The Great White Brotherhood
in the History of Europe

" . . . the tripartite manifestation of the bee, the body and the wings forming
a threefold flame of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and bringing to mankind
the sweet elixir of golden pink Light from Lord and Lady Venus. Thus did Napoleon
take the bee as his symbol from the knowledge of hierarchy imparted to him
by the Wonderman of Europe."Lanello, May 20, 1973
"I summon sons of Light who are of European descent or who are born there
in this life to affirm the Light of God in Europe and to redeem my own mission there!
For I AM determined that the Light shall rise again in those sacred shrines
and in those nations and save those souls of Light who are truly of my heart!"—Saint Germain
"The first law of the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth . . .
There shall be no suspicion of partiality in his writing, or of malice."—Cicero

" . . . you who have come from the nations of Europe, your destiny and your calling
must also be preserved. And in these callings that are parallel and complementary
know that the Spirit of America is born and in all of the contributory rivers of life
there is a destiny, there is a flame. It is held in the hand of the Goddess of Liberty
as a mighty torch of light."—Gautama Buddha, April 23, 1978

" . . . the Soviets' plan for a land invasion of Europe is a blitzkrieg such
as none has ever seen," which, if it were to take place, "should descend
as chemical death, as biological/bacteriological death along with those forces
of modern weapons and warfare . . . Should it take place the devastation
would be almost instantaneous."—Mother Mary, March 1, 1988, Fátima

"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed
no better than we deserve."—George Bernard Shaw

President Wilson arrived in Le Havre at the end of WWI. He came
neither as a tourist nor a businessman . . . that is, not as an honest traveler.
Instead, he came to sort out the Old World's problems and brought
17 Points to help do it. The cynical, worldly Europeans laughed at him.
Even God needed only 10 commandments, they said.
Wilson was so humiliated he had a stroke and never recovered.

" . . . language barriers, labor immobilities and productivity-robbing socialistic
tendencies hinder Euroland economies."Dr Gary Shilling, Forbes magazine
"One of the stated economic objectives, and perhaps the primary objective,
when setting up the euro was to turn it into a reserve currency to challenge the dollar
so that Europe too could get something for nothing."—Colín Nunan

" . . . Some of you have wondered in recent weeks whether or not decisions made in the life of the messenger over the years and incarnations were mistakes—that perhaps foreseeing the future as a prophet ought, or at least receiving our counsel, she might therefore have averted certain burdens of the Path or perhaps what you may see as errors of judgment.

"I point out my own experience. You might also say of me, Could you have not seen the end from the beginning? Why then did you try? Why did you place your trust, your flame, your mantle upon that one Napoleon? Why did you bother going to the courts of Europe to convince those individuals too superficial to understand your Word? Why did you go before the Karmic Board and secure a grant and dispensation only to incur for yourself, an ascended master, more and more karma? Could not you, the great Saint Germain, have seen what would be the outcome and avoid it for yourself—so much more misery?

"Beloved hearts, were it so and had I calculated my decisions based upon the very accurate computers of the mind of God in our retreats I would have stayed home for several centuries. But, blessed hearts, in so doing I should have been the supreme denier of the free will of the individual to change the course of his destiny, to defy his stars, to rise up, to seize opportunity! I should have denied the freedom of God to go before these fallen ones—and some of them were indeed fallen ones and some were children of the light playing their parts in adverse conditions. I should have denied the Almighty the opportunity to go before them, to present himself in my person as an ascended master with the full enlightenment and means of delivering this age from all that has ensued through World Communism and the collapse of the royal houses of Europe which I predicted.

"Should I have denied the free will of these individuals to change when alchemy is my second name? Should I have denied the Almighty One, whose freedom flame I adore, the opportunity once more to woo these souls in devotion to his cause? I remind you of the saying 'Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.'

"Try is the three-letter word symbolizing the threefold flame in your heart. If you do not exercise your heart flame, then it will shrink! If you do not exercise your heart flame, my beloved, then when it is the hour to exorcize the fallen ones it will not have the strength, the momentum. Therefore never give up, never say die, never be discouraged—preach to the fallen ones, intensify the light penetration of their worlds, woo them by your devotion, lay down your life for the cause, rise up into higher consciousness, and preach to the nations.

"If you have given the Word a thousand times without response, give it a thousand more! Never say to me, 'I have assessed the nation and the nations. They do not want the truth. Therefore I will stay home.' Beloved hearts, we win some and we lose some and this is the name of the game."

Saint Germain

"I would impart to those who are the devotees of freedom upon this continent a new opportunity—as it is a final opportunity—to form a ring of light, a union indivisible, indispensable to our Cause . . . Therefore I compel you to a greater vigilance, a greater self-discipline and a sense of realism in dealing with that which is the Real Self, the great God Self of all as the great advocate of freedom, and in dealing with the enemy in thy midst.

" . . . It is division that we deplore, not necessarily the boundaries of the nations that signify
group karma—even as the states of the union signify the same—but, blessed hearts, it is the animosity, the self-sufficiency, the smug pride of those of this or that nation saying: 'We are the inheritors of the Light. We are the chosen ones.'

"Understand, then, that through the consciousness of Jacob there did enter among the twelve sons a certain rivalry, a certain chicanery, even a tendency toward deception . . . that division, that competitiveness and finally that betrayal of the son of light, even Joseph who was sold
into Egypt, does prevail to the present hour in these nations of Europe.

"Therefore, let that Angel of Unity come forth and display the piercing light of the ensign Union! And let all leave their separatism and let all come out from behind those walls of pride and 'Remember ye are brethren!' Ye are of the seed of Sanat Kumara . . .

"I say, forces of freedom in Europe, rally! Rally around the banner of freedom and recognize that the Aquarian age and the great wave of Almighty God is come upon you!

"Each and every nation—bearing the banner of Sanat Kumara, marching to the center, marching to that focus of that mighty flame in Europe—must play its role unique and a part of the heart of the World Mother. You are cherished, one and all. And none shall be denied save they themselves deny the great God Self—the I AM THAT I AM."

Saint Germain

"And as I speak, I think of the sorrowful hearts of those in Poland and those, also, who failed in part in Czechoslovakia, and of those behind what you have termed 'the iron curtain'—those whose consciousness is often dubious as to what tomorrow can or will bring.

"Do you understand, then, that you do not want these conditions to be amplified in the world? You want to see freedom everywhere—above all, free will, yes, but free will for yourselves, blessed ones, and your posterity, free will for the remnant of God that they may come unto the house of God, the mountain of God, wending up the mountain and carrying their individualized lights, focuses of various magnifications and exhibiting them to the world as the best offering which they have at a given moment in the span of time."

Great Divine Director

"In my heart, therefore, as I bring to you my musings and meditations of the hour, is a direct concern for the people of Afghanistan and certainly other nations where there is oppression and the direct involvement of Soviet forces. Beloved ones, my concern comes with the understanding of the complexity of the ancient karma of the Afghan peoples and races as well as that of those who form today the Soviet bloc.

"Things are not so simple as they seem. We see victim and we see oppressor. Yet, intertwined in all of this is the victim's point of vulnerability through his own weight of karma. Karma, as you know, separates the soul from God until the soul surrenders and takes up the responsibility for the balancing of all that is not in harmony with God.

"This same vulnerability through the ancient turning aside from God created the vulnerability
of Eastern Europe. Many have thought it was merely the weakness of Churchill or Roosevelt in the face of Stalin, but I tell you, it is more than an act of the leadership. It is a factor and a point of vulnerability of nations and lifewaves who have left off the worship of the living God. Thus, there are many sides to the outplaying of events.

"What we come to say this day is this: it is not the events but it is how people here and now deal with circumstances which may be of their own causing but do not necessitate their lying down and being a doormat to the return of their own unwise sowings."

Mother Mary

[Poles] "are fervent seventh-ray people. They have come to earth with the charge of Sanat Kumara to maintain the light of freedom. Voluntarily they went under the enslavement of the Soviet boot for the very purpose of proving that free hearts will never say die.

"Blessed ones, it may be calculated that the Communist government of the USSR cannot tolerate further encroachments upon their entire mechanism, but it may also be said that the light-bearers of the world will not tolerate further encroachment upon their heart flames! The immovable object and the Rock of Christ—do not close your eyes to the inevitable encounter . . .

"I recall you to the great truth that there is a line where light and darkness must meet. And the line may very well be the line of the people of Poland because, in this hour, they are the most daring and intrepid chelas of my heart.

"Realize the great truth, then—and do not close your eyes, do not close your eyes!—that there are people upon earth, namely the Polish people, who will prove to the world, as Jesus Christ did, that it is better for some to give a public example of the crucifixion than for all to go down beneath the boot of World Communism."

