"To the victory of the Light in God-government and the economy, I am pledged."—El Morya
"We must press on for the gold standard, for the withdrawal
of the Nephilim manipulation of the world economies."—Saint Germain

“The abundant life of Jesus Christ is not based on Keynesian economics.
It’s not based on banks charging enormous interest rates on credit cards or anything else
they can get away with. Everywhere we look we see the manipulation of the little people
—the farmers and the shopkeepers and the working people—by the power elite.”
—Elizabeth C. Prophet, October 14, 1991

“ . . . a break in the economy itself is the precursor to war
and the sign and signal of it.”—El Morya, November 13, 1988

"Something funny is happening down at the bank . . . "
—Jimmy Stewart in 'It's a Wonderful Life'

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.
A great industrial Nation is controlled by a system of credit. Our system of credit
is concentrated. The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all its activities
are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be the worse ruled,
one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world
—no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction
and vote by the majority, but the government by the opinion and duress
of small groups of dominant men."—Woodraw Wilson

"The common man is the sovereign consumer whose buying or abstention from buying
ultimately determines what should be produced and in what quantity and quality."
—economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation,
and I care not who makes the laws."—Meyer Amschel Rothschild

"The government solution to any problem is usually at least as bad as the problem."
—Milton Friedman

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend
upon the support of Paul."—George Bernard Shaw

"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist
is that the taxidermist leaves the skin."—Mark Twain

"If you want to feel rich, just count up all the things you have
that money can't buy."—Daniel Webster

Will Rogers said in the Great Depression, "America
is the first nation to go to the poorhouse in an automobile."

"My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can.
That's almost $21.00 in dog money."—Joe Weinstein

What would we have to do

1. to eliminate the Federal
Reserve and

2. what would our country do without it?


1. America will go bankrupt nationally under the careful,
scientific administration by the Federal Reserve.

2. Very well indeed.

The Grinchspan Song
(with apologies to Dr. Seuss)

You're a sly one, Mr. G.
You really are a heel
You told us all to get a great mortgage deal
And then laughed as we slipped on that banana peel.
You're really quite a meanie, Mr. Greenie.

You're a rotter, Mr. G.
Without a spotter of kindness.
First you say you couldn't have guessed
That freer credit would create such a mess.
Now today you say
It was an "accident waiting to happen."
You can't have it both ways, Mr. 'Span.

You're as charming as an attack dog, Mr. G.
You're full of rotten egg nog
That you are.
Do you see a long hard slog
For the economy to get back in shape
Now that you've lost the Superman cape?
You're really quite a Grinch, Mr. G.

"Therefore understand that the foundation of a successful and healthy and growing economy is the mutual trust—brother to brother, and the people of their government, and the governments of the nations of one another—the trust then of the very mechanism for the creation of the flow and the supply of money hand to heart, heart to hand.

"Understand that the abuse of Love has brought the economy almost to a screeching halt! There then must be the reactivation of the creative fires by Love! And the cancer of world communism and world socialism that has sought to spread its tentacles in America is always spread by the death consciousness and by the sense that someone else should pick up the tab—whether it is the government or whether it is by crime, robbery or such criminal activities carried out by the Mafia whose presence in the land is also an anti-Love manifestation.

" . . . Each moment out of alignment is a moment of alienation. And it is one moment too long for your self-indulgence in something other than the great God-victory of your soul! Realize then how vulnerable is this nation to the takeover of the forces unseen of world communism. Realize it as you look abroad in the land and find so few who maintain this flame.

"Imagine if you had to hold this candle twenty-four hours a day. You could not put it down, but you would have to hold it. It would remind you of how important is the constant return to the attention of that flame. Knowing the power as well as the inherent danger of fire you could not avert your gaze, you could not fall asleep."

Elohim Heros and Amora
January 1, 1982

"Your own beloved Helios and Vesta contain the God-control to bring this economy into alignment. Do you believe it? Then I tell you, beloved hearts, that which has defied the most able economists and representatives of the people may not be resolved by the mere human mind.

"More than the human mind, more than human solutions, there is a need for the drenching of this economy and every part of it—every single individual who is a part of the working force of America —a drenching with the light of Helios and Vesta."

Saint Germain
November 16, 1980

"I remain with you as a mentor on the Path, ever desirous of assisting you, especially in your calls for God-government and the abundant life in the economy."

El Morya
July 2, 1984

" . . . The abundant life is the standard of the personal Christ and his Christ consciousness, which mediates between the white fire core and the one who chooses to be the open door of that light midst earth and her evolutions. Members of all religious bodies ought to realize that the platform of the soul’s evolution from lifetime to lifetime is most surely threatened by the strategies of the fallen ones who manipulate the law of supply and demand and the economics of the nations.

" . . . May I suggest that, to begin with, honest and responsible leadership by noble hearts be seen as the necessary fulcrum. A part of the problem as we see it is that those who are in the position to pull the purse strings of America are often those with a vested self-interest who lack the spherical vision of a very complex problem whose solution would be forthcoming out of a profound understanding of the simple truths and basic principles which are the foundation of the law of the abundant life and of the sacred labor.

"The system of political parties and frequent elections, though designed to preserve democracy in a republican, representative, form of government, makes severe demands upon those seeking office. In order to be elected, they must secure the popular vote. Inasmuch as the control of inflation and the cutting back of government spending must affect vast segments of the people adversely, it is never a popular cause for politicians to preach the real cure for inflation, which is the sacrifice of immediate gain, inordinate profits, and even the life of leisure for the long-term gain of prosperity and the sound management of the nation’s government and business based upon the realities of the money supply and the resources at hand. Thus those seeking election are unwilling to place before an uneducated populace the gravity of the issue or the consequences upon all of the people of the real solutions.

"This generation of Americans and their prosperity is built upon the credit system. The increase of the money supply has created an unreal concept of the abundant life. While some have become millionaires through inflation, others have been robbed of the fruits of their sacred labor. Thus the synthetic self has built its synthetic economic system, and the illusion of a materialism without God and of mechanization without the presence of the Holy Spirit has produced a wholly unreal consciousness of the abundant life.

"The surfeiting of the people in consumer products bought with unsound money unbacked by a gold standard has produced a profound insecurity in the American people, a subconscious resistance to take the responsibilities of living and working together in the cosmic honor flame to produce the abundant life that is the only true foundation for a golden-age civilization. Though it is unnatural to the children of the light to expect something for nothing, to expect others to pay their way and to indulge in surfeiting in nonessentials, this has become the mark not only of Western civilization but also of those in the Communist bloc nations and in the underdeveloped countries.

"Materialism is a disease which is as debilitating to the human spirit as is that of Communism. Both of these products of the minds of the manipulators have affected millions of lightbearers, and their acceptance of the philosophy of the Serpent has left them in a euphoric nightmare. Their psychic peace, the product of their psychological separation from the I AM Presence, has left them nonthreatened in an era when all around them, permeating the economic crisis of the decade, are the most threatening conditions to the human spirit which have ever existed in modern history.

"Those who sleep on in their nonthreatened state of unawareness are the greatest enemies of the people and of the outcome of the destiny of the United States. These perpetuators of the false peace who preach their 'all is well' doctrine while applying a few Band-Aids to the gaping wounds of the nation’s economy are the false pastors who must be replaced in this urgent hour of world need by true shepherds who will have a humility to apply themselves first to God and God’s laws and then to a new science of economics that is neither Marxist nor Keynesian but rather Christic in its orientation.

"Inasmuch as all laws of economics proceed out of the sacred labor of the heart, the head, and the hand of the people themselves through their interaction with the Holy Spirit and their integration with the personal God of Israel, I am summoning as my disciples in the field of economics the fishermen, the farmers, the workingmen and women of America, the laborers —those who are the pillars of a great society that can yet be realized if they will put their hands to the plow of the Great Plowman and have respect for the Ox who treadeth out the corn even as He bears the burden of the karma of the world economy.

"Let those who are still tethered to the reality of the sweat of the brow and the work of the hands, those whose minds have not been taken over by intellectual theories that have no relevance to the heart or to the practicalities of life come forward then and begin anew an in-depth probe of the history and the law of cycles which have governed the economic policies and the consequent rise and fall of nations. Meanwhile, let those who have made certain philosophies of economics their religion and their proponents their gods be deprogrammed from the synthetic self with its synthetic systems that have never worked and never will work, except to destroy those who espouse them.

"Let us proceed from the empirical method. Let us disallow what has not worked and let us allow what does work. Communism is the dream of the fallen ones who would escape the consequences of their karma and of their neglect to integrate with the source of all life and abundance. It is not viable because it is inconsistent with cosmic law which operates independently of men’s theories or their mockeries of divine justice.

"The manipulation of the free market and the free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work. It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out the fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God. What will work? Well, I say, that remains for you to discover. But I will tell you this—it begins with the fundamental principle: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; and its corollary: Whatsoever a man soweth not, that shall he not reap.

"There are too many people in every walk of life who still want something for nothing and they are willing to espouse any economic philosophy that will deliver to them immediate pleasures and material prosperity. These are not noble hearts but they whose names go down in history as the ignoble and as the destroyers of the abundant life of the soul.

"Let the government and the people learn to live within their means, and let the real value of goods and services be based upon the theory and the altogether practical application of the law of the sacred labor* performed to the glory of God who is resident within his humanity.

"Let the value of life rest upon a gold standard that comes from the golden rule, which is the principle of the divine economy—do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This golden rule is applied to the gold of the heart, the golden wisdom that serves the needs of the community through love—applied love that becomes compassion, charity, and the sharing of the joys of the abundant life with those who entertain the impoverished sense.

"If you ask me why the economy of America is in such a disastrous state, I will tell you that it is because not enough people care for God or for one another. They see solutions only in terms of more money and more government control and the regulation of life. But without heart or attunement with the threefold flame of Life that is the spark of each one’s divinity, the light of God does not flow to meet the needs of the people.

" . . . Take this mantra then, my noble of heart, and alternate it with that old-time favorite to Helios and Vesta, to the sun center of the flow of the abundant life, and let us see what we can still do to stave off impending destruction.

"There are some economists in America who have seen the dangers for years. They wonder why the collapse has not already occurred. I will tell you, my beloved. A little violet flame goes a long, long way. Legions of light multiply your calls to the violet flame hour by hour and apply the sacred alchemy of the law of transmutation to the problems of the economy . . .

"I AM the Light of the Heart
I AM the light of the heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the mind of Christ.
I AM projecting my love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.
I AM the power of Infinite Love,
Amplifying Itself
Until It is victorious,
World without end!

The New Day
by Vesta

"Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Let the Light flow into my being!
Let the Light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the Light expand in the center of the earth
And let the earth be transformed into the New Day!"

Saint Germain

"The people of this civilization have misused God's Light—the oil and the wine—that has been given to them by bartering for men's souls as if they were commodities. They have misused the oil of the Mother and the wine of the Father in every area of life. Therefore these shall be taken from them. The people of this planet have pinned their hopes and their civilization on a banking establishment and a power elite that shall not stand! And the Darkness that they have created shall return one-thousandfold to haunt them. That is the Word of the Lord God spoken to me on February 22, 1989."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
May 21, 1989

" . . . Your own beloved Helios and Vesta contain the God-control to bring this economy into alignment. Do you believe it? Then I tell you, beloved hearts, that which has defied the most able economists and representatives of the people may not be resolved by the mere human mind. More than the human mind, more than human solutions, there is a need for the drenching of this economy and every part of itevery single individual who is a part of the working force of Americaa drenching with the light of Helios and Vesta.

"Let the mantra to the Sun ring forth. Let the mantra to the light of the heart ring forth.

" . . . We do not praise men, we praise Almighty God. Therefore, in spite of individuals elected or not elected, we are determined that the light of Helios and Vesta will bring forth enlightenment —a crystallization of the mind of God in the mind of the people and their representatives to bring this nation under God-control.

" . . . we are counting upon every Keeper of the Flame to make the call to be one with the heart of this messenger. In this state you may call that her heart might be superimposed upon your heart and that the Guru/chela relationship no longer be twain but one-one in Spirit, one in the flesh, one in heart and mind."

The message of Helios and Vesta
Call for the economy:

Bind the human ego!

Bind the power of that ego, then, to manipulate the abundance of Life and Almighty God!

Bind the fallen ones manipulating the gold and silver and the precious metals and gems of America!

Bind the fallen ones manipulating the oil and the wheat and the media and communication and transportation!

Burn through! Burn through! Burn through! with the Great Central Sun Magnet into the very cause and core of these fallen ones.

And let there be the complete exposure of the inner workings of the Federal Reserve system and the Federal Reserve Board and its member banks.

Let there be a complete exposure with enlightenment, with Cosmic Christ illumination of the entire money system and banking system in the United States and every nation!

Saint Germain
November 5, 1980

"These 'beasts' of the opposing economic systems of World Communism and World Capitalism, which have appeared in the polarity of East and West opposing the light of Alpha and Omega and known by many names, are ensouled by an astral organization known as 'Laggards against the Light' who have perverted the systems of the divine economy and of God-government for thousands of years.

