Ascended Lady Master
Doctor Maria Montessori


Dr Maria Montessori
“Learn to Love to Do Well, and You Shall!”—Casimir Poseidon
Trainer Sam Musabini told sprinter Harold Abrahams
in 'Chariots of Fire' regarding trainers:
"We can't put in what God has left out."

"Learn all you can, but learn to do something,
or your learning will be useless
and your vision will depart."—Booker T. Washington

"You can observe a lot just by watching."—Yogi Berra

"Dr. Maria Montessori is one who recognized that no child is beyond hope. In 1899 in Rome, shortly after becoming the first woman in Italy to receive a medical doctorate, she was put in charge of a school for children who were regarded as 'hopelessly deficient.'

"In the words of E. M. Standing, Dr. Montessori’s friend and biographer: 'Under her skillful direction the inferior mentality of these defective children . . . developed to a remarkable and unexpected extent. Such indeed was her success that a number of idiot children from the asylums learned to read and write so well that they were able to present themselves with success at a public examination taken together with normal children.'

"Dr. Montessori eventually went on to work miracles among children considered to be of normal mental capacity. She described these children, who were from among the poorest families of Rome, as sixty tearful, frightened children, so shy that it was impossible to get them to speak; their faces were expressionless, with bewildered eyes as though they had never seen anything in their lives, . . . poor abandoned children who had grown up in dark tumbledown cottages without anything to stimulate their minds—dejected, uncared for. It was not necessary to be a doctor to see that they suffered from malnutrition, lack of fresh air and sunlight. They were indeed closed flowers, but without the freshness of buds, souls concealed in a hermetic cell.

"Dr. Montessori described her work with these children:

"I set to work like a peasant woman who, having set aside a good store of seed corn, has found a fertile field in which she may freely sow it. But I was wrong. I had hardly turned over the clods of my field, when I found gold instead of wheat: the clods concealed a precious treasure. I was not the peasant I had thought myself. Rather I was like foolish Aladdin, who, without knowing it, had in his hand a key that would open hidden treasures . . .

"It took time for me to convince myself that all this was not an illusion. After each new experience proving such a truth I said to myself, 'I won’t believe yet; I’ll believe in it next time.' Thus for a long time I remained incredulous, and at the same time deeply stirred and trepidant . . .

"One day, in great emotion, I took my heart in my two hands as though to encourage it to rise to the heights of faith, and I stood respectfully before the children, saying to myself: 'Who are you then? Have I perhaps met with the children who were held in Christ’s arms and to whom the divine words were spoken? I will follow you, to enter with you into the Kingdom of Heaven.'

"And holding in my hands the torch of faith I went on my way."

Saint Germain

"There must be awakened those who are also complacent by wealth, as well as those who have come over the border and are being influenced in their labor unions by those of Marxist inclination. You know, it is the desire of Castro to see, inside of America, cells of Communists who will rise up and join the oncoming armies of the south, to overturn the cities and to begin a Communist revolution in America. Therefore, we envision focuses of the amethyst jewel, Montessori schools, and a program of the distillation of information concerning all of these matters."

Purity and Astrea

"Blessed hearts, you can see the condition of a planet as we see it. You understand that, instead of moving forward, the products of the educational systems of this nation have less and less capacity to express the Word—as language skills, as mathematics, or as other subjects. Consequently, standards are lowered. The tests become more and more easy as educators (who ought not to have the name) are not willing to face the fact that they are failing in the transfer of the light of the heart, which is the only true illumination of any soul.

"Without the flow of love/wisdom of Helios and Vesta through the teacher, the pupil will not mount a spiral—for the spiral is nonexistent. And if the teacher be not a part of the chain of hierarchy, then that teacher cannot attach his pupils to the chain to which he himself is not attached! Therefore, the bodhisattvas—maintaining the flame of hierarchy in the many dimensions and planes of consciousness—have come, placing themselves very near to those whom they would push up the ladder of Life." [highlighted by webmaster]

Lord Maitreya
April 19, 1981

"Most blessed ones, let us increase and multiply the opportunity for Montessori education to the lightbearers of a planet. [highlighted by webmaster] Let us not be discouraged, but let us strive anew. Let every student of our school realize that his own Christhood sets a standard and an example not only for the school and the community, but for all youth of the world. It is not a collective standard, though Christ be one in all. It is an individual standard that you keep by cherishing some very special gift of God, some very special virtue."

