O sciezce wniebowstapienia

czesc II

Mistrz Serais Bey i kandydat do wniebowstapienia

"Ukochani, nie osiagneliscie pelnej ochrony tylow, ani tez nie pojeliscie w pelni
niebezpieczenstw wspinaczki, jak i jej wagi."—Gautama Budda, 13 maja, 1987

Pisze korespondent www.tslpoland.org i www.tslpl.org:

" . . . sciezka wniebowstapienia jest sciezka indywidualnego chrystusowstwa.

" . . . Wskazowki mojego Sw. Chrystusowego Ja sa moim priorytetem, a takze odczucia i wskazowki mego serca i zadne zewnetrzne czynniki nie maja tu znaczenia."

Odpowiedz webmastera:

Wspaniale sa to slowa—'sciezka wniebowstapienia jest sciezka indywidualnego chrystusowstwa.'

I jakze prawdziwe, jesli poparte znajomoscia tejze sciezki, tegoz konceptu i drogi wniebowstapienia i tejze sciezki indywidualnego chrystusowstwa.

Spojrzmy na te aspekty nauk Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych z punktu ich widzenia— jako nauczycieli, guru i przewodnikow duchowych ich studentow wcielonych na ziemi.

Poprzez przyspieszone inicjacje w komnatach Luksoru, ustronia Wniebowstapienia i Serapisa Bey
—studenci Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych, ktorzy praktykuja sciezke Straznikow Plomienia droga oczyszczania linii 10/4 zegara kosmicznego, otrzymuja transmutacje lub oczyszczenie tych cech ich mieszkanca na progu, kroczac droga czternastu stacji kosmicznego krzyza bialego ognia.

To gleboka praca duchowa nie tylko dla jednostki lecz i dla calego swiata—oczyszczenie i transmutacja odwiecznej i wiekowej ciemnosci w zyciu jednostki, na ziemi i w podziemiu planety—w najnizszej glebi zapisow Lemurii.

Ci, ktorzy praktykuja te sciezke maja szanse i zaiste mozliwosc unii czy polaczenia z ich Chrystusowym Ja. Nie jest to automatyczny proces czy jednominutowa akcja, nie dzieje sie to jedynie poniewaz jednostka tego pragnie czy zyczy sobie tego.

Jest to dlugi, pracowity okres krocznia sciezka Chrystusa, a wszak i on, ktory byl adeptem, poddany zostal Kalwarii i ukrzyzowaniu jako testy jego Chrystusowstwa.

Zjednoczenie z twym Chrystusowym Ja to potezna inicjacja, dana jednemu na dziesiec tysiecy, ktorzy wiernie i pokornie krocza sciezka wniebowstapienia, sumiennie praktykujac jej odwieczne zasady.

A sa wysokie wymagania zwiazane z ta sciezka.

Wielu sposrod wysokiej klasy studentow Mstrzow Wniebowstpionych, ktorzy zmarli, nie dostapilo jeszcze ich wniebowstapienia. Dlaczego, spytasz?

Bo musieli oni wpierw zostac przeszkoleni w Royal Teton Retreat i w Luksorze oraz studiowac sztuke i nauke o rubinowym promieniu, aby byli oni w stanie oczyscic sie z gleboko zasiedzialych zapisow ciezkiej karmy starozytnej Lemurii, konfrontacjami i powiklaniami ich zycia, jak i niestety kompromisem z upadlymi duszami, postepujac raczej za ich przykladem niz za mniej popularnym przykladem prawdziwego Guru Kosmicznego Chrystusa obecnego okresu i czasu.

Jesli studenci obecnie wcieleni i znajacy te technike oczyszczenia zawczasu zastosuja ja, beda oni/one w stanie otrzymac 'lepsze zmartwychwstanie.'

Mistrzowie Wniebowstapieni zdeterminowani sa, ze ich studenci zademonstruja i pokaza swiatu ich przyklad prawdziwej i swietej sciezki wniebowstapienia.

Mistrzowie Wniebowstapieni niczego innego nie pragna, lecz jedynie i wylacznie absolutnego zwyciestwa ich studentow.

Mimo ze student moze poswiecac sie i skladac jako ofiare oraz oddawac na oltarzu Boga wszelkie jego/jej niestransmutowane elementy duszy, musi zostac uzyskana i zaiste zarobiona przezen wizja i sedno jakosci Chrystusowostwa, jak tez doskonalosc i mistrzowstwo wcielonej boskosci—aby zastapic te rzeczy i elementy, ktore zlozyles jako ofiare na oltarzu Boga.