Saint Germain

"There are solutions. Let us be attentive to the details of world history in this hour. Let us be more aware. And let us realize that this is the moment to move on Europe.

"This is the moment for European chelas to realize that they are on stage and that they must multiply their numbers, for we must hold the fort in America with our chelas here . . . therefore, you must create bricks without straw. You must create those rocks of Christhood. You must go forth and carve them out. And we will be with you, and we will send reinforcements when we can . . .

"Accept then my proffered gift of my heartthe gift of my own heart this day. And know that all saints upon earth can rise and take dominion over the enemy of my people. They can! they will! they shall!—when they ratify the will of God.

"Be it unto you to teach the nations how to ratify God's will on earth as it is in heaven. And may the flame of the Mother go before you to inspire you and give you hope always."

Saint Germain

"I AM Gabriel which stand in the Presence of the Divine Mother and her Manchild! I AM Gabriel who say unto you, I have spoken, I have transferred to you a fire! My angels will not leave you as long as you call to them daily. The seraphim of God will not leave you, but you must be found in the holy mountain of God in defense of the Cosmic Spirit of Freedom, for there must be those of Light of Aquarius who do not go down under this bloodshed that is prophesied.

"Therefore, I say unto the people of Light upon earth, you are destined to survive cataclysm and war on this planet, but you must awake to the divine calling of Saint Germain and make haste! Therefore, I seal you in the cosmic cross of white fire. I seal you in the Immaculate
Heart of Mary! I AM THAT I AM Gabriel, angel of the Lord, servant of the Light within his own."

Archangel Gabriel

"[But] the false gurus are a great plague upon Europe and America, for again they have
turned aside the reincarnated tribes of light of Sanat Kumara into byways of the neglect of the
day-to-day affairs of their civilization. Teaching a counterfeit path of the East in the West, they have therefore deterred you from your calling to draw forth the light by the power of the name I AM THAT I AM and to direct it into the physical octave.

"The challenges of the West are physical. You have completed your incarnations in the East. You have risen to an inner oneness by the science of the AUM and the Word of Brahman in the beginning. You have reincarnated here for the final incarnation if you choose to accept it or for the final several incarnations to take the portion of your causal body and to direct it into form.

"Therefore, beloved, I attest to you, and may you know my vibration and know that my Word is true, that I have served with this beloved Messenger when she was embodied as Saint Clare and Saint Catherine. And therefore we are one in an ancient service and calling to preserve the mysteries of Christ within the Church—not as a doctrine, for the hierarchy forbade it. Therefore we did preserve it as a fire in our hearts that burned, that none could quench, that none could turn back."

Therese of Lisieux


"Let the members of the I AM Race worldwide, including those who yet live behind the Iron Curtain, understand the great gathering of the elect and the coming to America of those lightbearers who will stand to defeat the world totalitarian movements within and without and universally manifest.

"Let us draw the lines! Let us be clear in our definitions! And let not words convey metaphysical ideas that have nothing to do with God-reality. Let not the invocation of the word Vietnam therefore bring down upon the people a definition of 'failure at war' and therefore 'never again.' Let not these words that describe only specific circumstances, manipulated and controlled by the fallen ones, therefore dominate the free, disciplined, and inspired thinking of the sons of God today."

Jesus Christ

"You will recall that I, as the Wonderman of Europe, wore the styles of the time. I was familiar with its literature and music but I exceeded their own levels of mastery—for, after all, I had some several hundred thousand years behind me.

"Beloved hearts, I could perform anything and all things as they could—but better. This is what
I ask of you: not to bypass the standards and expectancies of your era but to recognize that you must speak the language of the people but speak it better—better, louder, clearer!

"You know that I would wear precious jewels in the buckles of my shoes and belt. Thus upon closer examination of my garments, I dressed as they dressed but there was something more, therefore something in store for them—something I had that they wanted. Of course, it was the light. And they were not willing to pay the price but rather to use it as an adornment for their personal egos. And by and by, fulfilling the law of karma, I was compelled to move to other courts—to America, to the Royal Teton, to establish here what was not possible to establish in Europe."

Saint Germain

"Some of you were there for the building of that cathedral [Glastonbury]. Some of you carefully prepared those stones and put them in place—building after the design that was brought forth out of the heart of holy angels as the etheric blueprint of that which became a magnificent cathedral of light.

"Blessed hearts, there are monuments that still stand as a reminder of the work of your
heart, your hand, and the mind of God. These cathedrals of Europe built by those who were of the guilds, holy orders of devotees who infused each stone with the light of the seventh-ray ritual—they stand and still stand because their architecture came forth out of the retreat of Serapis Bey and other retreats of the archangels, because they are a precipitation in Matter of that which exists in Spirit.

"And therefore there is a divine polarity and an oscillation of light. And therefore there is a figure-eight flow. And therefore above the altar of these cathedrals of Europe, suspended twixt the base and the highest point of physical manifestation, there is a flame! And that flame is a duplicate of the flame of the etheric octave. And there is a congruency as well as a figure-eight manifestation.

"And thus the prayers of the righteous and of the devotees rise and merge with the flowing fire, even as this fire is tended by angelic bands. And therefore the sustainment even of physical buildings, even their protection in time of war. And those that were protected were protected by a light and a sealing action; and those that crumbled, crumbled because of certain karmic conditions or an absence of true fervor and fire in the hearts of the people themselves.

"Realize then that that which has endured upon earth, such as the Great Pyramid, has endured because some soul of light was present in the building not only for the focus of the flame of the seventh ray but also for the focusing of the divine geometry that itself is the outpicturing of the flame. For the true divine geometry of the Divine Architect himself is designed to contain an interchange of energy and of flow—by the angles, by the symmetry, by the arrangement of space and time—in order to capture the light of God that endows the entire physical universe with a semblance of permanence or with a duration that may be calculated.

"Precious hearts, the adepts who are determined to sustain a physical focus for fifty thousand years know exactly the architecture, the angles, and the nature of sacred fire that they must place within that forcefield. And, I tell you, fifty thousand years hence—to the second—it will enter a disintegration spiral. And, in many cases, there will be an instantaneous collapse of that Matter forcefield. This is the nature of the mastery of the seventh ray which endows you with the freedom to create on all of the other rays."

Archangel Zadkiel
December 30, 1980

"If, therefore, the Western powers fail to defend the freedom of Life and the light-bearers in Poland, then there will come upon them the karma of their nonallegiance to the living Christ, to the newborn Christ, to the Christ of the Aquarian age. And there will come upon those Western nations in Europe and elsewhere a plague of their own karma and the karma of their neglect.

"And there is proclaimed this day by the Lord of the World the judgment of the fallen ones who have aligned themselves with the position of neutrality that places them in the armed camp of World Communism and its backers throughout the West!

"Therefore, the Word goes forth this day from the Altar of Invocation in the Sanctuary of the Holy Grail, that those who fail to defend Life, in the ultimate sense, in Poland—whether in church, whether in state—will find themselves facing the accountability for all sin of the past two thousand years since the birth and the crucifixion of the Saviour Jesus Christ. And this karma, cumulative for both the Nephilim and those who were once the sons of God, will descend! It will surely descend, thus saith the Lord—and none will turn it back!

"Therefore take heed, ye light-bearers of the earth, of the signs that are written! For when you see the sign of the judgment of the failure to champion the cause of Light, then you will know that the hour draweth near for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood by yourselves!

"I, Pallas Athena, read to you from the scroll of the proclamation. Therefore, you have heard the decree of Alpha. And as the right hand of the Lord of the World Gautama Buddha is raised in confirmation of the decree of Alpha, thus the light is lowered. And the right hand of Gautama Buddha does turn again to all those who have violated the light of the Christ and failed to defend its freedom.

"Unto them, then, is returned their own karma thrice again; for they have violated the Son by way of violating the Father, and the Holy Spirit by way of violating the Son. Therefore threefold is the sin against the living Saviour. Their karma has been held back and it will not be held back any longer.

"Let the lines of force be drawn! And let the children of the sun be prepared to go forth and to stump while there is yet time, while there is opportunity, and while the streets of the cities of the earth are yet relatively safe for their own presence."

Pallas Athena

"Saint Germain you call me, and so I stand. Portia stands with me this day. For we come truly in the fullness of our office as hierarchs of the Aquarian age. We come looking toward the East. We look to Europe and we look to the nations. With the sword of Sanat Kumara, we send our Messenger and her team. We send Keepers of the Flame already positioned on this battleground.

"Beloved ones, this action of the sacred fire which we send through her is for the touching and the calling of all those who are the seed of Sanat Kumara who hear the cry of the prophet Samuel this day and will come in the center of oneness beneath their own Mighty I AM Presence with obedience to the will of God, charged with holy will and love.

