O dyspensach Swiatla
dla studentow Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych

Diamond pierwszego promienia
Woli Boga


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Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa
Czesc I


Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa
Czesc II

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Zycze wspanialej pracy z Mistrzami Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa w celu uratowania planety ziemi i nas samych w obecnych—lipiec 2009—trudnych ekonomicznie, politycznie i zyciowo czasach.


Z miloscia i pokora w Chrystusie,


Speaking on July 1, 1961 on behalf of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, Lord Maitreya said:

"From this day forward, every decree that you utter shall be multiplied by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!

"I, Maitreya, declare that those who join together throughout the world to give dynamic decrees on behalf of humanity shall be creating a tremendous, impelling, swiftly moving acceleration that shall sweep through the earth and compel her evolutions free!

"Ten thousand-times-ten thousand equals one hundred million. Thus, every time you give a dynamic decree you are benefiting one hundred million people.

"Additionally, when you join together with others to decree, the power is multiplied by the square of the number of people present. This means, for example, that for a group of eight decreers, the power of light released is equal to eight squared—i.e., sixty-four times the power if only one person were decreeing! For a group of fifty, the power of light released is equal to fifty squared, or twenty-five hundred—and so on.

"And sixty-four multiplied by the power of the ten thousand- times-ten thousand equals 6.4 billion. Twenty-five hundred multiplied by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand equals 250 billion. Having received such a stupendous dispensation, you together with the ascended hosts truly have the power to change the world!"

Additional dispensations for the multiplication of the violet flame.

In a dictation given April 6, 1996, at Easter Retreat 1996, following the Messenger’s return from South America, Archangel Zadkiel announced:

“We, the legions of the Seventh Ray, have called forth cosmic reinforcements from Omri-Tas of the Violet Planet. And, beloved, he has sent those reinforcements this day . . . The dispensation is nothing less than colossal. And what it means to the world, beloved, and to the incoming seventh root race cannot even be measured.

" . . . There is a new multiplication factor by the power of the Violet Planet itself, by the power of the legions who saved that planet by invoking the violet flame. Those legions are on their way. Many have arrived. And . . . you shall have greater access to the violet flame, and your calls to the violet flame shall be multiplied by the tremendous power of the legions of the Violet Planet and of Omri-Tas.”

See also “The Highest Gift of God to the Universe,” in The Science of the Spoken Word (new edition, 11th printing), pp. 150-194; 1991 PoW, pp. 747-49; 1993 PoW, pp. 75-76; and 1994 PoW, pp. 458-59.

Saint Germain
March 7, 1996

Wear a Ring You Consecrate to Saint Germain and El Morya

"Lest you forget, lest you forget, find a ring in your jewelry box. It doesn’t matter if you have worn it before. Only acknowledge to yourself and the world that from this day forward you will wear it as a sign that you have placed this ring on your hand, that you will keep it there until Saint Germain and El Morya and so many hosts of the Lord have the victory over the terrible beasts who prey upon the children, the weak, the poor, the hungry.

"Yes, beloved, when you look at your hands, remember to look at the ring you have chosen and remember what it means to you and remember your dedication to Saint Germain. You may silently dedicate your ring at the altar of our Church, consecrating it to the service of Saint Germain.

"We, then, from the fiery center of the sun of this system, now send a ray to your hands. Give us one finger and place on that finger that promise. Wear it as the promise, beloved, even as the Messenger wears El Morya’s ring as the promise to her long ago that he would stand by her and together they would turn around mountains upon mountains upon mountains of planetary karma."

March 26, 1997

Give your personal needs and problems to El Morya. El Morya has offered us a boon to transmute our karma. He instructed us to write our burdens on a piece of paper and put it on our right knee. Next we place a wallet-size card of El Morya on top of the list, face down. Then we put our right hand over the card and list. We keep it there until we have given all of our prayers to El Morya, asking him to assist us.

"The messenger said: 'If we do this every day, even for two or three minutes, we will see that El Morya will never fail us. He will pick up the tab on our karma and move us along the way to our ascension. El Morya can do this for us now more than at any other time because he is ascended and fully capable of making this world spin.'

Sanat Kumara
December 31, 1996

Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa
Czesc I
Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa
Czesc II

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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