
Sacred Heart

"And so, beloved, imperfections are always with the saints."—Mother Mary
"The Sacred Heart, beloved, must be sought beyond all the avenues and byways
and detours set by maya or illusion or perhaps conspiracy itself."
—John the Beloved, March 27, 1986

"We would love to see large numbers of individuals become saints.
We would love to see all men become saints in manifestation.
The surest and quickest way for this to come about is to cease all criticism,
all condemnation, all gossip—all of the things that we have told you
can never produce perfection."—Sanat Kumara, January 1, 1961

" . . . speak gently and tenderly and lovingly with an open heart, a loving heart,
a compassionate heart—the heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreya
—and speak on those subjects in which you find agreement with another.
But come to the place where you are also willing to take a stand as freedom fighters,
even as the wondrous saints have gone forth to fight the battles of this century
and many past centuries and have laid down their lives for the honor, the freedom
and the defense of their nations and their causes."—Saint Germain

"Study the paths of those who have found the ultimate joy of giving service to life.
Then you will have the key."—Gautama Buddha, December 31, 1995

"The pure heart is not enough. It is the accelerated heart that is required, the heart
that is on fire for God, ruby red as the blood of Christ—now crucified, now resurrected,
now ascended as the blood becomes the golden liquid light of the jasper."
Sanat Kumara

" . . . the record of the saints is read in heaven long before
the saints even consider that they are saints."—Surya

"Why not perfect your own sainthood, the corona of your lifestream? Why not perfect the flowing of the Light? There are things that cannot be put aside in life, for they burn from within. They are the calling, and that calling must be secured.

"Everything must be sacrificed for it. And you must understand the inner and the outer calling. The outer calling cannot be successful, my beloved, without the inner calling being perfected; for the outer calling is to demonstrate to the world the effects of what the inner Light complete can be."

Nicholas Roerich

Practice Sainthood—Walk in the Footsteps of the Great Saints of East and West

"I would ask, then, that all ye who carry that single flame of fire that we have for the coming of Sanat Kumara might pattern your life after the lives of the saints and read of the most famous saints in Butler's Lives of the Saints that you might understand that sainthood is within your reach and grasp, that many of you could have had sainthood long ago for the very momentum of decrees that you have given for so many years. And yet, beloved, when you have had the opportunity to pursue that path, building on the foundation of your decrees, you have either not known how or not been taught how to pursue a path of sainthood hour by hour and day by day.

" . . . Think, then, of Padma Sambhava. Think of Maitreya and Manjushri. Think of Kuan Yin. Think of the great female saints who surrounded Padma Sambhava. Think of all of this and remember that all of this and more you are capable of, and you are capable of it for the glorious dispensation that you have.

"I desire to see deep prayer and meditation and daily going to the altar of your nearest center or the altar in your home. I desire to see you become saints of the West who mirror the saints of the East. I desire that you should understand that the Catholic Church and the Eastern Church have survived because of the individual saints within these Churches. They have kept the Church alive, and so you must keep this Church alive by a sense of holiness and sanctity.

" . . . Therefore you have come to the West to conquer that materialism, that materialistic consciousness, that sensuality in all of the five senses and all of the chakras that takes you thither and yon and beyond the center of being. One and all, you are here because you have karma of this type of having indulged in a material civilization to the point of even losing your soul.

" . . . I would see a revolution in consciousness in all Keepers of the Flame. I would see in your eyes a holiness that will be observed by anyone who sees you near or far, on a plane, traveling, walking down a dusty road. Those who meet you will not miss your aura or the fire of the eyes or the expansion of the heart—that is, beloved, if you truly follow the calling of Kuthumi, of Jesus, of the saints of old and the saints in your very midst.

"I have spoken thusly, beloved, for if you do not have that fire of the eye, that magnanimity of heart, that openness of giving and serving and helping and of having the quality of mercy, then those who have that fire and are the true seekers will not only pass you by but they will pass by the Church or the teaching center, for they will say:

" 'This people has a great calling and a great teaching, but where is the light of their chakras? Where is the light of the heart? Where do they lay down their life for humanity? Where are these pilgrims that we are looking for? We do not find them in this Church or in this teaching center, for too many are caught up with self-serving projects or money schemes or diversions this way and that as though they would live to be a thousand years old.'