Zatem, nawet jesli pragnalbys zlozyc na oltarzu CALA twa ludzka nizsza nature podczas jednej sesji dekretowej—nie jest to mozliwe.

Bo nizsza natura ludzka ma swe miejsce w twych czterech nizszych cialach—w tym wypadku jest to cos, co jest lepsze niz nic—bo proznia moglaby wtedy zostac wypelniona silami Zla, Smierci i Piekla.

Zatem pojmij, ze pozytywne podejscie ludzkiego umyslu i serca, pozytywne pojecie wartosci swego ja oparte na ego, poruszajace sie w pozytywnym i konstruktywnym kierunku jest tym miejscem duchowym, ktore—kiedy zinternalizujesz to Swiatlo, ku ktoremu dazysz—bedzie w stanie zastapic poprzednie nizsze elementy w tym miejscu przez to zinternalizowane Swiatlo.

I wtedy jednostka ta, na drodze stawania sie tym Chrystusem oraz zinternalizowawszy to wyzsze dobro Boga—moze odrzucic stare, znoszone odzienie poprzedniego jej stanu.

Znoszone, stare ubranie to to, co bylo kiedys, wczesniej—ladnym i przydatnym odzieniem, sluzylo ci dobrze i chronilo cie od zlej pogody.

Ale nadchodzi dzien, gdy patrzysz na to ubranie jako na mniej wartosciowe od szaty przezroczystego Swiatla czy 'stroju slubnego'—szaty zblizonej do Chrystusowego Ja—ktore teraz chcesz nosic . . .

Mowi Mistrz:

" . . . Zrozum wiec, ze zawsze blogoslawimy ludzkosc za ich pozytywny kierunek, za ich konstruktywnosc. Pojmij, ze ludzkosc ta buduje cytadele, ktora jednego dnia, otrzymawszy swiatlo Chrystusa, dozna transmutacji, pozna prawo przyspieszenia, pozna prawo stawania sie i oto, rozbudzi sie . . . "—El Morya, 19 lipca, 1985

A Saint Germain dodaje:

"Pojmijcie, zatem, ze nadal kroczycie droga czternastu stacji ukrzyzowania. I jest wielu studentow mistrzow wniebowstapionych, ktorzy nie zaczeli jeszcze sciezki czternastu stacji. Przygotowuja sie oni do przygotowania ku Chrystusowosci.

"Tak wiec, na poczatku, by otrzymac osad swiata, i nienawisc, i zapis smierci, i Antychrysta, i cale tempo i sile braku posluszenstwa, i braku jednosci zycia i usilowan podboju i podzialu, i ciezary naduzycia plomienia Matki i wszystkiego tego, co przeciwstawia sie swiatlu radosci serca jako brak wdziecznosci, samolubstwo, cala akumulacja planetarnej i osobistej czy jednostkowej niesprawiedliwosci, naduzycia cykli zycia, cala sila i konglomerat braku prawdy i rzeczywistosci i swiatowego poczucia walki, ktore przejawiaja sie jedynie poprzez wasze samolubstwo i milosc samego siebie, i w ostatecznym rozrachunku by przezwyciezyc, pokonac i pobic smoka zawisci i nienawisci do Wszechmogacego Boga—w wyniku i w rezultacie niesienia ciezaru tych stacji —nastepuje przekaz wszelkiej potegi nieba i ziemi.

"W tej godzinie wypelnienia zmartwychwstania poprzez czternascie stacji nalezy pojac, ze kazdy kandydat ma okazje wyboru, aby wstapic w spirale wniebowstapienia i wniebowstapic do Boga."
—Saint Germain, 4 sierpnia, 1987

" . . . moga was nazwac . . . fanatykami, zelotami czy zwariowanymi czy dziwakami. No to co. No to co! Nie powiemy wam dzisiaj, jakim imieniem mistrzowie wniebowstapieni nazywaja tych sposrod wcielonej ludzkosci, ktorzy nie szanuja i nie poddaja sie kosmicznemu Prawu. Jesli nazwalibysmy ich idiotami, bylaby to lagodna deklaracja faktow rzeczywistosci.

"Nie powinniscie przejmowac sie tym, co swiat o was mysli. Nie powinniscie przejmowac sie waszym zyciem lub satysfakcja, czy przyjemnosciami w tym zyciu. Bo to wszystko skonczy sie na niczym. A ci, ktorzy wytykali mnie palcem i Saint Germaina i El Morye—ci sami beda wytykac ich palcami za tysiac lat.

