Major World Religions
Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism,
Confucianism, Islam, Taoism, Zoroastrianism

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
but when I became a man, I put away childish things."—1 Corinthians 13:11

"Be conscious of God and speak always the truth."—Holy Koran
"The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse
than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough
to acknowledge his obligations . . . The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God
will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institution may be
abused by human depravity . . . It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge
the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits,
and humbly to implore his protection and favors."—George Washington

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government
for a redress of grievances.”—The First Amendment
to the Constitution of the United States

"XVI. That Religion, or the Duty which we owe to our Creator, and the Manner
of discharging it, can be directed only by Reason and Conviction, not by Force
or Violence; and therefore, all Men are equally entitled to the free Exercise of Religion,
according to the Dictates of Conscience; and that it is the mutual Duty of all to practice
Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity, towards each other."
—The freedom of religion portion of the Virginia “Declaration of Rights”

"It is the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons,
to worship the SUPREME BEING, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe.
And no subject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate,
for worshipping GOD in the manner most agreeable to the dictates
of his own conscience; or for his religious profession or sentiments;
provided he doth not disturb the public peace, or obstruct others
in their religious worship."—John Adams

" . . . Blessed ones, all religions have fallen into decay when the ritual of the Word
has become rote."—Mother Mary, March 1, 1988 in Fatima

"It is my desire to see the flame of each of the world’s religions grow and grow
and burn brightly until in such brightness of universal understanding the flames
of the world’s religions become one, and all may see the paths to the center
—seven paths and the Eighth Ray path of the Divine Mother."
—Gautama Buddha. December 31, 1993

"We need to separate the chaff from the wheat
in all of the world’s religions!"—Elizabeth C. Prophet

"[R]eligion and virtue are the only foundations, not of republicanism
and of all free government, but of social felicity under all government
and in all the combinations of human society."—John Adams

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains . . . The best thing is
to let Christianity die a natural death . . . We commence hostilities
against the so-called Ten Commandments; the tablets from Sinai
are no longer in force."—Adolf Hitler

"If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be
if without it?"—Benjamin Franklin

"It yet remains a problem to be solved in human affairs, whether any free government
can be permanent, where the public worship of God, and the support of religion,
constitute no part of the policy or duty of the state in any assignable shape."
—Justice Joseph Story

"India has two million gods, and worships them all. In religion
all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire."—Mark Twain

"May you use that book and these teachings to straighten out the false teachings
of the religions of the day until all come to the native understanding
of the sun of the I AM THAT I AM, the God Presence with you,
symbolized by the sun in the heavens, the one God,
whose rays and extensions ye are.

"True religion is simple, compassionate, deep and it does connect the soul
to God directly. May you stand on that conviction and live to fulfill
your fiery destiny!"—Phylos the Tibetan

"All of the world’s religions have allowed themselves [in practice] to fall back
into a certain materialism or a certain rote. Past dispensations
are not adequate for the hour of Aquarius."—Chananda

"But I will say that the smugness of those who 'know it all' in established religion by far exceeds all other [forms of] pride upon a planet. Thus, beloved, in their citadels they have shut out the Blessed Virgin, Kuan Yin, our councils, our turbans, our sandals, our robes, our chelas (devotees), our bread, our wine—our love.

"And let there be, beloved, the passing through the very center of the subconscious a fiery trail of seraphim—whitefire passing through does halve the power of forces sinister."

El Morya
June 30, 1988

" . . . This illumination, beloved, can come through all of the mystical paths of the world's religions that are being revealed to you. But I tell you, orthodoxy in every world religion and a priest-class who are not servants of the Light and not Sons of the Solitude do block the true revelation of the indwelling God. Therefore expand the paths of mysticism. Renew them, intensify them, review them so that you may understand how it is that a soul [journeying] in one of these [mystical] paths will more clearly understand union with God [through her religion].

" . . . Pass on true knowledge. Do not hide it under a bushel! There is no time to waste. Pass on the Teaching to those who are interested and pass by those who are not. You are looking for those eyes! You are looking for those chelas! You are looking for those souls! Go and find them. And keep on going until you know you have found one for, beloved, sometimes they are few and far between."

