O muzeum polskich precjozow
w Osrodku w USA

Jeden z korespondentow http://www.tslpoland.org oraz http://www.tslpl.org pisze:

Czy nadal zbierasz polskie przedmioty o wysokiej wartosci kulturowej i artystycznej?

Chce ci przyslac cos w wielkiej wartosci historycznej dla mojej rodziny.

Prosze o odpowiedz. Z miloscia, L


Odpowiedz webmastera:

Glosne i rozbrzmiewajace TAK!

Zgodnie z zaleceniem Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych Saint Germaina, El Moryi i Nicholasa Roericha, polskie precjoza sa jednym z celow zalozenia 'Mission Poland'—jak rowniez wizyt Polskich studentow Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych w Inner Retreat i w 'Mission Poland.'

Mamy juz kilkanascie bezcennych historycznie—i jako antyki—polskich lub polskiego pochodzenia przedmiotow o wysokiej wartosci dla wyksztalconego studenta nauk Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych.

Jednym z tych przedmiotow jest orzel na czerwonym tle—umieszczony na oltarzu naszego osrodka —dar od Solidarnosci w 1980 roku dla Wyslanniczki Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa, Elizabeth C. Prophet, przywieziony dla niej i dla naszej organizacji The Summit Lighthouse przeze mnie.

Powyzszy obraz 'Mission Poland' zawiera ten orzel, wbudowany w konstrukcje ksztaltu piramidy wniebowstapienia przez lokalnego artyste na moja osobista prosbe.

Madonna Solidarnosci

Drugim takim bezcennym darem jest obraz Matki Boskiej wykuty w metalu przez strajkujacych robotnikow Solidarnosci w 1980 roku, ktorzy podarowali go naszej ukochanej Wyslanniczce Elizabeth C. Prophet w podziekowaniu za sponsorowanie, dekrety i modlitwy naszej organizacji i Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych za Lecha Walese i za cala organizacje polskiej Solidarnosci.

Podczas jej wykladu na ten temat pani Prophet nazwala Madonne Solidarnosci 'Skarbem pomiedzy najwiekszymi skarbami swiata!.'

Mamy rowniez kilka bezcennych historycznie skarbow porcelany polskiej, jak i przedmiotow ze srebra—ktore to polskie srebro, wsrod swiatowych koneserow sztuki, uwazane jest za jedno z najlepszych srebr na swiecie.

Polski oltarz Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych
w Aszramie w Montanie

Oczekujac wiecej takich darow, ktore moga w kazdej chwili zmiany decyzji wlasciciela byc mu/jej oddane droga pocztowa, pragne dodac, ze nie ma oplaty ani wynagrodzenia pienieznego za te precjoza przeslane polskiemu Osrodkowi.

Wszystkie przeslane 'Mission Poland" przedmioty sa zinwentaryzowane i zapisane z nazwiskiem i detalami danych ofiarodawcy, aby ich glebia serca i milosci do piekna mogly przetrwac w historii nauk Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych w Polsce i na swiecie.

Prosze przesylki takie kierowac, wraz z dokladnym opisem ich historycznej, artystycznej i sentymentalnej wartosci dla wlasciciela oraz zwrotnym adresem, do:

Rev. Eva Victoria Tame
P. O. Box 1033
Emigrant, MT 59027, USA

Otrzymasz list z podziekowaniem za te przesylke.


Z miloscia i pokora w Chrystusie,


" . . . I desire to make known to you and to develop a certain concept that has been touched upon. And it is this: that in the transferring of the forcefields of the cities and of the nations, you may therefore keep the flame for those areas of your former service and of your present karma here at the Inner Retreat. It is our desire.

"And therefore it is very much in the heart of the Mother to see not one but numerous focuses established which will enshrine both the present and the ancient forcefields of the devotees. We would even see a center modeled upon the temple of Lemuria where the Mother flame was kept.

" . . . We envision this place, as Serapis alluded to, as the point to which many devotees bring the flame which they have kept. Inasmuch as each of you is a Keeper of the Flame, you ought to examine that which has been and is of worth in your mastery, service, profession, and sacred labor wherever you are.

"What are your roots? What is the origin of your heritage and culture? What will you bear in your hand as sacred labor, as the carpenter of Nazareth?

"You have yet time to perfect a skill, to assemble the research for your library—to realize that when you come here you cannot simply go down the street to the New York Public Library or the museum of Los Angeles to find some missing piece of information and research or a point of artwork that you may need.

"And therefore, it is a time to collect things, and it is a time to take other things to those sales where you may unburden yourself of such articles and objects and books that have no intrinsic worth and no need of preservation.

" . . . Thus, as impractical as it may seem, the thought form for a museum of the treasures of the world’s great spiritual art, as well as the pragmatic art of Western and Eastern civilization, is already in the ethers.

"Some of the objects that are in the collection of the Vicar of Christ in this organization, such as statues of Buddhas and delicate china of Czecho-slovakia and so forth, that have been brought by devotees, are shrines in themselves, fully capable of carrying a flame. They ought not to be anywhere but in this museum of the Spirit where, as you pause before each focus, you contact a spirit of art, the causal body of masters of bygone years.

"And that meditation, which may become a decree spoken aloud before that particular object and display, serves for the training of the eye of children, for their education, and for their souls’ drawing forth of the next step in the creation of art itself or science or whatever subject matter leads the soul to a new definition in the field of knowledge.

" . . . Thus, we are lovers of culture. And in all of our ancient monasteries we have sought to preserve that cultivation of light through the seven chakras and the five secret rays. Many souls will be born here who have built a mighty foundation already. They deserve to have access to, even in their younger years, those very things, traditions, and assemblies of knowledge which they themselves have builded. [highlighted by webmaster]

"Thus, only if they can contact these things as school-children can they rise in the true genius of inventiveness and carry the age a step forward."


Saint Germain
August 29, 1982

The Summit Lighthouse Mission Poland®
Worldwide Ashram

The Summit Lighthouse Mission Poland®
Worldwide Outreach
from Our Base in Montana

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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In God we trust.
Autor i tlumacz: Ewa Wiktoria Butkiewicz-Tame
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 tslpl.org® tslpoland.org®
All rights reserved.

