The Lure of the Psychic


"Dear hearts, in this late hour I trust that none of you will sell your birthright for anything!
—promised or not. Those who do are to be pitied."—Saint Germain

"Clean House! I AM the Champion of My Chelas:
If You Make Your Bed in the Psychic You Will Have to Lie in It!"—El Morya

"Psychicism is self-concern."—Elizabeth C. Prophet,
The Living Flame of Love, Summit University, spring 1977

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable,
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."—George Bernard Shaw

"God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians
as fools . . . and He has not been disappointed . . . If I have brought any message today,
it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ.
And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world."
—U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

"As never before men are surfeited in their karma. Their eyes are covered with scales. They cannot recognize a Lightbearer from a member of a cult, glassy-eyed and hypnotized by autohypnosis and self-indulgence. They cannot see the difference between [those infired with] the Holy Spirit and the nonentity and the godless. This is the decay of mankind.

"But all who have the Spirit of the Lord upon this earth know that Spirit in each and every one who does have it. And it is true, beloved, there are no lines of separation. Across the board on the planetary home in every religion there are those who have the Holy Spirit and there are those who do not. And those who do not have it have not been willing to sacrifice to receive it, for it does require surrender unto the Spirit, service unto the Spirit, selflessness unto the Spirit, sacrifice. The Ruby Ray cross is the key to enter in."

Jesus Christ

"There are among you and among the students of the light throughout the world innumerable individuals who desire to see a manifestation of my Presence. These have often called for me to step through the veil and manifest tangibly to them.

"I ask you if you are aware of what you ask. Truly you know not what you ask. The shock to your vehicles, unless they stand in God-perfection, would be considerable and the benefit questionable.

"And yet, I stand ready today to manifest myself to you tangibly and to step through the veil into visible manifestation when you are ready to recognize the portals of heaven as of greater importance than all the affairs of mankind, when you are ready to dedicate your energies to the purposes for which they were given to you of God and to feel no sense of sacrifice, no sense of oppression."

Saint Germain
September 4, 1961

"Beloved ones, in golden-age societies—in the etheric culture—those who give forth music are required to have a certain attainment on the path of self-mastery. They are required to be under a guru and to have balanced the energy of love. Those who give forth the music in these cultures and civilizations, which I tell you exist on many planets and systems of worlds, are honored for their level of attainment.

"And it is absolutely not permitted that those who engage in astral or psychic activities be allowed to put forth the sound, the energy of rhythm, or a voice on behalf of the people. Those who sing and those who play musical instruments become the harmony of an entire planetary body. Upon their chakras and within their temples, the cosmic chords of the Elohim vibrate. And it is understood that sound as a wavelength, as an energy, penetrates the sphere, the habitation, the planet, even if it is not heard by its inhabitants.

"And thus, beloved ones, it is unthinkable that the fallen ones should ever have the freedom to pollute the mainstream of consciousness as upon earth. The airways, the television, the radio, and the entire media of communication have been turned over to those rhythms which come forth from death, from the fallen ones, and from the archdeceivers."

Lord Shiva

"And if you have holes in your garments (which many of you still do) from your dabbling in this and that curiosity of the lower astral plane, I say call to the legions of the Fifth Ray to assist you
to mend your garments. For your garments must be hole-free (i.e., free of holes) in order to be holy. That is the measure of the vessel.

" 'I cannot pour out of my Spirit,' saith the LORD, 'into a leaky vessel.' Simply remember that, beloved. If you are a leaky vessel, opening up yourself to all kinds of nonsense, then it is the nonsense that will occupy you.

"Have done with what we call the psychic, the lower astral plane! Have done with the spirits that mutter and peep. Have only one spirit—the Holy Spirit, whom I represent to you in a personified form.

"Choose you this day whom ye will serve." So it is written. Serve one cause and let the Great White Brotherhood take care of all machinations of evil forces, whether of the power elite or of those who come from the Twelfth Planet or across the galaxies in their spacecraft. Have nothing to do with them, beloved, for they have nothing to offer you. All that you need is your Mighty I AM Presence, the righteousness of your Holy Christ Self and your soul's pursuit of the path of the Law.

"Beware of 'this' and 'that.' Beware of all that phenomena. Everything is out there, beloved. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the powers of God shall be added unto you.

"Healing, then, as you understand, is most notably necessary. For those who are the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind and the burdened and who are suffocating in their own karma cannot make a turnabout and embrace the wholeness of God. They must first find wholeness in themselves and invoke that wholeness. And God through you, God through you may heal those who can be healed.

"If you do not subject your calls for the healing of others to the will of God, you may take upon yourselves the diseases of those for whom you pray. You may take upon yourselves great burdens that will require a number of lifetimes to balance. So it is with the psychic plane, beloved. Those who have dabbled in this plane for centuries take many lifetimes to grow out of and transmute that psychic consciousness by the violet flame.

"I can help, beloved, but when people by their own free will become not only addicted to but enmeshed in the psychic consciousness, they must by their own free will determine to cut themselves free from it. If you have dabbled in it, I tell you, work diligently—work diligently to seal those places in your psyche that are open doors to the astral plane until nothing out of the lower levels of the astral plane can touch you. And furthermore, see to it that the glitter and glamour of the psychic no longer interest you.

"For your days are numbered. Your days are numbered even as the very hairs of your head are numbered. And those days and those hairs you must count, beloved, for you are yet finite and you shall not wear the robes of immortality until you ascend to the octaves of immortality.

"Therefore, beloved, it is true—there is a grave darkness that covers and permeates the earth even while the light is dawning. It is spectacular to see in the heavens the brilliance of the light juxtaposed against shadows that are thick and dark as though they were ten thousand miles thick. You also find these contrasts of light and shadow in the evolutions of earth."

Maha Chohan

"America is beset with the karma that the nation has made since its inception two centuries ago. It is beset with ancient records of Atlantis not yet paid. And it is bowed down by a false teaching that is not that of the Christ concerning this karma, concerning accountability.

"So many false teachers abound and so little discrimination is exercised, even in the New Age movement. Wherever there is a claim or a personality or a new fad or some other exploration into the psychic, there do they run like chickens for feed.

"Blessed hearts, find the truth of Being in yourself. Find others who have that truth of Being. And watch out, for the disease of the carnal mind is idolatry. Most people on or off the spiritual path are idolatrous of themselves, quite pleased with their meager knowledge and even less attainment, which they deem to be great.

"Know ye not that the first step on the Path is one of humility and self-effacement?

"The first step beyond this is forgiveness toward all life.

"Do not jump into the arena of learning to be a psychic channel. Do not jump into those areas where you again jeopardize the soul. For this channeling is a form of spiritism and it does rob you of the very sheath of light that does protect the physical body and the chakras, and this energy once spent is not replenished.

"Thus, when you experience exhaustion instead of a recharge in the presence of a channel, know that your energy is being drained to sustain that communication, which cannot be from an Ascended Master if it does drain you.

"Therefore shun the discarnate entities that come prattling about this and that while the
stakes of human existence hang. They hang heavy, beloved, for it is a century that can be the springboard to a golden age but more likely will go down in defeat unless such as you rise to a new fervor of determination to spread the word of the karma descending, the prophecy of the decade and its signs in the astrology of the Four Horsemen.

"Remember, then, the prophecy of Jesus Christ for that karma descending that America must face, and recognize that to divert it will mean [that her people must offer] a mighty act of invocation of sacred fire, of violet flame, of diligence."