"Ufamy, ze podczas, gdy wytykaja oni innych palcami, ich stopy beda mialy kontynuacje platformy planety ziemi, aby na niej je postawic."


Z miloscia i pokora w Chrystusie,


"Blessed hearts, I commend you to the study of the intricate explanations which I inspired upon Saint John of the Cross concerning this poem of the bride and the Bridegroom. Each line and each word has a profound meaning for the understanding of thy path on earth. The perfect love and the way of love is the way of the example whereby, through the consummate love of your own Beloved, you then manifest my own ascension flame. Though I personally may not receive you fully until the hour of the ascension, the union of your soul with your Christ Self will be the example to all of the path of the ascension and of the ruby ray. Teresa of Avila understood and experienced this path, as did John."

Jesus Christ
May 28, 1981

" . . . Thus there is the refinement of Good and positive momentums as best as one has found and can do. Then, beloved, there is the replacement of Absolute Evil—such as the carnal mind, such as anger and hate and hate creation in the subconscious—that does come through and cause conditions that are discomfiting to oneself and all of one's friends and family and the earth body.

"Absolute Evil in the form of that Darkness, then, can be taken [from you by the hosts of the Lord] as [and only as] the Absolute Good of thy Christhood is born. One cannot simply remove the cancer of Absolute Evil by the process of one night's service; but in the very service there is the gift of the violet flame and of illumination whereby one can see and behold the opening of the electronic belt and say, "Aha! I have discovered you, you devil of my human pride! I see you for what you are! Henceforth I shall walk in the joy, the similitude, the humility of my Christ. I invoke my Christ. I AM that Christ! I cast you down and I walk in the ways of the Lord!"

"Thus the Christ does bind that dweller on the threshold. And some is taken, but not all. Therefore Jesus said, "And ye are clean, but not all." For ye must be tested.

For Ye Must Be Tested: The Trial by Fire

"This is the trial by fire. You have seen the devil of pride, you have made the determination, you have given the fiat that it be cast down. Now you go forth on the road of life and every form of adversary will come to attempt to rekindle in you the display of that pride. Line by line, day by day, decision by decision, you put it into the flame. And each time that element, that particular manifestation on that line of the clock on that day and date in that situation of karma, is taken-so it is taken, so it is bound.

"And it will be permanent if you pass the test on that line again and defeat it utterly and have no part with it. For it is now permanently cut from the vine of thy life-force and therefore cannot live again. But as long as you have free will and you are unascended, you may elect to re-create it. For if you could not re-create it, then you could not be called a co-creator with God. The office of co-creator with God of necessity allows you while yet in the Matter spheres to at any time re-create your human creation.

"Thus understand why in some of my embodiments I wore a hair shirt. Every point of discomfort was a reminder that there was yet substance to be bound and I must not be unalert. Waking or sleeping, I must be reminded that the Lord Christ knocks. And I must bind that Satan that would tear me from my meeting with my Lord.

You Are Re-creating Yourself Line by Line

"You see, you are re-creating yourselves, beloved. You must re-create line by line. You have miscreated, for instance, in anger or pride or fear or hatred or doubt or ingratitude. That which you have created is indeed your own animal farm, your own lesser self.

"Understand that only you have the key to the code—the genetic code, if you wish to so call it—of that creation. Only you can undo it by withdrawing the point of the "I" of decision, the point of will that said, "I will indulge myself in this discord." And then the spiral went forth and consciousness was clothed with form and that form was grotesque and distorted like its vibration.

"This energy must be withdrawn and the form bound along with your propensity to re-create after the image and likeness of your human creation. For that human creation has become a god of sorts, and you re-create after the patterns of those things you have set in motion. Thus, much in your embodiment is repetitive and a repeat performance over and over again until those human creations are like iron or lead statues, so reinforced with that carnal will have they become.

You Must Become the Answer to Your Call

"Thus you see, beloved, the call, the matrix, the fiat begins the process. But to retain the answer to your call, you must become the answer. You call to God for perfection-perfection descends. You must seize it, take it to your heart, become it. For, you see, only then is it sealed. If you do not take that to yourself, another shall. Another will come along and say, "I will pluck this shining fruit," like the serpent that would eat from your Tree of Life. Another will come and devour the light, another who is not of the Light but waits for the crumbs that fall from your table, for the light that comes from the altar.

