the astral. Now I have given my warning, now we will turn the page and I will give you my report.


The dictation "There Is a Price to Pay for Chelaship" by the Chohan of the first ray, Ascended Master El Morya, was given on November 16, 1975 through the Messenger Elizabeth C. Prophet.

The audio-recording can be purchased through CD-on-demand from The Summit Lighthouse, available on line from The Summit Lighthouse


The Frist Ray The Holy Grail

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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