Phylos the Tibetan

"There are some entertaining ridiculous and heinous psychic concepts who have been on the Path many years, who have tumbled in the astral plane and think they are of all men most knowledgeable. They will write to the Messenger to guarantee their psychic interpretations of life as being out of the mouth of the Master by assuring the Messenger that they decree anywhere from one to twelve hours a day, thinking that if they decree eight hours or ten hours a day they must be right!

"Beloved, there are many paths of folly and illusion. And this is why, even immersed in the Teaching itself, only a few will enter in. This is not a game of hopscotch where one, two, three, hop! and you are in the etheric retreats and next you are resurrected and next you are ascended! Life is not so, beloved. And contrary to what you may have thought, you do require self-mastery and mastery of the sacred fire to arrive at the gate."

El Morya

"Therefore, I am seeing to it that these individuals will no longer be a part of this Community. Some have already left. Some have been removed because they refused to surrender certain psychic activities that cannot in any way be tolerated in an organization sponsored by the Ascended Masters. It is a matter of black and white: you either forsake the psychic or you may not be a part of this organization.

"It is often true that individuals who are psychic do not know that they are psychic, for they have tumbled into the world of illusion, the world of baubles and trinkets and smoke and mirrors. They have descended in a downward spiral into the astral plane and, lo and behold, they believe they have found Shangri-la!

"Well, beloved ones, I wish to discuss with you the matter of placing yourselves before teachers other than the Ascended Masters and before teachings other than the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. If you are determined to take courses from this or that instructor because he or she professes to teach something you think you ought to know and yet you are aware that that instructor is psychic or has been identified as psychic by the Messenger, this is what will happen:

"When you place yourself before a teacher who is not tied to the Great White Brotherhood, who does not have God-control of his four lower bodies or of anger (or the Martian A’s the Messenger has listed) and who is in some kind of a valley of indecision, choosing to live neither in Light nor in Darkness but in a gray area, you open yourself up to receive from that teacher whatever untransmuted substance is lodged in his electronic belt. (For the pupil is always the one who receives and the teacher is always the one who gives.) And you will not be able to screen out the psychic from the nonpsychic; for the psychic vibration pollutes the entire stream of consciousness of the one who lets himself flow with it.

"Thus, you take in not only what the psychic consciously dishes out but the entire subconscious momentum of his psychicism, including his impure vessel, which in most cases has not been dedicated as a chalice for violet flame transmutation. (In the world of the psychic there are many who have no determination to transmute past karma and there are others who do use the violet flame but are nevertheless unwilling to give up their involvement in the psychic.)

"And the conclusion will be that I will have nothing further to do with you because you will have made your bed in the psychic and you will have to lie in it until you decide to 'clean up your act,' as the saying goes. If you go the way of the psychic when you know the Law, I cannot help you and I can no longer have any ties to your lifestream. Nor can any other Ascended Master maintain ties to you, for the Great Law will not allow it.

"You must understand that through your tie to the Great White Brotherhood through Padma Sambhava and the lineage of hierarchy that sponsors this Messenger, you have the greatest opportunity in the entire Matter universe to take your ascension in this life. The hierarchies of light who are involved with this earth are also involved with this universe. And therefore, their sponsorship of this organization is not something merely of this earth.

"So I have spoken and this is my statement. Hear it well. I have set a full table before you.
The Lord Christ has broken the bread of life and given you of his Body and his Blood. It is not necessary for you to know everything about everything, including the things of the psychic. It is not necessary for you to look for shortcuts. There are no shortcuts!

"You can fool yourself in many ways, whether by muscle testing or by this or that something or other that someone has come up with. But in the end, beloved, you will find that you have made no forward progress whatsoever and that you have forsaken your spiritual path and your spiritual trust with the Ascended Masters, who are your Teachers and Gurus. And I say, you will find yourself with a bellyful of psychic energy and you will have only yourself to rid yourself of it.

"Psychic energy is like quicksand. Souls can be sucked into it and actually defend their right to be doing what they are doing because they are so enmeshed in the psychic plane and its psychic inhabitants that they can no longer tell the difference between the spiritual path and the psychic path. This is a tragedy of the age!

"There are millions of souls on earth who are following psychic teachers and, as a result, they
are falling by the wayside. Because they are tied to these teachers, they are unaware that their auric sheath (the light that is closest to the body) is being “bled” from them. Unknowingly, they are losing their soul essence. It is being taken from them not necessarily by spiritualists or crystal-ball gazers but by everyday people who live in the psychic plane. Therefore know that when you keep company with such people, you make yourself vulnerable to all levels of the
astral plane. When you place yourself opposite them as a student, you are even more vulnerable.

"A typical example of psychism on television that draws millions into the astral plane every day, hence into the surreal world of the psychic, is the so-called soap opera. There is absolutely no redeeming value in the 'soaps.' They are a cesspool of the psychic and those who put their attention on that cesspool day in and day out will find themselves still in that cesspool after they pass from the screen of life in the change called death.

"Another example of psychism is the violence in the Saturday-morning cartoons. This violence is a horrendous desecration of the soul of the child. The makers of these cartoons have sown the wind and they shall—I say, they shall—reap the whirlwind of their karma for the abuse of the minds and emotional bodies of children.

"We are your teachers. We are your initiators. We give you your initiations on the Path. As your parents, we coddle you. You cannot imagine how we root for you and go to battle for you. But we expect one thing: allegiance to the one God and the one God in the person of the Ascended Masters.

"The Ascended Masters are the sponsors and teachers of this organization. If there is a subject of study that you are interested in, ask the Messenger if she will teach on that subject. Ask her if she will invite qualified instructors who are not psychic to come and teach such subjects as you deem necessary for the furtherance of the educational goals of this organization.

"Over the years the Messenger has invited many experts in the fields of health, education, psychology and self-help. And we are certainly open to having our chelas excel in advanced learning techniques as long as these do not involve autosuggestion or autohypnosis. The call to your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self can take you to any plane or octave that is necessary for you to enter to tap the resources of the brain and the higher intelligence of the Mind of God. Keepers of the Flame must never allow themselves to be hypnotized nor should they hypnotize others. For the hypnotist displaces the role of the Holy Christ Self and deposits his own untransmuted energy in the unprotected subconscious or unconscious.

"The bottom line is this: I will have nothing further to do with anyone who goes after the world of the psychic and its followers. If you pursue the psychic, you will have to clean up your world on your own. You will have to once again make your soul and your four lower bodies an acceptable chalice for your Holy Christ Self if you desire to be a part of this organization.

"I trust I have made myself clear. I want you to understand that I am in some measure concerned and equally burdened that Saint Germain should have to deal with such goings-on in this organization as students professing to take dictations from the Maha Chohan and other Ascended Masters when they have no mantle and no office in the Great White Brotherhood that would authorize them to take dictations. And I am chagrined that the Maha Chohan himself should be subjected to individuals who would take dictations that are supposedly from him but are not and who claim to have the Holy Spirit but do not.

"The initiations of the Holy Spirit come to you day by day. And they come, beloved, when you are ready. Before you can become a direct disciple of the Holy Spirit under the Maha Chohan, you must submit yourself to the paths of the Seven Chohans and master at least three of those paths, one of which must be the path of the First Ray under me. The Chohans who preside over the other two paths of your choosing may accept you, whether as a preferred chela or a beginning student, or they may tell you to diligently follow the path taught by the Messengers until you may be invited to be directly under the tutelage of one or both of these Chohans. I exercise the same discretion.