"See, then, the balancing of karma does take place as you serve, as you love, as you live in the decree of the Word. Balancing karma is not the equivalent of the full mastery you desire. Never­the­less, to balance one's karma does indeed require certain attainment and mastery. But the God-mastery we seek in you [beyond the karmic round] is the creation, the very magnetization of the qualities of Christhood.

Four O'Clock: Loving Obedience/Obedient Love

"I commend you, then, to the Buddha of the Ruby Ray on the four o'clock line. I commend you, then, to the crystal quality of obedient Love-and the reverse of the coin: loving Obedience. Thus the Alpha, the Omega of thy twin flames shall embody the ark—the ark that forms the portal [to the Shekinah glory of the Lord's Presence], the ark that bears the Law—and the cherubim who form the ark, again thy twin flames, kneeling before the flame of the living God.

Buddha of the Rudy Ray

"Determine to embody a single quality of thy Christ, who is the master of the four o'clock line. You can make a list of at least twenty-five attributes of God from the four o'clock line beginning with alignment,
commeasurement with thy God, fulfillment of the Word, happiness, nonsufferingness, God-desire, holiness unto the Lord, geometry of God, clarity of communication in the mind, the art, the science of the builders. All of this proceeds from obedient Love/loving Obedience.

Initiation Tonight at the Royal Teton Retreat

"Now understand the meaning of being the master of thy life, line upon line. Great strides have been achieved. If you should "hold fast what thou hast received" this night, you should truly be a new creature on the morrow when you awaken from the sealing of this action which shall take place with[in] ye all at the Royal Teton Retreat tonight.

"I bid you adieu in the flaming heart of Serapis Bey-our joy, our perfect Master of Love. He will be there to receive you, beloved.

"Thus remember, it is the byword of the Keeper of the Flame: Hold Fast What Thou Hast Received.

"In love, I am your obedient Guru, obedient to the will of God for thee and thine and all life."—El Morya, July 19, 1985

The betrayal of the light of the son of God by the not-Self in each one of us is a link to this planetary force of anti-Buddha. It can be seen in the electronic belt (at the seat-of-the-soul chakra level) manifesting as a black sun-center—a literal vortex of darkness swallowing up the soul's light as it spins in a counter motion to the rotation of the great causal body. Unless bound and cast out by the fiat of Almighty God Himself this dweller will not stop agitating for the enslavement of the soul. The dweller on the threshold is the focal point of the consciousness behind the human creation—the mind behind the manifestation."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
September 18, 1983

" . . . Now then, beloved hearts, we have called many lifestreams. And as I look into this company I see those of you who have stood and held a flame of illumination in past ages, whether in China or South America. I see many who have stood against all odds, many who have been martyred.

"And again, I see those who just before the moment of victory allowed themselves to be overcome, to decide that they were distraught, overworked, incapable of bearing the burden. Multiplying this fear in their beings, they became hysterical and fled in the night and said, “I cannot do it. I cannot face such crisis. I must go where there is peace.”

"Though they might have been peacemakers, they understood not how to hold the line, had not the remembrance that our God would send his Christ and his holy angels to reinforce the right step and the right decision if only it be made and taken. Thus you are also here to fight through with a victorious spirit those momentums of insanity and the easy retreat to the nervous breakdown rather than [placing yourself in a posture to] stand, face, and conquer with a mind of steel.

"Yes, we may all decide we are sick on the day of the battle. It is easy. But I will tell you a secret. It is easier to be well! It is easier to be whole! It is easier to fight than to lie down and be taken and go down to the pits of self-despair. That is the hard thing indeed. Thus, let us not take the broad way <11> but the way of the simplicity of the Christ, which is not the complexity of the dark ones but it is [the way of the light ones who go] straight to the mark.

" . . . Therefore, let it not be said, 'They have such a potential for Victory.' But let it be said, “They knew their potential and came to the altar and laid that fruit of past achievement before the flame of Cosmic Victory, before the flame of Almighty God, and said: ‘I will be the physical incarnation of the movement [toward] the Victory of this Community of the Holy Spirit, [of] this settlement in Montana of the emissaries of the Great White Brotherhood. I will be there. I will have my physical Victory in this hour. And I know that the only Victory I can know is the Victory of the now! And there is no victory that is procrastinated, for procrastinated victory is a certain defeat.’”

Mighty Victory
July 8, 1984

Teachings of the Ascended Masters
Worldwide Internet Radio in Polish

O sciezce wniebowstapienia
czesc I
Akta odnosnie wniebowstapienia
Serapis Bey

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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