"And it is the saints who are called in these latter days to defeat these beasts by the omnipotence and the omniscience of God embodied by the mighty angel. For now is the hour when he takes dominion over the earth and over the sea on the west gate of the city, revealing the balance of Reality and Equilibrium in the scales of cosmic justice. Thus they who are called to Saint Germain’s Mission Amethyst Jewel go forth two by two in the omnipotence and the omniscience of the living Christ, and they accept the calling to be like him and to be with him omnipresent in the fullness of my Love in the reenactment of the initiations recorded in the four Gospels.

"Come what may, they accept the challenge; and therefore they are ready to sit at the feet of the two witnesses, to hear the prophecy of God through them, and to run with it until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, the I AM THAT I AM, as the waters cover the sea. This is the gospel that will be preached by the servants of the Lamb when, in the fullness of their time that is come, and in the space of the cycles of the seventh age, God sends forth the Spirit of his Son into their hearts, the living Manchild born of the Woman."

Sanat Kumara

"Humanity have for thousands of years accepted the principle that they need to rob their brothers, because they are not satisfied that the abundance of God's love has provided enough through the avenue of nature; therefore they reach out and take that which is not their own."

Mighty Victory
January 3, 1971

"We keep the concentration of energy within our community by the law of perpetual motion, and those who have not the joy of the flame, the wisdom of the law or the love of humanity will never, never, never in this life understand the fulfillment of the life of the chela. But I am Lady Venus and I have seen the conquering heroes come.

"I have seen evolutions and lifewaves overcome by this example and I have seen the lethargy that is abroad in America whereby those who once loved work as a virtue of the Holy Spirit have been overcome by a momentum of anti-work. This is Antichrist and anti-Holy Spirit. It is anti- God, for it successfully blocks the manifestation of the Trinity.

"Thus, the very nation that ought to be the fullness of the expression of the threefold flame requires more and more manufactured money to be pumped into the economy instead of pumping the joy, wisdom and love of the threefold flame into the economy.

"You see, paper money creating jobs that do not need to be created is not the solution to the flow of cosmic energy and abundance within the nations. Nay, it is the core of life, the threefold flame that comes first in those who are the restless ones and who become the ones who rest in perpetual motion."

Lady Master Venus

"The debt of this nation, beloved hearts, is the debt of the fallen ones. And it might well be said that it represents what they owe the Godhead of squandered energy which they have squandered in the name of the children of the light and which those various children of the light have allowed to take place right under their very noses!"

Saint Germain

"Where do we hear the term 'sacred labor' outside of Summit University? Where do we hear the extolling of the virtue? Where are the youth taught that they can bring forth a work of the hands? And yet they themselves, so longing for it, have gone back to the so-called cottage industries and those things that were wrought by the hands of the early settlers that they might be in touch with their hearts and their souls and their innermost mind in contemplation of the Buddha.

"See how the handiwork then draws forth energies of God that are necessary for the evolution of the soul. And when souls are cut off from this interaction with their own inner being—then the rebellion sets in, then the ingratitude, then the demand for more and more freedom and money from the parents, then the getting into the drugs. Too much time and space and the absence of Gurus in the midst thereof to teach them the way of self-perfectionment through love.

" . . . Blessed hearts, the free enterprise system—the ability to enter into competition and to bring forth the highest work—has been destroyed by the monopolies of the fallen ones, by their interference with government controls against these monopolies."

Chamuel and Charity

"Beloved ones, the first line of attack of the fallen ones is to use mankind’s karma against
them in this very flow of energy, in the flow of the wheels of commerce, the distribution of food, of energy, electricity, water, and all that is necessary for day-to-day life. As you have seen in periods of blackout or of untoward weather conditions, these services are easily disrupted and with that disruption not many days need pass before chaos, starvation, and mass epidemic.

"Beloved ones, civilization itself is held upon the tenuous thread of the ability of the individual to sustain the contact with the inner light, for those in embodiment who hold the reins of power in these areas of service do not have the actual attainment to meet the opposition that is leveled against those strongholds that are the service of the people.

"Beloved ones, the second line of attack that is so serious against the lightbearers of every nation is the manipulation of karma, world karma, by the fallen ones in weather conditions and in cataclysm. Some of these fallen ones are in embodiment and some of them have learned to manipulate weather; others are in the astral plane who are misusing that energy that has already been misqualified by mankind. And thus elemental life are the victims of the practice of black magic, sorcery, and witchcraft by those demons who are the impostors of the hierarchy of the Holy Spirit.

"Understand, then, that between the attack upon the economy and of the balance of forces in nature, this is the line which you must hold, this is where light must be placed, this is where electrodes must be actually inserted by your conscious calls in the etheric, mental, emotional, and physical belts of the earth."

Lord Shiva

"I wish also to say as I have said before and as I have warned that the economies of the world are in grave danger. It is my recommendation to you that you trust no man no institution with your funds whether it be banking organizations stocks or bonds. I say to you that when there is a threat and a danger to the economy the best place to have your funds is in the proverbial mattress.

"It only takes 14 hours for the take-over of any nation upon earth. Will the banks be open? Will you have time to cash in your checks and bonds and convert your funds? Will the paper upon which your money is printed be worth more than the value of the paper itself? I think not. I am concerned then for your purse as well as for your person.

"What is the standard of value in the Ascended Master octave? It is Gold, liquid light from the heart of the Sun. And therefore I say exchange your paper for the coin of heaven's realm—gold itself—while there is yet time. For gold will never lose its value and silver is an adequate substitute where gold cannot be secured. To withdraw your funds is wise. To keep within your own possession all that is required at the hour of crisis or of the take-over of the consciousness of the people will enable you to divorce yourself from civilization if necessary without ties and without loss."

Mighty Victory
October 24, 1958

"And this is not the hour to make long-term investments, to place your supply where you cannot easily pry it loose. You ought to be daily, hourly, and on a monthly cycle examining all investments and where you do your banking and where you keep your supply so that you will know when
there is a weakening, when there are those proverbial cracks in the ceiling that give the sign of weakness—where there might come the hour when, because there is a weakness there, the force may then concentrate on creating the debacle through the world economy.

"Blessed hearts, the fallen ones, through the international bankers, the economists, and those who control the monies of this government, have already invested and placed the funds of the light-bearers and the people of America in unwise situations, such as in the international loans through the international bank. And therefore understand that, in this case, the supply of the American people is in areas of the world where, in the event of certain eventualities of world karma, in the event of the precipitation of the cutting-off of the return current of that investment, the American people would stand to lose billions of dollars that have been siphoned from them.

"You see, then, the vulnerability and you understand the point of attack of the sinister force! Now I am demanding of you, especially you who come to our retreat at Banff and understand yourselves as a part of the mighty legions of light of my armies, that you must study the earth. Study the nations, study the governments, and make yourselves a list of the points of vulnerability. For where there is vulnerability and the greatest vulnerability, there will be the first strike.

"Is it with the labor unions? Is it with labor and management? Is it in the large corporations of America? Is it with the farmers?

" . . . My legions of light now concentrate on the securing and the protection of certain points of energy in this nation that must be held and must be protected. Industry itself must be protected. The relationship of labor and management must be protected and purged of all Communist infiltration, Mafia manipulation, and all other deception and greed. The foundation of the money system, the banking houses, the Congressional committees involved in these must be protected, and enlightenment must go forth. And there must be an I-AM-the-Guard consciousness."

Archangel Michael

"Take heed, then, that you understand that that which occurs on a planet and in spiritual cycles is a sine wave. Thus, it is written that there is a tide in the affairs of men. When this tide is taken at its crest, so it leads on to fortune, and that fortune is a divine fortune.

"Thus, there is a tide in the cycles, the sine wave of being, and you must mark those points of the peaks and the lows. You must understand there are economic cycles, though they are denied. There are waves that are predictable in all areas of existence because they line up with the cycles of karma which have been observed and plotted on graphs by those who were inspired by us to warn humanity of the hundred-year cycles and more.

"Therefore, you are experiencing cycles. Do not count, then, on another day as an opportunity. When you have the maximum attunement and Light, it is time to capitalize on it. It is a good investment that will bear fruit from your causal body. At the moment that you have the greatest Light to invest yourself in the greatest Word and Work for God, it is like being on a giant roller coaster.

"When you have the momentum behind you and the wind in your sails, I say, make the most of it. For the hour comes when you will harvest that which you sow and you will be on the receiving
end and it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to undo the course you have set in motion. Thus, if you do not sow, you do not reap, and then you are hungry in the winter."

Saint Germain

" . . . When those who desire to pull the ripcord of depression desire to make that move, all they have to do is withdraw the gasoline—and there will be no food, no water, no supplies. You will not be able to go to your grocery stores in a moment's notice to get some article that might be lacking in your dinner menu.

"Do you realize that one of the greatest miracles that occurs in America each day is the transport of food from coast to coast, from the center north and south to feed America's people? Do you realize that when there is no more gasoline all industry must cease? And then you have the mass panic for which the only antidote is the Secret Place of the Most High, the place of preparedness, the place of the secret rays of the Fire of God's Being.

"I tell you, precious hearts, it does not suit their designs to create panic in this hour. But it may very well suit their designs to create it within a fortnight, within a month, within three months. Bear well in mind the anniversary of the 1929 crash in the end of October. For as you have studied the law of cycles, so you will observe that when those cycles come full circle mankind must either manifest the victory or repeat the cycle by going down into the same spirals that have already been etched upon akasha as the voice of infamy, as the voice of the plotters who created in toto the entire 1929 depression.

"As I have told you, as Saint Germain has told you, that depression was entirely contrived. It was not necessary. And it was used to gain greater and greater control over the American people through the introduction of the New Deal and greater and greater socialism, which is as water upon the fire that is the damper against mankind's evolving Christ Consciousness.

"That which you do for the individual which he cannot, is not allowed to do for himself, always deprives him of self-mastery. Man has all that he requires within his heart, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the elementals, to forge his victory out of the four elements. And so long as mankind insist on doing this for others, they make them slaves of a welfare state, and they deprive them of their solar awareness, their initiative, their free will. And with the welfare comes control—control of education, control of ideas, control of concepts, control of religion . . . "

Goddess of Liberty
July 4, 1974

"Fool me once—shame on you. Fool me twice—shame on me."

"Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water."—Isa. 1:22
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt
should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered
and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed
lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work,
instead of living on public assistance."—Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts,
and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not
commit suicide."—John Adams, letter to John Taylor, 15 April 1814

"At this fair there are at all times to be seen jugglings, cheats, games, plays,
fools, apes, knaves, and rogues, and that of every kind."
—John Bunyan, 'Pilgrim's Progress' ch.6, 1678

"The same prudence which in private life would forbid our
paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it
in the dispensation of the public moneys."—Thomas Jefferson

"The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite
at one end and no responsibility at the other."—Ronald Reagan

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about
by credit (debt) expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis
should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment
of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe
of the currency system involved."—Ludwig von Mises

"After order and liberty, economy is one of the highest essentials
of a free government."—Calvin Coolidge

"There are lots of nice things you can do with sand;
but do not try building a house on it."—C. S. Lewis

"A cheap price is a shortcut to being cheated."—Chinese proverb
"My bills are all due
And the kids all need shoes
And I'm busted.

"Coffee is down
To a quarter a pound
And I'm busted.

"I went to my brother to ask for a loan
'Cause I was busted
I took the bait like a dog takes a bone
'Cause I was busted.

"My brother said there ain't a thing I can do
My wife and my kids are all down with the flu
And I was just thinkin' 'bout callin' on you
'Cause I'm busted . . . "

The old Ray Charles song might be coming back in style.

"The United States abdicated her responsibility to provide the abundant life when she went off the gold standard. This happened in stages. On April 5, 1938, President Roosevelt declared a national emergency and said he was depriving American citizens of the right to own gold and use it as a medium of exchange. This is the most hellish and damnable act ever perpetrated against the people of this nation! And they don’t even know it!

"President Nixon took the final step on August 15, 1971, when he suspended the convertibility of the dollar for gold internationally. We were then fully on the paper standard. In recent years, important steps have been taken towards remonetizing gold. Legislation passed in December 1974 allowed American citizens to own gold. Gold clause contracts, not covered in this legislation, were made legal as of October 28, 1977. And, on December 17, 1985, President Reagan signed the Gold Bullion Coin Act which required the U.S. Treasury to mint and sell gold coins which have limited legal tender status. But other steps must be taken before gold circulates as legal tender in the U.S. economy. Essentially, we are still on the paper standard.

"This is a violation of the spirit and the letter of Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution, which says, 'No State Shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.'

"The framers intended Congress to use gold and silver coin as money even though they did not explicitly state that Article I, Section 10 applied to the federal government. This can be demonstrated by the statements of a number of the framers, a text analysis of the Constitution and by Supreme Court decisions. The Founding Fathers’ intent is also seen in the actions of the First Congress, which in 1792 created a monetary system based on gold and silver.