July 2, 1992

" . . . Let us set the standard of true religion in living, walking, moving beings of light such as ye are. Let us write in the atoms of the noble body of man our work of the ages, and then let us let it stand for all generations to come! For we, too, must be on to other worlds to conquer."


"They (the fallen angels) may attempt to divide the Body of God upon Earth by religious schism and argumentation, by placing the emphasis on the letter of the law. Beloved hearts of light, you see that the return to discipleship is necessary for a people have forgotten their God."

El Morya
July 2, 1984

" . . . Let us concern ourselves then with the needs of those who are trapped in the orthodoxy of the major world's religions. Let us understand that the false priesthood have succeeded in transmitting to the followers of God their own fear. That fear paralyzes, that fear makes for pride, even spiritual pride that closes all of the apertures of self to the fresh winds of the Holy Spirit.

" . . . You see, blessed hearts, this confusion of the Lord's Doctrine is not merely a burden of narrow-mindedness. It is not merely the burden of those who themselves are dense after the density of the planet. It is a situation where the children of the Light who ignorantly follow the false pastors are carrying the weight of karma of these fallen angels who have placed themselves in positions of leadership in the world's religions."

Lanto: "Gifts of the Word of Wisdom
and the Word of Knowledge", Book One,
ch. 2 of Lords of the Seven Rays
S. U. Press, 1986, pp. 102-3.

"Error leads to unreality. And unreality leads to insanity. Thus the insane stalk the earth taking innocent life . . . the absolute inconsistency of the factions of Protestantism, of Catholicism, of Judaism or of the Moslems who argue perpetually one with the other and remain separated and divided because they cannot agree on the letter!—and they have left off from the true Spirit . . . Thus the false pastors who preach create in fact a servile realationship of sinners to a favorite son, and internally and subconsciously it is actually the hatred of Christ that is at work."

El Morya,
Lords of the Seven Rays, II,
Summit U. Press, 1986, pp. 23-25.

" . . . Beloved ones, I seek the healing, the healing of their minds and souls and hearts from the deep grooves and the dyed fabric of consciousness where orthodoxy has been almost as the recitation of fairy tales time and again and over again until for sentimentality's sake alone and not for salvation's sake they are unable to surrender those things that they have been given since childhood when seated upon their father's knee. Therefore, beloved, understand that the surrendering of a lifetime of belief in a teaching that is incomplete in some cases and erroneous in others is not easy."
Jesus Christ:
March 26, 1989

" . . . The light rays which stream from my heart are infinite in number and yet finite insofar as the numbers of those upon earth are concerned. I reinforce, then, the contact through the messenger with every soul destined to fulfill the ascension in this era. I reinforce the contact through Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, to all disciples and all initiates of his flame. I reinforce the contact with the souls who carry the light with a dispensation of Islam.

"I extend, then, from my heart the intensification of the light ray which will draw each soul who has the fulfillment within of the highest light, and that reinforcement will be the antahkarana of the mandala of the age. Now I extend from my heart to the hearts of those who have fulfilled the Real Self through Hinduism, through Buddhism, through Zoroastrianism, through Confucianism, Christianity, Judaism and every form of religion upon the face of the earth. Wherever the soul has made contact with the flame and become that flame, that soul is singled out as the point in the mandala where the cross of white fire becomes the point of leadership for thousands and millions of souls.

"I release through the messenger the training for leadership to sons and daughters of God who remember the inner vow made to the Ancient of Days. I release the teaching, I release the memory from the body of memory. I extend and expand consciousness. I release Victory's flame.

"I raise my arms and form the circle with the spiral of light around the earth at the equator, and the earth is girded now with this coil from the Central Sun. And within this coil the Coming Revolution, the marching of the legions of light."

Gautama Buddha
December 4, 1977

" . . . Nowhere are the forces of negation more active yet cleverly concealed than in the realm of belief.

" . . . Creeds can be even more binding than admitted ignorance for they tend to support the arrogance of error (a holier-than-thou attitude) which closes the door upon advancement while the latter at least leaves open the possibility for future illumination.