"Therefore it burdens me to see a certain setting aside or rejection, if you will, of the Masters,
who have been with you for so long, in favor of those who come to town with their pots and pans and snake oil, seeking to tear from you your First Love.

"Your first and true and only love should be your I AM Presence. Call to your I AM Presence to see to it that you have every bit of edification and learning that you require to make your ascension. But do not be greedy in indulging in this, that and the next course offered here and there and everywhere as conniving psychic entrepreneurs take advantage of silly people who
will come into their shops and pay high prices to be taught, often by those who have not been cleansed by the Lord Christ and therefore in whom that Christ does not dwell.

"I trust you understand my concern and my sternness. I do not, I will not compromise. I will not carry any chela’s psychic baggage. If you have needlessly yet knowingly tied yourself to psychic people or the psychic plane, then you will have to demagnetize your four lower bodies with the assistance of Archangel Michael and Elohim Astrea and use the violet flame assiduously until you are finally out of the astral plane—once and for all.

"In this hour, then, I seal you for the victory and I say, we will have in this Community those who are fine examples of the Path. And we will let those who are glassy-eyed and already gone, gone into the psychic, even with the aid of psychedelic drugs, gravitate to lower levels, where they would just as soon be in any case. Let us part in peace with those who do not recognize their high calling in God and their stupendous opportunity to advance along the lines of the great dispensations of the Central Sun.

I bow to the Christ in each one and I bid you adieu."

- [41-second standing ovation]

El Morya
April 16, 1995

"This year has seen leaders of local study groups becoming involved in affairs with new students, both leaving the Path, thus using the energy of the altar either for psychic channeling and delivering private messages from the Masters to their little groups or for the arousing of the untransmuted baser energies. It is well-known that the Holy Ghost and the power of the Brotherhood that does go forth will indeed activate all momentums of Darkness as well as of Light. This is why we have Keepers of the Flame Lessons. This is why we have studies and disciplines. It is necessary to remember them. It is necessary to guard oneself.

"How can so great a Light as Sanat Kumara come into your midst when the very presence of the Light causes you to criticize your neighbor or to lust after another man's wife or to neglect your own family? Keepers of the Flame, be on guard!

"This is my final opportunity and I guard it well. Therefore, you also should understand that you keep the flame of Maitreya and you ought to be concerned when you observe violations of the flame and recognize that your silence on human compromise, seeking popularity, places in jeopardy the entire Community. There are none so fooled and so damned (which means judged by the Law) as those who allow human rationalization to compromise the most basic principles of our Path.

" . . . for all that has been given and gone forth there is a desire on the part of our students to appropriate the light to their private uses and to mold a new image and a new way of life for the Community that is apart from the path of chelaship which Morya has established. And not the example of the Messenger or the qualified staff has in any way deterred those who have said, "We will do it our way. We will prove that we can take the Teachings and do it our way. We will show that these rules and principles are no longer prevailing.

"Beloved ones, thus does begin the compromise of the founding principles of every religion. Beware of it. We know of the psychics and other religious leaders who take our teachings, our books, and our decrees and blend them with their version of an anti-Guru, anti-Christ path. So they have said, in Germany and elsewhere, 'Why can we not take the decrees and the songs and leave the rest? We do not need the Messenger. We have our own messengers and our own seers.' Thus, beloved, no graver mistake has ever been made than by those who stand neath the boot of the Soviet, only miles from the border.

"If you speak of apathy and indifference, speak, then, of somnambulance! Speak of those who sleep in their pride of intellect and of the false theologians who have come out of that nation, always destroying the spirit and confounding the innocent with their misuse of the letter.

"Blessed hearts, it is a shame to turn aside my mouthpiece. It is a shame to look at human idiosyncrasies or the pressures upon this instrument and to judge by some imagined divine standard that the Messenger does not measure up. Beloved hearts, early in her training—very early, in an hour when the burden of the bearing of world karma was too great for Mark Prophet to bear—this Messenger, by the age of twenty-three, was bearing the burden of half of the weight of planetary karma with Mark.

"We do not condemn for situations that may have occurred of burden to our Messengers in the attempt to bear this cross for you. Truly, what freedom of youth had been hers was gone in that moment when passing through Georgetown, driven by Mark, the first 10-percent weight came upon her body and she cried out and said to him, 'Mark, what has come upon me?' And so he did tell her, 'A percentage of the planetary weight.'

"Beloved hearts, when this does come upon an individual all other interests of life are surrendered—no more time for playing the piano, for painting paintings of art, for doing those things of a social nature. And even the simple joys of family must be set aside for the keeping of the flame upon the altar of humanity.

"It was with the passing of Mark that the full weight came upon the Messenger of that planetary karma as well as the initiation of the descent into Death and Hell and specifically the assignment to deal with those individuals who had plagued the house of Rakoczy and the entire Great White Brotherhood for centuries—personal enemies of mine and of yourselves who must be dealt with.

" . . . Blessed ones, in the hour of the ascension of Mark, the Keepers of the Flame who made their inner vows did determine to share in the bearing of the burden of this weight of world karma borne by the embodied Messenger. Thus, by the grace of the true chelas of Morya and Saint Germain who endured through the trials and temptations of the Messenger, she has endured and remained in embodiment to serve our cause. And you have remained! And a bond of hearts fused as one has come out of all of this.

"And you have understood the profound lessons of the history of your Messengers and your part therewith over hundreds of thousands of years of the going forth of the Mother in the attempt to rescue the fallen ones. As you have been told, their opportunity is up. Now the Mother and you may devote yourselves entirely to the Lightbearers. And you must do so swiftly, for they are caught in psychic snarls beyond belief.

"If you consider how so easily you are drawn apart by the machinations of your own mind to stray from my heart though you love me still, let me tell you, beloved, those who have a little more karma, a little less light are swept away by false-hierarchy impostors of myself who cleverly, cleverly disguise themselves as teachers of righteousness. The personality cult and the hypnosis practiced by the leader is all-enveloping. It must have your forthright decree work.

" . . . And this is the key, beloved—whether it is the death wish of the various sects of religion on earth wishing and willing the death of the Messenger, whether it is Russian psychics or KGB agents who have masterminded the ability to probe the human mind and penetrate it, whether it is from Mars or Pluto or the moon or Hell itself, those embodied or disembodied, Death yet exists in the astral plane and it will come knocking at your door one of these days as surely as Death knocked clearly and loudly at the bedroom door of your Messenger in Los Angeles."

Saint Germain

"Many of the psychics of the world, out of hearts filled with frustrations and subtle hatreds toward humanity, have predicted awful cataclysmic action upon the earth; but some who have foreseen difficulties are true prophets of God. Therefore, we wish to examine for you some of the motives that are involved in prophecy.

"Those who gloat over wholesale and wanton destruction, wreaked upon lands and peoples, may one day find themselves in a position where they will reap that which they have sown. Meanwhile the Brotherhood of light, fully aware of the massive psychic attacks that are being leveled against the stability of the earth and its peoples, continues to pour the tenderness of watchful care and salvation to humanity from the hands of the Cosmic Christ.

"Because of the conditions of mankind's karma, we are not always able to prevent destruction from taking place. It should also be understood that all destruction is not physical; one must consider the destruction of ideals and religious and moral covenants to be even more dangerous to civilization than wars and rumors of wars.

