History of the Twelve Tribes
Symbols of the Twelve Tribes

"Beloved El Morya takes from his library shelf a large tome bound in a substance like leather and with gold leaf. It is an old, old book, and it is the history of the I AM Race.

"The I AM Race are those who are the descendants of Lord Sanat Kumara. Let us understand that the seed of light, the Christic seed descended from on high, are those which have this I AM Presence of the Lord God. Those who have descended from on high shall truly ascend.

"It is the history of this race with which we are concerned in this hour. For all other evolutions and lifewaves upon earth depend for their appearing upon these 'sun-manifestations' of God. Those who carry the light of the sun in their hearts, the original Central Sun, are therefore called the offspring of the Most High, or sons of [i.e., the light emanation of] God.

"Far more lifewaves upon earth, too numerous to number, are the evolutions without that I AM Presence and Christ Self and threefold flame. In an attempt to take the light of the sons of God, it was clearly the design of the fallen angels to create a race—godless and without the divine spark—which race, by their sheer numbers, should therefore multiply and increase and cover the earth with darkness, thus isolating the sons of God and surrounding them and separating them.

"In addition, as you know, these fallen ones who once had the divine spark lost their light and also joined their own godless creation. The giants and the overlords and those who have manipulated the life-force and the genetic strain of earth’s evolutions thus set about taking command of the earth and standing at the helm of the ship of state, nation by nation.

"Beloved hearts, these individuals have positioned themselves, as you well know, to the right, to the left, and in the middle of the entire political and economic spectrum. Thus, you will understand how the seed of Light, the seed of Christ, and the tares sown among the good seed are now intertwined karmically in many situations upon earth—a sprinkling of the sons of God and many of the fallen ones occupying seats of power in all fields.

"I review this history that you might understand what are the forces juxtaposed in this hour. Cycles have turned and are changing as we evaluate the victory of freedom’s flame that
came about through the past presidential election when hopes were very high that the light of freedom might burn brightly. Since that hour, we have seen any number of individuals who by mouth have espoused our cause—have in fact deliberately moved against that cause, have either misrepresented or not represented at all as they promised to do.

"Though we are able to use all to deliver our Word from time to time, it is the consistency, it is the constancy of the Keeper of the Flame of Freedom that is necessary for a continuing direction for the charting of the voyage of discovery into the new age—for the voyage of the ship of state.

"So many changes of hands, so many voices in Congress, so much deliberation and confusion, and therefore a sound policy is not as easy to effect in a republican form of government as it is where there is a single individual or a group of individuals who hold the reins of power. So much for the virtues of the kings of Israel and of Judah. In one office the power of the Godhead could be directed to the people, monitored, and held in balance by the presence of the prophet.

"Beloved hearts, the abuse of that office of power has resulted in the destiny of the new age when the government should be upon the shoulders of the Lord Christ as the individual Christ Self, The Lord Our Righteousness. Unfortunately, those who have not the I AM Presence or the descent of the Son of God have not the indwelling standard, they have not the indwelling Christ Self.

"Thus, when the people champion the cause of Truth through that Christ consciousness, they may form rings of light even around a fallen one and compel that fallen one, by the voice of the people, to act in the name of God. The consistency of pressure which must be brought to bear upon such individuals, who have no conscience of their own but only act when moved by power, is not such that we may depend upon it. For the same winds may blow in the other direction when the people themselves are seized by that which is not coming forth from the Christ consciousness but by some move, popular, that is actually anti-Christ in nature—though it may be coated and colored with virtuous precepts and an abundant selection of quotes from the world’s great prophets and philosophers.

"Thus, the same individuals who may be one day an instrument of our own chess move may the next day appear on the dark side of the board. We realize, then, that our experiment in freedom and in the violet flame and in the tremendous calls that have gone forth for the victory of this nation and the world’s freedom under this administration could only be played out so far."

Saint Germain
October 6, 1983


Primary emblem is a man

Strong and handsome physically
Sensual and weak morally
Nature is changeable, like water

Secondary emblem is a body of water,
represented by wavy lines

These emblems are in use today by several branches
of the Celto-Saxon people:

Prominent emblem in the Royal Arms of:


Holds an important place in the Arms of Iceland
The emblem of two provinces in Sweden
Emblem in at least 24 municipalities in Denmark


Primary emblem is the sword

Appears in the Arms of many counties, cities,
and towns of:


Appears in the Arms of 14 or more of the chiefs
of the Clans and ancient families of Scotland
Is a part of the emblem of a province in Sweden
Appears in Denmark:

In the Arms of one district
In four municipal Arms

Secondary emblem is a castle gate

Appears in the Arms of at least 50 places
in the British Isles
Appears on the Arms of Crests of many families
in Scotland
Appears in the municipal Arms of cities and towns
The Netherlands


