The Great White Brotherhood
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Pink Mountains by Nicholas Roerich

"Whatever you put your attention on, whatever is most important
in your life, that you will achieve. And those of you who are
aggressive achievers, both on the spiritual path and in the world,
know very well that this is true. What you set your sights on,
you will become."—Beloved Jesus Christ, June 28, 1994

" . . . You have won many a battle and there is a staying hand.
Therefore let us thrust forward. Let us be aggressive, positive,
and on the offensive for the invoking of the abundance of God
that will enable us to bring forth that which is the top priority."
—Beloved Mother Mary, March 8, 1981

"The world is full of obvious things
which nobody by any chance ever observes."—Sherlock Holmes,
The Hound of the Baskervilles

"Past is prologue."

"May many look upon you and see there an open door, a window’s view into heaven. O beloved, so many are in sorrow, in pessimism, and their souls are mourning; and therefore they don the garments of blackness and they are burdened by the weight of world karma increasing.

"O let the fire in the mountain of your being be the violet flame! O know, beloved, how many souls receive surcease from pain and healing from your calls!

"I am rich in the Spirit to bestow upon you the abundance of virtues, the abundance of all that you need to fulfill your mission. Only remember the first things first. Only remember the purification of the heart. Only remember the strengthening of the body itself.

"Certain Masters of the Brotherhood gather on this platform. They come, beloved, for by their presence (seen at the level of your soul) you can establish a sense of coequality with them, a sense of co-measurement as well, that you might enter in and know that the Path is hard but it is not too hard for thee. Thou art chosen because thou hast chosen. Therefore know you are given the tests that you can pass, the strength with which to pass them."

Nicholas Roerich

" . . . So, beloved, I will tell you what has impelled us to reach beyond our ability, and I speak of all the ascended hosts. It is because we saw a need so great and had such compassion for the one who had that need and saw that none other stood by to help that one, none other would come if we did not extend the hand.

"In that moment, beloved, Love itself supplied the intensity, the fire whereby we could leap to the rescue, to the side of [one in distress], or to enter some course of study that we might be proficient in knowledge that was needed.

"This process, then, this love that could forget itself and leap to save a life, this, beloved, was the opening for the great fire of the Holy Spirit to enter the heart, to dissolve recalcitrance there, to melt the impediments to those twelve petals and their unique vibration, to take from us hardness of heart, physical encrustations, disease, fear, doubt, records of death.

"All of these could vanish in the ardor of service. And in our desiring to do well we attracted the forces of Nature and heaven to assist us in doing well. In our determination to be only God-victorious we attracted God-victory to ourselves."

Kuan Yin
July 1, 1988

The Apocrypha
Books Left Out of the Canonical Bible

The Hierarchy King James Bible

The Lost Book of Enoch Search King James Bible

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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