The Starry Body of Man:
A Talisman for the Secret Rays
Vitruvian Man
Based on Leonardo da Vinci

"For when you understand that anyone who breaks the Law
—regardless of who or what he may be—must be chastised by the Law,
then you will find the greatest security you have ever known in the Law,
for you will understand that it upholds your righteousness and forces you
to surrender your unrighteousness."—Lord Maitreya, February 24, 1974

14. "Inseparable is the blending of the higher invisible spheres with the visible.
Therefore comprehend the indivisibility of our life.
The Breath of Cosmos is immutable in everything."—El Morya, Infinity 1, 1930

Beloved Mighty Cosmos—November 11, 1973

The Starry Body of Man: A Talisman for the Secret Rays

Sons and daughters of God, from out the White Fire Core of Being you have come—I have come. And I welcome you this evening into the chambers of the secret rays. For there I desire to instruct you in the action of the secret rays upon your consciousness and what you can expect to receive and to give in the presence of the secret rays.

The secret rays promote an action of detail, the final sculpturing of the mind and consciousness in the perfect image of the Christ. The secret rays are like the refiner’s fire. They purge, they purify. When man has said of himself “My work is finished,” I have sent forth the secret rays to show him that the detail was not finished. For in the conclusion of the spiral, the Law requires perfection.

As Mary the Mother took the trouble to arrange the flowers, the precious roses, in the apron of Juan Diego, so the secret rays come into your being to arrange the floral offering of the soul, to see that all is in readiness that you might stand before the Court of the Sacred Fire and present yourself in the best Light, the best image which you can muster and which you have built as the giant pyramid through the ages, ages of incarnation.

You have heard that man is a starry body, a five-pointed star. The five points of Light that make the star of this version of man’s consciousness are the five secret rays. The exactness of the secret rays as they are released from the centers placed within your form for this purpose goes forth into the world to draw all into the plumb line of divinity. I say then, this is no time for dalliance, for sloppiness, for lack of cleanliness in your person. For this is the hour when God demands the allness of man. And perfection is the great standard.

I ask you now to stand and to raise your hands [audience rises], for I desire to show you how the very palms of your hands are the focus for the currents of the secret rays. When the Christ raised his hands to bless the multitudes, he was giving forth the action of Cosmos’ secret rays.

Now I shall intensify the fire within the palm of the hand. And momentarily I shall place the electronic presence of my being over each one of you, so that the hand of man shall become the hand of God. For I desire that you should feel in this hour the intensity of the fire that can go forth from your hands to bless and heal mankind, and especially to hold the tide of the elements during those periods of cataclysm, of natural chaos.

Do you notice how very swiftly your arms become heavy in this position? You remember when Moses was required to raise his hands that the battle might be won, <1> that the victory of the Lord might manifest. And he required two assistants to raise up his hands, for he could not hold them up all the day. And each time he let down his hands, the battle went against the Light and into the hands of the powers of darkness.

Do you see, then, that it was the action of the secret rays which Moses released into the midst of the fray? And I desire that you shall know how to do the same, for one day you may be called upon to raise your arms to turn back the Saracens as when Clare raised the holy symbol of the cross to turn back the dark forces. So the Lord God requires a talisman; and the body of man—the starry body of man—becomes the talisman for the talismanic magic of the secret rays.

Now I ask two of my angels to assist each one of you in holding up your arms, for I desire that you shall keep them raised high. For I am multiplying my Presence through you this night for a specific action for the protection of the flame of freedom in the heart of America and in the heart of the earth.

This is indeed the hour of the battle of Armageddon. <2> And although you do not see them, the mighty hosts of the Lord are camped upon the hillsides that surround this very tent—legions of Maitreya carrying the banner of the Divine Woman and Her Seed, carrying the banner of the Cosmic Christ; legions of Archangel Michael and Faith. And they have formed a mighty circle of the heavenly hosts around this place, and they are prepared to do battle with the forces of darkness who would gather here and array themselves against the Light.

Let the power of the secret rays go forth! Let these mighty rays be the action of Alpha and Omega through these blessed hearts who are willing to uphold the Law and the Truth and the honor of the Cosmic Virgin incarnate.