Primary emblem is the Lion in a couchant (dormant) position

Common to nearly all sections of Celto-Saxon people

Appears in their Royal and National Arms
Appears in their Provincial and Municipal Arms
Appears in the Arms of hundreds of their old families

National emblem and found in many provinces
and cities of:

The Netherlands
Northern Ireland

Secondary emblem is three lions, either couchant
or rampant

National emblem of:


Appears in England in:

The Royal Standard
The Shield of the Royal Arms
The Arms of 9 counties as the chief emblem

Appears in Denmark as:

Part of the Royal Arms
Part of the National Arms

Appears in Ireland in one municipality


Emblem is a ship
Ancient emblem of Holland
Appears in emblems of at least 18 places in:


Appears in Scotland:

In 19 places
In the Arms of more than 20 ancient families
and clan Chiefs

Appears in the Municipal Arms of 12 places in Denmark
Appears in 11 places in the Netherlands
Appears in 10 places in Ireland


Emblem is a laden ass
Not found in the heraldry of modern nations


Primary emblem is a serpent

Found in the Arms of many old families in:


Appears in at least 20 Municipal Arms in
the Netherlands

Secondary emblem is a horse

Usually white
Sometimes with a rider
Was a favorite emblem of the Saxons
Appears in:

The Netherlands

On the shield of the Royal Arms In 4 municipalities

England, emblem of the County of Kent

Part of the official emblem of Jedburgh
In several family crests

Several principalities in:



Emblem is a troop of horsemen

Portrayed with a mounted leader
Holding aloft a pennant

Little usage in heraldry


Emblem is a covered cup or a goblet
Not widely found in Anglo-Saxon or Celtic nations today
Found in several family Coat of Arms in:



Emblem is a leaping stag
Appears in:


In one county, Cumberland
In one city, Hereford

Sweden, as provincial emblem of Oland


Emblems are:

The olive branch
The ox
The unicorn

Later inherited and divided between:



Primary emblem is the ox or bull

Appears in provincial and municipal emblems in:

The Netherlands

Official emblem of one province in Sweden
Appears in the Arms of counties in England
Appears in the Crest of the MacLeod in Scotland

Secondary emblem is the unicorn

Appears in the Royal Arms of Britain
Appears in Scotland:

In the Arms and Crests of several families


Primary emblem is the olive branch

Appears in the United States

In the Great Seal
In official emblems on government offices

Secondary emblem is the bundle of arrows

Appears in the United States

In the Great Seal
In official emblems on government offices

Appears in county Arms in England
Appears in family Crests in Scotland
In the Netherlands, was one of the ancient emblems
of that part of the country called "Holland"


Closely tied to Judah
Emblem is the wolf

Used by tribes that settled in Scandanavia
Used by Norman invaders of England
Used by several Scottish chieftains (continued)

History of the Twelve Tribes

Originally came from covenant God made
with Abraham when he was willing to submit
to God's request that he sacrifice his son Isaac

Abraham passed the covenant to Isaac
Isaac passed the covenant to Jacob
Jacob's name was changed to Israel;
had 12 sons which became founders of tribes.
By order of birth, they are:

Reuben, whose mother was Leah
Simeon, whose mother was Leah
Levi, whose mother was Leah
Judah, whose mother was Leah
Dan, whose mother was Bilhah (Rachel's handmaiden)
Naphtali, whose mother was Bilhah
Gad, whose mother was Zilpah (Leah's handmaiden)
Asher, whose mother was Zilpah
Issachar, whose mother was Leah
Zebulun, whose mother was Leah
Joseph, whose mother was Rachel
Benjamin, whose mother was Rachel

The tribes migrated to Egypt about 1850 B.C. because
of a famine in Canaan

Jacob adopted 2 sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh

Ephraim was placed ahead of Manasseh
Ephraim took Joseph's place to become the 11th tribe
Manasseh became the 13th tribe
Levi was removed from the tribes

About 1453 B.C., the descendents of Jacob
left Egypt and:

Wandered for 40 years
Settled in Canaan

The tribes unified under Saul about 1050 B.C.
David succeeded Saul as King of Judah
around 1000 B.C.

The kingdom split into two separate kingdoms
in 922 B.C. after David's death

Ten tribes, under the leadership of Ephraim,
formed the Northern kingdom of Israel with:

Samaria as its capital
Jeroboam as its king

The other two tribes of Judah and Benjamim
(with some of the tribe of Levi)
formed the southern kingdom of Judah
with:Jerusalem as the capital
Rehoboam, Solomon's son, as the king

The kingdoms were able to fulfill their destinies:
One spreading abroad and becoming many nations
One fulfilling the second covenant to bring forth
the Messiah

The Levites took refuge in Judah.

