O Uniwersytetach Ducha

Gautama Budda—Pan Swiata

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Czy moglabys napisac na temat 14-dniowych cykli Uniwersytetu Ducha?

Czy mozna—(wlasciwa jest)—medytacja cech odpowiednich danemu cyklowi?

Czuje, ze czas podjac swiadomie inicjacje na kolejnych promieniach, cokolwiek mialoby to znaczyc :-)

Odpowiedz webmastera:

! stycznia 1986 roku Gautama Buddha oglosil, ze Mistrzowie Karmy dali zezwolenie siedmiu czohanom, aby otworzyli oni/one Uniwersytety Ducha w ich eterycznych ustroniach dziesiatkom tysiecy studentow, aby mogli oni/one kroczyc sciezka samo-doskonalenia na siedmiu promieniach.

Uczestniczymy w tych sesjach podczas snu, w naszych eterycznych cialach.

Studenci spedzaja 14 dni w Darjeeling na pierwszym promieniu pod egida El Moryi, kontynuujac je 14oma dniami treningu na siodmym promieniu w Royal Teton Retreat pod egida Saint Germaina.

Nastepnie poddani zostajemy treningowi na drugim, trzecim, szostym, czwartym i piatym promieniu pod egida Lorda Lanto i Konfucjusza w Royal Teton, Paula Wenecjanina w Swiatyni Slonca Goddess of Liberty nad Manhattanem, Nady w ustroniu Jezusa w Saudi Arabii, Serapisa Bey w Swiatyni Wniebowstapienia nad Luksorem w Egipcie, i Hilariona w ustroniu Pallas Ateny nad wyspa Kreta.

Jest pragnieniem Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa, aby poprzez ten trening, jak i na drodze drugiego i trzeciego poziomu przeszkolenia, studenci szybko skontaktowali sie z Summit University i uczestniczyli w edukacji w Inner Retreat w Montanie, USA.

Czohani Siedmiu Promieni, ktorzy prowadza sesje Uniwersytetow Ducha i ich ustronia:

El Morya (Pierwszy Promien), Darjeeling, India;

Lord Lanto (Drugi Promien), Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming;

Paul the Venetian (Trzeci Promien), Swiatynia Slonca, Nowy Jork;

Serapis Bey (Czwarty Promien), Luksor, Egipt;

Hilarion (Piaty Promien), Kreta, Grecja;

Nada (Szosty Promien), Saudi Arabia;

Saint Germain (Siodmy Promien), Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Medytacyjna muzyka jest odpowiednia do praktyk duchowych odnosnie ustroni, czohanow i promieni.



Z miloscia i pokora, w Chrystusie,




Universities of the Spirit. On January 1, 1986, Gautama Buddha announced that he and the Lords of Karma had granted the petition of the Lords of the Seven Rays to open universities of the Spirit in their etheric retreats for tens of thousands of students to pursue the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. Traveling in their finer bodies (the etheric sheath) during sleep, students spend 14 days at Darjeeling for training on the First Ray under El Morya, alternating with 14 days at the Royal Teton Retreat for training on the Seventh Ray under Saint Germain until they have successfully passed certain levels of accomplishment in the use of the First and Seventh Rays.

Then they may go on to receive training under the Lords of the Second, Third, Sixth, Fourth and Fifth Rays in that order: Lord Lanto and Confucius at the Royal Teton (2nd), Paul the Venetian at the Goddess of Liberty’s Temple of the Sun over Manhattan (3rd), Nada at the retreat of Jesus in Saudi Arabia (6th), Serapis Bey at the Ascension Temple, Luxor (4th), and Hilarion at the retreat of Pallas Athena in Crete (5th).

It is the desire of the Great White Brotherhood that through the courses given and the tests passed in meeting the challenges of everyday life as well as through second and third levels of instruction, students will quickly make outer contact with Summit University and attend its halls of learning at the Inner Retreat.

On December 28, 1986, the God Meru encouraged us to follow the path of the Lords of the Seven Rays by choosing to embody the Presence and Light of each Chohan (i.e., Lord) and then the Maha Chohan (the Great Lord who is over the Lords of the Seven Rays, the representative of the Holy Spirit who delivers the initiations of the Third Person of the Trinity to the evolutions of planet earth) in 14-day cycles starting January 1, 1987, while attending their universities of the Spirit.

On December 31, 1986, El Morya spoke of the chelas spending “14 weeks” with him. Thus the chelas shall pursue 7 cycles of 2 weeks in each of the Chohans’ retreats and that of the Maha Chohan. Those who follow this discipline starting January 1, 1987, will conclude their ‘Odyssey’ through the 14 weeks of initiations with each Ascended Master on George Washington’s Birthday, February 22, 1989—a most propitious hour in the turning of planetary cycles when all chelas should be spiritually and physically prepared for earth changes in the decade of the 1990s.

See 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29 no. 21, pp. 178-81, 689-90, 698; 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 28 Table, “Fourteen-Day Cycle at the Universities of the Spirit,” p. 286.

See Gautama Buddha, “The Teaching Is for the Many,” 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 21

The Teaching Is for the Many  

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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