"At the time the Constitution was being framed, the nation was in the midst of a terrible inflation caused by the expansion of the Continental, a paper currency. During the debate over the wording of Article I, Section 10, Roger Sherman, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, said he thought this 'a favorable crisis for crushing paper money.' Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both wrote about the evils of paper money.

"But, contrary to the framers’ intent, bankers plotted to control the currency. They began, as we saw in Part 1, at Jekyll Island in November 1910. The Federal Reserve Act which they designed gave the banking community control of the nation’s money in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which gives to Congress the power 'to coin money' and 'regulate the value thereof.'

"Now the Federal Reserve system (the Fed), serving the interests of the banking community, exercises the unilateral right to expand and contract the supply of money and credit and create periods of boom and bust. The ramifications of this state of affairs are almost beyond calculation. Today we could have a financial collapse worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s. And we know that the power elite used the depression to concentrate power in the central government. Doubtless they would like to do the same in the future.

"If we have another depression, it will be America’s own karma because we the people have turned over our power and our abundant life to the godless dominant minority, the same Watchers, this time coming in the guise of the bankers and their elite rulership over the
Federal Reserve system and its 12 member banks.

"In turning over control of our monetary system to the fallen ones and allowing them to retain it, we are giving them the power to bring about the decline and ruination of our economy. The Fed’s ability to expand credit is what is behind the out-of-control national debt, consumer debt, farm debt, domestic energy loan debt as well as the debt bomb—loans to foreign nations which will likely never be repaid. These debts taken together, especially the over $2 trillion national debt created by deficit spending, are such a major problem that it would take a president of the stature of Abraham Lincoln and greater to turn it around.

"The Ascended Masters have explained to us that gold is necessary for the stability of the economies of the nations as well as for the stability of the individual consciousness. On October 10, 1977, the Ascended Master known as the God of Gold said the formation of the Federal Reserve system 'must be challenged and reversed because it is no part of the divine plan of the United States . . .

" 'The American people must understand the great fraud that has been perpetrated upon them by this printing of money without backing. The grinding out of money by the printing presses will surely cause the collapse of the economies of the nations . . . The salvation of the soul of America depends upon the reestablishment of gold.'

"Let us consider how else America has abdicated her destiny. America abdicated her role to defend freedom by ignoring Hitler until it was too late and by allowing the international bankers to finance the Nazis.

"Antony Sutton, in his book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, proves that Hitler and the SS, the Nazi elite troops, were financed in part by 'affiliates or subsidiaries of U.S. firms, including Henry Ford in 1922.' Sutton says that General Electric made payments to Hitler in 1933, and that Standard Oil of New Jersey and International Telephone and Telegraph made subsidiary payments to Heinrich Himmler, the most ruthless of the Nazi leaders, up to 1944. He further demonstrates that 'U.S. multi-nationals under the control of Wall Street profited handsomely from Hitler’s military construction program in the 1930s and at least until 1942.'

"America, you did not stop these corporations from setting the stage for World War II and the deaths of 41 to 49 million people!

"If you would like to read the Book of Life this day from the Lords of Karma of the abdication of America’s destiny, you will see how the power elite have made a karma and debted it to the United States and to the common people who share the uncommon light of their Lord. You will see how, by not protesting, these people have accepted the karma of the fallen ones and how America is compromised by their evil deeds."

Elizabeth C. Prophet

"Beloved ones, you have not tasted of this power of which I speak for thousands upon thousands of years. And therefore, you do not have a direct appreciation of what happens to the human psyche in the presence of such power. It becomes a force—when uncontrolled by love/wisdom —of absolute tyranny, absolute evil, despotism over souls!

"It is much like the craze of the gold rush transformed people into pure greed, if there be such a commodity, intense greed is the word—all because of the great energy charged into the gold from Helios and Vesta, from the Great Central Sun. Such currents of light, when contacting the humanly misqualified forcefield, become immediately misqualified into more and more greed. Thus, the gold fever swept portions of the nation and created a karma for those individuals who thereby aligned themselves with the fallen ones in the gold-rush years."

El Morya

"Yes, beloved ones, I am on the line of the Holy Spirit and I see clearly every demon and discarnate who has invaded the temples of light. I see how there has been the contriving of the manipulation of peoples. I see the manipulation in the Middle East as the Arabs and the Jews are pitted against one another in an age-old strife that began long ago beyond this planetary body. And as they have come to earth, they have imported with them that hatred one of the other —of their descendants and those who have come forth in the beginning from the same seed and from the same flame of the Mother.

"Beloved ones, this strife augmented by so many divisions and so many individuals seeking power within the Middle East has been long considered the trump card of the fallen ones. If all else fails, they still intend to explode that condition in the Middle East. And therefore I send forth the call of light that you might receive now the energy of Shiva within you to be the ones who also give the cry Shiva! into the cause and core of this manipulation. Beloved ones, the entire Middle East is a setup. It is a setup of the fallen ones and the conspiracy of the fallen ones.

"Precious hearts of light, America is the Promised Land. It is the place prepared for the sons and daughters of God. Who are, then, the usurpers who would attempt to manipulate real estate, land, wealth, oil, and all of the resources? Those among both Arabs and Jews and those who
are the impostors of both moving among them, for the fallen ones have also embodied among the Arabs and the Jews to take advantage of that karma that has existed between them.

"You see, beloved ones, there is nothing simple and there are no simple solutions. For when you have the added x factor of the fallen ones, there is not the ability to work line upon line with situations of karma and dharma but always the manipulation and always the temptation of the children of God to stray, then, from the light and to desire the things of this world.

"It is human greed and selfishness, it is the selfish misuse of the light of the Holy Spirit that has brought down upon the children of God and the children of Israel century after century these wars manipulated by the fallen ones to the destruction of the children of light. This is my message as I stump across America and the nations of the earth with the Mother.

"For I AM Shiva, and I AM the original stumper, and I go forth with my dance upon the demons even as the Mother becomes the mouthpiece of my flame. We are determined to have our victory in this age. And I tell you, the legions of Shiva and of Kali and of Durga are the fierce ones, and none can stand our gaze except those who have the same unflinching zeal and devotion to truth."

Lord Shiva
March 12, 1978

" . . . Lord Ling [the God of Happiness:] maintains a focus of the flame of joy in the retreat of Jophiel and Christine in Central China. He often frequents this and other retreats of the Brotherhood, and he uses the flame of joy as a focus, a divine magnet, to draw mankind into the ascended masters' consciousness. His momentum of great joy gives him a sense of the abundant life, the life holy and beautiful. When invoking an abundant supply 'of every good and perfect gift,' one should call to God Ling in addition to the God of Nature, the God of Gold and Fortuna, the Goddess of Supply."

The Masters and Their Retreats
Summit Lighthouse Publications

"No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption
and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious,
or an economy of time more valuable."—George Washington

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right
to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents . . .
If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote
the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated
powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions."—James Madison

"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
—Anatole France

"Government is instituted to protect property of every sort . . . [T]hat alone
is a just government which impartially secures to every man,
whatever is his own."—James Madison

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people
always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young,
how to use them."—Richard Henry Lee

Harold Macmillan once described Britain's post-war service economy
as one in which "we take in each other's wash [laundry]."

"World trade is now a game in which the US produces dollars
and the rest of the world produces things that dollars can buy."—Henry C K Liu

Ludwig von Mises' rule: whenever the government interferes with the market,
the result will be the opposite of what the legislators said they intended to achieve.

"The country is not in good condition."—Calvin Coolidge, retired, 1931
"The power to tax is the power to destroy."—Chief Justice John Marshall
Dick Cheney's famous quip: "Deficits don't matter."
"I don't remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression,
when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world."
—Volcker, February 2009

"Now you don't talk so loud . . .
"Now you don't feel so proud . . .
"About havin' to be scroungin' your next meal . . ."
—Bob Dylan

"Therefore, as we once again take up the prophecies of Nostradamus and consider what they shall bring upon this nation and the world, pay close attention to them. Ponder the prophecies, for Nostradamus has proven to be perhaps the most accurate prophet since the dispensation of the age of the prophets of Israel.

"It is vital that you study these prophecies so that you can see the handwriting on the wall and determine what must be done to arrest the spirals of negativity before they cascade from the etheric octave to the mental body and to the desire body and then precipitate in the physical.

"Many prophecies could come to pass. Reread the book Saint Germain On Prophecy so that you might be prepared to know what to look for and to beat the game of the fallen angels.

"Some prophecy can be turned back and some prophecy will come to pass no matter what anyone does. Know the difference if you can, and try the spirits to see if they are of God. Go forth, then, to see that this civilization is saved before there is absolutely no opportunity for its salvation.

"We have spoken of conditions in the economy, conditions in the governments of the nations
and around the world. Let us decree on these conditions this evening while we are yet about our service in this violet-flame marathon. Yes, it is important that you know how intense is the warfare of the spirit within and how intense are the moves that could be made by those who have been the enemies of freedom for aeons."

John the Beloved

"The selling of America's gold in order to effect the raising of the value of the dollar abroad is but folly and will return to the doorstep of this nation an even greater crisis in the economy. The giving away or the selling away of this gold upon demand or at a price is one of the greatest mistakes that has been made by this president and other presidents of this nation, and the very demands of de Gaulle in previous years have depleted the focal point of light and of gold in this economy.

"You cannot exchange paper for gold—a paper that is not backed—and think that you come out in a balance. There is no balance. And this deception—partly because of ignorance and partly because of the manipulation of your president by the fallen ones—is creating crisis after crisis. When the head of state of this nation fails utterly to challenge the fallen ones who enslave peoples in the nations of the earth, there is a dropping of the torch of freedom and a great karma that accrues to the people."

Gautama Buddha
April 23, 1978

"I AM Saint Germain and I summon the stalwart to consider the critical condition of inflation in America today side by side with the manipulation of the free market and the community of the Holy Spirit.

"Many who express their opinions in economics today are no more qualified to run the economy than the run-of-the-mill religionists are to analyze and preach the mysteries of the sacred scriptures of East and West. With a few courses in Keynesian economics and Marxist socialism, mere amateurs approach the subject of the nations' money systems, a balanced budget, taxation, and the financial burdens of a federal bureaucracy as though they were experts in the science of supply.

"Inasmuch as the real laws of economics and the God-solutions to the international economy are not to be found in the most elite schools of the day nor in the minds of the experts (if they were, we should have no problems of such immense proportions), it behooves the children of the light to systematically study the disease of inflation and to invoke the God-solution and the God- science to this cancer of the economy before the very life-force of the free peoples of the earth is devoured by its tentacles.

"May I suggest that, to begin with, honest and responsible leadership by noble hearts be seen as the necessary fulcrum. A part of the problem as we see it is that those who are in the position to pull the purse strings of America are often those with a vested self-interest who lack the spherical vision of a very complex problem whose solution would be forthcoming out of a profound understanding of the simple truths and basic principles which are the foundation of the law of the abundant life and of the sacred labor.

"The system of political parties and frequent elections, though designed to preserve democracy in a republican, representative, form of government, makes severe demands upon those seeking office. In order to be elected, they must secure the popular vote. Inasmuch as the control of inflation and the cutting back of government spending must affect vast segments of the people adversely, it is never a popular cause for politicians to preach the real cure for inflation, which is the sacrifice of immediate gain, inordinate profits, and even the life of leisure for the long-term gain of prosperity and the sound management of the nation's government and business based upon the realities of the money supply and the resources at hand. Thus those seeking election are unwilling to place before an uneducated populace the gravity of the issue or the consequences upon all of the people of the real solutions.

"This generation of Americans and their prosperity is built upon the credit system. The increase of the money supply has created an unreal concept of the abundant life. While some have become millionaires through inflation, others have been robbed of the fruits of their sacred labor. Thus the synthetic self has built its synthetic economic system, and the illusion of a materialism without God and of mechanization without the presence of the Holy Spirit has produced a wholly unreal consciousness of the abundant life.

"The surfeiting of the people in consumer products bought with unsound money unbacked by a gold standard has produced a profound insecurity in the American people, a subconscious resistance to take the responsibilities of living and working together in the cosmic honor flame to produce the abundant life that is the only true foundation for a golden-age civilization. Though it is unnatural to the children of the light to expect something for nothing, to expect others to pay their way and to indulge in surfeiting in nonessentials, this has become the mark not only of Western civilization but also of those in the Communist bloc nations and in the underdeveloped countries.

"Materialism is a disease which is as debilitating to the human spirit as is that of Communism. Both of these products of the minds of the manipulators have affected millions of lightbearers, and their acceptance of the philosophy of the Serpent has left them in a euphoric nightmare. Their psychic peace, the product of their psychological separation from the I AM Presence, has left them nonthreatened in an era when all around them, permeating the economic crisis of the decade, are the most threatening conditions to the human spirit which have ever existed in modern history.