"The gathering of these Lightbearers and their anointing shall mean unto them opportunity in this life to hold the balance of the nations, to take the initiatic path of Luxor under Serapis Bey, to fulfill the divine plan through the grand matrix of the Great Divine Director, to balance their karma, and to ascend to God.

" . . . Therefore we come to set before you that which is also set before this Messenger. We come to bless, to initiate, to anoint you that you might be extensions of this mantle and presence whom we send fearlessly going before us to proclaim the Word and the opportunity as she has already done in 1981.

"Blessed ones of the Sun, understand that without this Messenger, I could not return to Europe and finish the work that I have begunthat was begun and that must be culminated. For in this passage of time since the awful days of the French Revolution, there has come a certain enlightenment to those not of the ruling body of the continent. There has come a certain understanding of the Great White Brotherhood.

"Now in the hour of our coming, we therefore send legions of Light before us. Legions of the mighty archangels, legions of the seven and the five go forth. And they go, then, for the binding of the pride and the rebellion of the very Lightbearers who ought to receive my own and make the inner tie and therefore be sealed by the fires of freedom unto their own destiny and the protection of that continent which is indeed in great jeopardy.

" . . . We bring, therefore, the example of Christhood to be desired. You bring the Teaching that teaches and tutors souls as to the desirability of personal Christhood. The Law knows of no other way than to bring before the people the fruits of their wrong sowing in calamities and wars and ruination. But, beloved ones, if the Light is not raised up in the earth by individual choice, the calamity which shall come upon Europe and mankind shall be greater than that which has ever been seen in known history.

"Truly it is an hour for the staying of the hand of world chaos, destruction, and death. It is ever thus. The Lord God will bend all the way to the hearts of his own and to all people, giving the choice for them to rule in his name. But at the end of the hour of the opportunity of the choosing, by their choices the karma must fall to the right or to the left.

"It is well that you have the example, for it is too hard for many to believe. Realize, then, that if the one who is sent to be hierarch of an age cannot dissuade by any and every means assayed those powers that be, as was the case for more than a hundred years before the French Revolution-if my hands could be tied when I was so blessed by these dispensations from God, can you expect another intercessor? Another response? Can you expect the setting aside of the will of the dark ones? Can you expect there to be any difference in the outcome?"

Saint Germain
October 13, 1985

" . . . My presence as the Wonderman of Europe, my presence as the sponsor of freedom must be planted by the translations and by the giving of the violet flame. While there is time, then, let all the nations of the earth receive the preaching of the Word. Your striving availeth much.

"And those who participate in the very alchemy of the translations increase immensely their capacity to receive my Light directly. Therefore it is an honor on the path of chelaship under the seventh ray to engage in these translations."

Saint Germain
July 4, 1983

"The tragedy of tragedies, beloved, is therefore in the disarming of Europe. And as I have
told you in my Pearl of Wisdom [number 25], with the coming of Wesak there has been a conclusion of the dispensation accorded to me by the Cosmic Council through the efforts of these Messengers. Beloved, any dispensation that I may have had for the sponsorship of the European continent has been withdrawn. The only sponsorship, then, which I retain is to assist the Lightbearers of Europe. But to place myself upon European soil in order to stand between that continent and the karma that is coming upon it, this I am not allowed to do according to Cosmic Law, to our Father and to the Cosmic Council.

"Therefore, beloved, this is the message that I bring to you, for I desire your hearts to understand the meaning of this. And inasmuch as the earth is one, you can see the ramifications and the repercussions of that which may come upon Europe by her being left vulnerable as well as that which may come upon America.

"Thus, it is necessary for the Lightbearers to gather together, to give the calls, to establish such a mighty fortress of Light at this Royal Teton Ranch as to create a pillar of fire for the protection of this continent. For it has the maximum opportunity according to its karma, beloved, to be a place of survivability.

"Even though you may consider other areas of the world far out of reach of harm’s way in an East/West power conflict, I tell you it is the sponsorship of this nation and the Lightbearers here by Sanat Kumara, despite the evildoings of their leaders, that does enable them to receive that divine intervention in time of trouble that many others are not able to receive. Thus, if it has occurred to you that you are called to gather in a place [America] of danger, I tell you, beloved, often where there is maximum danger there is maximum protection. And so it is the case.

"But, beloved, we look not to the specific hour of that which may be the worst eventuality. But we look to the burst of Light. We look to the Light that is building. We look to that which has been accomplished. And we look to the auras of the saints (yourselves) as these auras become a greater and greater Light and, therefore, by the very magnetism of the aura you are carried up and apart from harm’s way. This does not in any way eliminate the necessity for the physical preparation—for the physical survivability of the physical equation.

"However, blessed ones, I tell you, without the Light you will see that one is taken and another is left. And those who have the Light and diligently follow the calling of Serapis Bey to attend those three services a week that comprise Morya’s three dots and the three plumes of your threefold flame, they will know that the banking of the fires cell by cell, they will know that the charging of the aura, the fasting, the self-emptying and the infilling with Light will see them through in the end of Darkness unto the beginning of Light.

"It is an hour when I come solely for Lightbearers of the world. I come, then, for that rescue. I come, then, for that reinforcement. And I come with violet flame angels. These violet flame angels with myself, beloved, answer each and every single call you make concerning world conditions and World Communism and its Western supporters. But understand, beloved, as we answer the call and multiply the decrees by the power of ten thousand-times-ten thousand we shall not deliver a dispensation that can increase the judgment of that Darkness until there is greater Light raised up in the Lightbearers.

"Thus, our agenda is to rescue the Lightbearers. And we shall see by their rescue how their calls shall be enforced and reinforced by the God Surya and the hosts of the Light. We shall see, beloved, how the very call within your heart does amplify the mighty threefold flame that is able, the mighty threefold flame that is able, the mighty threefold flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood within you that is able!"

Saint Germain

"Now may you invoke the power of Cyclopea to expose the illicit and deceitful occupation of Eastern Europe and the Baltic states by the Soviet Union and [the crimes against] every other nation on earth that has been subjugated by World Communism. Now is the hour when the Messenger shall proclaim to the world that there must be an equal application of the right to independence on the part of every people upon earth.

"Blessed ones, let the world’s eyes be opened, for your decrees and this karmic circumstance have surely turned the entire situation into a lesson that must not be allowed to be lost.

"Therefore, optimists, stars, those who are missionaries because you have a mission, whatever it is: I send you under the banner of the World Mother, the banner of Maitreya and my own banner, beloved. I say with joy and encouragement and a sense of freedom and new life that no thing that assails you has any power over you.

"I say, go forth to conquer self, society and the world! Go forth and do it, beloved!

" . . . Therefore, on with the labor on Moscow and the Soviets, for those fallen angels have not been cleared at all, neither have the conduits. So, beloved, there do remain [numbers of] fallen angels [on the astral plane who would entrench themselves and do harm to children of the Light]. Lest they multiply, beloved, may you act."


"For those things that have already come upon Europe in all past ages there are records that must be cleared, records of war and bloodshed drenching the earth with the blood of the saints and those who have taken a stand for Freedom. Blessed ones, these records must be cleared, your own personal records must be cleared, and there must be the binding by the
call to the Archangels of those forces of war that are yet moving with their malintent and are moving and hastening to take this continent before the access to it is denied to them."

Archangel Uriel

"As I stand before you today I am looking into the eyes of souls who are kneeling in prayer in Russia and in the eastern nations of Europe, who are looking to God and to Jesus and unknowingly to me, and who are praying, and whose entire hearts and souls believe in the promises of God and in the coming together again of the people of Israel. Can I look into their faces and into their eyes and receive their prayers and not go forth to answer that prayer by building the bulwark of freedom and of salvation unto the victory in America? I cannot! And I say to you that you are a part of my gaze and a part of my eyes and a part of my body, my soul, and my heart. And as you become the instruments of the victory, you become the answer to that prayer; for in order to answer this prayer in this octave, we must perform that work of the Lord through dedicated hearts and hands.

"Let this, then, be the message to all souls of light who have heard the call of the Ancient of Days: the ascended masters have already proclaimed the victory. Now it is up to every individual who knows of this teaching and of this Word to come forth with only love; for no other vibration will suffice, no other vibration will do, but only love and purest love and the crystal stream of God’s consciousness will precipitate this cosmic cube, this alchemy, this manifestation of the victory. Let us see, then, what joy we have in being alchemists together and miracle workers of the age as we create, seemingly out of nothing, the great victory of all that is required to perform the services of the Mother unto her children."