" . . . How can men obtain entree into the immortal consciousness of God when they entertain and enjoy malice, ego involvement, fleeting and vain pleasures, selfish exclusions, jealousy, revenge, trickery, debauchery, chaos, wrong predictions, necromancy, witchcraft, assault, viciousness, lying, distortions, fabrications and perversions of nature's purposes?

" . . . We recommend a sound faith rather than a desire for the false security acquired by defining and accepting concepts of heaven and God in such a manner as to create a 'calm' knowing sense of the Unknowable and to have the 'peace' of a personal code of self-righteousness however incorrect it may be.

" . . . Blessed ones, there is no eternal chaos. There is only eternal order in manifestation. And the marvelous wisdom that expresses throughout the cosmos is a flower whose cup holds all of creation within its airy fragrance.

" . . . We declare then that man was not made to be a servant of a mechanical system or regimen but that these systems are the means, however inferior, used by him to implement his search for the freedom of the golden ages."

Master Rakoczy
'Kingdom,' 'Law'
Pearls Vol. 8 Nos.13-14

" . . . The frequent outbursts in clashes among various groups of people quite naturally take their toll in human affairs producing seeds of distrust, unhappiness and doubt which in turn take many forms. Nowhere is this more evident than in the religious field where through centuries mankind have actually perpetrated all manners of injustice in the name of God. Those who should have stood shoulder to shoulder with one another in the support of cherished ideals have, either in the realm of human personality or doctrine, stood at sword's point."

Master Rakoczy
March 7, 1965

" . . . But when religion becomes a gambit to be used by one religious group against another, with jealousy increasing rather than decreasing, we think of the fable of the fox and the crow and of how the crow held the cheese in its beak. Then with flattery the fox induced the crow to speak, the cheese fell out and was devoured, and the crow did not partake of its meat."

El Morya: "White Paper from
the Darjeeling Council Table" 1971

"You must set aside your doctrinal differences. There is no boat of doctrine that will get you anywhere; there is only the prajna boat, the boat of Wisdom and of Love that will see you through to Home port."

Gautama Buddha
July 3, 1993

"With the Ascended Masters’ teachings, we do not leave behind the previous ages but we build upon their foundations. Knowledge of the Ascended Masters' teachings does not mean setting aside the Ten Commandments or the teachings of Jesus Christ or the great truths that come down to us through the major world religions.

"Through each of the world's major religions God has revealed another side, or image, of himself. When God reveals a new image, or attribute, of himself through a world religion, he also reveals in the mirror of your soul a new image, or attribute, of yourself. A new image is like a new language, a new mode of expression, as though suddenly you just discovered love or you just discovered truth. All of a sudden a whole new world opens to you. You understand more of God and so you can be more of God. Thereby you learn a new way of attaining union with God.

"In each age God has also given us one or more new names whereby we may invoke that image. God revealed to Moses the name I AM THAT I AM. The sefirot and Ein Sof are other names that come to us in the great tradition of Judaism.

"Knowledge of the name of God is empowerment. So the names of God are precious. When you understand the name and the facet of God it represents, you will find that you can become that facet of God.

"The seven major world religions and the minor eighth come under the seven rays and the seven chakras and the eighth ray and the eighth ray chakra.

"Their paths and their dispensations are in the following order:

"Judaism facilitates your soul-development on the First Ray of God's Power through the throat chakra. Through its mystical path, we come to understand the fundamentals of the Law and the beauty of the understanding of the gradations of God ascending and descending, almost like the angels on Jacob's ladder.

"Buddhism facilitates your soul-development on the Second Ray of God's Wisdom through the crown chakra.

"Christianity facilitates your soul-development on the Third Ray of God's love through the heart chakra.

"Hinduism facilitates your soul-development on the Fourth Ray of God's Purity through the base-of-the-spine chakra.

"Confucianism facilitates your soul-development on the Fifth Ray of science, healing and truth through the third-eye chakra.

"Islam facilitates your soul-development on the Sixth Ray of ministration and service through the solar-plexus chakra.

"Taoism facilitates your soul-development on the Seventh Ray of God's Freedom through the seat-of-the-soul chakra.