"Those who sleep on in their nonthreatened state of unawareness are the greatest enemies of the people and of the outcome of the destiny of the United States. These perpetuators of the false peace who preach their 'all is well' doctrine while applying a few Band-Aids to the gaping wounds of the nation's economy are the false pastors who must be replaced in this urgent hour of world need by true shepherds who will have a humility to apply themselves first to God and God's laws and then to a new science of economics that is neither Marxist nor Keynesian but rather Christic in its orientation.

"In as much as all laws of economics proceed out of the sacred labor of the heart, the head, and the hand of the people themselves through their interaction with the Holy Spirit and their integration with the personal God of Israel, I am summoning as my disciples in the field of economics the fishermen, the farmers, the workingmen and women of America, the laborers —those who are the pillars of a great society that can yet be realized if they will put their hands to the plow of the Great Plowman and have respect for the Ox who treadeth out the corn even as He bears the burden of the karma of the world economy.

"Let those who are still tethered to the reality of the sweat of the brow and the work of the hands, those whose minds have not been taken over by intellectual theories that have no relevance to the heart or to the practicalities of life come forward then and begin anew an in-depth probe of the history and the law of cycles which have governed the economic policies and the consequent rise and fall of nations. Meanwhile, let those who have made certain philosophies of economics their religion and their proponents their gods be deprogrammed from the synthetic self with its synthetic systems that have never worked and never will work, except to destroy those who espouse them.

"Let us proceed from the empirical method. Let us disallow what has not worked and let us allow what does work. Communism is the dream of the fallen ones who would escape the consequences of their karma and of their neglect to integrate with the source of all life and abundance. It is not viable because it is inconsistent with cosmic law which operates independently of men's theories or their mockeries of divine justice.

"The manipulation of the free market and the free governments of nations through monopoly capitalism or corporate socialism will not work. It destroys individual creativity and snuffs out the fires of hope that ever rest in the heart of the individual as the desire to be self-sustaining in God. What will work? Well, I say, that remains for you to discover. But I will tell you this—it begins with the fundamental principle: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; and its corollary: Whatsoever a man soweth not, that shall he not reap.

"There are too many people in every walk of life who still want something for nothing and they are willing to espouse any economic philosophy that will deliver to them immediate pleasures and material prosperity. These are not noble hearts but they whose names go down in history as the ignoble and as the destroyers of the abundant life of the soul.

"Let the government and the people learn to live within their means, and let the real value of goods and services be based upon the theory and the altogether practical application of the law of the sacred labor performed to the glory of God who is resident within his humanity.

"Let the value of life rest upon a gold standard that comes from the golden rule, which is the principle of the divine economy—do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This golden rule is applied to the gold of the heart, the golden wisdom that serves the needs of the community through love—applied love that becomes compassion, charity, and the sharing of the joys of the abundant life with those who entertain the impoverished sense."

Saint Germain

" . . . old skills are becoming obsolete and new job training programs are needed for those who are working in outmoded occupations. As the job market rapidly changes, the educational system needs to change with it.

"Many people have already lost their jobs. This is indeed challenging to those who have families and who must learn how to get ahead under the new paradigms emerging in the Information Age that is upon us.

"I address this Community and all Keepers of the Flame: If you have not learned the skills that are required of you to get good paying jobs to support your families, you had better do so now. For time is moving on and those who have the best education are the ones who will get the jobs. And those who do not change will be the ones who are without enough food to put in the mouths of their children. This is a time of turmoil, for one age is passing into another."

John the Beloved

For Freedom—Three Tasks, Three Strengths

"See, . . . beloved, that you are as alert as any great patriot of old has been alert as the watchman on the wall. Yes, you be that watchman, beloved. You be that watchman, beloved. For I tell you it is necessary, for the nations are asleep. Those who plot evil and destruction, they do not sleep. The devil does not sleep. The fallen angels do not sleep.

Understand the Gift of Protection You Have and Fear Not

"So we say, if you understand in the tremendous peace of God the gift of protection you have from the archangels, and specifically Archangel Michael, you will not fear. You will not regress. You will not descend into depression. You will be there. You will know that your God is with you. You will know that you and your God are one. And when you walk this earth and climb these mountains, you will be walking neath the canopy of your I AM Presence.

" . . . Yes, raise your children, beloved, to become stalwart sons and daughters of God, of Liberty. Rear them, then, to fear not. Fear not, beloved, fear not! For God knows the days and the hours of your coming and your going. He has set that course.

"Therefore take advantage of opportunity while you are in the prime of life, while you can anchor more good karma for yourself and your nation, while you can perpetually invoke the violet flame, for it is the most important flame that you can invoke . . .

Three Elements to Correct, Three Elements that Strengthen

"Ladies and gentlemen, teens, youth of America and the world, we now . . . have entrée into your nation. We call upon you, then, again to consider—adults, teens, children alike—what is the most pressing problem of your nation. For, you see, if you scatter your decrees everywhere, you may not accomplish the victory anywhere.

"So, let us go back to the power of the three—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. What are the three most appalling conditions in your nation that you are determined to go after? And what are the three conditions of your nation that represent the highest representation of the people and their ability to create, to multiply, to raise their civilization, their nations to new heights of a higher consciousness?

"Just as you have three elements to correct within, so you have three elements that will strengthen you, empower you. Consider what they are and remember, they begin in the very center of the threefold flame—the empowerment, the wisdom and the love and then the support of the white fire of the Divine Mother.

"Think of these things, beloved, and do not scatter your energies here and there or leave tasks unfinished because now you find something more important to do. These things must be studied, especially the economies of the nations, especially the large debts upon the nations . . . "

The Fourteen Ascended Masters
Who Govern the Destiny of America
July 1, 1996

"Bring your desires down to your present means. Increase them
only when your increased means permit."—Aristotle

"Recession—the pin that deflates the debt bubble . . . "
"I favor a policy of economy, not because I wish to save money,
but because I wish to save people. The men and women of this country
who toil are the ones who bear the cost of the government. Every dollar
that we save means that their life will be so much the more abundant.
Economy is idealism in its most practical form."—Calvin Coolidge

"April is the cruelest month."—T. S. Eliot
"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert,
in five years there'd be a shortage of sand."
—Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."—Warren Buffett
"Getting and spending are not the chief aims of human existence."—Russell Kirk
"The world has gone mad today, and good's bad today,
And black's white today, and day's night today . . . "
—Cole Porter, 'Anything Goes'

In China, there is a saying, "If you teach someone your secrets,
maybe tomorrow . . . no food."—WIN-LOSE

In America, I have a saying: 'If you teach someone your secrets,
maybe tomorrow you eat whatever you want, wherever you want,
whenever you want, with whomever you want."—WIN-WIN

"Almost in a mercurian fashion does the economy move. This is only the appearance for, as you know, causes set in motion not checked, not dealt with—a false concept of economics and a false teaching of Keynesian economics and individuals who do not have common sense or a practical awareness of how a nation's economy functions—have brought about a situation of immense burden which sits squarely upon the shoulders of the American citizen. The people of this nation bear an extraordinary burden of karma for the Earth as well as the karma of the fallen ones who have mismanaged the supply, the people's money and the international banking policies."
Saint Germain
April 22, 1984

"I say, you are the authority for the plane of fire! You are the authority for the plane of air! You are the authority for the plane of water! You, O mankind, are the authority for the plane of earth! You and you and you! And you must challenge, if by no other means than by application to the Sacred Fire, this encroachment upon the dominions of the earth and of the Body of the Mother. The time has come when the oppressors of mankind shall come face to face with their karma, and they shall give the accounting.

"Take care then that you are not counted among them, that your investments are not in those industries that serve to tear down the life of mankind. You have been warned before about placing your supply and your abundance in those industrial firms that serve to poison the youth of the world in all manner and all forms. I say, examine what is done with your funds, for in the day of judgment you will be held accountable for the place where you have invested those funds.

"Do you not see, O mankind of earth? You cannot support an establishment that is dedicated to the death of mankind. And that is the fact of the matter. A large percentage of firms and industries create products that contribute to the very death in one form or another of the lives of your children, your posterity, and the generations which will come after you. I say, withdraw those funds. Let the children of the Light not be found engaging their energies in any form whatsoever in the support of darkness."

Maha Chohan
July 15, 1973

Uphold the Economy As I Uphold the Torch of Liberty

Let the action of Mighty Victory descend upon your heart chakra. And let this action permeate the earth to consume fanaticism and enter the hearts of billions of souls. Let that focus of Victory be within you and let it remain. And let your heart be a chalice for all who would rise level upon level upon level until they return to the level of Lady Master Venus, Lord Sanat Kumara and the fulfillment of their star.

Blessed ones, today you wrestle with the economy. Tomorrow you may wrestle with war—war within and war across the planetary body. Today you have challengers who are not of the Light and tomorrow they shall indeed be exposed.

Therefore, let the All-Seeing Eye of God be with you, even today and as you return to your homes. For in this hour, beloved, the economy is misused and compromised by heads of state, even the head of this very nation.

So, beloved ones, if you desire to see appropriate action, remember that the United States of America is the place that Saint Germain has chosen for this victory. This victory must take place across the states of the union. This victory must be a sacred fire that descends from above into the heart of each one who shares this day's victory.

A Golden Standard for the Golden Age

Blessed ones, to have the victory of the economy requires tremendous diligence. Even we do not know the outcome, for we have been without the stability of a gold standard for many, many years. Therefore you desire to reverse this, and this is the ultimate challenge. But you must look at other aspects of the economy as well, for the absence of the gold standard is not the only problem with the economy.

Therefore, blessed ones, it is important that you study what is at hand, what truly causes this nation to be compromised as well as what causes it to move forward. Many of you understand this and it is indeed very important for you to understand what is happening beneath the surface, what is happening in those places where the economy is compromised.

There is also compromise at the level of the president of the United States. There is compromise in all areas. A gold standard is not sustained when there is compromise, for a gold standard means a golden standard. This golden standard requires every son and daughter of Liberty within this nation to carry the standard of truth, the standard of the God of Gold, the
standard by which they say, "We will raise our civilization to the heights of a golden age."

This is a tall order, as you know. But since you desire to take it upon yourselves, I, the Goddess of Liberty, intend to assist you in this calling and in this mighty mission.

[34-second standing ovation] Please be seated.

Quite a few individuals have occupied the office of president of the United States. But not all of them have served with honor, with victory and with an understanding of what it truly means to be an American at the helm of the ship of state.

Uphold My Torch

Understand this, beloved, and look to your children. Look to your sons and daughters. Look to those who have the capacity to challenge Darkness, to bring forth the Light, to raise their arm up and hold the torch of freedom, the torch of liberty.

Understand that if you would reverse the tide of economic manipulation, many situations within the economy must be addressed. This is no small challenge that you are accepting. Remember this and contemplate what will take place if you assume positions, especially positions of leadership, in economic affairs and also what will take place if you neglect to meet the economic challenges of this age.

Now, beloved, it would be well for some of you who are engaged in serving with me, with Saint Germain and with Archangel Raphael to understand that if you would turn around this nation and the nations of the world, you must have a great understanding of what is going on, not only that which is before you but that which is subliminal, which you do not see and which is being put against this nation itself.

Therefore we look for those of you who have the best skills to bring to the attention of Keepers of the Flame what can be done to move against that which has been coming upon this nation since the gold standard was set aside.

Therefore, if you will, come together this day. Make your pledges to one another and bring before the Darjeeling Council as well as to the Mother of the Flame what you think can be done for the victory in this situation.

May all of you who are serving on the ray of Raphael and Mother Mary have the tremendous victory that you are seeking today in this hall and in this nation.

Heavenly hosts are with you. May you continue your prayer vigil.

Therefore, I seal you in the heart of your beloved El Morya and your beloved Lanello. By Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, let the action of the Great Central Sun reach every heart in this room and every heart of love and light throughout the planet.

With joy in my heart I seal you, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Goddess of Liberty
March 22, 1998


"He who takes what isn't his'n, pays it back or goes to prison."
—an old expression

"If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded;
and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined
within proper and moderate bounds."—Alexander Hamilton

"What no one expected," said a colleague the other day,
"was the way capitalism and communism get along in the modern world."

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results."—Albert Einstein

"You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for
your own personal interests; hence the state limps along."—Aristophanes

"We don't have inflation because the people are living too well.
We have inflation because the government is living too well."—Ronald Reagan

"Buy the best. Pay cash. Take delivery."—Max Blumert
"Human action is a continuing process of exchanging
one set of circumstances for another."—Economist Ludwig von Mises

"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about
by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner
as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later
as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."—Ludwig von Mises

Ludwig von Mises called the crack-up boom:
the breakdown of money in mass inflation.