Saint Germain
April 24, 1977

"Beloved ones, love and appreciation and respect for one another, equality before the law must be had by all. There cannot be a lesser treatment of any part of life, and it always is the most recent comers to the nation that seem to be on the bottom of the totem pole economically, socially. Beloved ones, we see the divine plan for the elevation of individuals who have been abusedwhether black, whether white, whether Chinese, whether from Eastern European nations. Beloved ones, the way to restore equality is not by the abuse of children, it is not by the destruction of the family, the neighborhood, or the community, but it is by the infusion of these neighborhoods with souls of light who will help to elevate and to give to those souls who are not economically privileged a greater opportunity educationally and in the song of the Spirit to develop self-worth.

"Beloved ones, it is self-worth—whether among white or black or any other—that must be cultivated. And this self-esteem must come through a much larger understanding than simply the carrying of little children for miles and miles from that home base of light. You cannot have this unity, you cannot have this development by simply forcing by law a bussing issue. This is not where the problem is. Children of the light, black and white, realize and recognize that you are being manipulated and you do not understand that those who profess a desire to bring about equality and civil rights are merely using a very important issue, a justifiable issue, to gain other ends which will not be seen even for a decade."

Gautama Buddha
April 23, 1978

"Now, Omri-Tas does not come for no reason or just any reason on a day that is not the
third of the month! So, beloved, Omri-Tas comes. And Omri-Tas is coming for the increase,
for the tending of dispensations given, for the call to those who are the Europeans to tend, therefore, the reservoir of light and not let it be diminished. *

"Now as never before does the violet flame go forth to give you opportunity for the transmutation of greed, greed for material things and alliances based on that avarice that is part and parcel of the money beast.

"Let there be an elevation! [Let there be an elevation of the consciousness of the violet flame!]

"Let there be a rising spiral! [Let there be a rising spiral of the violet flame, which you call forth!] Visualize [the violet flame saturating Europe and the Isles] now! For these ten tribes
that settled on the European continent must know a new day and must rise to the level of seeking the Inner God and the Inner Light, else go down in a hopelessly depressed round of cynicism and materialism that could go on for many centuries.

"Yes, the other side of Atlantis embodied there, ** the other side of a mighty continent. It must rise, beloved. And now is the hour of the Keepers of the Flame who are there or who have come here and shall return there to keep that vigil. An economic unity that is not based on the living person of the Universal Christ in all shall only be a weight even though it may bring, and I say may bring, prosperity.


* Violet flame reservoir over Europe. On February 26, 1988, in a dictation given in Lisbon, Portugal, Omri-Tas announced the dispensation of a violet flame reservoir positioned over central Europe: “It is a very large reservoir of light as a sea in itself; and this [light], beloved, is there for you to invoke as a direct transfusion to all Lightbearers of Europe, Eastern Europe and the entire Soviet bloc . . . When you invoke the violet flame, it will draw forth the light of this reservoir and also maximize it, fortify it, multiply it by your own love and devotion; and therefore that light shall flow to every Lightbearer in these lands. And as it does flow to them it shall quicken them, it shall cut them free, it shall therefore transmute their spiritual and physical blindness as to those events coming . . . This reservoir is a certain dispensation. If those Keepers of the Flame in embodiment do not make the violet flame call daily, then this reservoir will come to be used up in its entirety, apportioned then among all Lightbearers. But if the call continues to be given, the reservoir shall be like the unfed flame. It shall not fail. It shall remain full and all that goes out of it shall be returned unto it multiplied by your call.” (See “A Reservoir of Violet Flame over Europe,” in 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 33, Book I, pp. 251-52.)


** “The other side of Atlantis” refers to the ten tribes of Israel, who prior to their incarnation in Israel had lived largely in the eastern half of Atlantis. Following their incarnation as the ten tribes of Israel, they reincarnated primarily on the European continent. Some of them actually migrated to the European continent following the Assyrian and Babylonian dispersions. (See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 5, 1991, “The Destiny of the Reincarnated Twelve Tribes,” on 2-audiocassette album, 179 min., A91087. Also 1991 PoW, vol. 34 no. 9, p. 134 n. 1 and no. 61, p. 677 n. 1. See also E. Raymond Capt, Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets: Study of Assyrian tablets that reveal the fate of the Lost Tribes of Israel [Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Artisan Sales, 1985].)

In this dictation, Omri-Tas addresses the Keepers of the Flame who are serving Saint Germain on the European continent. His admonishment to them to tend the violet flame reservoir of light and “not let it be diminished” comes at a time when the European nations
are trying to establish economic unity. It is a time for transmutation of the divisions that have divided the ten tribes for centuries. Because of their rivalries and idiosyncrasies, they were
not able to respond to the efforts of the Count Saint Germain to establish a United States of Europe in the eighteenth century. They ignored his counsel, and the French Revolution ensued. (See “The Count Saint Germain” in Saint Germain On Prophecy, Book One, pp. 33-34, 37-38.)

With the opportunity for unity again on the horizon, we see one of the age-old forces of division among the ten tribes: their greed for material things and their entrapment in the clenches of the money beast. If Europe is to transcend herself and move on to the place of cooperation based on Christ-Love—rather than on mere economic expediency—she must have lots of violet flame. When such a great being of Light as Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, makes such a statement as in this dictation, his “word to the wise” should be sufficient to galvanize the Lightbearers of Europe. The European Keepers of the Flame have the tremendous opportunity to respond to Omri-Tas with perpetual violet flame vigils and dweller calls dedicated to the binding of the money beast and the ancient momentums of greed.

The atrocities in Yugoslavia and the right-wing neo-Nazi fanaticism in Germany are more blatant indications of the non-resolution of the people with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As the Messenger has taught, Jesus was embodied as Joseph, the most favored of the twelve sons of Jacob. These twelve sons are the progenitors of the twelve tribes—the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Out of jealousy, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt (see Gen. 35:22-26; 37). All these records must be cleared if Europe is to enter the New Age and fulfill her destiny. The violet flame will work wonders in this direction if Keepers of the Flame are constant in their vigil.

Omri Tas

"Therefore, beloved, I ask you, when you call for the violet flame dispensations to [be given to] their hearts, to not neglect the giving of Archangel Michael’s Rosary daily [in their behalf]. Beloved, some immense sacrifice must be forthcoming from those Lightbearers of Europe who have seen the Truth and know it in their hearts! And I tell you, it is the Archangel Michael Rosary followed by calls to him, unrelenting, to the blue-lightning angels for this action of their swords of blue flame, to march up and down and left and right, east and west, north to south and up again, [for] the encirclement of these nations that they might be quickened to the awareness of what is that evil intent that is planned against them.

"Therefore, beloved, know that that intent is on the drawing boards in Moscow and in the Kremlin and has ever been. It is not new. And therefore, I tell you, glasnost is a propaganda sham! I tell you, the prince out of the Soviet Union is a sham and a liar and a betrayer of the people!"

Saint Germain
February 27, 1988

" . . . Therefore this day I have looked again to Atlantis and the records. And I have shown the Messenger in meditation that darkness of debris of Atlantis which yet is upon the Eastern Seaboard of the United States—a deleterious momentum whereby dark forces yet gain power over the minds of the people. Then, too, on the borders of Europe, here on the side of the west where the seas touch the landed areas and moving across the entire span of the land we see the mists of Atlantis and dark momentums.

"I descend this day with legions of Chamuel and Charity and of Mighty Victory. I descend in the full fury of the sacred fire of Love which has been called in biblical terms 'the wrath of God.' Indeed it is his fire and that of the Sun behind the sun that does leap and lick and burn up now additional records. And you will see at inner levels the ruby ray and the violet flame blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! blazing! burning now and consuming that substance! burning and consuming those records! burning and consuming now all that has confounded the tongues of the people, depriving them of the communion of Love in the Holy Spirit."

November 3, 1985

"Blessed ones, by leave of Omri-Tas and cosmic councils from the heart of the LORD God Almighty there has been delivered an opportunity for this age for Europe. Therefore, that violet flame reservoir of light can be invoked by you with such intensity for the quickening.

"Blessed hearts, Armageddon is a fact of life on earth and it is in full swing. People look to see when it will begin. Well, I tell you, beloved, the war has long begun before the first rocket is fired. And know that when it is fired, it is far too late to deal with the consequences thereof. And thus the miscalculations of the free nations are bringing them to their knees before the totalitarian system that is the cancer of this planet and the major obstacle to the age of Aquarius.

"Thus, be not deceived, for God himself will not be mocked! Therefore, at least let not the Lightbearers be mocked in the mockery of the fallen ones who have put forth such an all-pervasive lie. And this lie, beloved, is in the same vibration as the karma of the people; and therefore the people do not read the lie because of their own karmic vibration and density.

"Thus it has ever been and therefore I say to you, Archangel Uriel, wield your mighty sword! Rend the veil of spiritual blindness upon this continent! I, Saint Germain, decree it! May my saints, the Keepers of the Flame, be emboldened to embody this rending of the veil!

