Karma and Reincarnation  
Gustave Dore, Divine Comedy

Francis Bacon’s allusion to reincarnation is found in Shakespeare’s
As You Like It, act II, scene 7, lines 136-41:

Duke Senior:
This wide and universal theater
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene
Wherein we play in.

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.

"We are bound by the limits of the necessity for you to experience
certain of your momentums of karma, certain of your momentums of neglect,
but beyond that, beloved, we would bear for you much more than we are able,
[given your present levels of application to my decrees]."
—El Morya, August 11, 1991

"If everyone swept his own doorsteps, what a clean world it would be."—Goethe
"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."—Mark Twain
"Reality is a sliding door."—Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Life's journey to the end of one's obligations is a very long road."—Anonymous


"You see, when they took from the scriptures of the West the understanding of reincarnation, they also took from the souls of the people the understanding of the necessity for the cosmic law to be understood, for the balancing of karma by the violet flame or even the purpose of the mantra itself. By a process of pulling the threads of identity, the identity lost no longer recognizes the need for commeasurement with the Infinite or the Deity itself."

Lady Master Venus

"The unfortunate fact is that some theologians are simply not willing to come to grips with the doctrines of karma and reincarnation. Why do you think this is so? Are they fleeing from the wrath of their own karma that is not yet come? And is it not yet come because, as Jesus said, 'If ye were [physically] blind, ye should have no sin [i.e., karma, because your blindness would be the means provided by the Great Law for the expiation of your karma], but now ye say, ‘We see’; therefore your sin remaineth [i.e., your karma has not yet descended]'? The Pharisees then and now have physical sight but no spiritual understanding, and their unredeemed karma is the cause of their spiritual blindness.

"I believe that today’s Pharisees do not accept the twin doctrines of karma and reincarnation because if they did they would have to accept accountability for their own actions in this life and all past lives. A large percentage of the people on earth today do not want to take responsibility for their karma. They’ve lived by the doctrine that says Jesus carries it all: 'Jesus died for my sins. He is going to bear my sins and give me absolution and all I have to do is accept him as my Lord and Saviour and he will do the rest. And I am guaranteed entrée into the kingdom by my profession of faith.'

"This is a simplistic notion. Yet it’s what the doctrine of the vicarious atonement, accepted by clergymen and churchgoers alike, is all about. And I tell you from my heart and from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who has given to me this teaching by the Holy Spirit, that the doctrine that Jesus pays the whole price for our karma and we pay nothing is not the true doctrine of Jesus Christ. It is false doctrine and it is in violation of the laws of God set forth in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

"Now, if it is not the doctrine of Jesus Christ, then, pray tell me, whose doctrine is it? Well, if you don’t know, I’ll tell you. It is the doctrine of the Adversary—Jesus’ Adversary and yours and mine. And this doctrine that Jesus paid it all will deny you your own victory over death and hell if you continue to believe it.

"Believing that you can commit any crime, break the laws of God and man, and not pay the price because Jesus already paid it for you is simply not what Jesus taught. Moreover, it is absolutely inconsistent with the law of karma set forth in the Old and New Testaments. And I will leave you to ponder why in the final analysis the doctrine of the vicarious atonement is neither expedient nor practical."

Elizabeth C. Prophet

"Thus twenty-four hours a day you may be balancing karma by rendering service to life.

"I have the attainment from Atlantis of having been a scientist, beloved, and I have employed the methods of precipitation for ten thousand years and more. I seek to show you how to bring into manifestation the Light from realms above. I seek to show you many things whereby you may
better organize yourselves, make better use of time and energy, and have greater access to the consciousness of your I AM Presence.

"I come with my twin flame in this hour, beloved, for we work together in this service. We worked with the students of the I AM when Godfre and Lotus were serving this nation. We continue to work with all students who will diligently invoke the violet flame.

"It is a prerequisite, beloved, for that flame does clear you on a daily basis of those things that would otherwise prevent you from entering certain chambers of the Royal Teton Retreat. Those who do use the violet flame accelerate in their studies more quickly and advance, whereas those who do not have knowledge of it or do not use it are found in lower grades of classes, for they have not yet purified themselves.

"Many consider themselves a part of the New Age yet they have not truly accepted Saint Germain and Portia, the twin flames who are hierarchs of this age. And therefore, though they are advanced in their thoughts and their perceptions, they have not advanced themselves in the purification of the auric field."

Lady Master Leto

"As the purpose of incarnation is to ascend back to the heart of God after the manifestation of victorious overcoming, unless this purpose be served, mankind continue to reap the effects of their own sowing, which are usually cumulative in the sense that more discord is created than balanced in any given period of time; therefore, there is always a balance of payments required, necessitating their return to the planet Earth through the ritual of reembodiment. The continual extension of the mercy of God to man through the ritual of reembodiment becomes a necessity, and it is the opportunity for those who try and try again finally to succeed.

"Those who succeed, then, in the kingdom of God to balance the accepted portion of their debits to life find the natural expansion of the great flame of Life pouring through their flesh forms, through their consciousness, through their thoughts and feelings, until the Spirit of the Resurrection, penetrating the universe with the power of the Sun behind the sun, draws the mighty light rays of the Presence of God into the physical form and the consciousness ascends in ever-expanding awareness. These find, as did Elijah when caught up into heaven in the chariot of fire, that the very atoms and tiny electrons composing their being begin to draw forth from the Godhead increasing radiance, and their form and four lower bodies are literally transfigured."

The Great Divine Director
March 14, 1965

Prawo karmy
(The Law of Karma)

E.C. Prophet, 20 maja 1989
Whole Health Expo
New York Sheraton Centre Hotel
Copyright © 1989
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Powracajaca karma
(The Returning Karma)

E.C. Prophet, 21 maja 1989
Whole Health Expo
New York Sheraton Centre Hotel
Copyright © 1989
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Karma, reinkarnacja
i Chrzescijanstwo

czesc II
(Karma, Reincarnation
and Christianity)

E.C. Prophet, 11 pazdziernika 1991
New Orleans Airport Hilton
New Orleans
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Karma, reinkarnacja
i Chrzescijanstwo

czesc III
(Karma, Reincarnation
and Christianity)

E.C. Prophet, 11 pazdziernika 1991
New Orleans Airport Hilton
New Orleans
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Karma, reinkarnacja
i Chrzescijanstwo

czesc VI
(Karma, Reincarnation
and Christianity)

E.C. Prophet, 11 pazdziernika 1991
New Orleans Airport Hilton
New Orleans
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Kim jest Rai ze Suern?
(Who Is Rai of Suern?)

E.C. Prophet, 13 pazdziernika 1991
New Orleans Airport Hilton
New Orleans
Copyright © 1991
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
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