165. Cynics may be found who will say, "Let them sway freely,
the more energy will there be in space." The remark is not devoid of sense,
but indeed the common work is so much in need of solicitude
that a true economy of forces must be adopted. The most economical principle
is equality, which destroys privilege and cupidity. —El Morya, Community 1926

"The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again"—Psalm 37:21a

Keeping the Flame of Love on Terra:
The Staying Action of the Fall of Babylon Within New York

Beloved ones, I come to you then with a very certain word of Saint Germain that your mission as twin flames arcing the light of God within this third-eye focus of the nation of America, within this capital of the economies of the nations, within this central focus of light [New York] must be to let the love of your twin flames form a solid flank of energy to reverse the tide of this manipulation. And the assignment of Saint Germain and of his beloved twin flame, Portia, from the Lords of Karma is unto you. The word is clear from the Lords of Karma: Keepers of the Flame, if you do not take the responsibility for the economy of this city and this nation by your dynamic decrees, we cannot hold back, therefore, the malintent of the fallen ones directed upon the ignorant masses and the mankind of this Earth.

I have come, then, in the mystery and in the mastery of the feminine light. I have come with a very practical understanding of what this Mother energy and its flow in the economy and the government of the nations. I have sent this messenger unto the continent of Africa, unto Europe, throughout America, focusing my flame of Mother to make the people understand that the challenge of the Word by the God and the Lord Christ with you is indeed the effective and only means—mark you I said, only means—of turning back that which has become an avalanche of darkness directed upon the souls of greatest light through the misuse of the economy that will first come upon the lesser evolutions—the people who are a part of the structure, the very
foundation of the structure of civilization.

And so it is the staying action of the Lord God himself, implemented through your lifestreams, that stands between this city and the descent of that judgment which would be a greater calamity than that which was seen in the crash of 1929 and the fall of the energies within the stock
market by the manipulations of the fallen ones. Beloved ones, just prior to that crash those who represented the people were exclaiming that the economy was sound, that all was well. We hear this again today in the State of the Union Address of your own president. It is the lie of the fallen ones.

The economy of this nation is not sound. It is in a most precarious situation, and it goes back to the Mother light itself—the very base-of-the-spine chakra. Unless there be some who hold the action of that light as a pure fountain of living flame, the entire superstructure of the nation cannot be built chakra by chakra. And therefore, you see, the key to the deliverance of this nation through the third-eye energies anchored over this city is always noted by how many devotees are determined to raise that energy of the Mother light; for it is the very support of the Alpha-Omega in the Elohim of the all-seeing eye, Cyclopea.

Beloved ones, it is the decrees of the students that have accelerated in these weeks that has brought the sudden burst of the stock market as has not been seen in many months. And it was the emanation of the light of the God of Gold <1> that brought the resurgence of the value of that precious element. So dedicate is the economy, so delicate is this flow of energy—it is like quicksilver.

Beloved ones, the balance of gold and silver, Alpha and Omega, rests clearly upon the light of God manifest within his peoples. For, you see, that flow, which is regulated by the Great Central Sun magnet, is perpetually being abused by those who manipulate the stock market, manipulate stocks and bonds, currency, inflation and deflation—always to their own net gain. And these are the archdeceivers whose power, as they see it, is precisely according to their amassing of the wealth and the goods of this world.

When you realize, then, that the regulatory factor of the Governor of Life—who is THE Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, <2> who is the Christ Self within you—would of its own free light and cosmic intelligence keep the way of the Tree of Life within the economy of the world, is interfered with by the subtle manipulations each and every day of those who rise early in the morning to control this day's prices on the world market of gold, silver, commodities, resources, grain, and wheat—all of these manipulations result in the skimming off of the profits unto those who have not earned that profit by the sweat of the brow, by the labor of the hands.

And so the sacred labor of the people—the energy which they endow into an economy, into the goods and services which they produce, into the food that feeds the nations—is not allowed to be the regulating factor, is not allowed to return to the people, but that light, which the fallen ones do not possess upon their own, they seize then as the very lifeblood of the people that is poured day by day by their constancy of love into the work of their hands.

Now the interference by the regulation of the federal government with the work of the farmers, the miners, and others, the manipulations through the trade unions and by an enormous taxation and redistribution of wealth results in a situation where the individual can no longer be in his own
genius, in his own Christ Self—the one who is the arbiter of his destiny and of the movement of those currents.

And therefore there is a great depression that moves abroad in the land as the individual cannot enter into a sacred labor and receive accordingly to the work of his hands. And so the amalgamation of wealth and its redistribution and all of the government controls that interfere with the law of life and the economy become a direct attack—and I say, a direct attack—upon you and your reunion with your twin flame.

Beloved ones, do not think that my discourse is so remote from the light of love or from the purpose of your return. Do you see that this very area of the marts of commerce is the place which souls of light would retreat from? You would retreat from the cities of the nations, you
would go into the place of the Holy Spirit and into the mountains.

Beloved ones, when souls of light forsake their control of Mother energy as it flows in this very base level of the economies of the nations, then the manipulators have free rein. And then, beloved hearts, you see, all of the children of God who are depending upon the continuity of civilization for their evolution are caught short, are abandoned by the ones who have greater light and see themselves as being too spiritual and too nonattached to go back into the cities and to take their place in the economy and in the government.

Beloved ones, this has been a false teaching in Hinduism, and therefore you find in India today that the souls of greatest light have withdrawn and they have left to lesser evolutions the serving of the people, and therefore there have arisen in positions of power those archdeceivers. And you have seen the infamy of Madame Indira Gandhi who has abused the light of the Mother flame; and this horrendous misuse of that light in the forced sterilization of the man who carries the seed of God is directly the work of the great whore and the Antichrist. <3>

Beloved ones, this materialistic consciousness that has manifested within her has been the greatest desecration of the light of the seed energy of Alpha and Omega. Thank God that people of light in India have restored to power a man who places God first. Beloved hearts, you see then that nations fall by the work of one individual, and the thousands of souls sterilized in that country will not have the opportunity in this life of siring again those souls of infinite fire. And thus this tampering with the sacred fire, with the sacred fire in twin flames, does abort karmic cycles and interferes with the entire balance of the ecology of the Earth.

When the people are ignorant of the great lie of this manipulation and what has been done through the 'zero population growth' and through the laws of abortion, when they do not realize that the manipulators are interfering with karmic cycles, then, blessed hearts, the Earth enters new lows of degradation, deprivation, and that logical working out of the sequences of karma is denied unto the millions.

Do you see, beloved ones, that there are many souls of light in India worthy of leading the government? But how many will come out of their samadhi, out of their levels of sometimes spiritual aloofness and pride to recognize that a practical Hinduism, a practical Buddhism, a practical Christianity is the here and now, is the seizing of the rein of government and the placing of that government squarely upon the Real Self of twin flames united in love.

Beloved ones, it is very difficult for any individual alone to withstand the darkness of this world. And therefore, whether you are together side by side with your twin flame or others who are giving the loving support and comfort of friendship and of community, each one who stands for the light in this age does require the backing of friends of light. And so where two or three are gathered in the name of the Lord, they reinforce one another and compensate and focus the energy of wholeness. <4>

And therefore I say, love one another in the Spirit of twin flames, in the Spirit of Alpha and Omega, support one another, and recognize that the serpent <5> and the Fallen One who has entered into the misuse of the lower chakras of the Mother by the manipulation of the life force and the manipulation of government and the economy must be dealt with by the rod of power. Aaron's rod must be called forth. <6> And therefore it is my joy to deliver to you, by the hand of your own Christ Self from the Lords of Karma, that forcefield of energy which shall be unto you the rod of iron. <7>

Beloved ones, let me explain that this transfer to you, to each and every one, can only be according to that which you yourself have first raised up. And therefore, for some the rod of iron is almost as an outline—a dotted line designed then upon the ethers; it remains for you to fill in the matrix. For others who have garnered light by the century, that rod of iron bequeathed to you will become a scepter of authority in days to come.

But the law has decreed, and it has ever been so, that each one's rod of Aaron must be according to his individual attainment. And therefore, there is transferred to you now by your own Christ Self into your right hand that rod of energy. And you may lift your hand and take it now, take it from your Christ Self, and draw it to your heart. And understand that even if it is the rod in embryo, it is a forcefield and matrix which you would not have otherwise received had you not been present, had you not been prepared, and had there not been a messenger to translate this Word to you.

These dispensations of hierarchy and these initiations must come through one in embodiment, and one day you will understand the fullness of this law of the transfer of energy. Beloved hearts, by a like token you would not have access to the twin flames of Alpha and Omega without the
twelve Elohim, without the solar hierarchies, archangels, and ascended masters. It is precisely because the hosts of the Lord are, because the Great White Brotherhood is in manifestation in Spirit, that there is the stepping-down of energy.

Beloved ones, understand, then, that you have a relationship to the Great Central Sun proportionate to that sun which is now manifest in your heart chalice. And if perchance you have neglected the expansion of that sun energy in your heart, then, you see, there is not sufficient magnet within your temple to create a tie to the Great Central Sun; in fact, not sufficient magnet to even create a tie to your own Christ Self. And therefore the need for a mediator, therefore a need for another in embodiment who has the development of the sun within the heart that that sun may be unto you like the transfer of energy, like the machines in the hospitals which keep people alive because they no longer have the ability on their own.

And so the messenger, focusing the light of the sun in embodiment, becomes the open door whereby you can see enormous increments of light transferred to you for the development of your own sun consciousness. And by and by, then, you see the need for the messenger is no longer as urgent, for you yourself have the sun in Matter, in manifestation, whereby the arc of light may take place between you and all of the hierarchies of heaven.

Well, beloved ones, understand, then, that this is why we need the instrument; for our energies must be arced into the negative polarity, into the Matter universe, and the intensity of energies required to hold the balance for the Earth are so great that if we were to arc these energies to
those of you who have not sufficient development of the heart chakra, it would annihilate your very form. And so, you see, even when heaven desires to save a planet and a people, it is many times simply not possible; for we cannot destroy souls in embryo to save a world and we must, therefore, not arc those currents which cannot be contained by those in embodiment.

And therefore, you understand the law which long ago decreed that Earth and her evolutions should be dissolved because there was not the devotion to the threefold flame of life. And you know the story of my beloved twin flame, Sanat Kumara, who went before the Cosmic Council and said, "I will go and keep the flame of life for Earth." It was precisely because the sun of his sacred heart was so intense that cosmic beings could arc through that chalice sufficient energy for the sustainment of life and the holding of balance right in the very midst of the conditions where the Earth's evolutions were misqualifying energy.

And so, beloved ones, to become a World Saviour is an option that is open to all. To be a bodhisattva, to keep the flame, indeed is open. But some of you must retrace many steps. Some of you have much catching up to do, for over the past several thousand years you have neglected your calling to become the Son of God. And this is the true meaning of the Son of God, that the heart become the immaculate white-fire core. [To be concluded]

The above dictation by Lady Master Venus was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth C. Prophet at the Twin Flames in Love seminar in New York City on April 23, 1978 (11:06-11:56 a.m. EST).

1. The God of Gold with the God Tabor, "The Flow of Energy in the City Foursquare: Children
of God, Demand and Supply the Abundance of the Mother!" A retreat on Soul Liberation, Pasadena, California, October 10, 1977.
2. Jer. 23:6.
3. Rev. 17:1; 19:2: 1 John 2:18; 4:3.
4. Matt. 18:20.
5. Gen. 3; Rev. 12:9.
6. Exod. 7:9-25.
7. Pss. 2:9; Rev. 12:5; 19:15.

"What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health,
out of debt, and has a clear conscience?"—Adam Smith

"In a market free from monopolies and self-serving public policies,
competition among the self-interests of isolated consumers and producers produces
a stable and expanding economy. The self-interested pursuit of wealth may not be
individually satisfying but leads to an aggregate increase in wealth that is
in the best interests of a nation . . . Great nations are never impoverished by private,
though they sometimes are by public prodigality and misconduct."
—Adam Smith, 'An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations'

"A rising tide lifts all boats!"—John F. Kennedy
addressing the Economic Club of New York, 14 December 1962

"The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class
is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes."—Aristotle

"Real politics are the possession and distribution of power."—Benjamin Disraeli
"I am for doing good to the poor, but . . . I think the best way
of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty,
but leading or driving them out it."—Benjamin Franklin

"In short, the way to wealth, if you desire it, is as plain as the way to market.
It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality; that is,
waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both.
Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them everything."
—Benjamin Franklin, 'The Way to Wealth,' in Poor Richard's Almanac in 1758

"A penny saved is a penny earned."—Benjamin Franklin
"A long life may not be good enough,
but a good life is long enough."—Benjamin Franklin

'For every long there's a short.'—Anonymous
Gary North on housing bubble in 2008:

If you are a seller, lower the price.

If you are a buyer, rent.

If you are a banker, re-negotiate the mortgage.

If you are an investor, get liquid.

If you are a politician, do nothing.

If you are Ben Bernanke, resign.

If you are Alan Greenspan, re-read Ludwig von Mises' 'Human Action.'
Then re-write your book. Title it, 'I Should Have Stayed in the Private Sector.'"

