Health Through God's Pharmacy

Maria TrebenHerbal Remedies
for Glowing Health and Well-Being

"There is a plant for every illness."—Abbe Kneipp
II, vi, 16. "What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness?
It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow.
To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit
and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited and those raging with suspicion and doubt
will not find any nourishment."El Morya, Illumination 1925

Late Maria Treben is an Austrian herbalist, whose book "Health Through God's Pharmacy," has been an international best-seller and sold over three million copies worldwide. This book has been translated into over 20 languages!

In her guide-book, this world-renowned herbalist with sixty years of experience, unlocks the health secrets that made her famous throughout Europe, where millions regained health and well-being thanks to her herbal remedies. Clearly written and logically organized for easy use, this herbal guide-book has an alphabetical listing of illnesses and suggested remedies; herbal recipes included.

Maria Treben was born on 27 September 1907 in Saaz, in the former southern region of Austria. Her father owned a printing company, her mother was a housewife. At the age of 10 she lost her father in a tragic accident. Two years later her mother moved to Prague with her three daughters.

During most of her long life Maria Treben practiced medical herbalism in Austria and Germany and has been known and respected throughout the world as a leading authority on medicinal herbs.

Swedish Bitters and herb teas:

One teaspoon of Swedish Bitters with a cup of an appropriate herbal tea neutralizes uncomfortable chemicalizations in the body. Although physical benefits cannot be promised, spiritual stimulation may be experienced and result in physical healing—just as many have reported such results from homeopathy and reflexology. “Spiritual stimulation” is the activation of the light of the chakras leadingto self-healing of glands and organs, as well as regulating of functions of the physical body.

It is important to remember that all agents of healing are merely a medium, acting as a catalyst for the body’s own self-transforming powers. The recipe for Swedish Bitters was found among the writings of a well-known Swedish physician, rector of medicine, Dr. Samst, and is believed to date back to the times and remedies of Paracelsus. For testimonies of healings through Swedish Bitters and classifications of herbal teas for health, see Maria Treben, Health through God’s Pharmacy (Steyr, Austria: Wilhelm Ennsthaler, 1980). Chananda


Swedish Bitters Book
Maria Treben's Herbs and Teas
Educating Instead of Medicating
Purple Sage
Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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