" . . . Now study the lives of the saints and become one. For you may accomplish many things of service, but, I tell you, sainthood is a part of your calling if you would insure with a divine insurance that you shall make your ascension in this life."

Gautama Buddha
December 31, 1995

" . . . what you are ignorant of you cannot deal with justly. And you have short days till the hour when you are called Home. A half a century is considered short days for those who would balance their karma and follow the Bodhisattva ideal. Yes, my beloved.

"And my precious one present today, my beloved Anita Buchanan, who celebrates her ninetieth birthday, she does know the meaning of the days and the times and the seasons. It was she who, as Queen Isabella, did provide the funds for me to make that memorable voyage to the West Indies.

"Therefore I bow to this blessed soul of Light. And I give to her my love and my commitment for the hour of her victory. For surely the victory of my voyage of discovery was largely the result of her support. And that victory does come full circle each time I think upon it.

"Thus know that century upon century the saints have given and given. The saints made it possible for those of us who are now ascended to work the works that we had to work in our day. In the days when we were unascended, we reached our goal, we accomplished our ends because we had friends, beloved—friends such as you who are here today.

"And you who are here today can have a victory as great, as magnificent and as fulfilling as you determine to make it. On the one hand, heaven measures your victory by heaven's standard. But on the other hand, you gauge the measure of your own victory—the measure of your striving, the measure of your willingness to set aside the inner sorrow and the inner pain for the greater cause and to simply say:

"This day Saint Germain needs me.

"This day I hear his call as I awaken from sleep.

"And I will say again:

"Here am I, Lord. Speak, for thy servant heareth!"

"Many of you have been tried in the fire of God's purging love and tried again and again. Know, then, beloved, that the burdens you have faced and the challenges you have met are for your victory, are for your ascension.

"And we push and we push and we push again. And sometimes you are weary to the bone. Perhaps you have lost the vision that it is because we love you that we give you the opportunity to meet head—on and vanquish major challenges to earth's freedom.

"But despite all obstacles, you have agreed to take on these challenges and you have acted with dispatch and you have delivered your decrees and you have moved on, and we are grateful. And good things are happening in the world because you have kept the vigil of the violet flame."

Saint Germain
March 19, 1995

"Visualize the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. See the peaceful heart
of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. See the profound mercy in the heart of Kuan Yin. And determine what shall be the sign of your heart empowered by the fire of the Ruby Ray
and the Ruby Ray Buddha."

Buddha of the Ruby Ray
January 1, 1994

"Thus, the saints who have prayed daily throughout history are those who have been open hearts to our coming and through them the Light has shone. Yet, I tell you, if you are not saints today you may be saints tomorrow, and this sainthood, beloved, is the infusion of your being and your spiritual centers with the light of the Universal Christ."

Archangel Uriel

" . . . Recognize that every saint who has reunited with the ascension flame has reenacted this marvelous ritual of the judgment of the Fallen One and that Fallen One who has caused the descent of the light of the white fire within you. Therefore, beloved one, each and every saint
in heaven is a cornerstone of victory and not a gravestone but the mark of the white cube forged and won. That stone of light, that repository of infinite energy—this is the fire and the fiat, the strength and the devotion of the saints in heaven!

"Understand the great mystery of the Word incarnate, point/counterpoint. For every saint in heaven—and there are millions upon millions of star-flower saints of light—for every one there may be a counterpoint in the heart of the earth.

"This therefore is the descent of the Word that you may interconnect with the saints of heaven, even the starry bands of the Great White Brotherhood, by your own elevation of the feminine ray within your heart, by the light of justice representing the feminine ray of the seventh principle of the Godhead.

"Thus by your own coordinate, by your own polarization of the light of justice in your heart, you may now be connected with a single son of God in heaven, one who sets forth even as the mark of this interaction the white stone and in the heart of the stone the amethyst jewel—the alchemy of cosmic justice made manifest on earth as both divine and human justice through your very own heart flame. This closer tie with the Brotherhood through your devotion to justice has been the goal of Summit University in this quarter of the fall of 1980."

Saint Germain

“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels?”