"Let the veil be torn asunder, then, and let the people see and know what is coming and let them not faint and let them not become stiffened in a rigor mortis posture in fear of death but, rather, in seeing the Divine Vision let them act and act in time to turn around these conditions! And, beloved, where these conditions are not turned around, I tell you, the violet flame and the rescue teams of Archangel Michael do come to the side of all Lightbearers and you are borne up on wings of light.

"Blessed ones, therefore we seek not alone the salvation of a physical platform but we seek the salvation of souls who would not otherwise make it out of the lower astral plane if they should come under the transition called death in an untimely manner. Blessed hearts, this is our profound concern apart from the salvation of nations and continents and a way of life and a history.

"Let it be known that change is the order of the day of Aquarius, and therefore there must be some change. There must be some physical change. There must be some giving way of the old institutions to the new and a Divine Appearing of the institutions of Aquarius which are truly based on Community when that Community has as its central flame the living Holy Spirit.

"And therefore, we say to you, if life, then, must be lost, let that life be saved at the soul level and let souls be borne up instantaneously into the heaven-world of the etheric octave so gently, so completely that they are found at inner levels in the great golden-age cities of light on the etheric plane, in the inner temples and in the great cathedral of our God and his Christ.

"Know, then, that the saints go marching on lifetime after lifetime, whether in the body or out of the body. Therefore, we seek to preserve the life, the eternal life of the soul first and foremost, and secondly we desire to preserve at all costs the physical manifestation of your souls. For the Lightbearers must bring in a golden age, after the Dark Night of the Spirit is long past of the deliverance of a planetary karma.

"Thus, you must have short-term goals and long-term goals and you must be goal-fitted by the Ascended Master El Morya and the Lords of the Seven Rays, who invite you to their universities of the Spirit to study there nightly. Answer their call, beloved. For these temples are open and they are open not without cause. For we have in mind the very same goals that
I have just stated to you.

"And if you do take their training and if you are diligent in the giving of the violet flame [decrees] and if you take, therefore, the mystery of surrender as a rosary from the heart of Mother Mary and the rosary of Archangel Michael for Armageddon, you will find yourself thoroughly engaged with the angels of Light for the defense of life on earth. Know, then, that these rosaries are given to you for your absolute God-protection and perfectionment.

"Beloved ones, it has taken thousands of years to prepare this Messenger to receive these dictations in this manner. Therefore not in one life or a few short years but for many lifetimes has that preparation come; and I tell you, beloved, it is by the grace of the Holy Spirit and the mantle of our Father upon her, and you must know this, that there shall not be another and another.

"For until the hour of the fulfillment is come for your own victory in the Light, you must take this teaching we have given. For we cannot give more and more teaching if the plates that we have served you are not emptied, if you have not assimilated the Body and Blood of the Universal Christ, if you have not known the fiat of the Lord Christ: 'Lo! I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending! Lo! I AM THAT I AM!'

"Let it also be your cry daily and fear not to raise your voice unto the heavens, sensing that in the very fervor and fire of your hearts you do reach untrammeled octaves of light! Therefore, so be it.

"Let the saints of God know that the hour for the marching of the Archangels and the company of saints and the leader of the battle in heaven, even Sanat Kumara and the Faithful and True, Maitreya and the living Christ Jesus, is come. And these armies have been seen marching in the city of Washington, up and down that city last Thanksgiving past; and the marching of those armies, beloved, has been the sign of the coming of the victory of the Light and the defeat of the forces of Darkness.

"Unfortunately, the entrenched forces of Darkness in Washington and New York almost parallel those in Moscow and in the nations' capitals of Europe. Therefore, wherever the betrayers of the Word are, know, then, that it is the Lightbearers of the nations who must unite.

"I speak to you, then, of that wave of anti-Americanism that has spread through Europe. Beloved ones [of Europe], it is the people's rejection of the fallen angels in Church and State. But reject not the hearts of the [American] people themselves who are filled with light and love for you personally, and they have never comprehended and many of them have never even known that there is such a thing as hatred of Americans on this continent.

"I pray, then, that you swiftly awaken and see now that it is also the leadership in the Soviet Union who are the betrayers of the people and it is the leadership in each and every state
and nation that have so denied the living Word that has also obscured the God Reality of the universal oneness of those who are the issue of God.

"And therefore, take haven and take refuge in the Mother of God, in your own I AM Presence, and in one another; and know, therefore, [that] where the people of Light gather, where the eagles gather, there is the Body of Christ. And it is the Mystical Body of Christ in the earth, that true and living Body, that must be saved and must be in the earth even a lodestone of heaven, even a divine magnet of the Great Central Sun that does hold the balance when the elementals themselves must bring forth those necessary earth changes that are to come to pass before the planet may be utterly purged of [by] the violet flame and begin anew. For the old order, that which is [become] corrupt and decayed by the [works of the] fallen angels, must pass away!

"And you will see [that passing of the old order in] the hour when the reapers come. And the reapers come from all the bands of the angels; and they come therefore to bind the seed of the Wicked [One] and to bind them in bundles. And this was prophesied by the Lord and not left out of scripture [in order] that you might have the remembrance that it is the genetic seed of the Evil One which is sown among the genetic seed of the Lightbearers.

"And therefore we deal not alone with individuals but with genetic sowings by fallen ones seeking always to intrude upon the forcefield and psyche of the individual some element of self-denial of the living Christ, however faint, that will tie him to the planetary force of Antichrist.

"Therefore, I come secondly to call Archangel Uriel for the purging within you of each and every momentum in the subconscious that is anti-Christ in nature, in other words, the momentum of your own personal karma [as well as the momentums of the genetic tares sown by the Enemy among the good wheat of your Christic genes] that do move against the rising Light of the Universal Christ within you.

"Therefore, beloved, I tell you, the date of Wesak accorded to those Keepers of the Flame is now moved up to the Fourth of July 1988, giving you, then [52-sec. standing ovation with joyous shouts], giving you, then, beloved, two additional months for the invocation of the violet flame and the calls to Archangel Michael to cut free the Lightbearers of this continent and to see what great multiplication may be made of that violet flame dispensation of Omri-Tas.

"Beloved ones, I tell you, you are bought with a price, and in this hour that price is paid for you by my own beloved Portia, the Goddess of Justice! [33-sec. applause] Therefore the Mother
of Aquarius has given to you her heart and the momentum of Opportunity from her causal body.

"Blessed ones, know, then, that Portia some years ago did place her flame of Divine Justice
in the heart of your Messenger, so intending to use that flame within the Messenger as a point of countermeasure and in the hour when the Lightbearers of the world should most have need of it. Because of that physical anchor point, beloved, you may understand that dispensations can be given because some one and some many [among the] souls of Light upon earth have given their Light to that divine purpose. And therefore, I do call to you that in the very next violet flame cassette you shall also include the songs to my beloved Portia that the Feminine Ray of Aquarius may descend and may come truly in Divine Justice before it is too late to foil the attempts of the fallen ones.

"Blessed hearts, therefore, I tell you this date [of July 4, 1988] is firm and you must be in your seats in the Heart of the Inner Retreat on July Fourth if you desire to keep pace with me and my accelerating spirals-always, of course, subject to your own inner counsel and free will.

"Therefore, in the love of Portia I greet you and I say, be seated.

"I would acquaint you, then, with the major challenge that is faced, unknown, by all Lightbearers in the earth, who are my deep concern in this hour. Those who have not been quickened and who are not aware of the path of the Ascended Masters—which is the highest path on the earth East and West and the only path that can lead you to the victory of the ascension in this life through the soul's fusion in the Holy Christ Self and the I AM Presence—these Lightbearers, then, who know not how to call for their protection are subject to the great barrage and bombardment, at all levels, of the denial of that Light. And the conspiracy of the fallen ones is to so entangle them in alliances with those of Darkness that they cannot extricate themselves from these entanglements.

"Therefore the call has gone forth (and it has been answered at our Inner Retreat in Montana) for the daily decrees to concentrate on the cutting free of the Lightbearers and [for you] to make that call constantly. For at any hour of the day or night souls may turn to the left-handed path, whether on the path of initiation under a false guru who appears to be true or under the false path involving the world political situation [which also appears to be true].

"Many souls have been turned away from the true path of light in Church and State by the media itself East and West, which is the chief means of the control of public opinion, of the manipulation of populations and of disinformation sent forth to divide nation against nation and brother against brother. You need to be absolutely aware of the wiles of cunning serpents. For to awaken to the Light, beloved, is also to awaken to the potential of Darkness in the earth in the person of those fallen angels who have embodied it with the intense determination of the annihilation of the people of God.