"And Zoroastrianism facilitates your soul-development on the Eighth Ray through the secret chamber of the heart. [highlightd by webmaster]

"The great mystics who sought and found union with the Presence of God have kept the home fires burning at the heart of organized religion. Mysticism is not merely a belief or a philosophy. Mysticism is an experience that transforms the soul. And if you aren't transformed, you haven't had the experience. And when your soul is fully transformed, you and God are no longer two but one."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
June 27, 1992
Adapted from a lecture

" . . . Saints of the true Church, I come to deliver to you the message of my love, which has not been heard by the men of earth. I come to give to you that message of love which burns in my heart for the children of God on earth. Some of you know that through the flame of love of my heart Jesus called me to announce the founding of his Church Universal and Triumphant through the Mother as his vicar. I hold in my heart the great dream as she does for the coming together of the souls of light from every church, East and West."

Pope John XXIII

"And this is why the churches are empty all over the world: because there is not a new awareness and a moving forward with the age of those who represent the various world religions. There must be a renewal and a reinfusion and a resurrection and a sense of the regenerative mind of the Buddha, for instance, who surely has progressed over twenty-five hundred years—and of Jesus Christ, who in two thousand years has become more and more and more of that Universal Christ.

"Thus, the universe is progressive and unfolding and ongoing. Thus, you also are more today, I dare say, than we found you twenty-five hundred years ago! And none of you would want to go back to that point. And therefore, do not hold back the World Teachers ascended, but recognize that you must follow in the wake of the very journey and pilgrimage which they lead across the heavens and through the stars. And if you lose the wake, you will not have the momentum of their forging of the trail and when you finally decide to follow after them, you will have to cut afresh through the jungles of maya and the astral illusions.

"Understand, then, it is important to keep up with your Teacher. It is important to move when the Guru moves! It is important to let go of the old fantasies of self and selfhood when they are to be let go of. When we give dispensations of healing, it means there is a dispensation and it is a moment when you can accelerate in rejuvenation, because this is what is important to the Lords of Karma and this is the opening to heaven’s gate in this hour."

God and Goddess Meru
January 6, 1985

"And why have there been different world religions? Because [there have been] different
root races and different evolutions, who have a different karma, and because their [origins have been] on other planetary systems. Thus, they have been God-taught from a different point of view, under a different one of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun, from a different chakra. And they have been taught from the level of a certain chakra, for through that chakra [a certain aspect and self-awareness of God] must be resurrected through their particular religion.

"And so you see, when [each specific religion] is translated by the Holy Spirit and you see the parallel lines [to the others], you will understand that all of these threads of contact sent forth to the lifestreams of the world have come from the same Source and lead back to that Source.

"And therefore, who are the dividers?

"Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing?

"Who are they who have come along and denied the oneness of world religion and called that oneness, that Universal Christ, a conspiracy of the fallen ones and the Illuminati?

"They are the ones who are themselves entrapped by the orthodoxy that has been created by fallen angels to turn the path of the mystical union with God into an intellectual recitation of dogma and doctrine.

"Therefore, beloved ones, you I see as living sons of Light, as Christed ones. You I see as those Light rays going forth. And whosoever shall come into your aura, you shall embrace that one. You will sit down and pray with that one his Moslem prayers, his Buddhist mantras. You will speak to him of the great Lights of his ancestors and his people. You will know not only the religion but the history of his people.

"And therefore [all people] will be at home with you. You will serve them their cup of tea, beloved, and they shall drink with you. And they shall be at peace and they shall know that your heart has become one with the heart of the immortals, one with the heart of Lord Krishna.

"And therefore, learn their language. And when you remember the monks and sisters and the priests [and nuns] walking up and down reciting their prayers, I say to you, walk up and down [with them] and study the teachings that we deliver, [for our teachings are the foundation of the world religions]. And we desire that you shall be ambassadors to the world, knowing the paths of all whom you meet, being humble with the humble, beloved, and reducing the proud to that point of humility whereby all can bow before the altar of God, no matter what the place or circumstance, as long as it be a true altar of God."