"Indeed, in the name of God and his Son Jesus Christ, you are empowered to command the Archangels and the numberless numbers of their legions of light to right the wrongs of society. And, once and for all, you shall know that you have the wherewithal to fulfill the injunction of our Lord to 'heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.' As Jesus said, 'Freely ye have received, freely give.' "

Saint Germain

"Many saints have walked the earth, and among many saints only a single saint has been called apart to become the rose of the heart. What is the difference, beloved? What makes one devotee be received into the courts of the kingdom of heaven and another working side by side with that one to return into embodiment?

"It is the quality of the heart. It is the quality of grace. It is the quality of forgiveness and forbearance. It is the quality of Love discovered in all of the millions of facets of its potential expression. It is care and carefulness and the rough places of the human will planed by the diamond of the Inner Christ.

"Commend your spirit unto the Father, saying, 'O my Father, into thine arms I commend my spirit!' But the key is, except you become [as] a little child, you will not enter in to the Holy of holies of the temple initiations with me; [you will not enter in except you have the] childlike quality of trust and innocence and purity, knowing only the love of God and trusting that love.

"Now come my legions of angels, for I would not leave you to wonder or despair this day. Therefore they come with swords to cut you free from worldliness, intellectual pride, the entrapments of the carnal mind and all those things that have taken you from the sweet innocence of your childhood and the simple faith you knew.

"I, Jesus, have walked up and down the earth, placing my Electronic Presence [before the people] that all might see the Christ. And you, the saints, have revealed your path at inner levels to millions. All know it is the time of the coming of the Son of man. Yet they will not know how or where or when unless some of you enter into the bliss of God, knowing that the portal to bliss is pain. But it is a peculiar pain, beloved, and it is one that surely, I tell you, can be endured . . .

"In the great mystery of Love I call you, for you have loved and cherished the lives of the saints. You have loved each of my footprints in which you have placed your own feet. You have supped on the words. You have been drenched in the glory of my Light released, as again
and again you have received my testimony.

"O Great Central Sun Magnet of the Ruby Ray, draw the fragments of self scattered to the four corners of the universes back, back to the magnet of the heart!

"Blessed one, if you would be all of yourself, you must develop the heart as a magnet so that all that has your imprint upon it, and even fragments of the soul lost here and there, will come back to you as though spiraling to the center of a great sun. Without the quality of the Ruby Ray magnet of the heart that is the very expression of the rose, you cannot become here below that 'fire infolding itself' which draws to you all of the components of selfhood that Divine Wholeness might appear here below, as Above.

"One glimpse of the face of a saint, a Christed one, a Lightbearer by those who are open
and listening and yearning and calling for their God, and they know. They know it is possible.

"Some of you have had this effect on those who have watched and seen you as you walked through a crowd thinking you were unnoticed. You yourselves may remember how once or twice in this lifetime you may have seen someone whose eyes told you that God dwelt in his temple. And you have been spurred on, understanding that purity of heart has enabled that one to be a shining one in the earth. And you have said, 'There by the grace of God I will go, for I see it is possible by his Spirit.'

" 'Holiness unto the Lord!' is a most powerful fiat for establishing and reestablishing the fire and the magnet of the heart, for it is [your] declaring that here below all holiness is the Lord’s. And this holiness becomes the dazzling sun [within your heart] to increase and increase and increase.

" . . . Much inner preparation is going on amongst the saints in the earth who have become saints only by the crumbs from the Master’s table. But because of the fire of their hearts and their love, they have seen that one crumb is the whole loaf. And though they have been given the whole loaf by me, they could not receive it in their outer consciousness, for the whole loaf of the divine doctrine is unacceptable to their programming in this life, their belief systems."

Jesus Christ

"Thus all cultures and religions go back to the union of man and God in celebration of the hierarchies of Light and the avatars descending and the intercession of Moses and Gautama and Confucius and Isaiah and the apostle Paul. In each and every instance, what captures the people is this close proximity of heaven and earth and the saints appearing and the men of God appearing to Abraham and the angels descending and the opening of the chakras and the very crown itself and heaven, then, descending in the starry body.

"Beloved hearts, this is what impels life to strive, to seek Truth and to champion her cause before the oppressed and those who have been dealt with unjustly. It is the desire to have the opening of the portals of the etheric octave. It is the desire so great in the human psyche to remember in the outer sense this connection of inner and outer planes and the continuity of life and the goal that is beyond all of this darkness in the sunrise and the golden dawn of a new day."