"Therefore understand that in a nation where people take pain pills and medications to cover every form of pain possible, there is, then, the denial that the experience of pain has a noteworthy side effect—and that is that it causes one to enter into the understanding that many in the earth are burdened and are in pain.

"By the power of contacting that pain, you go to the very root of divisions in your own members, in your own four lower bodies, that you might experience transmutation, as the very fire of God's love itself does sustain you. And you are sustained as you take your stand not to cower before the fallen angels, the powers-that-be, the people that are pulling the strings in government, on Wall Street and in the economy.

". . . Therefore I, Chamuel, come to you in the person of the Angel of Judgment, even as I brought the judgment of the tower of Nimrod and the judgment of the people in their idolatrous delusion that they could be as gods. I come, therefore, into this city for the binding of the forces that move against its victory.

"For this city [New York] is an ancient site of Atlantis. This city does focus the fullness of the All- Seeing Eye of God. And above this city [on the etheric plane] is the Temple of Liberty. It is the temple of the action [of the release of the rays] of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun. And there, through the threefold flame [enshrined on the altar] and the [sponsorship of the] Divine Mother [in the person of the Goddess of Liberty], there is manifest the same ancient temple that was present here in the time of Atlantis, [excepting that it is not physical].

"All peoples who require resolution with the heart of the Divine Mother and with the threefold flame and with the hierarchies of the Sun have followed the rays back to this city and back to this temple that [their souls] might go there nightly (during sleep) for instruction. This city, therefore, is key and it always has been key even on that ancient continent.

"Understand that you are here for a reason and that the same forces of Light and Darkness that were juxtaposed on Atlantis are juxtaposed here today. The strangling effect on the economy of the city through organized crime, the welfare systems that threaten to bankrupt the city and so much manipulation in the money markets—these things are a stranglehold upon the people and they are strangling [the arteries of commerce], preventing the flow of the lifeblood of God into this place.

"Beloved ones, the tampering with the economy by the fallen ones has continued almost since the founding of this nation, as it has in other nations throughout history. The playing with money and the [buying and selling of currencies] and the effects of usury have brought a yoke upon a people and a nation[—and the nations—]that defies resolution.

"Well, I tell you, beloved ones, the Seven Archangels do have a plan for the resolution not only of the monetary debt of this people of America but also of the karmic debt. We will not lay out that plan to you this day, for it involves both spiritual and physical action. But we will tell you that if you will keep the vigil with the Archangels, you will see how we will inject into this economy those solutions that can be made plain and those actions that can resolve the crisis.

"I urge you, therefore, to stay close to the Archangels as the Messenger does go forth to proclaim us as living, vibrant beings in God who are the helpers of all people upon earth without discrimination. We do not discriminate, beloved ones. We serve those who are most open to being served because they have opened their hearts to God and are of a devotional nature. Yet we assist all, for the hour of opportunity is at hand, and this opportunity must be seized by every one of you.

"Why not commit a minimum of fifteen minutes a day without fail to giving one of your favorite invocations from the angel booklet just to maintain your tie to us so that waking or sleeping we may pass the light through your chakras and bring resolution day by day?

"The problems in the economy and the national debt, beloved ones, are problems that defy human solution and they almost defy angelic solution. There are only two ways out: collapse or victory. You might as well go for the victory with all of your might! For if you do not, then the collapse will come.

"Know, then, that inasmuch as there has been a manipulation of your funds through the [monetary] systems of this government, so all of these things can be exposed and Divine Justice can come about. Your key role, which we depend on, is to make the call and demand the answer. We, then, give that answer in so many different ways.

"The forces of Darkness are on the run. This you must be aware of. But they are like coyotes. As soon as they think they are not being watched, as soon as you drop the vigil, they move in again.

"Know, then, that the children of the Sun and the sons and daughters of God who have been moving to this calling throughout all ages are [here in embodiment] in the hour when the greatest good can be accomplished. You have heard of the Fátima prophecies and of many of the messages of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as she has appeared at so many points of Light around the earth. You have heard the warning, then, of those coming calamities, earth changes and wars and rumors of war.

"I tell you, there is yet time to mitigate these. Therefore move for the mitigation and make yourself as an angel of God, a pillar of fire in your town. Go be that pillar of fire!

"I, Chamuel, with Charity and all hosts of God, summon you! It does not take twenty-four hours a day. It takes a commitment, even of a small amount of time, to keep yourself as the open door for us to step through the veil.

" . . . I will use your body to speak to the dark spirits [as you command] them to be bound. Yes, I will speak through you the words of wisdom. You must simply meditate and give me the opening that we might yet deliver to the world the solutions for this era.

"Shades of night are fast falling upon this civilization. The only hope is the star of the individual son or daughter of God. For when darkness covers the land, the only light is the spiritual light that you have garnered in your chakras, in your mind and being. Therefore be that light, that city that cannot be hid, each and every one of you. You have ties to all people on this earth, O beloved.

"Therefore, I, Chamuel, raise this sword once again: Be gone, forces of anti-Love!

"[Congregation gives the fiat with Archangel Chamuel:] Be gone, forces of anti-Love! (5x)

"Now I perform a sacred ritual that is performed by the Archangels and that is taught to you. Understand that when you take this sword in hand physically and when you direct it as I have directed it before you, there is a light ray that goes forth from the sword that does not end. It crosses the entire Spirit-Matter Cosmos and it does bind the force of anti-Love on that line.

"Therefore, if you will take your sword and turn slowly [in place] in a circle and do this daily, as the Messenger has demonstrated for many years, you will know that by and by you will have in fact contacted every line of controversy, every force of anti-Love that has ever moved against you.

"Behold the Chart of Your Divine Presence! Behold the rays of light! Behold, then, how by the power of the aura of an Archangel superimposed upon you, you may cut across those lines in all dimensions of being, in all directions. And if you use this [technique] for many years to come, you will contact every point of karma that you have ever made in any direction on any system of worlds and you will be directing the fire of God for its consuming.

"By using this action, beloved ones, you are indeed manifesting the presence of the Great Central Sun where you are. And by the repetition, you are literally carving a pathway of the sun rays of light to go forth from your heart. When you see the [auras of the] saints and you see the Sacred Heart of Jesus or the Immaculate Heart of Mary or the hearts of the Archangels or the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain, you can see that your heart flame will also increase by exercise, by allowing [the light] to flow [through your heart].

" . . . The hour is late, very late. As Saint Germain has said, in terms of cosmic time you have seconds to save the earth and turn things around. But those seconds for you may very well be years and the remainder of this lifetime.

"So know, beloved, that tremendous changes can take place if people will stop dabbling in those things that only relate to the human self and the human body and the human mind."

Archangel Chamuel
October 4, 1992

"The rise in hostilities in the Middle East was a key factor in the decision by the Lords of Karma to begin the Dark Cycle on April 23, 1969. There has been no real period of peace in the Middle East since Israel declared its independence at midnight on May 14, 1948. Many of the world's current economic, political and military problems are rooted in ancient strife revisited by the evolutions embodied in the Middle East. It goes back to the time of Sumer and beyond to their planets of origin.

"This strife has been ongoing in that piece of territory for 10,000 years and more. Some of the lifewaves who are a part of that strife have reincarnated again and again to deal with the karma of past struggles. Theirs are ancient animosities that antedate their current modes of consciousness.

"The Dark Cycle of the accelerated return of mankind's karma was scheduled to begin January 18, 1969, but by a dispensation from Lord Gautama Buddha it was postponed. On January 19, 1969, Gautama Buddha warned that 'the warlike manifestations currently being exercised in the Holy Land represent to us the most dangerous single factor that is calculated to plunge mankind headlong into a holocaust of planetary destructivity.'

"This is because if these battles had escalated, the United States would have taken the side of Israel and the Soviet Union would have taken the side of the Arab states, beginning a global war based on the karmic records of their animosities.

"On April 22, 1969, U Thant, secretary-general of the United Nations, said that Israel and Egypt were in 'a virtual state of active war' and that the UN cease-fire had become 'totally ineffective in the Suez Canal sector.'

"The following day, April 23, Egypt formally repudiated the cease-fire and the Dark Cycle began. Its purpose: to let the karma descend and therefore diminish the destructive capacity of both sides, thus controlling the damage. And the Dark Cycle is exactly that, damage control.

"But the period of a Dark Cycle does not eliminate free will. And people have to work to do better in order to do better.

"There are laggard evolutions on the planet today who despite their heavy karma have figured out how to outwit the odds, dodge their karma and use the Dark Cycle to their ends: they wage war, manage both sides of the conflict, and use the chaos to rearrange the territory so that their net gain is more power, money and control over the people and the planetary resources. And the Lightbearers have less, and less, and less each time the formula is reapplied.

"Even after the Dark Cycle began, the United States and the Soviet Union were nearly drawn into a war in the Middle East. On October 24, 1973, the threat of direct Soviet intervention in the Yom Kippur war between Israel and a coalition of Arab states almost provoked a nuclear exchange.

"We might ask ourselves, then, why Jesus Christ, the avatar of the age of Pisces, has been bearing our karma for these long centuries. Jesus was indeed chosen by God to be the example of the Christ for the Piscean age and, in counsel with the hierarchies of Light, he volunteered to descend to earth to bear the cross of world karma for a 2,000-year period."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
May 21, 1989

"The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender."
—Proverbs 22:7

"A people . . . who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see
and who will pursue their advantages may achieve almost anything."
—George Washington, letter to Benjamin Harrison, 10 October 1784

"No government can exist without taxation."
—Frederick the Great, an 18th-century Prussian king

"Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect
makes a few men rich."—Henry Ford

"He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing."—Benjamin Franklin, 1758

"It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore,
in kings and ministers, to pretend to watch over the economy
of private people . . . "—Adam Smith

"But the glory has been the glory of pasteboard, and the wealth
has been the wealth of tinsel."—Anthony Trollope

"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society
than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces
of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner
which not one man in a million can diagnose."—John Maynard Keynes

"All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically
or intellectually without effort, and effort means work."—Calvin Coolidge

"If you go into what I call a bubble boom, every bubble bursts."
—Margaret Thatcher

"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now."—Napoleon Hill

"There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence
so important, as living within your means."—Calvin Coolidge

"Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong."
—Calvin Coolidge

"It is better to fight the bubble's aftermath with easy money
than to prick it in its prime."—Mr. Greenspan
Warren Buffett says that the stages of the investment cycle
are managed by three successive groups: first, the innovators;
second, the imitators; third, the idiots.
We are well into stage three.
218. We have known such builders in old armchairs; we have seen
such prophets with checkbooks and noisy leaders at public dinners.
No old walls, nor even bank sanctuaries will strengthen the consciousness
of the community. If the community member dreams of resembling
the capitalist even in an external way, it means the foundation
of his community is rotten.—El Morya, Community 1926

"Thus, take note when you see leaders who arrive at the top dictating the terms of nations, the terms of finance, the terms of health, the terms of war and peace. Take note how often they are not in any way qualified to deliver the peace or the well-being of nations. And when you look at that and you think of the descending karma of this day, which surely is pounding the earth like hailstones, as prophesied, beloved, so know that there is great concern in the retreats of the Brotherhood regarding the future of this civilization. For those who have the Light and are of the Light are most often not in positions of power.

"Therefore, what do you do?

"You do what you have always done: you run to the altar of God, you give your invocations, you call to the Seven Archangels and the Holy Kumaras each hour and ask for dispensations for the binding of the forces of Evil in the earth that the children of Light might go free.

"When you are frustrated, when you wonder what to do, you must always come back to the altar. For the altar of God, beloved, is the place where the all-power of God is focused. As you know, the large crystal on the altar is the chalice for the flame of the ark of the covenant. And in that crystal chalice and above on the etheric plane, there is the presence of the Maxin Light that once burned on Atlantis but was extinguished during her decline.

"So, beloved, there is no place you can go that is more powerful than your altar. We have created the portable altar for you so you can fold it up, put it in your backpack, be on your way and then set it up at your destination. Wherever you are, you can establish your own forcefield, even if you have but a small crystal as the chalice for the flame. Wherever you go, you can raise up an altar to God, Yahweh, as did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the children of Israel in their wilderness wanderings. Yes, beloved hearts, this is the way.

"There is an inner altar of the heart and there is an outer altar where you offer your devotions, which you can set up anytime, anywhere. Teach this to your children. Teach your children, beloved, that the altar is the place where God and man meet through the flame of the ark of the covenant. I ask you to go to the altar frequently and to tend the flame on the altar of your heart, for this practice will result in mighty changes in the earth.

"Think you that you have not had a hand in world transmutation and in the major changes for the better that have recently taken place? Indeed you have! Wondrous things have come to pass in the earth even while the dark doings of men continue.

"I announce to you on behalf of the entire Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood that the Keepers of the Flame of planet earth have made a major difference thus far. And I, El Morya, am counting on you to multiply and multiply again the giving of your violet flame decrees daily and not merely at our services on Saturday night.