"Therefore, beloved, I ask you, when you call for the violet flame dispensations to [be given to] their hearts, to not neglect the giving of Archangel Michael's Rosary daily [in their behalf]. Beloved, some immense sacrifice must be forthcoming from those Lightbearers of Europe who have seen the Truth and know it in their hearts! And I tell you, it is the Archangel Michael Rosary followed by calls to him, unrelenting, to the blue-lightning angels for this action of their swords of blue flame, to march up and down and left and right, east and west, north to south and up again, [for] the encirclement of these nations that they might be quickened to the awareness of what is that evil intent that is planned against them.

"Therefore, beloved, know that that intent is on the drawing boards in Moscow and in the Kremlin and has ever been. It is not new. And therefore, I tell you, glasnost is a propaganda sham! I tell you, the prince out of the Soviet Union is a sham and a liar and a betrayer of the people!

"And I say this directly to the heart of Mikhail Gorbachev:

"You may fool the people but you have not fooled the ascended hosts of Light and you have not fooled the hearts of the Lightbearers in the earth! And you, Ronald Reagan, are a sham and betrayer of my sponsorship and you also shall know your karma for this betrayal of Europe
and the European states!

"And everyone who has gone after these liars, in the United States Senate and in the nation-states of Europe, know that I, Saint Germain, do stand and my angels with me and you shall not pass and you shall know the judgment of your karma and you shall know it all too late, too late therefore! And you shall have caused, therefore, the downfall of nations, and in so doing you shall have incurred a karma so vast as to be practically impossible to balance in aeons of the future.

"Therefore I sound the warning and I sound it with Archangel Gabriel! And I announce to you fallen ones, though you may think you are the instruments of the karma of the people, let it be known that if you so become those instruments, the sword of Damocles shall be upon your own heads and your victory shall be short-lived and your triumphs and your celebrations shall be exposed as the very conflagration of hell surrounds you!

"And thus, in the councils of Death and Hell you meet and in the higher octaves we meet; and we have a course of salvation for our Lightbearers and you have no part with the marriage feast of the lambs. And beware the day when they are called to the supper where the kings and the captains and the high and the mighty are decimated and the Lightbearers therefore assemble for the universal transmutation of Absolute Evil, worlds without end! They shall endure to the end and to the fulfillment of their union with God and you shall go down to the sides of the pit with your leader, that fallen one, Archangel Lucifer!

"Therefore know that the hour of your judgment is come and as you raise your hand against the Light and Freedom of a planet, so the hand of God is raised against you! I say to you that what is in your favor is the ignorance of the people, which you have also plotted. But they shall not long remain ignorant, for the hour and the day of the clap and the thunder of Almighty God is upon them also, and they shall hear the voice of the Son of God through this Messenger and they that hear his voice shall live and they shall live unto everlasting Life in which you have no part!

"And those to whom you render your mausoleums and your tombs and your vainglory and your worship of that fallen one, Lenin, let it be known to you that these have been bound by the Lord and are judged by him also and they, too, shall know their second death and trial before the Court of the Sacred Fire. Therefore, whatever does come to pass, your day is done and you shall know the judgment of God upon you in due course! Therefore you shall rue the day and it will be too late.

"Therefore, beloved of the Light, inasmuch as the judgment must come upon evildoers, is it not just that a people of God should raise up their voices on time and ahead of time, that their evil intent be judged before it precipitate the calamitous events prophesied? [4-sec. pause] Blessed hearts, is it not therefore meet that a people send forth their cry? ['Yes!']

"Therefore I say, let your cry ring the very bells of heaven and let your hearts become the throne of your own Holy Christ Self and let your temple be delivered of all lesser vibrations,
that the Holy Spirit in the power of God may descend through you.

"Blessed hearts, this continent belongs to the people who inhabit it, not to the fallen angels who have taken it from them at every hand. I say, claim the earth beneath your feet and claim it for the age of Aquarius! Claim it for Saint Germain! Claim it for Freedom! Claim it for the Lightbearers! For unless you take a stand with the armies of heaven, these armies of Hell pitted and poised to defeat you [will do just that]!

"Know, then, beloved, [that] it is the moment of the soul's victory; [therefore] let the soul compromise in no thing and in no area of life. Let the soul truly know the Spirit of Victory and become untouchable by the force sinister in the earth. Let the soul in her wedding garment and in her white light, let the soul in her armour therefore be clothed upon in an age of deliverance.

"Let the saints on earth be my deliverers! For in delivering a people, beloved, you shall deliver me also to engage once again more directly in the affairs of earth.

"I, Saint Germain, have expended my allotment of energy accorded to me from the Great Central Sun to speak to you in this hour. Every word spoken is a release of immense power from Almighty God and it has been anchored in every portion of the territory of this continent and in the waters and in the air and in the nucleus of every atom of being.

"Therefore, I AM Saint Germain, Hierarch of Aquarius, Divine Lover of Freedom and of Your Souls. I seal you in the Seventh Ray action of my causal body and hold you in my heart."

Saint Germain
February 27, 1988

" . . . There is far too much optimism concerning the ability of men to work change. Beloved hearts, even if they were avatars (and they are not), they are burdened by a rolling momentum of abuse of light and power, a snarled tangle within the economy and the affairs of state. They cannot suddenly undo what has been built as a monolith of power and a tangled web of deception and intrigue practiced against the people of the whole world from these citadels of power.

"We come then to remind you of that circumstance which will be upon you: the dropping of the mantle of the various offices and representative services that are held by all who serve in the government of this nation. This mantle, descending in the hour of the inaugural address, will place upon the shoulders of you individually—your own Christ Self one with you—all decisions and all of the affairs of state and all of the problems that beset this nation.

" . . . There is a crumbling of the old order and there is a compromise of the true mysteries of the Sacred Heart. There is the infiltration of Communism.

"And there is gross greed in the hearts of a people who could have, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, sustained an entire nation (Italy) dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ.

" . . . Saint Germain has worked very hard to uncover and cut free those souls of light who have emerged to take their place as chelas of the sacred fire.

"Therefore because these individuals have arisen and have taken an extraordinary responsibility and have had a vision and an awareness of the need of Europe, there is a response from Hierarchy.

" . . . There is a well-established hierarchy of Nephilim in Europe * in the governments of the nations, in the banking houses, and especially in the economies.

" . . . Therefore watch and pray and realize that we have established the Church Universal and Triumphant because the new wine of the Holy Spirit could not be poured into the old bottles of the Roman church or the Roman Empire.

"Therefore, beloved hearts, it will become necessary for souls of light to come apart and be willing to enter into the fullness of the light and the canopy of the Great White Brotherhood, free from the bondage of any institution—secular or religious—that would not allow the full teaching of the Great White Brotherhood to be proclaimed and to be preached. Therefore seek cooperation with the Great White Brotherhood and not with mortals or their mortality and their enshrinement of the word in a decaying order--the old order that passeth away with the coming of the Aquarian age.

" . . . All is not lost! o children of the sun of Europe. All is not lost. The turning of the tide of Gautama Buddha has come to America. It can also come to you because pure hearts, decent and desirous of giving totally to the victory of love, are bursting as flowers in springtime in eastern Europe, in western Europe—in every city.

" . . . Therefore let those who go in the name of the Great White Brotherhood be prepared for a confrontation with the seed of the wicked and of adepts in embodiment employing the black arts to see to it that the entire continent remains divided and enslaved and ripe for war."

* E.g., according to Trevor Ravenscroft (*The Spear of Destiny*, 1973) the inner circle within the Thule Group of the Nazi core were Satanists who practiced black magic.

Archangel Jophiel and Christine
January 1,1981

After his ascension in 1684, Saint Germain was given the dispensation by the Lords of Karma to return to earth and manifest in a physical body. The Comte de Saint Germain appeared throughout the 18th-century courts as the “Wonderman of Europe.” His goal: to prevent the French Revolution and establish a United States of Europe. Though the royalty admired his miraculous accomplishments and were always willing to be entertained by him, they were not easily prodded to relinquish their power and move with the winds of republican change.

They and their jealous ministers ignored his counsel, and the French Revolution ensued. In a final attempt to unite Europe, Saint Germain backed Napoleon, who misused the Master’s power to his own demise. The opportunity to set aside the retribution due an age had thus passed and Saint Germain was forced to withdraw. Of his experiment on the continent, Saint Germain once said: “Having failed in securing the attention of the Court of France and others
of the crowned heads of Europe, I turned myself to the perfectionment of mankind at large,
and I recognized that there were many who, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, would indeed be filled with the concept of a perfect union which would inspire them to take dominion over the New World and create a Union among the sovereign states.

Thus the United States was born as a child of my heart and the American Revolution was the means of bringing freedom in all of its glory into manifestation from the East unto the West.” Saint Germain stood by George Washington throughout the Revolution and during the long winter at Valley Forge. He inspired and directed the writing of the Constitution and anointed Washington first president of the United States. In the latter 19th century, he assisted the Masters M. (El Morya), K.H. (Koot Hoomi), and Serapis Bey in the founding of the Theosophical Society. In this century, Saint Germain went before the Lords of Karma to plead the cause of freedom for and on behalf of earth’s evolutions.