El Morya

"I have come with a special assignment . . . and that is to assist in the program of the outreach of the Ascended Masters. I will come to you until everything that my book offers as teaching may be assimilated by you. I will give you all that I have learned that you may go on and study with other Masters ascended. I will be at your side.

"And as you use me to learn and to know what is real and unreal, I will use you to go after those lifestreams who are tied to you and to me and to this entire Community of students of the Ascended Masters worldwide. And we shall go together and we shall find them! And you shall become fluent in my story, which is fascinating in itself were it not so awfully true.

"And therefore the horrendous nature of the encounters as well as the tremendous wonder of the appearance of God and his Son to me contrast so clearly the choices that are to be made: whether the right hand, whether the left, whether the seeming shortcut of the left and the compromise of the Path or the full and full-measured cup of the right that leaves no stone unturned until that victory is secure.

"May you use that book and these teachings to straighten out the false teachings of the religions of the day until all come to the native understanding of the sun of the I AM THAT I AM, the God Presence with you, symbolized by the sun in the heavens, the one God, whose rays and extensions ye are.

"True religion is simple, compassionate, deep and it does connect the soul to God directly. May you stand on that conviction and live to fulfill your fiery destiny!"

Phylos the Tibetan

"You see, beloved, there is a certain cause for concern among those of us who are the Manus or the hierarchs of angels embodied, for both the children of the Manus and the angels have lost their sense of direction, their inner compass. Therefore they need the example that you can and must set for them.

"Some have been caught in religions that do not set forth the requirements for the soul’s eternal victory. Some are caught here and there in momentums of karma. Some have been depressed for lifetimes and are unable to lift themselves out of their depressions. This ought not to be. You who are of the older root races must support the younger souls of the sixth root race and prepare yourselves to set a Christlike example for the seventh root race when their time is come to incarnate.

"The Lords of Karma, myself as one, are confronted with quite a dilemma when they review the records and see what percentages of the humanity of the earth have slipped down the ladder, the ascending ladder of being, and have fallen back many rungs with no liberators in sight to pull them up and show them what is the right way, what is the wrong way, what is the way of eternal life and how to walk in that way.

"There are so many people on earth who do not even contemplate, much less desire, the path
of eternal life! The prevailing tendency on the part of earth’s evolutions to become accustomed to the things of this world can only lead to the cessation of opportunity for forward spiritual progress and ultimately to the death of the soul."

Great Divine Director

"They may attempt to divide the body of God upon earth by religious schism and argumentation, by placing the emphasis on the letter of the law. We have seen enough of inquisition in our time! We have seen enough of the wars of Protestant and Catholic! What is the net gain? The only true gain on the path of religion is the Spirit, the Holy Ghost with the individual and then moving nations—Yahweh moving among his people, who is still able to draw out of America those servant-sons of God who will truly manifest an example of the path of freedom and discipleship with Saint Germain, the beloved Joseph.

"Beloved hearts of light, you see that the return to discipleship is necessary, for a people have forgotten their God. They have not understood the true coming of Jesus and therefore they do not understand why the saints have lived, why they have sacrificed, why they have left a record
—because the emphasis is not on you, but upon Christ nailed to a cross.

"This will afford you nothing unless you yourself realize that all that was in this Son of God can be yours. And the imitation of the path of Jesus Christ is surely our calling and our teaching. It is the fundamental teachings of the Spirit. It is the teachings given to the apostles. It is the anointing of the apostles. It is the transfer of fire, heart to heart! It is a leaping and a speaking in tongues. It is the power of our God with us unto healing. And yes, it is poring over the ancient scriptures. John the Beloved himself took from the Vedas: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Brahman.' Blessed hearts, such fragments, such husks are left.

"And thus, where does a nation stand when challenged by the taunting of a Kaddafi or terrorists or Cubans or Communists? It is divided and weak. Where does it stand when there are those who tamper with the money supply and the economy? Where does it stand when the children cannot read and write and cannot rise up to become leaders and representatives of still the greatest nation on earth?