"The violet flame is the “elixir” for the transmutation of world karma. When you are instruments for the transmutation of world karma, you are surely transmuting your own karma while you earn your stripes and secure your opportunity to attain union with God in this life. I say it now and I say it again: the intensity of your violet flame decrees is lifting untold burdens from within your psyche and the psyche of the planet.

"Keep it up, beloved! You are winning. And I give you the vision of your winning. I am telling you that since our call to you last October, you have established focuses of the violet flame in many nations around the world. And as the violet flame begins to turn in an upward spiraling action, there is the sound of the Seventh Ray, there is the inner music of the spheres and there is, as it were, a leaven in the earth. And the leaven in the earth is the violet flame you bear in your heart.

"See to it, then, that you invoke your violet fire and your tube of light, using the decree Saint Germain gave you. I ask you to invoke the violet flame twenty minutes a day without fail, beloved, for you will see new levels of transmutation, new doors of opportunity opening. For Saint Germain and Portia will be able to deliver to you all that you have given in your violet flame decrees, multiplied many tens of thousands of times over.

"This is the word of God in this moment. You are at the midpoint of the decade. The hour of the telling approaches when many of the prophecies of Revelation shall come to pass. The coming five years will intensify both Light and Darkness through the presence of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. Therefore, give their mantras. Enter in to the fiery coil of their beings! Seek their assistance as you pursue your ascension with a holy zeal. Seek your Buddhahood zealously, for you can have it.

"And it is Padma Sambhava who has assisted Saint Germain in delivering the violet flame to the age. And we have already discussed how the clergy have not allowed the people to invoke the violet flame (which is the flame of the Holy Spirit) in the churches.

"I say, open the doors of your heart and the pores of your body and let the violet flame enter in! And do not so quickly accept the verdicts that are given to you by the physicians of the world. For the Good Physician, your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is with you, and your Christ Self overshadows you. And some of you, though not that many of you—but enough of you to make it worthy of note—have actually achieved the bonding to your Holy Christ Self in this year, after working toward that goal for many years.

"This is the blessed estate to which you aspire. For you know that it is written 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die.' Therefore, the only way for your soul to attain eternal life is for her to merge with, to fuse with, her Holy Christ Self, who is truly her own Higher Self.

"Thus, as you ascend day by day and your soul is fused with her Christ Self, she is also fused with her Lord Jesus Christ and other avatars. No matter what religion you are affiliated with, you know that that Christ Presence by any other name is the fullness of the Son of God within you.

"So, beloved, count yourself in jeopardy—yes, in jeopardy—if you have not made it your business to see to it that your soul is bonded to your Holy Christ Self. And when it is, beloved, you make decisions based on what that Inner Christ is telling you as you listen to his inner Word. As you have heard the voice of conscience, your mentor from birth, so you know that that voice
is indeed the voice of your Holy Christ Self, who is indeed a part of your being. You are in a body
of clay because once upon a time you descended below the vibratory level of your Christ consciousness, and now you must climb up the ladder out of the very pits of your own unconscious mind and seek daily to sustain the level of your Christhood.

"It is wise to take the Teachings and to use them as a measuring rod to monitor yourself as to when you are out of alignment with the vibration of your Christ Self. Each time you depart from acceptable levels, you must turn and face your Christ Self and offer violet flame decrees. You must also call to Archangel Michael for reinforcements of angels to keep you in the paths of righteousness. Yes, beloved, this is the goal I have for my chelas."

El Morya
January 1, 1995

" . . .And yet this government and this economy has been seized by tyrants who think nothing of setting aside the law that they may pursue their own selfish aims. And thus there has arisen a grave inequality among people and shortages of goods and products that ought to be in abundance unto all. And the people therefore enjoy not the fullness of the riches of the abundant life on earth because of the hoarding of that very supply, the hoarding of the wheat and the oil—the hoarding then of life itself and the denying of that very life to those who would press through into the physical octave to stand with you as the deliverers of an age.

"The inequities upon earth are legion. Therefore, enter Lady Portia; therefore we come with opportunity; therefore we come with freedom. But,above all, we come all—one and all—in the mind of Buddha and the mind of Christ for the penetration by illumination’s flame of those situations that ought to be brought to the attention of the American people, especially those spy activities being conducted even in this area whereby my own secrets of Life—experiments out of the Cave of Symbols, experiments for the protection of a free society—are freely given into the hands of the enemies of Light.

"Blessed ones, it is most difficult to protect a people and a nation when the people allow their leaders yet to be the fallen ones. But the cycles are turning. They have indeed turned. And even with the very spirit of freedom and the results of these past years’ elections we see a tendency toward the affirmation of right and light even when those who espouse those principles are yet part of the legions of the dark ones. It matters not. For virtue shall triumph, even when men and women are long passed away who have been the chalice for them.

"Let us make way for the new day and for the new sons of light coming forward to take their place! Let us above all enshrine true education of the heart and give to our children and youth a mighty foundation of education whereby they will go forth in the full confidence of their own God-flame, and their outer as well as inner achievement, that they are truly able and capable of taking upon their shoulders the responsibility for an entire nation and its government.

"Blessed hearts, there are many among the youth of America today who shirk from that responsibility merely because they do not believe in themselves or in their ability to take hold of the reins of government, even at the local level. And therefore, you see, those who are elected to office are often those who are not psychologically whole but rather fragmented personalities who seek for power and require the affirmation of their identity on the part of the people—who themselves, alas, do not take earnestly enough the necessity for freedom to be maintained and for the vigil to be kept!

"Thus let us educate the children into the magnificent concept that the government shall be upon the shoulder of the individual Christ, truly The Lord Our Righteousness!

"Let it be understood then that those who are striving to enter in and those who are willing to become pillars in the temple of my God may do so by proper alignment with Shamballa, with Gautama Buddha, whose mind truly is ready to convey to any son and daughter of Liberty who will have it that opportunity to 'occupy till I come—to occupy those positions in the states and in the cities that must be maintained.

"Blessed ones, at the levels of the state legislatures, on the city council and in the boards of education major decisions are being made every single day, year in and year out, that sometimes take from the people those liberties which they do not cherish and which their representatives do not understand. For many who represent the people do not understand the principle of freedom. They do not understand the foundations of this nation. They do not understand my heart, blessed ones!

"I pray you, go forth with the Word and tell them of the heart of Saint Germain! Tell them of my life! Tell them of my soul! Tell them of my heart that beats with their own for freedom, that is determined to get on with the victory of America so that we can transport this democracy experiment to every nation upon earth—before it is too late, before these fallen ones get the full idea that they are no longer wanted in this territory and determine to destroy it rather than to allow anyone else to have it. This is the spirit of the international terrorists! This is the spirit of the insane. They cannot have it and their last stand is to deprive the children of God from it.

"Will we allow then this cup to be snatched from our very lip? Will we allow it to tremble to the point of being scattered? Will we allow a world to be taken over before that family of nations can occur and the universal brotherhood appear? I say nay!

"Beloved ones of light, realize then that we do not have the patience (any more than you have the patience) to stand by and watch world communism devour Earth—city by city and heart by heart. We do not have the patience to allow the continuation of the behind-the-scenes manipulation of energy by the international corporations, by these monopolies. Blessed hearts, it is treachery and intrigue at the international level—the very manipulation of currency and the manipulation of the international banking houses.

"All of this is reflected in the life of the individual. And many individuals in foreign nations, who know not that they ought to care, demand only that they be left alone to pursue their private lives. They have not been encouraged by the full fervor of my heart, for it demands that the teaching itself be spread abroad in these nations. Therefore my heart goes out to India! My heart goes out to Taiwan! My heart goes out to every free nation that itself is rocking as the waves of world tyranny would encroach upon them."

Saint Germain
July 4, 1981

"Blessed ones, to have the victory of the economy requires tremendous diligence. Even we do not know the outcome, for we have been without the stability of a gold standard for many, many years. Therefore you desire to reverse this, and this is the ultimate challenge. But you must look at other aspects of the economy as well, for the absence of the gold standard is not the only problem with the economy.

"Therefore, blessed ones, it is important that you study what is at hand, what truly causes this nation to be compromised as well as what causes it to move forward. Many of you understand this and it is indeed very important for you to understand what is happening beneath the surface, what is happening in those places where the economy is compromised."

Goddess of Liberty
February 14, 1998

"Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?
Is thine eye evil, because I am good?—Matthew 20:15

"In the long run, we are all dead."—John Maynard Keynes
"It was always my practice to train salespeople under my direct supervision,
and to treat children with the utmost consideration."—J.C. Penney

"Nothing but money is sweeter than honey."—Benjamin Franklin

"Time is money."—Benjamin Franklin

"When things can't go on, they have a tendency to stop."
—Herbert Stein, Nixon's Chairman of the Council
of Economic Advisors

"Government machinery has been described as a marvelous
labor saving device which enables ten men to do the work of one."
—John Maynard Keynes

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?"—Mark 8:36

As Fitzgerald put it:
"The cleverly expressed opposite of any generally accepted idea
is worth a fortune to somebody."

" . . . money is the most marketable commodity."
—Ludwig von Mises in 'The Theory of Money and Credit,' 1912

"To the Right wing, a Jew; to the Leftists, a capitalist."
—the Baron Guy Edouard Alphonse Paul de Rothschild, 1909-2007

'Man is a thinking, expectant being,'
says recent Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps

"We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity
is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
—Sir Winston Churchill

"The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required,
which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare,
is only a species of legalized larceny. The wise and correct course to follow
in taxation is not to destroy those who have already secured success,
but to create conditions under which everyone will have a better chance
to be successful."—Calvin Coolidge

"There go my men. I must follow them. For I am their leader."
—Attributed to an Italian general

Bastiat was supremely effective at popularizing free market economics. When he learned of Richard Cobden's campaign against the British Corn Laws (restrictions on the import of wheat, barley, rye, and oats), Bastiat vowed to become the "French Cobden." He subsequently published a series of articles attacking protectionism that brought him instant acclaim. In 1846 he established the Association of Free Trade in Paris and his own weekly newspaper. He waged a witty assault against socialists and protectionists.

Bastiat's "A Petition," usually referred to now as "The Petition of the Candlemakers," displays his rhetorical skill and rakish tone, as this excerpt illustrates:

We are suffering from the ruinous competition of a foreign rival who apparently works under conditions so far superior to our own for the production of light, that he is flooding the domestic market with it at an incredibly low price . . . This rival . . . is none other than the sun . . .

... We ask you to be so good as to pass a law requiring the closing of all windows, dormers, skylights, inside and outside shutters, curtains, casements, bull's-eyes, deadlights and blinds; in short, all openings, holes, chinks, and fissures.

The debate between deflationists and inflationists surfaced in 1973. The best-known deflationists were John Exter and C. Vern Myers. Myers is dead. I don't know about Exter.

Exter's argument was coherent. Myers's wasn't. Exter argued that gold would go up in price even though fractional reserve banking would collapse because of a lack of secure collateral. Gold is the ultimate collateral. The inverted pyramid of debt at some point will no longer be sustainable. There will be a flight to liquidity. The fractional reserve banking system will implode. Consumer prices will fall. But not gold's price.

Is this scenario plausible? Not then, not now.

Is it possible? Yes. The problem will most likely come from the leveraged futures markets —specifically, the derivatives market. If there is a major default in this $300 trillion market, inter- bank payments could cease. Bank A would not settle its daily payments with bank B until bank C pays bank A. Greenspan has called this scenario cascading cross defaults.

If it ever comes, the international division of labor would collapse. If credit ever creases, then the modern world ceases. It would be like a nuclear World War III. No one could settle digital money accounts, including gasoline stations. How would you buy gasoline? How would the local station pay the regional distributor?

The modern world is like millions of long, interrelated rows of dominoes. Nobody can see where the rows are. If they topple, everyone will suffer.

At that point, only well-armed Amish farmers would survive. Problem: they are unarmed.

This is not a case for deflation. This is a case for the collapse of civilization.

Short of a bank gridlock, what is the case for deflation? If you cannot easily jot down the case for
deflation, don't subscribe to anyone's letter until you can. If you don't understand the theory, don't invest in terms of it.

There is one thing that governments can do: order their central banks to buy more government debt. When the central bank buys debt—or any asset—it creates new money. The government then spends this money. That money will be spent: by the politicians, by the defense contractors, by the welfare recipients, by everyone who receives a government check.

Here is why there is no logical case for 2% or 5% or 20% price deflation. It relies on a totally implausible theory: governments will not spend money. Governments will ALWAYS spend money —more than they receive through taxation.

The case for PRICE deflation is the case for MONETARY deflation. The case rests on the theory that people will not borrow money at some rate of interest above zero. But they will. The modern world is addicted to debt.

There can be some markets that experience deflation. Housing is one of them. But general deflation? No. General deflation that central banks cannot thwart by buying up the actual assets that are falling in price? No.