"Those who seek to destroy the codes and systems of the world that have evolved out of the dark ages of human history, from the old Babylonian Code, the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule, the Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States, and other instruments of Liberty—these would offer the world, in return for its imperfect state, one of nihilism and chaos; they are not the bearers of beauty and happiness to mankind or to themselves, but they are the harbingers of havoc whose name is Legion."

Casimir Poseidon
May 25, 1969

"Therefore, beware the pitfalls of pride and ambition. Beware the pitfalls, beloved, and heed the
word of my Messenger, who has truly the mantle and the training to point out to you those subtle burdens that are upon you that prevent you from being a transparency for the living Word of God.

"Without faith in the living Guru, it is impossible to please God. This is the meaning of that which is recorded in scripture: Without faith it is impossible to please God. It is the faith in the living Christ of Jesus and in those who have worn the mantle of Guru throughout the ages that enables you to fulfill that which is pleasing unto the LORD. You will not see of your own that which must be cast out and this is why those who have rejected all gurus [i.e., enlightened teachers] become the incarnation of pride, intellectual pride, Luciferian pride and the sense of superiority on the Path.

"I say, my angels have come to tear from you the mask and the garments of spiritual pride that block your true attainment on the Path. Know and understand this, beloved, that the voices subtle of the fallen angels so mock our own that many have thought they have received visitations of ourselves and do take their dictations from, supposedly, Maitreya or Jesus or Saint Germain or the Archangels.

"They have been beguiled and fooled by these fallen ones and by the false hierarchies misrepresenting the Great White Brotherhood. And in each and every case, slowly but surely, those fallen ones, speaking to them and whispering in their ear, will deliver a message of flattery as to their supposed attainment and their being chosen and set aside for an extraordinary mission, et cetera.

"Beloved ones, those who will not bend the knee before the living Presence of Sanat Kumara throughout the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood have no part with this path or the ascension in the Light, and therefore they remain outside the courts of Maitreya's Mystery
School as of old in days of Lemuria and Atlantis.

"And they would gnash their teeth and they would rush against the Lightbearers [if they could], even as in the stoning of Saint Stephen, and move against those who had the Holy Ghost, and they would claw them and would tear from them their very garments! For beloved, they have come again in the land, and they have stood apart, and they both fear and hate the Messenger and the path of the ascension.

"They claim to have it all, but I tell you they have not the wedding garment and we say unto them worldwide: Friend, how camest thou in without the wedding garment? And without that wedding garment, there is no transition to higher octaves. Though they may misuse the mantras to attract
to themselves a light and a glamour of sanctity, they have it not. Go not their way! For I tell you
the false teachers in the land are many.

" . . . I tell you, go not after them, for you have the Christ in your being! You have the kingdom of God within you!You have my flame within you! You have your heart-to-heart contact with me and through me to all of the ascended hosts of the Great White Brotherhood!"

Sanat Kumara
January 2, 1988

"I say, take your mantle and go as Elisha did and part the waters of the Yellowstone and see how Saint Germain will appear to you! And you will have those experiences, because you are so determined—the experiences which Godfre and Lanello and your own Mother have had.

"Blessed ones, it is indeed an event. And thousands upon thousands of Buddhists and other Lightbearers have waited for this opportunity of my opening of the Mystery School. Yet so few have understood the darkness of the false-hierarchy impostors who say, 'Lo, Maitreya is come here. He is come there. He is in embodiment. He is giving messages through me.'

"Beloved ones, I tell you, I have inspired upon the Messenger this lecture on the sugar * entity because it is one of the greatest, if not the greatest threat. Coming through ignorance, this tempter causes the mind to rationalize and to say, 'I need this for my disposition or my happiness or my reward.'

"You cannot have the world and the Mystery School as well. The world has come for the killing of the Buddha and then made it into a faddish philosophy.

" . . . Beloved ones, now you know, and you will know much more. But I tell you thislet my chelas who will come with me to the heart of the mountain now forsake this substance of the world. And consider now, as you remove yourself from the arena of all substances of sugar of any formthink of all these things of this outer world of which you will now not be a part, and you will have some sense of the withdrawal to the inner sanctum of the Holy of Holies.

"And let all those who want some flattery for their egos and psychic talk of nonsenselet them go out, let them find the false gurus! For I, Maitreya, will stand with those who are determined to conquer self and conquer the dark ones in the earth and who are still determined with Saint Germain to make earth Freedom's star!

" . . . And I say to those who say that the world is not ready for Saint Germain and the violet flame, you have no power! And you will indeed reap the karma of your false prophecies and your psychic predictions, when you could have been the mouthpiece of Saint Germain himself in the liberation of people. You have rejected the decisions of the Great White Brotherhood and their timetable, and therefore they have rejected you!

" . . . So I have made my demand. It is not a request. It is not a suggestion. I draw the line. Let all enter who will and who will love and who will be all that they have been taught to be.

"I love you with the intensity of the first ray of the will of God. Therefore let our Messenger be!"


* Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered teachings from Maitreya on sugar and hypoglycemia—a disorder caused largely by the high percentage of sugar and refined starches in the diet, affecting an estimated 20 million Americans. Her lecture included a videotape exposé, on sugar, Sweet Nothing, hosted by Diane Allen (Westinghouse Broadcasting and Cable, Inc.; producer J.C. Anderson), and instruction on: the symptoms of hypoglycemia; the various forms of sugar, including honey, fructose, maple syrup, molasses, and corn syrup; the identical assimilation by the body of "natural" and refined sugars; the advertising industry's programming of consumers to desire sugar; hidden sugar content; the relationship between sugar and nutrient deficiencies, hyper-activity, and criminal behavior; and how to treat hypoglycemia by avoiding sugar in all forms and regulating protein/carbohydrate intake.

Lord Maitreya
December 31, 1985

" . . . I tell you, beloved, were you to be in a mystery school as unascended adepts, were you to be at the Ascension Temple of Serapis at Luxor or at the retreats of other Chohans or of the Maha Chohan, your discipline would be this: to not imbibe the things of the world and not be lured away from your goal by the passing baubles and trinkets of those who come by with their psychic wares but rather to be true to your Divine Spouse, to your I AM Presence, to your Holy Christ Self and to the abundance of the teachings given.

"You see, beloved, Saint Germain has said that no good thing comes out of the psychic. Yet all have a soul, and psyche is the Greek word for soul. But the soul is not yet perfected. The soul is not yet immortal. And therefore the soul, though she has grace and self-knowledge, is not yet made permanent both through the ritual of becoming the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ and her Holy Christ Self and through the ritual of the ascension.

"So you see, when there do come those who are unclean (and I say “unclean” in a kind way, simply to mean that they have not bathed in the waters of Luxor or in the flame that is the violet flame of the Holy Spirit), although they may bring many truths, they also come with a multiplicity
of errors and vibrations that may tie one to lower levels.

"Blessed hearts, I can move forward with many of you. I can carry you in my arm, I can lead you beside the still waters that flow as everlasting life, but I cannot compensate for your entering into lower levels of consciousness. There are many who mean well, but their path is not our path.

"Once again I say, come apart and be a separate and chosen people unto God. Be washed clean this day! This is not to say that you ought not to be studying to understand yourself. Reading the book Understanding Yourself, which I received as a dictation from Kuthumi, Lanto and Meru, is an important key.

"Know, beloved, that one must be faithful to one’s Divine Spouse. Your Divine Spouse is your inner Teacher and Holy Christ Self. Your Divine Spouse may also be any one of the Ascended Masters. Do not think, then, that there is no harm or no backsliding when you place yourself in the hands of teachers who themselves have not entered into communion with the I AM THAT I AM and therefore do not deliver their teachings from that Source.

