
Mme Helena P. Blavatsky
with Ascended Masters Kuthumi, El Morya and Saint Germain

" . . . Consider then the labor of El Morya with the Theosophical Society and of Djwal Kul with many chelas that he has taken into his heart that they might come forth for the path of adeptship even in this century and the centuries to come—and blessed Kuthumi, sponsoring the light of a holy science and an understanding and a probing of the deeper mysteries of God that he would determine to transfer to one sacred heart and then another and another.

"Dauntless, these masters of light have stood in anticipation of your coming, most blessed hearts —Serapis Bey has held school for centuries for the hour of that appearing of the Light. Thus all is in readiness and you realize that the very same dangers are multiplied over and again even as the appearance of Christ is multiplied, and we see the hour of the ten-thousand-and-one and more as the dispensations have continued."

Mother Mary
December 24, 1980

"In 1876, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was ordered by the Master Kuthumi and me, then known as the Masters K.H. and M., to write Isis Unveiled. Later she was given the responsibility of imparting The Secret Doctrine to the world. Commissioned by Jesus the Christ, the Ascended Master Hilarion, and Mother Mary, Mary Baker Eddy was given certain revelations which she set forth in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Though at times beset with their own preconceptions and the burden of the mass consciousness, these witnesses codified the truth and the law of East and West as the culmination of thousands of years of their souls’ distillations of the Spirit.

"Such Messengers are not trained in a day or a year or a lifetime. Embodiment after embodiment, they sit at the feet of the Masters and receive the emanations of their mantle in the power of their word and example. A number of others who were selected to perform a similar service for hierarchy failed in their initiations through the pride of the intellect and their unwillingness to submit identity totally unto the flame. They have become thereby totally self-deluded and they continue to draw innocent souls into the chaos of their delusion."

El Morya
April 20, 1975

"Beloved Hilarion, when embodied as Saint Paul, wrote that 'godliness with contentment is great gain,' and I am sure the students will realize that Saint Germain and myself, together with the entire Great White Brotherhood, have one objective in mind for the entire earth and that is the glorifying of the earth with the eternal grandeur the Great Architect envisions and which as his co-servers we advocate and strive for in the highest spirals. Our efforts through early Christianity, Theosophy, Christian Science, Unity, Rosicrucianism and a host of other magnificent endeavors have been entirely slanted to this one aim.

"Sometimes to the isolated student this may seem like 'shooting an arrow into the air' and not knowing just where it is falling to earth. Yet, were you to enter our retreat (the Retreat of God’s Will) here at Darjeeling, your eyes would truly be opened. You would then know that the fault or delay does not lie with our endeavors but rather with human gossip, jealousy, resentment, inharmony, and a vicious priestcraft whose aims are wholly selfish (yet surrounded and composed of many who are truly sincere). This is anti-Christ (which does not sleep, lying in wait to deceive) directed at our constructive effort.

"The sifting of the chaff from the wheat is difficult for us. What must it be like for you! Yet, you must learn not to believe all human statements and be so gullible as to accept the false reports the enemies of the Light are so quick to spread in order to discredit our noblest efforts. Remember, when our body on earth shall resemble our heavenly order, Victory will be at the very door! The day of diligence and constancy is here today. Those who have already reached the summit heights on God’s mountain of wholeness are your Teachers. We stand ready to lead! Are you ready to follow?"

El Morya
August 4, 1961

" . . . We who advocated the Divine Theosophia (the Theosophical Order), we who brought forth in hope the first workings of spiritualism (through Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others) in order to establish hope in the hearts of men for a better world to come, we have watched as degradation and misuse of principle have altered our purposes, and there has come to pass a sad state of affairs wherein trenchant forces of darkness have misused the divine principle."

August 13, 1967

"Those privileged individuals who are truly able to penetrate the realm of akasha and to see accurately the recordings made there (men and women such as Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Edgar Cayce, and others) must, in many cases, be accepted on faith by the multitudes; for they themselves do not have the power of discernment, although they would often like to think they do. The very fact that this is so does make it possible for the charlatan, the pretender, and the self-deceived to say with considerable ease, 'We are also able to read the akashic records.'