If a frightened owner of an asset that is falling in price is offered a check from the central bank to buy his asset, he will sell. The central bank is allowed to buy anything as a reserve asset. It can create new money at any time, using the purchased asset as a legal reserve.

The deflationary scenario assumes that central banks cannot overcome falling prices by creating money. Until you understand why a central bank cannot buy falling assets, don't take seriously anyone who predicts deflation.

Dr. Ben Bernanke, the newly named future Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, has made a prediction in 2002. Pay close attention.

'Of course, in lieu of tax cuts or increases in transfers the government could increase spending on current goods and services or even acquire existing real or financial assets. If the Treasury issued debt to purchase private assets and the Fed then purchased an equal amount of Treasury debt with newly created money, the whole operation would be the economic equivalent of direct open-market operations in private assets.'

In short, the U.S. Treasury could buy up every asset on earth by selling the FED its debt. This is socialism on the cheap. The government would own the capital of the world.

Why won't this happen? Because the world would at some point stop selling assets to the Treasury for fiat money because of mass inflation—the collapse of value of the dollar. This is the opposite argument: the inflation argument, not the deflation argument.

"In the Mosaic law, there was a peculiar office: the ga'al. The word means 'redeemer.' This office had two aspects: vengeance and redemption. The ga'al was both the blood-avenger and the kinsman-redeemer.

"He was the nearest of kin. When his closest relative was killed because of an alleged accident, the blood-avenger was legally allowed to pursue the suspect and kill him. The only way for the suspect to escape vengeance was to flee to a city of refuge.

"There, he would be tried by a court. If he was convicted of what we call manslaughter or criminal negligence, the ga'al could not legally kill him, unless he caught the man outside the gates of the city. He went completely free upon the death of the high priest (Deut. 19).

"The ga'al also had the responsibility of buying his nearest of kin out of slavery, if the kinsman went into slavery because of forfeiting on a debt (Lev. 25:48-49)."—Gary North, Reality Check

Allan H. Meltzer, History of the Federal Reserve , The University of Chicago Press, 2004
"To tax the community for the advantage of a class is not protection: it is plunder."—Benjamin Disraeli
"A government which lays taxes on the people not required by urgent public necessity and sound public policy is not a protector of liberty, but an instrument of tyranny."—Calvin Coolidge
"The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field the object is attained—and it now remains to be my earnest wish & prayer, that the Citizens
of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them." —George Washington (letter to the Reformed German Congregation of New York City, 27 November 1783)

"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."—John Maynard Keynes in his 'Essay in Persuasion'
"[G]overnment, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one."—Thomas Paine
"Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."—John Maynard Keynes
"Everybody thinks of economics whether he is aware of it or not. In joining a political party and in casting his ballot, the citizen implicitly takes a stand upon essential economic theories." —Ludwig von Mises
"As to Taxes, they are evidently inseparable from Government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger, or to secure individuals from lawless violence and rapine."—Alexander Hamilton (Address to the Electors of the State of New York, March 1801) Reference: Selected Writings and Speeches of Alexander Hamilton, Frisch, ed., 473.
"If ever again our nation stumbles upon unfunded paper, it shall surely be like death to our body politic. This country will crash."—George Washington, first President of United States of America (paraphrased from a letter to Jabez Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787)
"Repeal that [welfare] law, and you will soon see a change in their manners . . . Six days shalt thou labor, though one of the old commandments long treated as out of date, will again be
looked upon as a respectable precept; industry will increase, and with it plenty among the lower people; their circumstances will mend, and more will be done for their happiness by inuring them to provide for themselves, than could be done by dividing all your estates among them." —Benjamin Franklin

"As riches increase and accumulate in few hands, as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican standard . . . It is a common misfortunate that awaits our State constitution, as well as all others."—Alexander Hamilton

"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."—Thomas Jefferson
"The prosperity of commerce is now perceived and acknowledged by all enlightened statesmen to be the most useful as well as the most productive source of national wealth, and has accordingly become a primary object of its political cares."—Alexander Hamilton
"Industry is increased, commodities are multiplied, agriculture and manufacturers flourish: and herein consists the true wealth and prosperity of a state."—Alexander Hamilton (Report on a National Bank, 13 December 1790) Reference: The Works of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Cabot Lodge, ed. (362)
"It is a singular advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess. They prescribe their own limit, which cannot be exceeded without defeating the end purposed—that is, an extension of the revenue."—Alexander Hamilton
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free."—John Adams
"Finally, there seem to be but three Ways for a Nation to acquire Wealth. The first is by War as the Romans did in plundering their conquered Neighbours. This is Robbery. The second by Commerce which is generally Cheating. The third by Agriculture the only honest Way; wherein Man receives a real Increase of the Seed thrown into the Ground, in a kind of continual Miracle wrought by the Hand of God in his favour, as a Reward for his innocent Life, and virtuous Industry."—Benjamin Franklin
"Work as if you were to live 100 Years, Pray as if you were to die To-morrow."—Benjamin Franklin

"A Man may, if he know not how to save, keep his Nose to the Grindstone, and die not wirth a Groat at last."—Benjamin Franklin (Poor Richard's Almanack, 1742) Reference: Poor Richard: The Almanacks for the Years, 1733-1758, intro by Van Wyck Brooks (94)
"I own myself the friend to a very free system of commerce, and hold it as a truth, that commercial shackles are generally unjust, oppressive and impolitic—it is also a truth, that if industry and labour are left to take their own course, they will generally be directed to those objects which are the most productive, and this in a more certain and direct manner than the wisdom of the most enlightened legislature could point out."—James Madison (speech to the Congress, 9 April 1789)
"The spirit of enterprise, which characterizes the commercial part of America, has left no occasion of displaying itself unimproved. It is not at all probable that this unbridled spirit would pay much respect to those regulations of trade by which particular States might endeavor to secure exclusive benefits to their own citizens."—Alexander Hamilton

"It is a singular advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess. They prescribe their own limit, which cannot be exceeded without defeating the end purposed - that is, an extension of the revenue."—Alexander Hamilton
"Harmony, liberal intercourse with all Nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. But even our Commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand: neither seeking nor granting exclusive favours or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and diversifying by gentle means the streams of Commerce, but forcing nothing; establishing with Powers so disposed; in order to give trade a stable course."—George

"Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread."—Thomas Jefferson

"The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."—Thomas Jefferson
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads."—President Dwight D. Eisenhower

"The world has no room for cowards. We must all be ready somehow to toil, to suffer, to die. And yours is not the less noble because no drum beats before you when you go out into your daily battlefields, and no crowds shout about your coming when you return from your daily victory or defeat."—Robert Lewis Stevenson

"Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength. Industry and determination can do anything that genius and advantage can do and many things that they cannot."—Theodore Roosevelt

"The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys."—Thomas Jefferson

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it."—Thomas Paine

"It is very imprudent to deprive America of any of her privileges. If her commerce and friendship are of any importance to you, they are to be had on no other terms than leaving her in the full
enjoyment of her rights."—Benjamin Franklin

"It is a wise rule and should be fundamental in a government disposed to cherish its credit, and at the same time to restrain the use of it within the limits of its faculties, 'never to borrow a dollar without laying a tax in the same instant for paying the interest annually, and the principal within a given term; and to consider that tax as pledged to the creditors on the public faith.' "—Thomas Jefferson

"[A] rigid economy of the public contributions and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses will go far towards keeping the government honest and unoppressive."Thomas Jefferson (letter to Marquis de Lafayette, 4 November 1823) Reference: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Memorial Edition, Lipscomb and Bergh, eds., vol. 15 (491)

"To cherish and stimulate the activity of the human mind, by multiplying the objects of enterprise, is not among the least considerable of the expedients, by which the wealth of a nation may be promoted."—Alexander Hamilton

"Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act. And never suppose that in any possible situation, or under any circumstances, it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing, however slightly so it may appear to you . . . From the practice of the purest virtue, you may be assured you will derive the most sublime comforts in every moment of life, and in the moment of death."—Thomas Jefferson

"If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds. This forms a complete barrier against any material oppression of the citizens by taxes of this class, and is itself a natural limitation of the power of imposing them."—Alexander Hamilton

"If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute."—Thomas Paine (Rights of Man, 1791) Reference: Thomas Paine: Collected Writings, Foner ed., Library of America (549)
"[T]here exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity."—George Washington
"It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore, in kings and ministers, to pretend to watch over the economy of private people, and to restrain their expence, either by sumptuary laws, or by prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries. They are themselves always, and without any exception, the greatest spendthrifts in the society. Let them look well after their own expence, and they may safely trust private people with theirs. If their own extravagance does not ruin the state, that of their subjects never will."—Adam Smith
"The tendency of a national bank is to increase public and private credit. The former gives power to the state, for the protection of its rights and interests: and the latter facilitates and extends the operations of commerce among individuals. Industry is increased, commodities are multiplied, agriculture and manufacturers flourish: and herein consists the true wealth and prosperity of a state."—Alexander Hamilton (Report on Manufactures, 1790)

"The encouragement of mere consumption is no benefit to commerce because the difficulty lies
in supplying the means, not in stimulating the desire for consumption; and production alone furnishes those means. Thus, it is the aim of good government to stimulate production, of bad government to encourage consumption."—Jean-Baptiste Say, A Treatise on Political Economy, 1803

"Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone."—French economist, statesman and author Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)
"The business cycle was not an accident or anyone's fault: It was a fact of life and provision should be made for it . . . Anybody could make money in a boom - making it at the bottom of the trough was the real test of ability."—Andrew Carnegie
"If you establish a democracy, you must in due time reap the fruits of a democracy. You will in due season have great impatience of the public burdens, combined in due season with great increase of the public expenditure. You will in due season have wars entered into from passion and not from reason; and you will in due season submit to peace ignominiously sought and ignominiously obtained, which will diminish your authority and perhaps endanger your independence. You will in due season find your property is less valuable, and your freedom less complete."—Benjamin Disraeli
"It is necessary to realize that the price premium is the outgrowth of speculations anticipating changes in the money relation. What induces it, in the case of the expectation that an inflationary trend will keep on going, is already the first sign of that phenomenon which later, when it becomes general, is called "flight into real values" and finally produces the crack-up boom and the crash of the monetary system concerned."—Ludwig von Mises , 1949
"It is impossible to understand the history of economic thought if one does not pay attention to the fact that economics as such is a challenge to the conceit of those in power. An economist can never be a favorite of autocrats and demagogues. With them he is always the mischief-maker, and the more they are inwardly convinced that his objections are well-founded, the more they hate him."—Ludwig von Mises
"The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. The wise and correct course to follow in taxation is not to destroy those who have already secured success,
but to create conditions under which everyone will have a better chance to be successful." —Calvin Coolidge

"The economics that disregard moral and sentimental considerations are like wax-works that being lifelike still lack the life of the living flesh. At every crucial moment these new-fangled economic laws have broken down in practice. And nations or individuals who accept them as guiding maxims must perish."—M. Gandhi, 'Young India,' October 27,1921
"Bill Gates has the right idea for entrepreneurs, although it took his wife Melinda to teach him: get rich, retire, and give away the money. Or imitate Warren Buffett: get rich, keep working, and give the money to the Gates Foundation to give away the money. For most people, the strategy is to raise a family, find a cause, and leave money behind for both: the more money, the more to the cause. Buffett has it right: leave your kids enough money for them to do anything, but not do nothing."—Gary North
"A preference for a tangible gold currency is no longer more than a relic of a time when Governments were less trustworthy in these matters than they are now, and when it was the fashion to imitate uncritically the system which had been established in England and had seemed to work so well during the second quarter of the nineteenth century."—John Maynard Keynes, 'Indian Currency and Finance' 1913
"'Tote dat barge! Lift dat bale!'
Get a little drunk,
and you lands in jail!"
—Ol' Man River

Guns or butter, Lyndon Johnson was warned.

Integrity in a central banker is like chastity in a prostitute . . .
1. Theft is immoral. 2. Inflation is theft. 3. Fractional reserve banking is inflationary. 4. Central banking is government-guaranteed fractional reserve banking. 5. Immorality leads to judgment.
"We have rights, as individuals, to give as much of our own money as we please to charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of public money." —American hunter, frontiersman, soldier and politician Davy Crockett(1786-1836)
297."We do not like to torture ourselves," say the earthly authorities. They are ready to hide from themselves their bankruptcy and their defeat. Earthly rulers say, "All is calm in our kingdom." Their self-satisfied repose and inactivity guarantee them their thrones. Usually they admire the sunset but sleep through the sunrise.—El Morya, Agni Yoga 1929
118. The ship encounters the fury of the waves, but it reaches its destination. Pure service flourishes if its roots are deep and strong. My shield may not be upon their doors, but the approaching ones bear my banner in their hearts.—Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924

What Has Government Done
to Our Money?
by Murray N. Rothbard
The Mystery of Banking
by Murray N. Rothbard

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