" . . . And so I return to the topic of nondigression. Beware of delving into the psychic and psychic cures, psychic teachings, shortcuts that seem to lead you to a greater comfortability in your body or in your aura. For the only permanent change that can be wrought in you and by you is through the sacred fire of your I AM Presence. All other changes are temporary—temporary relief, as from a placebo. And then, beloved, you still find yourself trapped in the cycles of your own karma.

"Are we here to seek comfortability through psychicism? Or are we here to gain entrée through the Lord Christ and Maitreya into the mysteries of the kingdom that will give us eternal life? I say to you, beloved, Maitreya is concerned. Therefore, choose ye this day whom ye will serve. For the living God will not betray you, but the first commandment is 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.'

"Thus, beloved, the one God is able. But you must prove yourself as Job did prove himself. Tempted again and again by Satan, who brought calamities upon him and his household, Job would not go against God. And in the end, God returned to him all the things that Satan had taken from him.

"Remember that God allowed Satan to tempt Job. You must not run away from Satan when he tempts you but face him, challenge him, cast him out and let him know again and again that he may not ride into your household through vile movies or TV programs that you and your children should not be seeing. Although some of you still think that these are harmless, they can actually alter the development of your children’s brains and increase their aggressive tendencies by significant percentages.

"Blessed ones, cast out Satan at every hand! For the descendants of Satan are still in the earth. And as has been said, God has a right to test you, and you have a right to be tested. Therefore, do not shirk from those testings, from those difficulties, but face them! Yes, cast out the descendants of Satan that are still in the earth and return to the citadel of your oneness with Jesus Christ in your own heart of hearts."


" . . . Therefore I comment on the words of the Messenger which I placed in her heart concerning those who become farther and farther afield from the will of God and know it not. Why do ye know it not?

"Blessed hearts, the receptacle of the diamond heart, the receptacle of the heart of Saint Germain—your own threefold flame—is the measure and standard of right consciousness. Few are right all of the time but many believe that they are right at least some of the time, if not all of the time.

"Thus each and every one in his own way becomes highly opinionated, and when his stubbornness of mind does therefore enter the realm of spiritual matters where fantasy and the psychic enter in, some of our own who might have been our best servants are found simply out in the field, not centered where the action is.

" . . . The dispensation therefore for the Messengership does not come easily to us. And I will tell you what determines the continuity of the Office: it is whether or not the hearers of the Word assimilate the Word, embody it, implement it and whether or not the worded release does have the effect of changing a society, a civilization and a planet for the better, and finally whether or not the delivery and the mission and the organization we sponsor do produce the fruit of the annual ascension that is called for."

El Morya
Decemebr 31, 1987

The Ascended Masters and the Messengers have given many teachings over the years explaining psychic activities and the dangers of engaging in them. This document is a compilation of those teachings.

Taking Dictations

"The Great White Brotherhood's sponsorship of this activity does not allow the uninitiated and those not having the full mantle of the Messenger to take any dictations whatsoever, from ascended or unascended beings. Unless and until you have the grid of light placed upon you as a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, you do not have the protection from false hierarchy impostors of the Brotherhood."[i]

El Morya has given much teaching on the concept of the Messenger and the mantle and the protection that the mantle provides. Mother has given the following teaching from the Darjeeling Council to those who have sought to take dictations without having the mantle:

"Unless you have a mantle bestowed upon you by an Ascended Master, you are subject to err in receiving communications, whether from the etheric octave and the Ascended Masters, from the mental plane, the astral plane or the physical plane. The reason that the Masters have trained and anointed Messengers down through the centuries is, because they sponsor Messengers by placing upon them absolute protection when it comes to the delivery of the Word of God and great protection in their comings and goings."[ii]

"Unless and until you have the grid of light placed upon you as a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, you do not have the protection from false hierarchy impostors of the Brotherhood. There are many such impostors, and their vibration and their words are only a razor's edge away from the real."[iii]

(There is a process for recognizing a future Messenger, as outlined in the bylaws of the organization. No one other than Mark and Elizabeth Prophet has been recognized as a Messenger by the organization.)

False Hierarchy Imposters of the Ascended Masters

"Impostors, false hierarchs, black magicians and masquerading entities have imitated the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. Every Ascended Master is imitated by one or more dark souls who go forth in his name to release fraudulent material to unascended lifestreams.

"These impersonators of the Masters are very clever. They are able to imitate the Masters' vibrations, their etheric patterns and their appearance so well, that only an expert is able by the grace of God to distinguish the synthetic image from the real image. Because the language and even the tone of voice of the impostor closely resembles that of the Master whom he imitates, the Great Divine Director gives this practical advice:

" 'Call upon your own Divine Presence and wait upon the Word of the Lord. Live closely and identify with the precepts of holy Truth that bring to the doorstep of every man the understanding of the full measure of his responsibility to his brother, made in the image of God, to whom he ought to offer the best that is within himself, owing direct allegiance to his great God-being.

" 'Where there is a dichotomy between the counsels of that great divine being and those of another individual or group of individuals, the attention should always flow first to the Divine Presence and then to the Ascended Masters' realm for the resolving of the difficulty. Light
always begets light to nourish and regenerate, whereas darkness may indeed masquerade as intellectual blindness, which refuses to accept the Truth of that which it cannot see concretely defined.

" 'Every doctrine that is rooted in sinister strategies and seeks to cater to the mortal mind of man or to pamper his ego (leading him to believe that he is connected with some "outer source" that will keep him informed as to what is happening around the cosmic corner) is simply an activity
designed to please the little self and to enlarge the boundaries of that self.

" 'Cosmic magnification, which is the fruit of divine sowing, does not seek to embellish the ego nor to make the individual feel that he is above his fellowmen. Rather does it seek the identification of the individual with cosmic resources, which enlarge the borders of man's perception by the light of divine Truth.' "[iv]


Giving past life readings, auric readings and other types of spiritual readings is also usurping the office of the Messenger. An individual attempting to do this work without the mantle of Messenger is subject to error and getting caught up in the astral plane.

One example that has been given was a former Keeper of the Flame in Livingston, who gave past-life readings. "The Keeper of the Flame gives a prayer, dedicates her reading to God, to the Masters and the angels and asks for their guidance and intercession. Then she says that they step through the veil from the spiritual to the physical to impart words of wisdom, a pep
talk or discipline, spiritual exercises, suggestions of health or diet, past-life clearances, the healing of the auric forcefield, repair by divine beings of the energy field, clearance of entities and UFO projections and so on, blessings and/or gifts from the Masters of crystal light, capes of light, blankets of light, shields, swords, crowns and jewels of light, et cetera. She is claiming the Masters or the angels seal the individual and the reading with light and sound." [v] Mother sent this person a letter giving her full instruction about the dangers of this kind of reading and telling her to stop.

Mother as Messenger has done clearance work for staff, Summit University students and her chelas. However, she rarely gave people reports on the work that was done. Wanting to know all the details of these things can degenerate into a form of entertainment or fascination with phenomena. It can easily become a psychic hook.

Our clearance work is our use of the dynamic decrees. Mother has recommended that we give the decrees to beloved Mighty Astrea and use the violet flame and the sword of Archangel Michael to perform our personal clearance work. She did not tell us that we need others to give clearances for us. We can of course pray and make calls for one another. The angels remove that which they can take according to the great law, and it is passed through the flame. It is not necessary to know what is taken.