Lady Master Venus

"And therefore, by studying the lives of those who have faced God, who have learned from his law, who have been put down by that law and raised up by that law, you may understand the way in which ye ought to walk! The way in which ye walk this hour must become the way of the prophet, the way of the disciple, the way of the Christ, the way of the revelator, the way of the ministering servant, the way of the holy people, the way of the apostle, the way of the progenitors of mankind, and the way of the holy angels.

"Pick your character or mighty hero [out of] the Bible itself and become that one for a day and put on that mantle and call forth that causal body, even as you who have been Catholic are used to praying to the saints. I tell you, pray to the mighty causal body and the power of Almighty God in these personages and learn to love and know them. For, beloved hearts, they are the pioneers; they have carved a way! And the way they have carved is the path all the way up the mountain to the very crown chakra where you sit at the feet of Lord Maitreya, Lord Gautama, and Sanat Kumara; and you finish up the course of the raising up of the ascension flame, the Mother Light, from the base unto the crown."

Mighty Victory

"What has happened to the 'Church Militant' on earth that does defend Life when Death and Hell move against the souls of a people? Where, then, are today's saints? They are outside of its walls, I tell you, for the true saints have long ago recognized that these walls cannot contain nor house my Great Causal Body.

"And therefore, I must in protest come again to overturn the money changers in the temple. These are they who conspire with world movements of totalitarianism, who enter into compromise, and challenge and deny the true path of individual soul freedom and the rightful inheritance of every son of God to walk and talk with me and to commune with me as I walked and talked with my disciples for many years, even many years after my resurrection. For I did remain upon earth and the Gnostic text Pistis Sophia does bear witness to this even as does the Church Father Irenaeus, commenting that I was teaching well into the [fiftieth year. And it was so.]

"Blessed ones, the mysteries I have taught have been banned and denounced as heresy, and therefore you are as shorn lambs today, having accepted the orthodox lie of sin and condemnation.

" . . . Understand that there is such corruption across the governments of the nations that where to begin becomes the challenge of the hour, but I will tell you where to begin. That beginning is in the raising up of the true Light [as the Threefold Flame] in your heart. That beginning is to know me, to know my Word and to become it—and to fear not to assimilate my Body and my Blood, the fullness of the Omega-Alpha consciousness of the Father-Mother God. Fear not, therefore, to set aside the former things and to enter into the newness of the Spirit.

"The second thing, therefore, is to stand before the altar of God that you erect in your own home and to daily, hourly invoke the power and intercession of God and to ask to be his instrument and to call upon those Seven Archangels and Lords of the Seven Rays. Call upon all of us in heaven and we will come to your side and we will open the way for you to serve your nations and your communities. The hour is late, yet everyone must give his all to this calling.

" . . . Come unto me, all ye who labor, then, with the burden of orthodoxy and the laws of mortality, for in the Light of my Presence I will give you Life.Remember, I AM your brother always. Call to me and I will answer. Knock upon the door of my heart and I shall open. And promise me this, beloved, that when I knock upon the door of your heart you will also open and allow me to enter in and to use you in a moment of personal or national crisis in your nation, in your planet, for I need your hands and heart. I need your temples for the deliverance of souls and I need your voice to speak to them the word of comfort.

" . . . I seal you and bless you for the victory of your whole life day by day, and the recording angels have outlined for you what is that just and perfect and holy calling for thy life in this hour. Day by day to the finish, to the end of mortality, to the soul's immortality! Day by day, thus the Lord calls you! Answer, answer and be free!

"O shepherd of souls, thou Universal Christ, descend now and be unto them their Divine Reality."

Jesus Christ

"One of the most famous encounters recorded in mystical literature is the ecstasy of another Teresa—Teresa of Avila. In a vision, the Lord showed Teresa a small angel holding a large golden heart tipped with fire.

"She wrote: 'It seemed to me this angel plunged the dart several times into my heart. When he drew the dart out, I thought he was carrying off with him the deepest part of me; and he left me all on fire with a great love of God.'

"Jesus told Catherine of Genoa that 'these flaming darts of an irresistible love are like waves of fire. They flow from My breast,' Jesus said, 'and communicate such ardor and interior power to man that he can now do nothing else but love, remaining inseparably united with
his God.'

"Unable to adequately express the overwhelming love she felt for God, Catherine of Genoa simply said, 'If one drop of that love which my heart feels . . . were to fall into Hell, Hell itself would altogether turn into eternal life.'

