O przygotowaniu
na wszelkie ewentualnosci

Archaniol Michael
Pierwszy promien sily i opieki

Jeden z korespondentow http://www.tslpoland.org oraz http://www.tslpl.org pyta:

"Mistrzowie od lat mowili nam, ze istnieje mozliwosc wojny lub problemow ekonomicznych.

"Jaka jest obecna taktyka naszej organizacji?"


Odpowiedz webmastera:

Prawda jest, ze przygotowanie na wszelkie ewentulanosci historii jest podstawa naszego dzialania. Mistrzowie Wniebowstapieni wielokrotnie podali nam takie mozliwosci w ich dyktandach, jak rowniez w wykladach naszych wyslannikow, Marka L. i Elizabeth C. Prophet.

Matka Boska pojawiala sie wielokrotnie w Europie, dajac przekazy o niepewnej przyszlosci tego kontynentu.

Fatima, Lourdes, Medjogorie—to kilka sposrod tych uznanych przez wiele kosciolow objawien. Tresc przekazow Matki Boskiej z tych objawien jest dobra lektura na obecne czasy, gdy ekonomia swiatowa jest bliska upadku.

Mistrz God of Gold ostrzegl nas w jednym z jego dyktand, ze Wielkie Biale Braterstwo nie posiada dyspensy uratowania naszego swiata na kuli ziemskiej, jesli Straznicy Plomienia dopuszcza do upadku ekonomii.

Mistrzowie sa w stanie pomoc nam w problemach ekonomii, ale jesli dopuscimy do swiatowego upadku ekonomii—nie beda w stanie odbudowac jej dla nas.

To powazne ostrzezenie, ktore wymaga naszej wspolpracy, jak i dzialania w zyciu przywatnym. To rowniez wysmienity temat do co-godzinnych wezwan.

Zapasy w puszkach lub suszonego jedzenia sa podstawa zycia w okresie mozliwego glodu lub olbrzymich czy wygorowanych cen rynkowych.

Zapasy ubrania jak i butow to rowniez podstawa przygotowania.

Pieniadze w gotowce jak i zloto, w bizuterii lub w metalu, sa rowniaz wskazane dla tych, ktorzy sa w stanie zakupic je za obecne wysokie ceny.

Lekarze, lekarstwa jak i inne istotne elementy przezycia czesto sa platne w zlocie lub bizuterii w czasach ciezkich wypadkow historycznych.

Zapasy alternatywnych lekarstw to takze wymaganie przygotowania na kryzys gospodarczy.

Matka Boska Fatimska

Matka Boska ostrzegla w Fatimie odnosnie mozliwosci wojny i wypadkow z nia zwiazanych.

To powazne slowa i Mistrzowie od lat mowili nam, ze fakt, iz nie doszlo do swiatowej wojny do obecnych lat, jest wylacznie skutkiem pracy dekretow studentow Wielkigo Bialego Braterstwa swiata.

Kontynuujmy nasze dekrety i wezwania do fioletowaego plomienia, jak rowniez niebieskie i biale.

Dobrze jest zachowac konserwatywne podejscie do budzetu rodziny czy jednostki, oszczedzac i nie wydawac pieniedzy na wakacje, wyjazdy czy inne drugorzedne aspekty zycia, zamiast tego przygotowac dom i ekonomie zycia na wszelkie powyzej wymienione mozliwosci.

Niech nas Bog prowadzi ku rozwiazaniu problemow swiata, a nie sa one male w obecnym czasie.



Z miloscia i pokora, w Chrystusie,


" . . . And now the age is turning and the Solar Logoi are concerned as to how the twentieth and twenty-first centuries may be outplayed. Most especially are they concerned about the potential for massive cataclysm or world war, or both. In view of these concerns they have taken a proactive stance and are awarding grants to worthy souls who will not only apply for them but also make good on them and on their commitments of service to the Great White Brotherhood.

"Therefore this is an optimum time for you to apply for and receive grants of assistance backed by certain ascended masters who may have close ties to you personally and who are willing to pledge a certain quotient of light to your cause. You may use this light to mitigate or avert what could be the descent of a harsh karma on a planetary scale."