"Where do a people stand when they do not have recourse to Almighty God and his Spirit in them? What can they do when their bodies are beset by drugs, when they are caught up in violence, when all manner of pleasure and entertainment is the first thing they think of when their jobs are through? I tell you, if America is to be saved from that which is plotted by the dark ones on this planet, there must be a rising fervor and a return to first principles both in church and state.

"How shall we tell them? How shall they be God-taught when the false pastors have invaded the temples and denounced even the very communion of saints which we enjoy with you and you
with us in this Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood? Brothers and sisters of light on earth have a right ordained by Jesus Christ to commune with brothers and sisters in heaven, not by psychic or astral means, but by the true Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Comforter and the Teacher who has come to you to bring all those things to your remembrance which Jesus taught you.

" . . . I commend you to the seeking of the presence with you of the Holy Spirit. I commend you to a path of devotion. I commend you to the path that has always worked for those who have truly and sincerely applied it just as Jesus taught it: prayer and fasting, sacrifice and devotions, prayers to God and service to the poor and the meek. This is the path of the balancing of karma, putting on the consciousness of God day by day, being the instrument of the flow of the mighty River of Life.

"This is the message of the discipleship of the teenager Jesus who went to find his teacher Maitreya, who went to sit at the feet of Buddha who had come and gone five hundred years before his journey. He came to sit at the feet of those masters who had gone on before him. And he stopped at Luxor to be initiated in the first steps of the initiation temple, when he could have been accorded the full mantle of the Master of that temple.

"Jesus gave obeisance and deference to the order of hierarchy. And this you see well-recorded in scripture in the hour of his transfiguration-the Father and the Son ordaining the presence of the ascended master Moses, the presence of the ascended master Elijah. They talked with Jesus, they spoke with him! Ascended masters spoke with the unascended Son of God; and his disciples Peter, James, and John were witnesses and they wrote of it. And it is set forth in the Gospels.

"This is the example that is unmistakable of the chain of hierarchy. It illustrates that there were some who ascended and were in heaven with God before Jesus-such as Enoch, who walked with God and was not, for God took him.

"Thus, the ancients who went before were taken up by God. Thus you realize that the path Jesus followed was never an exception, was not something unique and exceptional where one life should atone for the sins of the many, but the example of what had been done again and again and again—always the avatar coming to give to the disciples on earth the example that there is a way out of death and hell and the round of suffering. There is a way of self-transcendence. Death is not the end of life.

" . . . Many people have learned to hate God in the churches because they have never been told that there is an exciting path waiting-the Homeward path that enables you day by day to know the joy of doing more for those in need because more of God is in you.

"Have you ever thought about that—that the churches turn more people away from God, the true and living God, the reality of the way of the cross, the reality of life as it ought to be? I can tell you without equivocation that the doctrines taught in America today in the mainline religions will never afford the people the ability to save this nation!

"Do I preach a particular brand of religion? Nay. The teachings of the ascended masters incorporate the path that the mystical body of God has walked through all eternity. It is not even unique to this planetary system. It is the same descent of the soul unto the grand experiment in freedom and free will, meeting all forces that pretend to be the adversary when the only true enemy is within. And that is the ultimate knowledge: Man, know thyself and know thyself as God, and know that the only foe that can ever overcome in thy life is thine own fear or internal schism or compromise or failure to surrender truly to God.

"Is this a church? I tell you, nay, it is more. It is a movement. It is a revolution back to the fundamentals of every avatar who has launched a path of freedom, developed specifically for the lifewaves or nations or times when they have come. Thus, you find nothing peculiar about saying a Buddhist chant or a Hail Mary or an Our Father or communing with Archangel Michael or speaking to Gabriel-nothing peculiar at all. Well, it was spoken of the Hebrews that they were a peculiar people, and what was unique about them was that they knew their God.

"I pray that this trek that you have made as a pilgrimage to our shrine of light, dedicated as the Western Shamballa, will afford you the opportunity for soul searching and that perhaps something we have said or written will be the spark to connect you to that God-potential that has been dormant for aeons.

"It is the quickening that we would convey. It is the native power of God unto you. And it is especially the love of our bands and hosts for you personally as our brothers and sisters. We tarry on earth on behalf of you and millions of others who truly would do better if they knew better, who truly desire to know the Truth, and who persecute many righteous men thinking that they do God service.