I am intensifying the action of the secret rays through you; and they are forming a giant grid and forcefield around the planetary body. And while this action is taking place, the legions of Light are protecting your consciousness and this specific activity from any and all interference through the astral hordes, the dark ones who desire to make you dark also. But they cannot, because the Light is bright within your heart.

And now, won’t you spread your feet apart, astride? For I desire to release the power of the secret rays into the earth through the chakras that are the very soles of your feet. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that publisheth salvation! <3> So are your feet made beautiful this night by the two additional rays of Mighty Cosmos. And these currents penetrate now Mother Earth; and I have established an action of flow between the earth body and your bodies through the power of the secret rays. And now the anchoring of the fifth secret ray through the thymus, a point near the heart, near the Threefold Flame. Voilà! The five-pointed star of man in manifestation is renewed in these souls dedicated to the Light!

Clasp now your hands to your heart; and feel the presence of the flame of peace from the heart of Gautama Buddha, who anoints you even now with the oil of peace, of rejoicing and illumination. This is your calling! This is your election—to be the five-pointed stars of Mighty Cosmos. And thus in the twinkling of an eye I have made you stars of Cosmos, stars of Saint Germain.

As you bring these rays into the heart, they continue to cycle and to manifest the ageless, the everlasting Presence of Alpha and Omega. Perhaps you will understand, precious hearts, in the great energy that you required to hold your hands upraised for this period what a great determination, what a great energy is required to thrust home the power of Almighty God through the density of the maya of illusion upon this planetary home. I say to you that the power of the secret rays is able to penetrate that density and to etch in letters of living flame upon the very soul consciousness of mankind the exact detail of the exact replica of the Christed Being which every son and daughter of God is.

I say to you then, use the starry body to perfect your mastery under the twelve hierarchies. Working together with the seven beloved Chohans, use the secret rays to perfect the power, the faith, and the goodwill of God in your life. Let the secret rays enhance the blue flame, and let God’s will be done! Let the secret rays enhance and establish the action of wisdom, of illumination and the power of the Mind of Christ to be the perfect mind within you that always knows and hears and sees the thoughts of Almighty God. And as soon as the mind perceives, it makes these tangible in action.

Action is the byword of the secret rays. And you ask, How can we be active if we go within? Man’s concept of going within is a passive state of meditation. But I say to you that I come to inaugurate an activity such as the world has never dreamed of through going within to the white fire core and charging the being with the Sacred Fire of the very core of Being. Within that core and center, a fire within you is the greatest activity, the perpetual motion of the action of the love of the Holy Spirit.

And so I say, use the secret rays to intensify the third ray of God’s love, the fourth ray of His purity, the fifth ray of His healing, science, and truth, the sixth ray of ministration and service, and the seventh ray of freedom. All of the colors of the seven rays become more vivid and intense as they pass through the chemicalization of the secret rays. Now the anchoring of your body temples in Terra is complete in the secret rays; and you may be seated. [Audience sits.]

In the Heart of Almighty God, I AM Cosmos. In the Being of God, I AM Cosmos. There is a very special action of the Law that is required of you this night. And I come bearing the tidings of good news which shall indeed be to all people. It is the coming of the Christ Consciousness in the activity of the secret rays.

The very nature of the secret rays—clothed as they are in a sheath of blue lightning to seal them from the prying eye of mortals who have eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil <4>—the very nature of those rays makes it impossible to understand them until you stand within them. You must pass through the sheath. And I tell you that to pass through that sheath is comparable in your octave to passing through a wall of steel. And yet that itself is not a difficult feat. It requires only the rearrangement of the atoms of your being and the magnetization of your forcefield in alignment with the Great Central Sun Magnet.

Although you might not be ready to pass through solid concrete or steel in the physical consciousness, I assure you that your soul is ready in its etheric envelope to pass through the sheath of the secret rays. There is one sheath for each of the rays. And do you know, your very hands are molded after the radial pattern of the secret rays that come forth from the hand of Almighty God—five fingers, giving you another clue to the action of the secret rays. Do you use each finger or the thumb in an identical manner? Does not each one have an identity, a vibration, an action? So it is with the secret rays.