December 24, 1982

"I say to all mothers and fathers, even within this community, you must enter into the arena of your children’s education—both spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional. For you are educating your children emotionally by exactly what you do at the emotional level. And you educate them by the example of the discipline and order of your mind or the absence of discipline, and chaos. Your children imbibe from you by a direct infusion and transfusion of your being.

"Mothers and fathers, you also stand before the World Teachers, and you must have a reckoning this day. [highlighted by webmaster] For if you have failed to teach and teach righteously, you must come into alignment and you must rectify this by giving your love and your heart to your children and educating yourselves as to how you may augment and supplement that teaching which is given formally in our Montessori schools or in the schools where you send your children."

Mother Mary
May 15, 1983

"If Jesus, ready for his final incarnation and in that incarnation, could bow before the hierophant at Luxor and ask to be given the first steps on the Path, can you not also receive those first steps? Are you too proud to turn back your own cosmic clock, to pick up the dropped stitches of life? Do you not realize that though you may know a lesson in the mind, you must learn it in the heart and repeat the cycle for transmutation of karma, even in those areas where you think you have exceeded that level of instruction?

"This is why it is so difficult to retrain the adult mind that has not had the blessing of a certain foundation in interaction with its own Inner Self early in childhood, whether by the Montessori method or some other method of teaching that would accomplish the same purpose. It is because adults do not consider that they should go back and do the exercises of a three-year-old or a four-year-old; for at a glance they 'see' the exercise and the mental body takes it in and 'sees' what it is. Not going through the exercise themselves, these adults fail to realize that they do not incorporate the spiral in their own being.

"Therefore, there is a very wise and real admonishment in going back to the Montessori classroom for some who have not been able to get over, as you say, the hang-ups that are remaining in consciousness over which they place the fingers of the mind and heart many, many, many times, revolving in the etheric memory that which should have long ago been passed into the flame." [highlighted by webmaster]

August 7, 1983

"Therefore, we desire to see the two-edged sword of Maitreya outplayed in this community. We desire you to understand that psychology only goes so far and it, too, must be endowed with a flame. Beware of the terms of humanism and democratic interaction between parent and child, for this is not true to the Ascended Masters’ teachings. The interaction is with respect of the office in hierarchy of both personages—the office of parent being that of parent and teacher representing the Godhead; the office of child being that of chela and that of the heir becoming the son.

"Thus, if there is only equality in the democratic sense or the humanistic sense, we lose the sense of respect, we lose the sense of the mantle. Where there is no sense of the mantle, the mantle itself cannot be active. And the mantle is of each one’s Christhood and causal body, which apparently must be somewhat (and, in fact, a great deal) outpictured in the adult, whereas it is not intended to descend in the child except by increments each year.

"Beloved ones, understand that you must go beyond the psychology courses you have seen and recognize that the effort toward communication, toward interaction, toward right motivation, and toward the support of the child must come through the inner contact of the child and the parent with the Christ mind. And therefore, you have already been given formulas and teachings and a way of life that in a sense compensates for many of the humanistic approaches to the solving of parent/child and teacher/child problems.

"Thus, it becomes and it behooves the teachers of the Montessori revolution and the Montessori message to involve themselves in discipleship and a penetration of the Word and its assimilation. When the parents and the teachers, therefore, put on the Body and Blood of the Universal Christ, they have a balance of mind and heart. [highlighted by webmaster] And therefore, they need not be governed by the forceful mentality of the lower mind or the emotions when dealing with children but must have the equivalent thereof in the mind and heart of God and in the hand of the Holy Spirit in action.

" . . . Whatever works, whatever is practical is the Montessori revolution. It need not have been spoken by Montessori. Therefore, beware of a flesh-and-blood-saviour consciousness and of a flesh-and-blood-devil consciousness. All people are instruments of God a good deal of the time, and some may fall prey to be instruments of error as well.

"Thus, let us understand that Maria Montessori was one spokesman for the revolution in education, and you are another when you are the instrument of your Christ Self. And there are others throughout the fields of education in America and the world. When you pick the best fruits from the tree of education, you find that you have a basket that is acceptable not only to the Ascended Lady Master Maria Montessori, but to Mother Mary and Magda and Jesus and John the Baptist, for whom this very method was developed.

"And therefore, you cannot keep up with the revolution unless you renew your own courses of the mind—unless you come to understand that each year there is greater potential within the children and a different way of learning because the universal astrology changes, because the ages change, the years change, the dispensations descend.

