Internet Lectures
Internet Radio

The Summit Lighthouse

In Polish

About the Chakras

in Polish

1. Wielkie religie swiata i czakramy

2. O czakramie slonecznego splotu

3. O ekonomii i czakramie trzeciego oka

4. O czakramie matki, reinkarnacji i karmie

5. O trzecim promieniu i czakramie serca

6. O czakramie gardla i o dekretowaniu

7. O czakramie korony i o sciezce
promienia Buddy, Pana Swiata

8. O czakramie siodmego promienia
i o Saint Germainie

click "Play"

E. V. Tame

re Mission Poland®
Radio Station


"Let us now rally behind this cause and swiftly put out on sources of television
available to us these messages, these dictations, these facts and figures."—Helios

" . . . And let our chelas speak the Word because they have assimilated it,
because it has become a part of their total being—because it is your being, beloved.
Let the Word in its entirety live in you and let the Work as its complement
be for the anchoring and the balance."—El Morya, August 7, 1990

"Our strategy, then, and the only solution that the Darjeeling Council can offer
—which comes from the heart of Mother Mary, with the wisdom of Jesus and Kuthumi,
who also serve here in our deliberations—is to recommend that you isolate those issues
that are most necessary to the keeping of the peace and the freedoms, issues that concern
all the people and the fate of the nations.

"Whereupon you should of course decree for the will of God to be upon the hearts
of the people concerning these issues; but above all, you should seek to educate the people
and to influence public opinion by writing your letters to the editors, to your representatives,
and by appearing, if necessary, on television and radio programs.

"And then you must keep on repeating the message as you demonstrate the workability
of the God-solution in the equation that you personally believe in
and that may not be obvious to the general public."El Morya

" . . . For this is a time, beloved, when those who can deliver the message of the Ascended Masters,
those who can speak before the public on any subject that is vital, whether to Church or State
or to their own profession or life’s calling, must come to the fore and use their talents
to spread abroad the word of the Mighty I AM Presence.

"This is the hour, beloved, to develop excellence in the use of the spoken word.
This you can definitely learn to do through the mantra of Manjushri, but you must also take
those courses that will sharpen the pen, sharpen the mind and the sword that divides
the way between the Real and the Unreal.

" . . . Be here and there and everywhere, and let your message be heard.
For the hour is come and now is when millions among the people of earth
will accept the true teachings of Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha,
much of which has been lost."—Saint Germain

in English

Electronic Audio-Village Online

Duchowa historia Solidarnosci 1
Duchowa historia Solidarnosci 2
(Polandthe Proletarian Paradise
It Is Exciting to Be Polish!)

E.C. Prophet, 24 sierpnia 1980
Camelot, USA, audio K8032
Copyright © 1980, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.

Meczennicy Jezusa w Polsce cz.1
Meczennicy Jezusa w Polsce cz.2
(Martyrs of Jesus in Poland
part 1 and part 2)

El Morya
E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA, audio K8163
Copyright © 1981, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.

Elohim Purity
niesie krzyz Polski

(Purity Bears
the Cross of Poland)

Elohim Purity
E.C. Prophet, 24 sierpnia 1980
Camelot, USA, audio K8033
Copyright © 1980, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.

Polska rewolucja

(It Is Exciting
to Be Polish!)

E.C. Prophet, 12 pazdziernika 1981
Camelot, USA, audio B8176
Copyright © 1981, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.

Nastepny krok—rozaniec
do Najswietszej Marii Panny
dla adepta w wieku Wodnika
(The Next Step)

Mother Mary
E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA, audio K8164
Copyright © 1981, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.

List z Polski
Do Boga wolnych gwiazd!
(A Letter from Poland
To God of Free Stars!)

E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA, audio K8163
Copyright © 1981, The Summit Lighthouse, All rights reserved.


There are now Internet radios on sale. They sit anywhere in the house (as long as you have WLAN) and pick up their connection with no visible link, and you can then play internet radio stations without a computer in sight.

A wireless LAN or WLAN is a wireless local area network, which is the linking of two or more computers without using wires. WLAN utilizes spread-spectrum or OFDM modulation technology based on radio waves to enable communication between devices in a limited area, also known as the basic service set. This gives users the mobility to move around within a broad coverage area and still be connected to the network.

For the home user, wireless has become popular due to ease of installation, and location freedom with the gaining popularity of laptops. Public businesses such as coffee shops or malls have begun to offer wireless access to their customers; some are even provided as a free service. Large wireless network projects are being put up in many major cities. Google is even providing a free service to Mountain View, California and has entered a bid to do the same for San Francisco. New York City has also begun a pilot program to cover all five boroughs of the city with wireless Internet access.

"To produce those works that will give freedom to all, as you have heard the words of freedom this day, is indeed the most noble of callings, the highest honor that can be bestowed, the greatest opportunity that can be afforded to your souls."—Kuthumi, October 7, 1977

"The strong of heart and wise of mind will know that Freedom is won on many levels."—Saint Germain, July 3, 1964

Minority Broadcasters Want Federal Aid

Representatives from a group of minority-owned broadcasting companies wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Julu 2009 requesting federal aid to help them through the recession.

The group, which includes the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, the Inner City Broadcasting Coalition and the Spanish Broadcasting System, noted that even in good economic times they have a tough time accessing capital, but the recession could drive them into oblivion.

The subtle suggestion here is that this group believes they should always receive some form of taxpayer aid. This letter follows another appeal to Geithner in May 2009 by House Democrats James Clyburn, Barney Frank, Charles Rangel and Edolphus Towns.

No word yet on what the minority broadcasters' stimulus amount may be, but they certainly have supporters in all the right places.

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Keepers of the Flame, Pearls of Wisdom,
Science of the Spoken Word, The Inner Retreat and Teachings of the Ascended Masters
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