Saint Germain
April 28, 1996

" . . . I issue a stern warning to all souls who desire to be emissaries of Light: watch that you do not lend your consciousness to the false hierarchs and to the psychic emanations that they bear. Far better to be silent and to allow the light to flow through you than to release through the sacred chakra, the throat chakra, the mouthings of evil spirits who come to you as an adornment for your pride and for your ego. There is no profit to the soul in any communication other than the communication of the ascended hosts of Light, your own God Presence and your Christ Self.

"Let no man deceive you! Let no man deceive you! Let no man deceive you! Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap; for God is not mocked! (Gal. 6:7) Therefore be washed clean.

" . . . It is absolutely necessary for a group of lightbearers to hold the focus of Helios during time of cataclysm. And therefore this is more than an experiment of the Solar Hierarchies. It is a necessity, it is a cosmic dispensation. And whether or not the outer consciousness seems worthy to you I say the Christ in you is worthy to bear the Sun-center of Being. And I say that if you do not succeed in carrying the fiery Sun Presence unto the end, the time will come when there will not be enough light in Terra to hold her very atoms together, so great will be the darkness and the weeping and the gnashing of teeth." (Matt. 24:51)

July 1, 1973

"And so you see, we are calling upon the concentrated energies of light­bearers who are in America, the New Jerusalem, to lend support, to lend your causal bodies and your knowledge of the law unto those who have not that knowledge. Therefore by dispensation from my causal body I, Saint Germain, give to you each one contact with that individual lifestream for whom I call upon you to hold the balance. Beloved ones, ere this dictation has concluded those of you who have already appeared before the Lords of Karma to volunteer your service in this life will receive that tie, whether you are a baby in arms or whether you are of full maturity and waiting for the Lord’s day of your ascension.

"Understand, then, that when the tie is extended heart to heart and soul to soul you, then, make contact with the energies of immense turbulence and turmoil which are in the Middle East today. It is difficult for you to realize the intense passions and hatreds and weeping and wailing that continue even in the face of this apparent victory. But it will not be hard for you to imagine very long, for having established this tie you will begin to feel the waves and the currents of this turbulence. I call upon you to enter the stillness of your heart, to go into the secret chamber, to practice the exercises and meditations which have been graciously given to you in preparation for the hour when you would be called upon in a very deliberate and direct way to hold the balance for the Middle East which is the white-fire core of the very earth itself."

Saint Germain
November 20, 1977

"Therefore, I ask you not, in this hour of this Easter Sunday, to make a fervent call to me as you would now, caught up as you are in the rapture of my love, but I ask you to write down a letter of your soul to your own Christ Self when you are alone with your thoughts and with your meditation and to surely set forth in writing what it is you are willing to bear in order to be my instrument.

" . . . Realize, therefore, that I AM here in my Electronic Presence over you to now create the situation whereby though I AM ascended, I AM yet on earth. In one sense, the clock has advanced two thousand years and the new momentum of my lifestream of attainment of these years is in the earth. And in another sense, the clock has moved backward to the hours before my ascension.

"For the Presence I place with you, as I have said, is the Presence which you can bear, and it was what the apostles could bear, also. Those who could not even recognize me in the resurrected state could, of course, not receive the full glory of the ascended-master Presence which I was able eventually to convey fully to Paul.

" . . . Now understand that my placing of a Presence with you is so that you may have me with you and also that I may retain the frequency of the ascension flame. This has, therefore, a two- fold consequence. For having the power of the Presence, the Electronic Presence of my own flame with you, you receive a multiplication of your actions, of your service. You can go farther and contact more people, and I am there to assist you in sustaining the attempted setbacks or the moves against you.

"On the other hand, the power of my Presence will draw an increased level of persecution, especially if you come under the initiation of the Lamb and desire the increase. It can be magnified tenfold. Thus realize that the advantage of accelerated chelaship and initiation unto the ascension must be weighed and balanced with the increment’s light and what it will produce as an alchemy in the world today, in the world thought, in the mass consciousness vis-à-vis your lifestream."

Jesus Christ

in time of personal crisis
or national emergency

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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