"Unless you are attuned with these—unless you analyze the dispensations of this conference, for instance, you will not understand how they apply to the children and the new calls that must be made in a service dedicated to the children of this campus and the world (which, I might say, at this time is not well enough attended for the Sponsors of Youth or the Lords of Karma to be effective in staying the aggressive forces that are even now puncturing through to the children of this community)."

God and Goddess Meru
January 6, 1985

"You contain the keys, you have applied them—they work. Mother Mary is waiting and so are we. All who are teachers and see the success of our school must know that it is not enough to educate the few. The many must have combined with the Montessori method all those innovations that have been inspired upon you, ingenious through the Holy Spirit.

"Blessed ones, as is always the case, as you have discovered, until you hold your prayer vigils on education, on the proper reading method, on the proper acceleration of children that they might finish the responsibilities of schooling at an earlier age to move on to careers, professions, and service [highlighted by webmaster]—blessed ones, until the prayer vigil is held and the books are published, you will continue to see a yoke, even the cross itself, on the backs of the youth."

God and Goddess Meru
April 19, 1987

"Blessed hearts, the prayer of one child in Montessori school—any child, a single child—as given daily here is the equivalent of thousands who in ignorance pray the Mass yet have not received the formula which you have received by grace to access the supreme power of the Godhead. Let all cherish, then, and value this opportunity. Let us move swiftly."

Mother Mary
May 11, 1987

"I say to you, beloved ones, those of you who have raised your families and are at a point in life when you can give yourselves to God and to Community, there is no more important calling that you could have than to teach the children and to be there this summer for that eight-week training course in the Montessori method plus other methods that we have added to that course.

"Beloved ones, this course is the finest in the nation, without exception, because it has its foundation in the path of the violet flame, in the path of mercy and grace, in the path of the true spiritual traditions of Mary and Elizabeth, who did bring forth the avatars of the age.

"Blessed ones, it is a mandate! Do not think that you will make your ascension by sitting home and minding your houses and doing a few hours of decrees a day! You must get in there, roll up your sleeves and recognize that this is a moment to be born again by Mercy’s flame and by Mercy’s heart and to be sensitive to the cries of children of all ages: 'Who will come and teach us?'

”So this is the call of Mother Caspari. This is the call of Maria Montessori. This is the cry of the children: “Who will come and teach us? Who will come and teach us?” [highlighted by webmaster]

"Look at their faces as you see the TV news specials on education, on children of all ages. They are blank. They are burdened. They are miserable. They are without hope because they know what is the education they should be given and that they are not receiving it.

"I, Kuan Yin, cry out this day to you who can make this happen! It is a time for you to rescue those whom we are sending to this earth as a mandala of Lightbearers comprised of children in every nation on the planet who will rise up, come to their maturity and overthrow the evil system that plagues every nation, including the United States.

"Yes, beloved, I, Kuan Yin, cry out to you and I make you this promise: If you will give yourself to the furthering of the education of these children, I shall place my Electronic Presence over you and I will work through you. And because I place my Electronic Presence over you, you shall have many blessings of healing in your bodies and many side blessings that come as a part of your dedication.

"Think about it, beloved! It is not enough to have the Teaching. It is not enough to decree. You must rescue the children! You and you remain with a number of other enlightened ones from all walks of life to pass the torch of the ages to this generation." [highlighted by webmaster]

Kuan Yin
April 18, 1992

"If children do not enter the program of Montessori instruction until the age of two-and-a-half or older, much is already set in the development of the child from preconception to conception through gestation and the first two to three years of the child’s life. Many patterns of psychology are set in those years and these patterns are set in the four lower bodies. And the soul of light must therefore overcome these before it can move forward, straight as an arrow, following the cycles of the hours of the clock year upon year. [highlighted by webmaster]

"Therefore I call for the establishment within this Community of a committee for child guidance and parental guidance, so that parents, teachers and sponsors may come together with a loving understanding of those things that ought to be and those things that must be rooted out, torn down and built up within the parents so that they might have a circle of love and comfort to impart.

". . . We desire to see the acceleration of our Montessori Teacher Training program offered this year at Camelot. We desire to see teachers go forth qualified as ministers, as teachers and as representatives of the true Spirit of Freedom, having, therefore, the understanding of the message of the Word for the Spirit cup and for the Matter cup. Let their dharma then be the education of children, the serving of the poor and the needy in the nations and the teaching of people of all ages the simple affirmation of the Word in the 'Heart, Head and Hand Decrees.' "

Sanat Kumara, October 7, 1979

" . . . Contrast this with President Clinton's 'Goals 2000' program, which seeks to enable all third-graders to read on their own. Such a lackluster goal is no goal at all! Allowing a child to remain illiterate until the age of eight is to ignore the early sensitive periods wherein they can assimilate tremendous bodies of knowledge. Children can be reading in preschool if given the opportunity and encouragement."