Now, I say, come with me. Take my hand, and let us merge the energies of the secret rays—Alpha and Omega. When you shake hands in greeting to friends, you are exchanging the energies of the secret rays, and a blessing occurs to each one. As you give, so you receive. And sometimes you find that the exchange is of the human consciousness. But I assure you, then, that when you take my hand you shall receive only the Divine Consciousness.


Come then; for I desire to draw you into my heart, which I claim as the Heart of God, and there once again to instruct you in the principle that is the underlying law, the governing principle, of the activity of each of the rays which I ensoul. As you come within the chamber of my heart, which I have expanded to include all in this tent—and thus I stand thousands of feet in height proportionately, that my heart and my body might include you—as you pass into my being, you pass through the sheath of the secret rays. And I assist you to walk through. Standing in the center of the secret rays, I will leave you to your own perception—for this is the law of the secret rays—to determine the mighty rainbow of color that is present here, as you are able to receive it.

Now I desire that you shall tune into the quietude, the peace of this chamber, making your consciousness one with the peace, the all-oneness, of my heart. You realize, precious hearts, that nothing outside God’s Heart is real. All of the meanderings of the outer consciousness, the experience of the senses—these drop away. You cannot even remember the centuries you have passed in that outer nightmare of confusion, delusion. And all is vanity there; all is purity here. Sitting in the seat of oneness, you have a glimpse of how life appears from the ascended octave, and you know that only God and His invincible Presence is real in you.

This is the mighty discovery of the secret rays: that God has an entire cosmos within His Heart. And I AM that Cosmos; ;and I say it again and again, for I desire you to say it also. I desire that you should affirm “I AM Cosmos,” for how will you become the Cosmos if you do not begin to affirm it? Do you suppose that as you walk along the pathway of life—hill and dale, up and down—you can remember once in a while to say “I AM Cosmos”? Try it [Audience says “I AM Cosmos!”] Gently, for you are within the vast Being of God, where all sound is a soundless sound and all is heard and known. [Audience says “I AM Cosmos, I AM Cosmos.”] So you, too, can be the allness of the Cosmic Egg.

Now then, another aspect of the interior of the secret rays that I desire to acquaint you with is the nature of the solar consciousness. The consciousness of the soul knows all things. You can know all things if you remember to go within, into the center of the soul. You can discern immediately the character, the nature, of human beings in your company. You can discern the will of God at the specific moment that you require it. You can discern the wisdom of what to do, how to do it, how to be effective servers. Again, you see, detail is the allness of the interior of God’s Consciousness.

Now in your meditation upon the secret rays, I would like you to remember that there is a rhythm and a divine harmony to each of the rays. Some of you know that in the oriental languages a different intonation gains an entire new meaning for a word. I would tell you that your very posture as you are seated in the center of the secret rays—the inclination of your head, the position of your hands—has a bearing on what aspect of the secret rays you will encounter, how your solar awareness as the antenna of your body consciousness can function.

This is why the teachers of the Himalayas, the ancient yogis, teach their disciples to sit in the lotus posture. For this is the most effective posture for the meditation upon the secret rays. Your spine is erect, your head is level, your energies flow in the five-pointed star, and yet they return within by the crossing of the legs. And so you establish a forcefield of the secret rays revolving and intensifying within your being.

It would be well then to exercise a little bit each day until you can attain the mastery of the lotus posture. For in that posture, as I have indicated, you will gain the greatest benefit of my secret rays. I claim them, but you should also claim them as my secret rays. For do they not come forth from the Heart of God, and is not His Heart your heart? And so you realize you are more than you thought you were. You contain the potential of Cosmos.

One final aspect—the crystalline nature of the secret rays. When these rays coalesce in the physical body of the earth, they coalesce as crystal. And this will give you one clue to the fact that various types of crystal which are respected as gems and of precious value by mankind are the condensation of the secret rays. These jewels are the repository for the flames of the secret rays. And I will let you meditate upon the various formations and forms of crystal. And I will let your holy Christ Self and your solar awareness tell you at the appointed hour which formations represent which of the five secret rays.