Past Life Readings, the Ascended Twin Flame, etc.

When we open the seal of a past life, those records of the entire embodiment are upon oneself, and that karma must be balanced. In addition, the more one probes past lives, the more one is in danger of getting a false reading.[vi]

The Messenger has told us that she usually does not reveal twin flames to one another. If the couple do not recognize who they are, then they are not ready to and she considers that it is not her place to reveal it to them.[vii]

False Readings and the Percentage of Error

The Messengers have told us that there are percentages of error in psychic readings. Some discarnates who speak through these people have significant attainment on the left-handed path of the black arts. These are skillful black magicians, many of whom may come to a session to lead people astray. They may appear to speak the truth, and they can tell you things about yourself that you did not know anyone else knew. But they are not omniscient. Often they present a high percentage of trutheven 90 percent or moreand because much of what they say is so plainly true, people tend to accept the 10, 20 or 30 percent of error that comes along with it. That percentage of error, however small, can end up taking you a long way off the spiritual path. And that is exactly what it is designed to do.

Changing the Names of the Masters

Changing the names of the Masters is a classic plot of the false hierarchy. Psychics who claim
to be channeling the Masters have many times claimed that the Masters have changed their names or that new Masters have replaced existing Chohans of the rays. Mark Prophet spoke of this many times. For example, it was said many years ago in one psychic activity that someone who had recently passed on had taken over from El Morya as Chohan of the first ray, and that someone else had taken over as Chohan of the sixth ray. The Masters have explained that this is one plot of the false hierarchy to get people to stop calling to the real Chohans of the rays, and thus disconnect the chelas from the chain of hierarchy. (For more detailed information on this plot, see Foundations of the Path, pp. 46-49.)

Psychic Healing

El Morya told Mother a long time ago that many people are bearing diseases or burdens that
are the result of karma that they need to work out. It is possible for them to be healed spiritually through prayers and dynamic decrees as well as pursuing all means of health care at their disposal. However if someone attempts to heal another though psychic or other means, they may then take on that person's karma and even the disease by withdrawing from them the precipitation of their karma, which is their disease.

The person doing the healing may end up very burdened from taking on that karma. (And this may not manifest immediately in the physical.) In addition, sometime, somewhere in this life or the next life, the person whose karma it is must still bear the burden of that disease and pay the price of their karma. Thus, as well as burdening themselves, someone taking on this karma
unlawfully through psychic healing or prayers that are not submitted to the will of God may actually hinder the spiritual progress of the individual who is healed.

What we have been called to do is to diligently use the violet transmuting flame for the healing of ourselves and loved ones.[viii]

Passing on Messages from Masters

Mother taught that we were not to share communications from the Masters with others. She said clearly that if indeed a Master is communicating with us then the message is for us alone and for our personal calls and prayers. If we pass on such messages to others, we are interfering with their communication with their Holy Christ Self. (And if the message is not accurate, we will certainly be making karma.) Soon they come to rely on others instead of their own inner communion with their Holy Christ Self and the Masters. In a group setting or in our worldwide movement, this quickly becomes a problem for all concerned.

Most importantly, Mother said that it is easy for the false hierarchy to intrude upon our spiritual experiences, and in fact it may not be the Master at all. This was the whole reason why the Masters have a Messenger who has given us much teaching over the years, to avoid this kind of situation.

The Chela's Assignment Is to Apply the Teachings

Mother and El Morya have given much instruction on the dangers of trying to receive dictations and pass on messages claiming to be from the Masters to other chelas. Mother's instruction from the Darjeeling Council to one group of Keepers of the Flame who were involved in this type of activity was that "it is a fantasy to suppose that by delivering messages, purported to be from El Morya, that they are somehow enhancing the work of the Great White Brotherhood. The work that we need to do has been delineated for us. It is our decree work releasing the sacred fire of the decree matrices that will heal the planet. Unless you can state unequivocally and know
unequivocally that you are walking about enveloped in and totally anchored in [the Master], it is a mistake to think that you are delivering accurate material."[ix]

Why Some Psychic Material Will Be Accurate

"Some of the material that Keepers of the Flame receive is going to be accurate just because you have a lot of matrices in your heads of true and authentic teachings. Some material you bring forth is going to be from discarnates. And the reason why we only have one Messenger is because one message from a discarnate that is in error as opposed to a hundred or ninety-nine that are accurate can be the downfall of a soul, because you so believe in the accurate information that you then are able to jump in and believe the inaccurate message, however bizarre or odd it may be."[x]

The Burden upon the Messenger and the Organization by the Psychic

In 1995, Mother gave instruction to a group of Keepers of the Flame who were involved in the taking of psychic dictations. Of this situation, Mother told us that El Morya "is the sternest I have ever seen him in the last couple of years. It's because of the burden they are putting on the
Messenger and on the Masters and all the work of Saint Germain that is before us." Mother told us that she could not carry the burden to the organization of what these people were allowing to come through their chakras. She said that this activity was of the level of J.Z. Knight and Ramtha, and that that's where they should be, if that's the level of activity that they want to be involved in. Mother said that God is letting the dead leaves fall to let people decide where they're going to position themselves.

She explained that she not only bore the weight of world karma, but in addition she had to bear the weight of psychic people in the organization who don't have the sacred fire of their own beings or a spiritual tie to their I AM Presence. She described the loss of light in the aura and
the eyes that goes with this kind of activity. Many of those involved were long-time students on the path and they should have known better. She said that from the time they entered this organization to the present, the light should have grown in their auras and their eyes. They
should be been going through a process of purification and should have been able to have the discernment of spirits. Mother said that her chelas should understand the dangers of the psychic.[xi]

The Messenger Dismissed from the Organization Those Who Were Involved in the Psychic

She said that she had no other choice but to ask those who were engaged in the taking of these dictations to either entirely cease and desist from the activities or resign at once from the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and Church membership. She said that they could not attend
services at their local center. They needed to go through a period of purging in order to even remain in the organization. They had to have violet flame transmutation of their beings that had become coated with psychic vibrations.[xii]

This group was quite convinced that they were being tutored directly by the Holy Spirit and that the taking of these dictations was at the behest of the Maha Chohan. Mother's clear message was that if they want to be involved in this type of activity, even if they think they're working for
the Great White Brotherhood, they cannot be involved in this organization. The Great White Brotherhood has not given them a mantle. They ought to follow the path, exorcise their electronic belts, work hard with Astreas and have their goal be the ascension. And if on the way to the ascension they finally get to the place where they are instruments of healing, fine. But they're not instruments now. They're currently instruments of the psychic. The whole situation was totally unacceptable, and those who were doing it could no longer be members of the Church.[xiii]

Why Dismissal and Not Suspension

Mother explained that Morya would not give suspensions in such cases, only dismissals. To give someone a suspension means that they are still tied to Mother and the Church. Only when they are ultimately dismissed from the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity and the Church is the tie cut. El Morya explained that this tie had to be cut from the Messenger as quickly as possible.

The cutting of this tie also enables the soul to choose where they want to position themselves. Moses said: "Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve," whether it be God or whether it be mammon.