"In reality, many of these so-called readings are but subconscious meanderings of the lower mental body, involving all of the unfortunate anomalies of the individual ego recorded in his own etheric body. Others who would act as mediums are often affinitized and attuned to nothing more than their own psychic rate which represents the sum of the individual’s total experience patterns and puts him in tune with other forcefields, discarnate and otherwise, having a similar vibration."

Beloved Lanto
February 26, 1967

"As we inspired the leadership of Abraham, Noah, Moses, and other great patriarchs, as we spoke through Zarathustra, Apollonius of Tyana, and Jesus, as we released holy wisdom to Socrates, Plato, and Emerson, so did we come through Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. We have also released our instruction through other adherents of divine truth, both metaphysical and occult, until the occult law was set aside and the pure passion of the flames of liberty and truth was unleashed in the early 1930s.

"Man—caught in the miasma of his separatist dream, deigning to be fooled—has created a thousand foolish splinters that have taken him from the truth center of his being. It is not that the germ of reality and truth is not active within the many spiritual organizations upon earth; it is simply that individuals do not grasp truth when they find it but prefer instead to form their own anthropomorphic God (a god made in their own image) and to embrace concepts that are foreign to reality."

The Goddess of Liberty
June 30, 1968

" . . . the teaching went forth long ago through Helena Blavatsky concerning the use of the physical sword to deal with malevolent spirits. *

" . . . With God nothing is impossible to you. This you must hear and you must know it! And this you must affirm, even to the very depths of the subconscious and the unconscious, whose programming has limited you for many a year. Speak it into the heart of every problem:

"With God, my Mighty I AM Presence, nothing is impossible to me! Therefore I shall do His will through the heart of Astrea and set a planet and a soul of a nation free!"


* Helena Blavatsky in *Isis Unveiled* writes: "Some daimons, or elementary spirits, are afraid of sword, knife, or any thing sharp." In her teaching on this phenomenon Blavatsky quotes from "De Daemon" by Psellus: "One thing, however, distinguishes him from the living man, viz.: that when
a man's limbs are once divided, their parts cannot be reunited very easily. But, cut a demon in two, and you will see him immediately join himself together."

Elohim Astrea
February 18, 1991

"Beloved hearts, I wield this ceremonial sword that you might understand that the teaching went forth long ago through Helena Blavatsky concerning the use of the physical sword to deal with malevolent spirits. This is what I desire to see you do, beloved.

"Understand that when you take steel and the sharpened blade of steel, you will cut through malevolent spirits on the astral plane. You can wield this sword, beloved ones, and you will notice how the dark ones flee, how they hide under the bed and in the corner and rush to the basement when they see you come!

"This sword, beloved, or a smaller one that is handy for travel, can be used by you when you enter public places, such as hotel rooms where you must rest. You first make your calls to Astrea to clear the records of that room. Beloved, you have no idea what takes place in hotel rooms and the records that are there.

"I speak of life and death, beloved! I speak of those who take their lives in suicide, who take drugs and bring with them teeming hundreds of entities of marijuana or cocaine.

"And after the occupants leave, the room is cleaned, the beds are made, the linen is fresh, and you enter and you know not that you have entered a place that is literally crawling with all forms of entities.

"You may wonder why you do not feel so well. You think it is the air. You think it is anything except the astral manifestation. Think never to lay your body to rest without taking that sword of blue flame, without taking its physical counterpart, calling to me and to Archangel Michael and other hosts of the Lord and asking that that entire place be cleared. You can so clear your home and forcefield.

"Have you noticed how dogs seem to bark into the air in this direction and that and there is nothing there? They see the astral plane! They warn you! They are your protectors. They many times have blue-lightning angels overshadowing them and they sense their mission in defense of your life.

"Or perhaps you have noticed how you will have a sudden mood change. You may become angry. You may become sad. You may become depressed. Yes, it may be the product of medication or wrong diet; but more than this, the forces of Darkness produce these conditions. All is at peace and suddenly there is an explosion of argument and anger in confrontation within the family or between two individuals who love one another deeply.