It is the very delight of the World Teachers and of the Hierarchy to give you this opportunity, shedding a little more Light upon the secret rays, the vibration, so that you in your meditation may be certain of that gentle enfolding action that has the power of the Diamond Shining Mind of God, of burnished steel, of the hardest substance known to man, and yet it is as gentle as the wind or the raindrops upon your soul. Such is the nature of the fiery core of Being—always in motion, for the Flame never ceases to pulsate.

And thus perpetual motion becomes the way of the devotees of the secret rays. Some of you have noted that your lives have become perpetual motion in the past few weeks as you prepared for this conference. I hope you are not thinking of ceasing this perpetual motion, precious hearts; for you have proven to the Hierarchy that you can embrace the secret rays. And the wheels of your being turn to the cycles of Cosmos; and soon you find when Cosmos thinks a thought, the thought is in your very mind.

I say, release the sloth—the density that weighs you down and makes you inactive, makes you saunter around with your spines crooked, your heads wagging, your tongues wagging, and your feet helter and skelter! I say, let your posture be for the glory of God and the secret rays! I say, let your mind become fiery! And let your being become the perpetual motion of the fiery core!

There is rest in action, and the rest comes from a change of pace. As you change the tempo of life from a waltz to a march, from six-eight to two-four time, you change that tempo by going through the patterns of the seven rays each day of the week and the patterns of the Threefold Flame in the cycle of the twenty-four hours. And so, you see, just when you think you are weary and ready to stop dead in your tracks, then comes the next flame of the next hour or the next day and you are renewed; for progress and change are the order of the Law of God’s Being.

Now I do not suggest that you refrain from sleeping or eating as a sign of attainment or as the mark of perpetual motion. It is important that you rest and rest well, for you must come and leave your bodies at night to continue the perpetual motion in other spheres, other climes, other ways. And thus, you see, it is conceivable to the very soul to be in perpetual motion twenty-four hours a day, but in different phases of the four lower bodies. During some periods your activity is physical; then again you project the power of God through feeling or through the mind; and the etheric activity is the leaving of the body temple to assist the angelic hosts of Light in etheric octaves.

And so I set before you this night the opportunity to balance karma twenty-four hours a day, always, and in the perpetual motion of the white fire core. Now may I warn you, lest in my presence you receive the impression that this will be an easy task. It is easy in my presence, and this is the key. If you depart from the presence of Mighty Cosmos and begin to center your attention wholly on outer things, you will, as the vernacular goes, run yourselves ragged trying to keep in perpetual motion.

And so I say, take the time often during the day to close your eyes and say “I AM Cosmos” and go into the center of the heart and there meditate upon the action of the Christ through the secret rays made tangible in the seven rays. As the Christ is the thirteenth member of the order, so the secret rays, the five, and the seven rays together make up the activity of the twelve apostles, or the twelve hierarchies within you.

It is possible to accomplish this great serenity. But please, precious hearts, do not consider that remaining in meditation or in inactivity is fulfilling the requirement of the hour. I tell you it is not, it cannot be. And I warn you of those false doctrines and false teachers that would have you, in a sense, still the outer consciousness so completely as to make it lose its practicality in challenging the darkness and challenging the action of darkness in your life.

Now, precious hearts, take my hand again, and let us come out of the heart of Cosmos and stand once again in the glory of nature, in the presence of the Holy Spirit, in the presence of the Mother. You may stand, precious hearts. [Audience rises.]

You can become the inner Lodestone and the active Presence all at once. This is the fulfillment of the androgynous nature of God. As above, so below! As within, so without! Let God reign and be supreme within you, without! And you shall know with the fiery determination given to you of old in the very center of God the way and the means to make use of every precious erg of energy, every precious moment and hour.

I am stepping down the action of the secret rays to assist you in your orientation to your environment. But I leave within your heart the memory of this experience as a nugget of gold. And I urge you to repeat that experience at least once a week, entering the chamber of God’s Heart to find there the only reality that there is anywhere.

I AM Cosmos. I seal you with the seal of the Great White Brotherhood. And it shall be a seal upon your forehead as long as you desire to retain it, as long as you shall intensify good in the third eye. Seeing good, beholding good, giving good, receiving good, you shall know the oneness of Cosmos and the secret rays.


1. Exod. 17:11-12.

2. Rev. 16:16.

3. Isa. 52:7.

4. Gen. 2:9, 17.


Five Secret Rays  

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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