"The path of the violet flame and the spoken Word, beloved, is certainly the path that can lift the accumulated debris of density of the centuries—the covering over of the chakras, the limiting of the human brain because it has lost the impulse of the crystal cord and the flow of light. Mankind do not need to wed the computer to gain superhuman powers, but only to unite with the living Christ.

"I pray every day that this nation and all peoples on earth will not have to come to the knowledge of Truth through adversity, through nuclear war, through economic collapse. I trust you will also pray with me in this wise, for, beloved, the prayer of the righteous-those who use the righteous law, the right use of the law of the science of the spoken Word—availeth much. "

El Morya

"Religious life is undermined when people become lax in their use of the sacred fire and evolve new levels of morality or immorality to accommodate their absence of dedication to the path of enlighten­ment. The goal of the path—union with God—by definition can be attained only by the raising of the sacred fire from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown chakra. Thus the highest morality required of this path and the one who follows it is devotion to the Father and
to the Mother. This involves the resolution of one’s psychology, especially in regard to one’s human parents as well as one’s Divine Parents, and the conservation of the precious life-force.

"What is heresy? Heresy is dissent or deviation from the established truths of the founders of the world religions sent by God to deliver his law and his grace for a people and a religious dispensation. Today things have gone so far awry that often church doctrine and dogma itself is heresy, whereas those who challenge its falsity by their witness to the truth of the One Sent, the Messenger of God who bore the original revelation to earth, are labeled heretics!

"Heresy as I see it is the inability to hold to first principles on the part of those who no longer have contact with the lawgivers, prophets, and avatars, the Christed and Buddhic ones. Because of their immorality they are not able to hold in their chakras the balance of the Light and the God consciousness that was held by the founders.

"And then we hear about the immoral and heretical practices of today, whether by those who follow the false gurus in Tantric Buddhism or Hinduism or any of the world’s religions, including some among the Christians who do not adhere to Christ’s most fundamental message, which says: Don’t worship me, worship the Christ that is the Light and the True Self of you and me.

"What is heretical and immoral about them? They set themselves up as religious idols to be worshiped and then they proceed to waste, squander and compromise the Light/Energy/Consciousness of God by perverted sexual practices and other perversions of the sacred fire in any of their chakras.

"They preach sex cloaked in religion. They promise you the kingdom, but they can’t get you there and they can’t get you back. They themselves don’t enter in and they prevent you from entering in by their heresy and their immorality. These blind leaders of the blind are filled with demons so that if you look into their eyes you are pained by the spirits of pride and religious fanaticism peering back at you who have invaded and completely taken over their temples.

"What is heretical and immoral about that? Well, they have become not the temple of the Holy Spirit, not the messengers of the founders of their religion, but temples full of foul spirits, ravening wolves and dead men’s bones, as Christ said. They have nothing to give but hollow and high sounding phrases and human sympathy (for they have not Christ’s flame of compassion); and so they play “Christian” rock at their altars, which is straight from hell, perverts the Word and violates the Holy Ghost. And the Light is not raised up in them; therefore they are spiritually impotent, having not the power of God to 'draw all men unto me.' "

Elizabeth C. Prophet

"I AM in the heart of the lotus of the Buddha. I AM in the heart of the devotee of Mother. I AM in that heart now, expanding the Light, expanding the Sacred Fire!

"Let the fiery trial consume, therefore, not only the karma of the individual or the dust upon the veil of the saintnay, let the fire consume more, even the infamy of those around the world this day who yet seek to subdue the Mother and her seed to World Communism, to world materialism, to tyranny and totalitarianism of every kind, even in the world of religion itself.

"When the churches of the nations unite in the councils of the false pastors and take from the people their funds and give them to fund the World Communist movement, who has then ascended to the pulpit? Who stands there but the seed of Satan himself? I demand the exposure, for I AM the Maha Chohan."