Past Life Involvement in the Psychic Can Make It Difficult to Separate Out

Mother teaches that some are blind by many, many embodiments of delving into the psychic. It then becomes very difficult for them to separate out from the psychic. The ectoplasm, the delicate light substance of the aura is consumed by psychicism. Each time there is a psychic session they lose light. They become naked and have a moon glow, a certain shine to their faces, not a shine of spiritual light but a shine of the astral plane.[xiv]

Draining of the Life Force

A substance called ectoplasm is formed during séances, channeling sessions or during psychic activity. It is exuded from the body of the medium or the one who takes the messages, and it comes from the bodies of those who participate. Ectoplasm can bring about psychic phenomena such as levitation and the materialization of spiritual bodies.

The false hierarchy takes these vital energies from those who participate in the sessions, and the energy is not replaced. Prolonged involvement in these sessions can result in a critical drain in the vital lifeforce allotted to you at the beginning of your embodiment. Your lifeforce is then used to produce psychic phenomena and to sustain the existence of the spirits and discarnates. Eventually your aura becomes drained of light, more porous and without the protection of the light, making it even easier for disembodied entities to vampirize or take your light from you. You end up feeling drained of your energy, and can become tired and ill.

Many Embodiments to Gain the Light Again to Be Able to Ascend

Mother has told us that it may take three or more embodiments to get rid of the psychic energy and to replace the ectoplasm that has been lost.[xv] El Morya has said that when we are involved in the psychic, it can take numbers of embodiments to be ready to make the ascension because of the stripping of the aura of the true light of the Holy Spirit. Mother said that these people often have a spiritual pride. As Paul wrote, silly women may lead many in a silliness because they cannot tell the difference from reality and the psychic. She explained that there are many pitfalls in this situation.[xvi]

The Lowest Common Denominator

Mother gave a six months' dismissal as a discipline. At the end of that time, these people could decide to continue in the psychic dictations or to leave off and follow the path of the ascension. She explained that what will happen over the course of the six months is they will wind down.
They won't have the same light. They won't have the access to the Teaching Center so that they will actually descend to the lowest common denominator of their human consciousness. That's what they will live with and they will decide if that's what they want or if they want something higher.

The point of any discipline is so the soul can come apart and decide where he wishes to position himself. Once he no longer has the support of the Community, he knows he's
standing on his own and decides if that's where he wants to be. [xvii]

No Good Thing Comes Out of the Psychic

The Great Divine Director said on October 9, 1995, "There are unseen things and the rumblings in the earth include a rash of psychic material. And psychics come to sell their wares and tell you: 'Go this way, go that way, go the next way.' No good thing comes out of the psychic! This is the
pronouncement of your beloved Saint Germain."

No Such Thing as Harmless Psychic Activity

The Ascended Masters make clear that there is no such thing as harmless psychic activity. They have warned their chelas again and again that involvement in the psychic world is ultimately harmful to the soul's natural unfoldment and development. Sincere students of the Ascended Masters do not use psychic techniques or psychic intermediaries to progress on the spiritual path. Instead, they rely on the abundant teachings already given from the Ascended Masters through their Messengers, and on attunement with their Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence.

The Masters and the Messengers have given us the tools to make it on the spiritual path. It is a do-it-yourself course. If we try to bypass the disciplines of the path by going to psychics, no good can come of it and we can be set back greatly on the path.

Conclusion from the Messenger—A Disciplined Path, Not a Potpourri

It is well for us to consider Mother and El Morya's concluding remarks about psychicism, on March 24, 1995:

"El Morya's statement is that this is not an organization of a potpourri, a pot of soup that has everything in it. We have a strict disciplined path. You are given the freedom to read what you want to read. You're not restricted in many ways. But when it comes to the path and the teaching, we must follow it very strictly. We cannot go here, there and everywhere to this, that and the next seminar. Why are we doing that?

"There' s no way that you should be here if you want to explore everything else that 's happening on the planet. These things have been happening since Lemuria and Atlantis. They're very old, and they're revived and put in new covers. We have everything that we need on this path to make our ascension. If you are not here to make your ascension, but you want to go and still dabble in this and that and the next thing, then please go and go in peace and let us part in peace.

"We cannot have a community around the world who does not find in the Ascended Masters and their path and their Teaching all that they need to make their ascension. We have had numbers of people ascend right out of this Community. Tremendous souls who were devout, who had fire, who had light. And this cup was full for them. It was all that they needed.

"We want you to be extremely careful about the nonsense that's going on out there. We know the teaching on the soul. The soul is mutable. The soul can perish. Until the soul is fully bonded to her Lord she can be lost at any time. We can slip and fall and lose that opportunity for the ascension. We have to be guardians of this flame because it's this flame in our hearts that is holding the entire planet together. There are billions of souls on this planet who either never had a threefold flame or lost it. That 's why we have to tend the flame. We have to keep the home fires burning. We can't go after other gods."[xviii]


In this worldwide community there are those who claim to be taking "dictations" and who charge money for "clearance sessions" and spiritual healing. People may be informed of their past lives, who is their twin flame, karmic percentages, and so forth. All of this is considered by the
Messengers to be spiritual work that is performed under the mantle of Messenger. Those who do not have this mantle do not have the protection of the Brotherhood to prevent them entering into the psychic when they engage in these practices.

Much of this appeals to the ego of those involved. People learn of a "special mission" they have for the Masters, they learn of past lives, their ascended twin flame, and so forth. Some of it may be true but there is undoubtedly considerable error. The curiosity of those involved becomes the psychic hook by which they continue to be drawn in. And it all comes with a price.

Grave Concern

There is grave concern that those who are involved in such sessions will lose light from their auras and can forfeit their ascension. By placing themselves under another's direction in this way, they displace their own connection with their Holy Christ Self. They not only give the light of their aura, but they also give of their supply and of the light of their Causal Body to pay for these clearance sessions and psychic activities.

There is further concern that they are placing a burden of psychic energy on the community. They take the light from the services and the altar, and give it to the psychic. This light as well as the light from their aura is used to produce the psychic phenomena. The false hierarchy imposters of the Masters and the Messenger are also involved.

As Morya explained, this places a great burden on the Messenger and the rest of the community. The tie to the astral plane created by these kinds of activities becomes the open door for all the forces of death and hell to enter in and attack the community.

The Lure of the Psychic

In chapters 15 and 16 of The Chela and the Path, El Morya gives a profound teaching on the requirement that his students renounce certain teachings and practices. He explains how
mental manipulation and psychic techniques bypass the mediatorship of the Christ Self, thereby causing the sincere seeker to be distracted and detoured from the path leading to his

Morya's Statement on the Folly of the Psychic

El Morya made a very clear statement on the consequences of psychic involvement in his dictation "Clean House! I AM the Champion of My Chelas: If You Make Your Bed in the Psychic You Will Have to Lie in It!:"

"When you place yourself before a teacher who is not tied to the Great White Brotherhood, who does not have God-control of his four lower bodies or of anger (or the Martian A's the Messenger has listed) and who is in some kind of a valley of indecision, choosing to live neither in Light nor in Darkness but in a gray area, you open yourself up to receive from that teacher whatever untransmuted substance is lodged in his electronic belt. (For the pupil is always the one who receives and the teacher is always the one who gives.) And you will not be able to screen out the psychic from the nonpsychic; for the psychic vibration pollutes the entire stream of consciousness of the one who lets himself flow with it.

"Thus, you take in not only what the psychic consciously dishes out but the entire subconscious momentum of his psychicism, including his impure vessel, which in most cases has not been dedicated as a chalice for violet flame transmutation. (In the world of the psychic there are many who have no determination to transmute past karma and there are others who do use the violet flame but are nevertheless unwilling to give up their involvement in the psychic.)