In 745 B.C., Tiglath-pileser III carried away
the following tribes and distributed them
in and on the borders of Assyria:


In 721 B.C., Assyria conquered Samaria
and took captive the Israelites.
Most were taken to the cities of:


In 607 B.C., the domination of the peoples of Syria
and Palestine passed from Assyria to Babylon

In 538 B.C., the Babylonian empire was overthrown
by Cyrus, King of Persia:

The exiled Judeans were allowed to return to their homelands
The remnant became known as the Jews

The last reference by the Assyrians to the Israelites
by that name occurred in 853 B.C.

The Israelites were originally known to the Assyrians
as "Khumri"
They were placed in captivity near the river Habor
(in northern Assyria)
They were placed among the Medes in northern Iran
Renamed "Gimira" and "Gamera"
and finally "Cimmerians"
The Gimira were part of the Israelites lost
in Assyrian exile
The majority of the Israelites were known
as "Iskuza" by the Assyrians—also known as "Sacae"
or "Scythians"
The Scythians and Cimmerians are descendents
of the Lost Tribes of Israel, lost in the sense
of losing their identity during their captivity

The Cimmerians:

Overthrew the kingdom of Phrygia shortly
after 700 B.C.
Were driven out of Asia Minor and settled in:

The Crimea area
The area northwest of the Black Sea

Moved westward:

Arrived along the North Sea Coast from Holland
to Denmark
From the Black Sea region to the "low countries"
(now Belgium, Holland, and north-west Germany)

After entering Europe, they:

Moved up the Danube

Through Hungary and Austria
Into southern Germany and France where
they became known to the Greeks as "Celts".

Celtic tribes settled in Bohemia and Bavaria
in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.
Celtic tribes invaded northern Italy
in the 4th century B.C.
By the end of the 3rd century:

Filled the whole of Central Europe and North Italy,
from the Apennines to Brittany.
Overran Central and Southern Italy

Sacked and burned Rome in 390 B.C.
Invaded the western portion of Asia Minor in 280 B.C.
Moved into Spain
Expanded into remote parts of Europe, Britain,
and Ireland.
From 403-848 A.D., they inhabited:

The British Isles
Parts of Spain
Parts of Portugal

Descendents now live in:

The Isle of Man
ItalySettled in parts of the United States.
About the same time Celts
started moving into Ireland from Iberia

The Scythians:

Occupied South Russia from the Carpathians
to the Don River about 575 B.C.
Lived about 500 B.C., 100 miles northeast of Benares
Were known as the Sakka or "Sai"
Gautama Buddha had many titles,
one of which was Sakya the Teacher.
Migrated eastward as far as the Altai Mountains of Siberia

Migrated eastward over the centuries and reached
the border of China about 175 B.C.
Turned eastward about 165 B.C. and fled south
into India where they established a kingdom
in the valleys of the upper Indus between Kashmir
and Afghanistan

Were pushed further west by the Sarmatians
and divided into a northern and a southern group:

Settled into either the Baltic or North Sea area
Settled into the Danube delta and The Crimea

The Romans dropped the name "Scythian"
and substituted "Sarmatae" and "Germani" (Germans)

a. The Anglo-Saxons who came to Britain
were called "Germans" by the Romans
b. The Normans were of the same stock,
a branch of Scythians who came from Scandanavia

The Angles and the Saxons:

a. Comprised the western fringe of the great Scythian
horde that extended east as far as the Vistula River
b. Comprised eastern tribes that eventually made
their way to the Danish islands.

Sweden was established by Odin, who came
from Central Scythia
Migrated to England around 450-600 A.D.
2 tribes remained on the west coast of Norway

The ancient Britains are also descended
from the same stock:

Hebrews that left Egypt before the Exodus
Or later from Palestine before the Captivities of Israel

The Tribes Today

The people of Western Europe:

Are predominantly of the ancient Cimmerians
and the Scythians

Can be traced to the Germanic peoples
Can be traced to:



Nordic ancestry in:



Most of the tribe left Palestine prior to Jeroboam II
and possibly settled in Ireland around
the 12th century B.C.
Around 1700 B.C., Calcol, the founder of the ancient
Irish line of kings and his brother, Darda,
migrated from Egypt.
Both are sons of Zarah, one of the twin sons of Judah

Judah—The king line can be traced from this tribe
to the crown heads of:


Compiled from E. Raymond Capt MA, AIA, ESA, SCOT, Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets—Study of Assyrian Tablets that Reveal Fate of the Lost Twelve Tribes
of Israel, published by Artisan Sales, POBox 1497 Thousand Oaks, California 91390 USA, Copyright © 1985 Artisan Sales ISBN 0-93465-15-6, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 84-72637


Because of attainment, the first to be judged would be Joseph's lineage—Manassah (Britain, the elder brother) and Ephraim (America, the younger brother who received Jacob's first blessing over Joseph's objection).

The judgment of the other tribes to follow MAY come through their complicity in the affronts to Joseph's line if they continue in their states of consciousness established long ago.

Looking to the nations of the British Commonwealth and to America the signs of judgment are in the withdrawal of the full guarantees of freedom, liberty, and justice among the various countries.

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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