"Isn’t this the love we all seek? The love that will heal. The love that with one single drop will transform someone’s world. Just think what we could do if we had that kind of love! But in order to have that kind of love, we need to open our hearts—all the way. And as we know, it is not always easy to do that. Because of the wounds of the past, we close up when loving gets too painful. We sometimes have to contact deep levels of hurt in order to resolve the painful record and move on."

"And therefore the determined ones have overcome; [they] have overcome enormous adversities, infirmities, weaknesses of the body. They have accomplished far more than those who have had perfect health and all things in life that they wanted. If you could have seen the saints, beloved, and what they bore in their bodies and by the will of the spirit what they achieved, you would understand that there is nothing in this octave that can stop a warrior who has this true spirit. And this truly is a definition of virya.

"Virya is more than physical strength, even more than the will of the mind. It is this presence of the spirit of a man and the spirit of a woman."

"I would show you the world as Jesus has shown it to many of the saints of old. And inasmuch as they have seen Death and Hell, beloved, so I would also take you to the depths of Death and Hell, clothed with a great armour so that you might observe the consequences that have come upon those who have moved against the Lord God again and again. And you will marvel at how they believe they are in a wondrous place, twenty levels below in the astral plane! For this plane is akin to their own vibration, their own sloth, their own odor.

"Yes, beloved, 'As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.' Just so, the fallen angels return to the astral plane. And when they reincarnate they attempt to bring the vibrations of that plane with them and to take to those low levels innocent souls who have moorings neither in precious father or mother on earth nor in Father-Mother God in heaven."

Lord Lanto

"The crown of Life is won daily, and therefore there does come to all, step by step on the ladder of initiation, the opportunity to give—at first in small ways which seem great and then in great ways which seem small. For as one does ascend the spiral staircase realizing the Allness of God, one knows how small, by comparison, must any sacrifice be; for the gift of the return current is always the Divine All. The saints of all ages unto whose hearts I have imparted this great and compassionate truth are they who are above you now, the immortals. Yet, it is not beneath them to walk by your side day upon day."

Jesus Christ

"In all areas this world is not spinning as it should be, except in the hearts of the saints who keep the flame in every one of the world’s religions. And everywhere that there are those who are praying to God for the acceleration of the education of the children, there is an opening for the children to accelerate scientifically, spirituallyand triumphantly."

John the Beloved

" . . . And so, beloved, imperfections are always with the saints. It is not that you mourn them but that you are reminded that the human has the propensity to err, that the human is an imperfect vessel for the perfection of the Christ and that the imperfections that linger on the path of sainthood are not so vastly important to the spiritual overseer of the planet as they may be to yourselves. Blessed ones, there is the perfecting of the heart and the soul and the mind that is often neglected by those who have vanity and spiritual pride and continually expect the human flesh-and-blood person to be that perfect model and role model of the chela.

" . . . And each one in Community does provide truly a blessedness, truly a focus of sainthood, that all others may drink from that certain fountain and know (that) when they put their straw into that fountain a certain vibration, a certain flavor will come forth. And that very special vibration may be at any time the healing element that they require."

Mother Mary
August 14, 1989

"A few saints in past ages have made the difference and you can make the difference [today]. The only problem is that you do not consider yourself worthy of sainthood. I say you are fully worthy because God is in you! And when you deprecate yourself and when you disparage yourself, [making yourself] feel worthless, you are denying the God that is in you. And I say, shame on you for taking that posture! For God has given to you a great grace and a great ability, and therefore let gratitude and praise abound! And may you take this science of the Word as an empowerment, truly the empowerment, as great as that of any adept that might come to you from the Eastern chambers."

Lady Master Leto

"Take care that you begin and end your day with a prayer unto that [saint or Person of the Godhead of] your choice.

"Let it be a prayer unto the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. Let it be a prayer unto the Christ, Jesus, even the World Teacher and avatar of the age, who is Lord and Saviour. Let it be to Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya or your favorite saint. Let it be to God directly but, I say, to whomever it be, let your mantra sing! Let your heart release the light and see how much God will pour his flood tides of light through you each and every one!"