He offered the momentum of the violet flame garnered within his heart chakra and causal body as a momentum of light energy to be given mankind that they might experiment with the alchemy of self-transformation through the sacred fire. Though the knowledge of the violet flame had never been given outside the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, the Lords of Karma agreed to release it to a certain nucleus of devotees, and if the experiment proved successful they would illumine the masses as to its use. In the early 1930s, Saint Germain contacted his “general in the field,” the reembodied George Washington, Guy W. Ballard, whom he trained as his Messenger.

Through Guy and Edna Ballard, he founded the I AM movement and released the dispensation
of the violet flame. When mankind en masse failed to respond, the Lords of Karma told
Saint Germain they would not give him “another allotment of energy for mankind to take and to dissipate and to waste.” In Saint Germain’s own words, “after seventy thousand years of sponsoring various endeavors for the enlightenment and the freedom of mankind . . . my wings were clipped. And I had but to stand and hope that some other hierarch would come forth to implore a dispensation of Light for humanity, for souls of Light.”

In 1958, El Morya, on Saint Germain’s behalf, founded The Summit Lighthouse for the release
and publication of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and the establishment of the Community of the Holy Spirit in the Aquarian age. Saint Germain anointed Mark and Elizabeth Prophet as his Messengers and sponsored the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. Mark L. Prophet ascended Feb. 26, 1973, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet remained as the embodied Messenger. On Sept. 3, 1973, Saint Germain announced:

"As a result of the swelling of the Lightbearers and the swelling of the ranks of students of Light united in this activity, as a result of the expansion of the Mother flame through the Ascended Master University [Summit University] and the Community of the Holy Spirit and these endeavors in which you are jointly engaged for the victory of the Light, I have been given again a dispensation from the Lords of Karma! Thus I may once again step forth and pledge to you the energies of my causal body for the freedom and the victory of the Light in this age!”

On Jan. 1, 1981, mindful of Saint Germain’s long-standing desire for a stronghold of Light in Europe, Archangel Jophiel and Christine announced a dispensation for the reversing of cataclysm and war there. July 29 to Aug. 1, 1981, the Messenger conducted a conference in Ellecom, Holland, once again anchoring physically in Europe the causal body and flame of the Master, who extended to devotees of freedom in Europe a final opportunity “to form a ring of light, a union indivisible, indispensable to our Cause.” (See also: dictations given in Flevohof, Holland, 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, nos. 1-4.)

On July 1, 1984, Arcturus and Victoria announced the beginning of a 72-week vigil to “create anew an original leaven, a momentum of freedom which will give to Saint Germain the balance for all of those endeavors for which he has secured grants from the Karmic Board in the last 400 years . . . That culmination of your service in the 72 weeks for planet earth can lay before the Lords of Karma, through the violet flame, through your invocations, the paying of the last farthing of all that has become the debt of Saint Germain,” who therefore will “once again be permitted to go before not only the Lords of Karma but the Great Central Sun for a brand-new dispensation of Light.”

In February-March 1985, the Messenger and her Stump Team carried Saint Germain’s message for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness to Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii. On Oct. 13, 1985, two days before the Messenger’s departure for her Stump to Europe, Canada, and New York, Saint Germain blessed the Team and said: “If you so multiply my Presence as I would and as I have taught you, so you shall earn for me the return of that jewel which I long ago laid upon the altar of God in behalf of Europe. Thus having that jewel returned, I may act once again with greater dominion in the physical octave because it is your will that I might intercede . . . ”

Beloved Portia then announced: “The Lords of Karma and the Goddess of Liberty this day do give to Saint Germain from the Cosmic Council that which is unexpected unto him. That mantle he has sought to earn by this mission, we give in advance that he might have the wherewithal to do greater works through you. And so we respond to the dedication of the European Keepers of the Flame and those of the Isles. Blessed ones, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst place this purple robe upon Saint Germain in the gratitude of all of cosmos for his service untiring and for your response to that service and for his movement through the earth.”

The Stump concluded in New York on Nov. 17, 1985, the final day of the 72-week vigil.
The Messenger delivered a dictation by the Goddess of Liberty, who announced that the last vestiges of the untransmuted burdens of Saint Germain were “swiftly passing into the flame”
but asked that we continue the vigil, intensifying it in the coming fortnight “to immerse the planet in violet flame.”

In a dictation given at 1:00 a.m. on Dec. 31, 1985, Arcturus and Victoria told us, regarding our mutual responsibility “taken on in the name of the God of Freedom,” that there was “yet time to give that action of the violet flame to complete all that the Lords of Karma require.” The Messenger invited all to join in a violet-flame vigil, which began immediately following the dictation and continued for 23 hours until the beginning of Gautama Buddha’s New Year’s Eve address at 12:05 a.m., January 1. Gautama’s joyous announcement of the complete balancing of Saint Germain’s debt is the capstone of a long series of initiations given to Saint Germain and his chelas during the last 400 years.

Saint Germain

" . . . And therefore, by the authority of the Cosmic Council, we do send her on a mission to Europe, one final mission, then, so selected to be Lisbon, Portugal. And therefore to that place shall she bear the living violet flame that the Lightbearers of Europe, those who may come to these shores and those who remain, might be given an extraordinary impetus of Light in this day and age to yet retrieve that continent.

"Blessed ones, as Saint Germain has no further dispensation for that continent and as the dispensations may be given only to the Lightbearers, so, consistent with that cosmic edict, we do send her there to celebrate the ascension day weekend of your own beloved Lanello as he shall pour forth from his own causal body the gift also of the violet flame.

"Thus, beloved, that which has been in the heart of the Messenger and the Keepers of the Flame of Europe for a long, long time does open in this year, and it is indeed a bright spot, sealing, then, Pisces, sealing, then, Aquarius. I tell you, beloved, the victory of the Light on earth can come, for there are sufficient Lightbearers to hold the balance in world change.

"May you not underestimate the need for planetary alchemical transmutation. The chemicalization in the earth is for the purging of all ancient records. If you begin to consider the transmutation of the records of Lemuria and Atlantis and all of the evil perpetrated by the fallen ones and then you realize that their connections are to the entire physical cosmos, you will no longer wonder or doubt what we are about. For we are about the grand conflagration of the Matter cosmos!

"Let earth, then, be the spark that ignites a cosmos with violet flame until all is consumed that is unreal and the Matter cosmos does stand again to be the chalice of the Spirit cosmos, and heaven and earth and Spirit/Matter come into the divine union. And all those who have Christhood may stand at the nexus of the ascending and descending currents for eternity upon eternity upon eternity.

"Inasmuch as they [the fallen ones] have chosen earth for the battleground, so we draw the line here. And we with you, beloved Keepers of the Flame, do stand on that line with the Lords of the Seven Rays, the line where Light meets Darkness and swallows it up by the all-consuming fire of God’s own Seventh Ray! In this seventh day of creation it is re-creation by Elohim of the All!

"Now hasten to be God-centered and know that when you are in the eye of God, you shall experience all things and retain permanent integration in the permanent atom of being.

"Onward to the mount of ascension, to the valleys where souls must needs be rescued. Go forth, O Messenger! Go forth, O staff of the Messenger! Go forth, O Keepers of the Flame! Stump America and stump the fallen ones! We are with you, millions of angels strong. Therefore, fear not but remember, the Mantle and Presence of our Alpha be upon you always.

"By the sign of the violet flame cross of fire, I seal you in my amethyst heart."

Omri Tas
January 1, 1988

"Blessed hearts of light, had it not been for Keepers of the Flame in these past years, you would not see these strides held firm for the defense of Europe. And I tell you, the placing there of those missiles is according to my heart's will and desire, for it is the best and finest deterrent to an early and untimely pulling of the rip cord by forces of darkness in the Soviet Union who had their plans well-timed and set, else I can assure you they should not have already built such a mass of ground forces and tanks to move in upon that European theater.

"Understand well, beloved hearts, that until all leaders of the earth understand the mind of the fallen ones, they will not have the calculations to understand truly what is happening in the earth. I direct the all-seeing eye of God, therefore, to Guyana, to northern South America. And I direct your attention, therefore, to the Soviet buildup in those areas, which must be disclosed internationally and nationwide, that you might understand that there is more to be done, more to be uncovered that goes far beyond what has been disclosed in Grenada.

"Realize, beloved hearts of light, that there is a planned and concerted effort and even a physical manifestation of Soviet presence in these areas of the world, and it must be counteracted. And therefore understand the great burden that is upon those who must be reelected to office—that they may not always take an absolute stand with the fire of my heart lest the people themselves move against them and they lose the opportunity in this octave to represent me.