Maha Chohan
May 22, 1983

"Thus all cultures and religions go back to the union of man and God in celebration of the hierarchies of Light and the avatars descending and the intercession of Moses and Gautama and Confucius and Isaiah and the apostle Paul. In each and every instance, what captures the people is this close proximity of heaven and earth and the saints appearing and the men of God appearing to Abraham and the angels descending and the opening of the chakras and the very crown itself and heaven, then, descending in the starry body.

"Beloved hearts, this is what impels life to strive, to seek Truth and to champion her cause before the oppressed and those who have been dealt with unjustly. It is the desire to have the opening of the portals of the etheric octave. It is the desire so great in the human psyche to remember in the outer sense this connection of inner and outer planes and the continuity of life and the goal that is beyond all of this darkness in the sunrise and the golden dawn of a new day."

Lady Master Venus

"Many people will work together, but the battle that must be fought and won is the battle being waged by the fallen ones to deprive the individual of his right to commune with God directly and to do so in peace without being hassled by the powers that be.

" . . . The Waco incident is a high-water mark in the annals of the abuse of freedom of religion in this nation. As a result, a karma descends upon those who are the responsible parties. It is a chilling reminder that religious bigotry in America can justify the murder of Americans by agents of their own government who judge the status of another man's conscience and then condemn him to death. Indeed this is a karma that will take some time to be balanced—a karma of the representatives of the people in the highest offices in the land who turned against their own citizens.

" . . . So, let there be the judgment of the core of Evil in all those who allow themselves to usurp the mandate of the people, whether appointed officials or those elected who assume powers they do not have, for they are not God-ordained.

" . . . You must realize, beloved, that it is the fragmentation of the bodies of religion in the earth that does allow this abuse of power. I speak, then, to all of you as my children. I speak sternly. You must set aside your doctrinal differences. There is no boat of doctrine that will get you anywhere; there is only the prajna boat, the boat of Wisdom and of Love that will see you through to Home-port. So then, if all good people should make their peace with one another and stop their warring one against the other and their accusations, their cursings and their malignings, well, beloved, those who profess to love God and his people should surely triumph in the Earth!"

Gautama Buddha
July 3, 1993

" . . . Multitudes have been inspired to follow most of us who are known to men in the outer world, some choosing one expression of God and some another. Christendom basks in mass acceptance in the West, yet it is not without flaw. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, with other religious expressions, vie with one another in the East, yet they are not without flaw. The answer in the world domain, as we see it, is still the coming of God into manifestation in the world of the individual to produce the seeming miracle of Christ’s reality. "
Lord Gautama
January 1, 1967

" . . . the laws handed down through the world’s religions—the precepts of the Vedas and Upanishads, the Avesta, the Tao Te Ching, the Dhammapada and Eightfold Path of the Buddha, the Torah and the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Koran.

"For the law is inscribed upon the inner walls of the hidden chamber of the heart."

Djwal Kul
September 22, 1974

" . . . For when that prayer is given in love in the Golden Temple of the Sikhs . . . the recitation of the Koran or of the Buddhist prayers and the spinning of the prayer wheels by those of Tibet—all over the world prayer is invocative of intercession."
Mother Mary
July 3, 1984

" . . . And so you see when [each specific religion] is translated by the Holy Spirit and you see the parallel lines [to the others] you will understand that all of these threads of contact sent forth to the lifestreams of the world have come from the same Source and lead back to that Source.

And therefore who are the dividers? Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing? Who are they who have come along and denied the oneness of world religion and called that oneness—that Universal Christ—a conspiracy of the fallen ones and the Illuminati?

"They are the ones who are themselves entrapped by the orthodoxy that has been created by fallen angels to turn the path of the mystical union with God into an intellectual recitation of dogma and doctrine.

" . . . Thus I pray you, do not flinch at the will of God. For if you take another road, making a right turn or a left, as you see [the will of God] coming down the highway I tell you, beloved, one day, be it in ten or ten thousand years, you will come right back around the block to that same place. And you will have to drive straight into the center of God's holy will!

"Teach this to your children. Teach them there is no profit in sidestepping the will of God—which is the honor of God, which is the protection of God, which is the perfection of God, which is the faith of God, which is the power unlimited of God."

El Morya
April 19, 1992

"Whatever may be conceded