"All of these things must be seen by you objectively. You must come to the realization, beloved, that you are dealing with 'principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.' This verse refers to hierarchies of fallen angels with whom you deal daily. They move against your most cherished hopes and dreams and dash the cup of light before you can drink the elixir handed to you by a seraphim of God.

"Thus, beloved, it was taught very clearly and is known in the ancient traditions of the adepts
that the discarnate entities that are malevolent may be injured by the blade of stainless steel.
And therefore, they may be cut in two, they may be bound by that action of the sword. You must understand that this is a spiritual work and not a physical, and yet this does span the physical and the astral [planes].

"When you see children having tantrums, remember to check their sugar levels and do not let them overeat sugar or even fruit itself. Their energies will drop, the entities will ride in. You can clear them of entities but you must also clear them of their vulnerability to these energy drops that they might not be therefore vulnerable to discarnate entities."

Elohim Astrea
February 18, 1991

"Dweller on the Threshold is a term sometimes used to designate the anti-self, the not-self, the synthetic self, the antithesis of the Real Self, the conglomerate of the self-created ego, ill conceived through the inordinate use of the gift of free will, consisting of the carnal mind and a constellation of misqualified energies, forcefields, focuses, animal magnetism comprising the subconscious mind.

"Man’s contact with the reptilian anti-magnetic self—that is the enemy of God and his Christ
and the soul’s reunion with that Christ—is through the desire body, or astral body, and through the solar-plexus chakra. The dweller on the threshold is therefore the nucleus of a vortex of energy that forms the ‘electronic belt,' shaped like a kettledrum and surrounding the four lower bodies from the waist down. The serpent head of the dweller is sometimes seen emerging from the black pool of the unconscious.

"This electronic belt does contain the cause, effect, record, and memory of human karma in its negative aspect. Positive karma, as deeds done through the divine consciousness, registers in the causal body and is sealed in the electronic fire-rings surrounding each one’s own I AM Presence. When the sleeping serpent of the dweller is awakened by the presence of Christ, the soul must make the freewill decision to slay, by the power of the I AM Presence, the self-willed anti-Christ and become the defender of the Real Self until the soul is fully reunited with He who is the righteous Lord, THE Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, the true Self of every lifestream on the path of initiation.

"The dweller appears to the soul on the threshold of conscious awareness where it knocks to gain entrance into the ‘legitimate’ realm of self-acknowledged selfhood. The dweller would enter to become the master of the house. But it is Christ and only Christ whose knock you must answer —him only must you bid enter. The most serious initiation on the path of the disciple of Christ is the confrontation with the not-self. For if it is not slain by the soul, one with the Christ mind, it will emerge to devour that soul in the full rage of its hatred for the Light.

"The necessity for the Teacher on the Path and for the Guru Sanat Kumara with us, physically manifest in the messenger of Maitreya, is to hold the balance in the physical octave for each individual initiate on the Path as he approaches the initiation of the encounter—face-to-face with the dweller on the threshold. In The Theosophical Glossary, H. P. Blavatsky defines dweller on the threshold as “a term invented by Bulwer Lytton in Zanoni; . . . ‘Dweller’ is an occult term used by students for long ages past, and refers to certain maleficent astral Doubles of defunct persons.” Astral Double refers to “the ethereal counterpart or shadow of man or animal."

Gautama Buddha
August 30, 1964

"During the late nineteenth century, reincarnation gained increased popularity in the West through the Russian-born mystic Helena P. Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society. While she emphasized Eastern religion and philosophy, Blavatsky also embraced esoteric Christianity. William Q. Judge, one of the society's cofounders, was fond of calling reincarnation 'the lost chord of Christianity.'

"Theosophy opened the door for a number of other groups to teach reincarnation in a Christian context. Among them are Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophical Society and Charles and Myrtle Fillmore's Unity School of Christianity."

Elizabeth C. Prophet

"What can we say, beloved? We can say that the dark forces of other planetary systems as well as planets such as the Twelfth Planet yet move on. Although they see the signs of their ultimate defeat, they also see the weakness and the cowardice among some who have had the Teachings for years. And they mock these self-styled students. They mimic them. They make fun of them. For the weakness and cowardice of such students are of a truth chinks in the armour of the Great White Brotherhood on earth.