" . . . Beloved hearts, I reiterate for your edification that we the ascended masters do not wait for an individual to attain human perfection or divine perfection in order to sponsor that one. Our sponsorship of an individual to any holy office or in any endeavor is not the seal of approval upon that individual's every act or word or deed, for these are not wholly predictable, even in the saints of God. And we also understand and allow for human error, human karma, and the juxtaposition of events.

"Therefore, please do not say that Saint Germain is for this person or that person, but say that Saint Germain comes with an extraordinary light of opportunity for the best of men and the most available and those who have offered themselves and have been trained and educated to perform a mighty work in this hour.

"We also sponsor those who have a certain karma-which in their desire to balance this karma, we come forth. For the karma is with our person, our flame, and dispensation misused in the past. And, therefore, we have an obligation to give opportunity to all lifestreams who desire to make good. Some do and some do not. Some fail again, and then we are no longer accountable or responsible for sponsoring these ones.

"O holy ones of God, you are counseled not to be idolaters; nor are we idolaters. We deal in the realm of the possible and the realm of the practical. And you ought to also consider, rather than reaching for absolutes, dealing with what is clearly on the horizon as the possibility of physical accomplishments as well as with individuals in embodiment who have the training and, though they may have faults or made mistakes, are ready and willing to lend a hand and to put that hand to the plow and to plow a straight furrow.

"If we do not hold against them past mistakes, please, I pray you, do not hold a wrong matrix or one of criticism or condemnation about any lifestream, for we will work and strive again and again. And most of all, do not hold such matrices about your own self. For we take you this day, January 1, 1984. As the Keeper of the Scroll does now turn the page, you have a clean, white page of opportunity on the right hand to write upon for the year. And on the left, you have the balance brought forward of the past."

Saint Germain
January 1, 1984

On July 2, 1980, beloved Portia, with the Lady Masters of the Karmic Board, announced:

“We have studied the problems of many segments of society, not only of men and women but of those in varying ethnic groups, origins, karmic accountabilities, those on various echelons of development in the four planes and in the chakras . . .

"Tremendous souls of Light are in these communities across America—San Francisco’s Chinatown and the great Midwestern cities where Eastern Europeans gather and the Germanic peoples continue their traditions. We see, then, that those who are here from all nations of the earth, those incoming refugees out of Vietnam, out of Cambodia, out of the Far East now must have delivered to them in their own tongue, in their own understanding and traditions the great message of Mother Liberty . . .

"The violet flame of freedom must be interpreted and addressed to each and every section, each and every economic group . . . ”

See 'A Council of the Woman Clothed with the Sun,' Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, no. 29.

Mowie o tych,
ktorych znalem w Europie, cz.I

(I Speak of Those
I Knew in Europe, p.I)

Saint Germain
Mark L. Prophet, 8 grudnia 1963
Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 1963
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Posrod koronowanych
glow Europy, cz.II

(Among the Crowned
Heads of Europe, p.II)

Saint Germain
Mark L. Prophet, 8 grudnia 1963
Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 1963
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Marzenia o kulturze, porzadku
i pieknie we Wschodniej Europie

(Dreams of Culture, Order
and Beauty in Eastern Europe)
God of the Mountains
E.C. Prophet, 11 kwietnia 1971
Copyright © 1971
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Do wszystkich nacji Europy
(To All the Nations of Europe)
Out of the Flame of Mother
E.C. Prophet, 2 lipca 1976
Class on Higher Consciousness
Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 1976
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Plany Braterstwa
odnosnie Wschodniej Europy
zaprzepaszczone w Jalcie

(Brotherhood's Projects
for Eastern Europe Lost at Yalta)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 11 grudnia 1977
Copyright © 1977
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Zbrodnie popelnione
przeciw swietym Kosciola
we Wschodniej Europie

(The Crimes Committed
Against the Saints of the Church
in Eastern Europe)

Gautama Buddha
E.C. Prophet, 12 marca 1978
Miami, Florida
Copyright © 1978
The Summit Lighthouse.
Dyspensa dla kontynentu
eteryczny plomien
w centrum Europy

(Dispensation for the Continent
—Etheric Flame
in the Center of Europe)
Jophiel and Christine
E.C. Prophet, 1 stycznia 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wzywam do unii
serc w Europie!

(I Call for Unity of
Hearts in Europe!)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 31 lipca 1981
Ellecom, Holland
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Jestem z toba
(I AM with Thee)

E.C. Prophet, 1 sierpnia 1981
Ellecon, Holland
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Dobrowolnie Polacy poddali sie sowieckiemu komunizmowi, by udowodnic, ze wolne serca nigdy nie zostana pobite
(Voluntarily Polish People Went Under
the Enslavement of the Soviet Boot to Prove that Free Hearts Never Say Die)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 1 listopada 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Oczekuj wszelkich
cudow Swiatla!

(Expect Every
Miracle of Light!)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 6 stycznia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Odwieczna pieta Achillesowa
Wschodniej Europy

(Ancient Vulnerability
of Eastern Europe)

Mother Mary
E.C. Prophet, 3 lipca 1984
Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Heart of the Inner Retreat
Copyright © 1984
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Mowie o Europie
(I Speak of Europe)

E.C. Prophet, 3 listopada 1985
Flevohoff, Holland
Copyright © 1985
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Niech ludzie Europy
obudza sie!

(Let the People of Europe

Archangel Uriel
E.C. Prophet, 16 pazdziernika 1987
Cleveland, Ohio
Copyright © 1987
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights resrved.

fioletowego plomienia
nad Wschodnia Europa

(Reservoir of Violet Flame
Over Eastern Europe)

E.C. Prophet, 26 lutego 1988
Lisbon, Portugal
Copyright © 1988
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Uczcie o tym, jak wolnosc
zostala zaprzepaszczona
we Wschodniej Europie

(Teach How Freedom
Was Lost in Eastern Europe)

Gautama Buddha
E.C. Prophet, 4 pazdziernika 1989
Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Copyright © 1989
Tha Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

"Zelazna Kurtyna"
od Szczecina do Adriatyku:
rola czterech jezdzcow
A pokalipsy

("The Iron Curtain" Drawn
from Szczecin to the Adriatic Sea
at the Yalta Conference)

E.C. Prophet, 18 lutego 1990
Sheraton Center Hotel, New York
Copyright © 1990
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Co dalej dla Wschodniej Europy?
Czy Pakt Warszawski zaiste
zostal rozwiazany?

(What Next for Eastern Europe?
Is Warsaw Pact Indeed Disbanded?)

E.C. Prophet, 14 pazdziernika 1991
New Orleans Airport Hilton
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Podtrzymuj rezerwuar
fioletowego plomienia
nad Europa

(Tend the Reservoir
of Violet Flame over Europe)

E.C. Prophet, 10 pazdziernika 1992
The Castlegate Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
Copyright © 1992
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wschodniej Europy

(The Burdens
of Eastern Europe)

Archangel Uriel
E.C. Prophet, 16 kwietnia 1992
Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Copyright © 1992
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

"In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example .. . of charters of power granted by liberty. This revolution in the practice of the world, may, with an honest praise, be pronounced the most triumphant epoch of its history, and the most consoling presage of its happiness."—James Madison

"There are two opinions prevalent in Europe, which has mischievous effects in diminishing national felicity, the one, that useful labour is dishonourable; the other that families may be perpetuated with estates. In America we have neither of these prejudices, which is a great advantage to us." Benjamin Franklin, (Source: The Compleated Autobiography, by Benjamin Franklin, compiled and edited by Mark Skousen
"Modern Europe lacks a first-order purpose. That lack discloses itself in the London explosions. Europe is full of second-order purposes: enjoyment, economic security and vacations. What does Europe exist to affirm? It's doubtful if Europeans know any more. Not Christian transcendence. In most of Europe, Christian practice barely exists. The famous, now dormant, European Union constitution lacked any acknowledgement of the historical fact of the continent's Christian past . . .

The bishop of London, Richard Chartres, preaching at St. Paul's Cathedral the day after Bloody Thursday, recoiled from attacking Islam as a religion. He probed more deeply. He saw 'a spiritual vacuum' into which 'false religion' had intruded itself—a religion, heedless of God, 'awesomely powerful and destructive.' The strayed or departed Christians of Europe—of Britain—might on such a reading reproach themselves for creating an opening for the murderous radicals of Islam to reach through and plant their explosives.

The evil purposes of murderous bombers are just the present problem. Evil itself is the original and enduring problem—one that, as Europe for centuries maintained and preached, reflects humanity's willing breach of its relationship with God. Is it back, now, at last, to first principles for Europe? Is there, indeed, a shred of a choice?"—Bill Murchison

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