John the Beloved
March 30, 1997

"Thus it is necessary then for the sign of mobility to be realized in the advanced chela as the sign of safety. And it is often necessary to remove oneself to a point in the Inner Retreat, here or there, where only the birds and the angels and the elementals may truly know the forcefield of your own Presence. Realize that there are little ones who live in tiny bodies, there are little children connected with this activity who rightfully ought not to be in an area of such a dense population. Often they are weary and burdened and sometimes even out of sorts for bearing so much momentum of world energy.

"Let all who are a part of this community—parents and teachers and those who have concern about their own path of light—realize that as the way of the Messengers of God has been shown, and this one also, so you must follow. For your day is also coming—and the days will be shortened for you who elect to adopt the full path of Christhood—when you yourselves will no longer be able to bear the burden of the areas of large concentration of population. It is then that you will require the place prepared and you will understand why the sacrifice was necessary."

Lord Maitreya
April 4, 1982

Montessori's Theory of the "Absorbent Mind" As Compared With Brain Research in the 90's

by Sharlet J. McClurkin

Writing her book, THE ABSORBENT MIND, in the 1950's prior to current brain research, Dr. Maria Montessori obviously and amazingly was nearly fifty years ahead of her time.

She said, "There are many who hold, as I do, that the most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers."

Brain research today is one of the most exciting fields of scientific study, as exemplified in the February 3, 1997 , article in the TIME Magazine, "How A Child's Brain Develops." After reading this article, early childhood educators can now say, " I told you so," because we have known all along that the first few years of life shape the adult who is becoming. J. Madeline Nash reports: "A baby's brain cells.shape a lifetime of experience.

The first three years are critical." (TIME, p. 48) Speaking to the May, 1995, Montessori Institute of America conference in Des Moines , WA , Dr. Jane Healy, author of Your Child's Growing Mind , said, "I have found nothing significantly inconsistent in the writings of Dr. Montessori about the child as compared with my research on the brain."

Not only did Montessori envision a new type of education for young children, she had the insight to understand the profound significance of the period of early development: "The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth."

Nowe metody nauczania
mlodziezy i dzieci

(New Teaching Methods
of Children and Youth)

Archeia Christine
Mark L. Prophet, 9 grudnia 1973
Copyright © 1973
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

Pochodnia oswiecenia,
kultury i nauki

(Torch of Illumination,
Culture and Science)

Jesus the Christ
E.C. Prophet, 25 grudnia 1975
Copyright © 1975
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

Nies pochodnie
Marii Montessori

(Carry the Torch
of Maria Montessori)

Mother Mary
E.C. Prophet, 6 lipca 1980
Chapel of the Holy Grail
Camelot, CA
Copyright © 1980
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

Do studentow
Montessori International

(To Students
of Montessori International)

E.C. Prophet, 26 kwietnia 1981
La Tourelle Teaching Center
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

metody Montessori

(The Flame
of Montessori Method)

Kuan Yin
E. C. Prophet, 11 grudnia 1981
Chapel of the Holy Grail
Camelot, CA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

Montessori International
—szkola ucznia na Sciezce

(Montessori International
—a School for Chelaship)

Archangel Michael
E. C. Prophet, 27 cerwca 1982
Chapel of the Holy Grail
Camelot, CA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

metody Montessori

of the Montessori Method)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 24 listopada 1983

Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Edukacja dzieci swiata
of the World's Children)

Gautama Buddha
E.C. Prophet, 4 pazdziernika 1989

Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1989
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Uczcie dzieci
czytac i pisac

(Teach Children
reading and writing)

Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus
E.C. Prophet, 1 stycznia 1991

Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Metoda Montessori
(Montessori Method)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 24 listopada 1994

Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1994
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
edukacji dzieci

of the Education of Children)

Nada Rayborn
E.C. Prophet, 14 kwietnia 1995
The Inner Retreat, MT
Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1995
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved

Uczcie dzieci
od najmlodszych lat!

(Teach Children
from Their Youngest Age)

John the Beloved
E.C. Prophet, 30 marca 1997

Royal Teton Ranch, USA
Copyright © 1997
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

"The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families . . . How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?"—John Adams

"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. Of such is wisdom."William Butler Yeates
"The fate of empires depends on the education of youth."—Aristotle
"[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."—Samuel Adams
"Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."—John Adams
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers."—Socrates

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