"Look at those who have had the dispensations of the Ascended Masters in the Theosophical Society, the Rosicrucian Order, the Agni Yoga Society, the I AM movement and other forward movements that have begun to unveil the presence and teachings of great adepts in the earth. Look at the members of these organizations, beloved. Some have almost become intellectual snobs, for they do not use the teachings to challenge the forces of Darkness in the earth but only to elevate themselves by their knowledge of the hidden wisdom. They think of themselves as the wise ones, for they have such and such teaching that other earthlings do not have. This was never the Brotherhood’s intent in the founding of esoteric organizations.

"By contrast, here at Maitreya’s Mystery School you are alive with the teachings, the Masters are alive with the teachings and there is no need for you to crown us with laurels, nor for us to crown you. For we know who is God, we know who is the one God and we know that we are the vessel for that God and that we of ourselves are nothing, unless we are becoming more of that God day by day.

"You, then, are on the right course. You have received what the nineteenth-century unascended adepts wanted you to receive. And now that they are Ascended Masters, they are well pleased that you have got the message, that you have understood the mystical paths of the world’s religions and where those paths lead the soul. They know you have understood that the true teachings of the Old and New Testaments still stand and that you seek to act from the point of humility, for you know that humility is the point of the igniting of the fire of your Victory.

"Is that not so, beloved?

" . . . Yes, beloved, review the Messenger’s lectures on Taoism and find the point of humility whereby you understand why the meek shall inherit the earth. It is because ultimately those of pride will be judged and bound and removed to the levels of their karma while the meek stay centered in the eye of the T’ai Chi. And they in their meekness, in their humility, in their centeredness will therefore attract the greatest power of all—the power of the Almighty One.

"There is, beloved, a certain enlightened self-interest in being humble. For the wise ones know that it is by humility that they will ultimately conquer self and the fallen ones, whereas those who rant and rave and come with their swords and their spears and ignite and reignite the wars that have gone on on this planet ad nauseam will never inherit the earth. The selfishness of the fallen ones leads to a false humility, whereas true selflessness leads to true humility.

"Thus you have discovered the key. Keep it, beloved. Keep it.

"There are many who have these teachings but who do not decree, do not invoke the flame of God, do not invoke the power of God. And therefore they and their organizations descend into a personality cult and they cut off the saving grace and the path of the Holy Spirit that is alive, that is burning, that is full of excitement in the joy of the New Age of Aquarius. That presence of the Holy Spirit escapes them and they descend into lower levels of the astral plane.

"This is what has befallen many members of the New Age movement who see themselves as the vanguard of the age of Aquarius. Yet they have put aside the true teachings of God for something else that is distinctly not of the star of Aquarius rising.

"And what is that something else? It is the adornment and lifting up of the human ego, exalting the ego as God. What a pity that any should spend a lifetime dallying in the psychic, or astral, state, beloved! It would be better for such a one to join the Pentecostals or the charismatics. Yes, beloved! For then that one would at least be anchored in the Holy Spirit and in the anointings. You are welcome to be seated, blessed hearts.)

"Our coming, then, this summer to Summit University with the Lord Christ and his legions—and he does come, beloved, as the Faithful and True with armies of Light —is to support those legions. Our coming is to work with them. Our coming is to continually wash and bathe you in this glorious Victory flame, this golden yellow flame of illumination.

All retreats of the Brotherhood in the earth do keep the Victory flame burning, no matter what the theme of the retreat. And they shall amplify that golden yellow flame. And they shall do it in part, beloved, in honor of the child that is soon to be born."

Mighty Voctory
June 30, 1994

Theosophy Home Page Books by H. P. Blavatsky

The Secret Doctrine Isis Unveiled

O Wandzie Dynowskiej Krishnamurti-bibliografia






Henry S. Olcott's Deposition
to the Society for Psychical Research, 1884

The Book of the Golden Precepts
The Voice of the Silence (extracts)
The Voice of the Silence (complete)
Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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