Saint Germain
April 27, 1991

"I know of and have observed down through the Christian centuries countless saints of holy orders—including those in Christian, Tibetan, and even so-called heathen monasteries—who became disciples of Love’s wisdom. Many of these labored with the weight of enormous karma, under abbots and superiors who could have been much more kind. Scarcely a word of approval did they hear in a lifetime until the Master’s blessed voice said, 'Well done.' Yet, they were constant.

"You who enjoy the freedom of the outer world and belong not to holy orders—what opportunity is yours to overcome temptation and to be really strong for right and God! How you should welcome the opportunity, as have many disciples in the past who never made recorded history, remaining unknown, unhonored, and unsung."

April 15, 1960

"Now receive the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"Many saints who are your brothers and sisters have placed themselves at this altar this night that you might feel the kinship and the oneness with those you have known in past lives who have gone on before you. They are your wayshowers. And many of you in this room have been told by Gabriel the Archangel that you were to make your ascension in this life. Let it be so that you understand that this is not a predestination but it is a calling to which you direct all of your strength and energy and your discipleship unto the heart of our beloved Jesus Christ.

"In the heart of my Lord, I AM one with you each and every day, for I do spend all of my heaven on earth. I seal you with the white roses of the ascension of the Blessed Mother and I embrace you as a sister of Light and Love."

Therese of Lisieux

"Let them come to me who have first put on the sardine stone that I AM, for its ruby red signifies the heart of the initiate whose initiations in the sacred fire are for the mastery of the first element of the Ancient Alchemist, the fire element, and its angels and salamanders in Spirit and in Matter. The sardine is the opening of the door of the heart to the initiation of the Rose Cross. It is the garnishment of the sixth foundation of the wall of the Holy City and the first stone set in gold upon Aaron’s breastplate. Thus it is the beginning of the mysteries of the priesthood and the sixth step in the inner temple initiations.

"The pure heart is not enough. It is the accelerated heart that is required, the heart that is on fire for God, ruby red as the blood of Christ—now crucified, now resurrected, now ascended as the blood becomes the golden liquid light of the jasper. I AM the beginning and the ending of the path of initiation which I transfer to you through the Great Guru Lord Maitreya. I AM in the center of the rainbow round about the throne. I AM in the center of the twelve rings of Elohim, whose causal bodies adorn the Nameless One."

Sanat Kumara

"And this is why I say it is the greatest moment in all history for each and every one of you to make your statement and to establish that contact with God which all who have gone before you have made, and thereby become instruments of Light and spiritual power and healing
and the holding of the balance of nations.

"The overwhelming proof is on the side of the path of discipleship. It has a consistency over tens and thousands of years. You will not find any difference, save perhaps in a slight manner of form or ritual, in the paths of the saints East or West. There is no difference in the light of the eye or the shining of the aura or the power of the chakras or the beginning ability of transmutation and alchemy that comes into your life when you begin to invoke the violet flame.

"The consistency of this path, side by side with the absolute inconsistency of the factions of Protestantism, of Catholicism, of Judaism, or of the Moslems who argue perpetually one with the other and remain separated and divided because they cannot agree on the letter! And they have left off from the true Spirit. And even in that spirit of ecumenism, beloved ones, you find that they have not come to the resolution of their doctrine nor have they given to their flocks the power of God to turn the tide of world conditions.

"One and all, understand the great joy as a child rejoices in his first step, the first word he can spell or read or identify on a sign, the first piece he can play on the piano, or a laurel wreath
given at graduation. Understand that the path of achievement-striving, running in the race, winning the gold cup—is a path that mirrors the path of discipleship to all. It is the sense internally: 'I have worked, I have mastered—God with me and by his grace. And because I know who I AM and God is with me, I can do these things.'

"It's like having it in your pocket. It is something you have done. When and if it should ever be the case that a master do for the disciple what the disciple can only do for himself, the
disciple will be just like the child or any of you. The person for whom something is given without responsibility, without effort and work, without inner achievement resents the individual who gives to him that reward without effort.

"Thus, the false pastors who preach create in fact a servile relationship of sinners to a favorite son, and internally and subconsciously it is actually the hatred of Christ that is at work. It is a psychological maneuver of the fallen angels, preaching hellfire and brimstone and enormous fear and an angry God and the promise of everlasting hell and damnation to those who do not repent. These are the preachments of the Devil who has created an alternative religion to the
true teaching of Jesus Christ.