"And the conclusion will be that I will have nothing further to do with you because you will have made your bed in the psychic and you will have to lie in it until you decide to 'clean up your act,' as the saying goes. If you go the way of the psychic when you know the Law, I cannot help you and I can no longer have any ties to your lifestream. Nor can any other Ascended Master maintain ties to you, for the Great Law will not allow it.

"You must understand that through your tie to the Great White Brotherhood through Padma Sambhava and the lineage of hierarchy that sponsors this Messenger, you have the greatest opportunity in the entire Matter universe to take your ascension in this life. The hierarchies of light who are involved with this earth are also involved with this universe. And therefore, their sponsorship of this organization is not something merely of this earth.

"So I have spoken and this is my statement. Hear it well. I have set a full table before you. The Lord Christ has broken the bread of life and given you of his Body and his Blood. It is not necessary for you to know everything about everything, including the things of the psychic. It is not necessary for you to look for shortcuts. There are no shortcuts!

"You can fool yourself in many ways, whether by muscle testing or by this or that something or other that someone has come up with. But in the end, beloved, you will find that you have made no forward progress whatsoever and that you have forsaken your spiritual path and your spiritual trust with the Ascended Masters, who are your Teachers and Gurus. And I say, you will find yourself with a bellyful of psychic energy and you will have only yourself to rid yourself of it.

"Psychic energy is like quicksand. Souls can be sucked into it and actually defend their right to be doing what they are doing because they are so enmeshed in the psychic plane and its psychic inhabitants that they can no longer tell the difference between the spiritual path and the psychic path. This is a tragedy of the age!

"There are millions of souls on earth who are following psychic teachers and, as a result, they
are falling by the wayside. Because they are tied to these teachers, they are unaware that their auric sheath (the light that is closest to the body) is being 'bled' from them. Unknowingly, they
are losing their soul essence. It is being taken from them not necessarily by spiritualists or crystal-ball gazers but by everyday people who live in the psychic plane. Therefore know that when you keep company with such people, you make yourself vulnerable to all levels of the astral plane. When you place yourself opposite them as a student, you are even more vulnerable."

El Morya



[i] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 15, 1995.
[ii] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Ascension Service, March 24, 1995. Instruction on the Psychic.
[iii] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, statement issued by the Office of the Messenger.
[iv] Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Foundations of the Path, pp. 45-46.
[v] Report by Marilyn Barrick. Ascension Service, March 24, 1995.
[vi] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, letter to a Keeper of the Flame, June 7, 1994. Quoted in Ascension Service, March 24, 1995.
[vii] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Twin Flames in Love, three-cassette album.
[viii] Ascension Service, March 24, 1995.
[ix] Ibid.
[x] Ibid.
[xi] Ibid.
[xii] Ibid.
[xiii] Ibid.
[xiv] Ibid.
[xv] Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Healing in the New Age," December 30, 1974.
[xvi] Ascension Service, March 24, 1995.
[xvii] Ibid.
[xviii] Ibid. December 25, 1988

" . . . You ought to understand that the progressive revelations that have come forth by the Holy Spirit in many quarters have taken their impetus by this very giving of his life and the setting forth by the Messengers of the Lost Teachings of Jesus.

"Now then, beloved, this very process has again and again created opportunity, but the Light that does activate and awaken all who sleep does also awaken and open that opportunity of free will whereby many have gone after other gods, necromancy, the spirits that mutter and peep, channeling that is nothing but spiritualism, and all manner of what is purported to be new-age teaching which is of the lower astral activitycavorting, then, with aliens in their spacecraft who have no good design for this planet.

"Therefore, we see, as it were, an abuse of opportunity at worst or a misunderstanding of opportunity [in the least] by the unguided who have not had the true shepherds to follow. Thus, great good has come about through the opening of the paths of religion to new inquiry and discovery, and by the same token, beloved, this has brought about an opening of certain of the
pits [on the astral plane, spilling over into the physical,] and therefore also darkness going forth."

Mother Mary
Dcember 25, 1987

"There are many psychics in the world, beloved, who have never gone to see a psychic and would not term themselves psychic and yet they are. Many of these consider themselves in direct contact with the Ascended Masters. For them, wishing has been the belief that the wish has come true. But it takes more than wishing, beloved. It takes attainment and prayer. It takes a divine contact that may begin with hope but must increase through the expansion of this mighty cable to the heart of God, expanding and pushing back the lower vibrations."

Archeia Hope
January 2, 1987

Chart of the I AM Presence

"Beloved ones, I review the planet this day, the planet [earth, which is] placed in my charge. I review all ascended ones, those in the etheric octaves. I review those in embodiment and those who would like to be but have been denied. If I were to tell you the greatest need of the hour, I would tell you that it is that each one become acquainted with his Real Self, that Holy Christ Self. If it were possible for all people to see the image on the Chart of the Divine Self, beloved ones, it would open the eyes of the soul for millions.

"That wallet-size card on which the Chart is stamped and which has the description on the back does reawaken souls to their original identity, to the God who is with them and in them. It is the most important single glyph of Light, a photograph of the [soul's] inner being; and its accuracy is such that it does recall the soulthe soul that is a million light-years away from her God- Realityback to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM.

"There is no greater gift that you can give to anyone than the understanding of his own Mighty I AM Presence, his Holy Christ Self and his evolving soul, as depicted in the lower figure in the Chart surrounded by the violet flame.

"The violet flame is the flame of the Seventh-Ray Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. And should I ask for hands today showing who are the Buddhas of the Seventh Ray and who are the Bodhisattvas of the Seventh Ray amongst those who have descended here in this place from the Tushita heaven, I tell you, one million hands would be raised in this moment. Think of it, beloved!
[13-second applause]

"Think of the immensity! Think of the immensity that is all, the all of the Spirit and the Matter Cosmos. Then think of these one million and think how their Causal Bodies, charged with the violet flame, should fill entirely the immensity.

"Understand, then, how we at our level should have such a sense of frustration when our cups
are full. We are filled with the light of the violet flame, ready to pour it into your chakras, into the chalices of your being for anything whatsoever you desire. We are like the genies. You rub the Buddha's belly and out pours the violet flame, beloved ones!" [11-second applause]

Gautama Buddha

" . . . The failure of an endeavor of light only occurs when the pupil fails to become the teacher in the fullness of the appointed hour. Some have usurped the authority of the teacher before that hour, before the fruit of consciousness was ripened upon the Tree of Life. These usurpers then never could understand that in prematurely assuming the mantle for which they did not have the full stature the teaching was dragged through the mud and became a material doctrine, an intellectual ethic."

Sanat Kumara
July 4, 1978

"Do you know what it means to be an overcomer? As you gaze around you upon mankind caught up in the net of all types of psychic delusions manifesting in the world of form, do you realize that these are pursuing some element of peace without ever actually finding it?

"For the bottomless pit of world delusion that is the manifestation of world confusion takes the young people of this world as well as those who are considerably older as years go and causes them to pursue the shrouds of darkness and the thoughts that are the banal thoughts of fallen angels and discordant mankind that have come to them through the mental belt of the world in its lower order and have distorted the blessed nature of the divine manchild that was seeking to take form within them, putting out the divine flame and extinguishing hope and spiritual aspiration and causing them to turn away from the light that is within to those outer conditions that are without where man eventually finds that, hopeless and devoid, he sometimes comes to the brink of suicide or perdition.

"We are concerned then that men should understand that in God there is no attempt to destroy."

Apil 4, 1969

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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