"Realize this: that many pastors who are thus indoctrinated are not of an evil bent but have
simply followed the party line they have been given and that has been carried on for generations. The proof is in the pudding. The proof is in the action. Where are the results? Where are the results?

"When Billy Graham goes to the Communist world and declares that all is well and Baptists have freedom and they ought to submit to their governments, how is all well—when, not having
the power to challenge Communism, they decide to give in and recommend that true Christians submit to the brutality that is going on yet today and the persecutions?

"Who will cry out to the living God and take a stand and be willing to be a fool for Christ?"

El Morya

" . . . We see in the life of Jesus Christ and Moses and the prophets and the apostle Paul and the saints who have walked with us these two thousand years, as well as in that of the Masters of the Far East, that there are certain known factors in life and in what we face as we master each of the seven planes of being through the seven chakras.

"These are not different, but they are the same tests given to all. They may be clothed in different guises in different centuries, but when it comes down to the moment of Truth, as for the testing, the temptation, and the trials, there are givens and there are knowns.

"Therefore, by acquainting ourselves with the lives of the saints, we may know what to anticipate and not be dismayed when we ourselves as chelas, or our leaders or the Ascended Masters, come under the reproof of the fallen angels upon earth.

"It is so essential, according to Saint Germain and to beloved El Morya, to understand our position in history. A long cosmic history precedes us—millions of years. We have been a part of that history.

" . . . Yet these saints who have gone before us have been pillars of eternity standing in the mists of time and space. And as we study them, we see them in their aloneness, their all-oneness, standing out in relief against the complicity of the fallen ones.

" . . . When you place yourselves at the feet of the Ascended Masters, know that you have the responsibility for the Light and the Wisdom and the Mandate given. These are the terms of chelaship. When you expect God to serve you through the Ascended Masters, you are expected to return in kind."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
March 17, 1985

" . . . But I ask you to look at the lives of the saints who have made it and not at those of the world who will pass through the judgment, who seem to have a life of ease and pleasure. Every saint who has ever made it, every saint in his final embodiment has felt that surge of that fire of that Holy Spirit burning within him, and he has toiled through the day and toiled through the night and won that victory.

"If you are not willing to pay that price, if you are not willing to enter into that fire spiral of that God-victory, then I say, pray for that desire, pray for that willingness. Pray for those things to be taken from you that stop you short of the daily victories that you know you can have.

"This is a do-it-yourself course. And when you do it yourself, I will multiply your works by my grace. I cannot multiply anything if you do not put forth works and the effort and show that you are willing to live a hard life as well as an easy life. For you have had both in many incarnations and this surely is the time to prove what you are made of.

"Do you not think, if there were favoritism [between a Master and his disciple] and if the Law would have allowed it, that I would have raised up Magda two thousand years ago and simply dissolved her karma and not required her, as God required it, to return for two thousand years? There is a mythology surrounding my person and that mythology must not creep into your theological awareness. You must understand that we all come under the Law.

"Not only would I not desire this but I also would not allow it. For, beloved, it is experience in life that is for the ripening of the soul. Do not take from a child his victory or he will resent you for the rest of his life. God and the saints—even I myself—do not take from anyone the victory, do not bestow the prize until the prize is duly won and until the true effort is made.

"I am releasing a flame in this hour. It is the flame that you most need. It is the flame of realism. Realism is the absolute requirement of the hour, not fuzzy thinking, not illusory thinking, not false optimism but the realism of what is taking place on this planet and what are the signs of the times.

"I, Jesus, write in the sand, as I was wont to do on many occasions, even as I wrote down the karma and the sins of those who accused Magda. I have written in the sands of the desert and I have written in the sands of the Himalayas. I have written in the earth the signs in the heavens, and I know these signs. And the exact science of astrology and its use by you is taught by me at inner levels.

"Those who will reject my teaching and this science may also reject me. They fear the coming of the Lord’s judgment; therefore they seek to deny the prophecy of that judgment. Do not count yourself among them, for they go the way of all flesh and the way of the captains and the kings and the mighty men.

"Therefore know that the calculations are true and the prophecies are true. And therefore they have been set forth through the Messenger. And you must look at them and give your violet flame [decrees] for yourselves."

Jesus Christ
November 22, 1990

The Imitation of Christ part 1
Elizabeth C. Prophet
The Imitation of Christ part 2
Elizabeth C. Prophet

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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