Save the Whales!

"Would to God that the murderers of the mighty whales might know the majesty of the mind of God and Mother flame anchored in these blessed elemental beings who command the seven seas and are the transmitters of cosmic light and cosmic rays unto all life abiding on planet Earth. [highlighted by webmaster] Would to God that mere mortals could behold undines who gather at the scene of the ‘cold-blooded’ harpoon murder of the blessed creatures whose guileless bodies without sin radiate the love of the Holy Spirit to all other life-forms inhabiting the sea and the land. [highlighted by webmaster]

"In the very midst of the massacre of Life, the blessed undines who are the initiates of the sacred fire temples of the deep are to be heard chanting the song of Moses and the Lamb:

"Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty;
Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?
For thou only art holy:
For all nations shall come and worship before thee;
For thy judgments are made manifest.

"They also invoke the judgment of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ upon the wayward sons of Belial who know very well 'what they do' as they are the very instruments of planetary chaos undermining to the very depths of the sea the balance of the planetary ecosystem upon which the children of the light so depend.

" . . . We are Neptune and Luara. We survey the plight of the seas and their pollution through man’s insensitivity to Life in its most elementary and complex forms. Well-meaning souls, members of world bodies working at international levels seek to restrain the dumping into the sea of sewage, industrial waste, chemicals, pesticides, and oil—all of which place an enormous burden upon the beings of purity, both physical and etheric, whose home is the sea. They tend God’s sea garden. They are the caretakers of a once pristine paradise that is rapidly becoming known as a paradise lost.

We are the spokesmen for the undines who are the conscious collaborators with men and angels for the survival of the waters of the earth. These servants of God and man in the water element rise to the surface of consciousness and demand to be heard. They have signed a petition which I now read, a warning to the inhabitants of Terra:

Unless by the flame of the Holy Spirit the children of the sun, nation by nation, will mount as one for the healing of the waters, identifying with the person of the Flying Eagle who is our sponsor and our initiator, even the Lord Sanat Kumara, life on earth must be severely curtailed or abruptly brought to an end.

Without the sea and its many life-supporting functions making possible the control of climate, rainfall, oxygenation, and the very evolution of life itself, earth can no longer be considered viable as an ecosystem or an evolutionary platform for its present lifewaves.

O mankind of earth, begin at the very beginning. For out of the fountains of the deep, life has sprung forth and to the very mouth of these fountains we daily return to give gratitude for the waters of Life.

Now, therefore, we the undersigned representing the councils of the undines petition all who count themselves as the keepers of the flame of Life upon earth to summon the resources and the intercession of hosts of the Lord in cooperation with those most vitally concerned with earth’s pollutions—all of which eventually come home to the sea.

We ask that you shall understand that inasmuch as the sea represents the interchange of fire and water that there be a two-pronged attack upon the anti-Mother forces which daily assault the life-giving waters of her cosmic womb.

Let the sacred-fire action of the violet flame restore the natural flow of Spirit and Spirit’s fire to provide the alchemy of transmutation within the seas, without which there can be no return to balance. And then let scientists, futurists, students, and concerned citizens en masse rise up to defend the purity and power, the light and the jeweled crystal, the beauty and the bounty of our eternal sea that kisses the sky at the horizon line and provides the children of earth with vistas of eternity.

Under the direction of our hierarchs Neptune and Luara, we the undersigned pledge our lives anew to the planetary transmutation of the collective unconscious repository of all that is in reverse of the ongoing tide of the divine plan. We not only transmit Light but we transmute misqualified Light that has become darkness and disease and death within earth’s waters. All that remains untransmuted within the subconscious of the people must also register as pollution.

In the physical waters of the earth we place ourselves upon the cross to be crucified with Him for the sake of our brothers and sisters who, though they are ignorant of our sacrifice, may benefit thereby and become the truly blessed when they can also take upon themselves the cross of all elemental life.

Even as the salamanders, sylphs, and gnomes have said, “We will bear all that we can bear”—so we say, Let us carry the maximum burden of darkness that Light may be revealed. And to our hierarchs, the sons and daughters of God upon earth, we appeal for intercession and the education of the people by wisdom’s flame that the purification of the waters of the waters might be parallel with the purification of their sacred fires.

The computers in the retreat of the Ascended Master Cuzco and the data available through the retreats and outposts of Neptune and Luara reveal with mathematical certainty that unless the sons of God rise up in defense of elemental life and the integrity of the earth body, certain cataclysm will not be averted.

We declare that we are here because of the splendid support of the ascended masters and their chelas. We serve with you that many more will join the ranks of the faithful who faithfully offer their dynamic decrees upon the Altar of Invocation.

Faithfully we decree with the rhythm of the tide, and the sounding of our Word is in the breaking of the wave and where the sea and the earth meet in the heart of the 'mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud.'

The rainbow upon his head is our promise of a better tomorrow. And his face, as it were the face of the sun of righteousness, is our assurance that help through the Helper is on its way. And his feet as pillars of fire is the sign that the wisdom of the Son of God, dispensing sacred fire, stands firm in the earth. And with his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth, he assures us of his commitment and the commitment of Almighty God to the balance of the four lower bodies of earth and earth’s children and the threefold flame in body, mind, and soul.

To us the little book open in his hand is the teaching of Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha, Lord Sanat Kumara through Jesus Christ and his messengers unto the nations. This little book is our hope that elemental life will one day be free through the enlightened, peaceful, and loving service of the children of the sun.

Thus we seal you in our flame of hope, even as you are our hope. And we sign this our petition in the name of all life—human, elemental, divine.

"Now we, Neptune and Luara, bid Keepers of the Flame recall the momentous event which took place at the Easter conclave 1964 when Our Saviour Jesus Christ endowed nature with the momentum of his resurrection flame. On that occasion he said concerning the gift of his flame to elemental life that it would

make it possible for them to feel, throughout their entire manifestation as an elemental, a part of the radiance of immortality which I AM. Do you see what this means? It means that they shall no longer be aware of death.

Do you know what this means! Contemplate, contemplate, contemplate nature, conceived by God and designed in the higher octaves, lowered through the elementals into manifestation, now endowed with the flame of my momentum of the resurrection this day that forever after from this day forward the elementals shall never again have the sense of death!

Though they pass, it shall be as the click of a camera shutter or the dropping of a bird on wing when its beating heart stops—suddenly they shall be here and then they shall be gone, but without pain or quiver or fear.

They shall feel my flame always. A portion of that flame resting in them shall remove for all time immemorial all that fear that they have outpictured.

And this is one of the first steps as we begin the process of quickening the world for the golden age, enrobing it in the garments of eternal spring. For the eternal spring must first come into the invisible world and the world of the formless and then be outpictured in the world of form. And the love of the students for the elementals and the decrees and the fiats and the prayers, both of heaven and earth together, have made this possible this day . . .

And so as the Holy Kumaras stand here with me before you, blazing forth what I choose to term the fury of their divine radiance toward God, the holiness of their purity, it gives us pleasure, in the name of the Great White Brotherhood, to announce to the world this new manifestation for nature, for life. This is a manifestation of the greatest hope, and it is one of the first steps in the abolishment of all death everywhere."

Neptune and Luara
April 27, 1980

"And if you will place upon your walls and in your homes pictures of majestic beauty and of light and scenes of paradise, you will find that elementals will gather to meditate upon these focuses of light and will go forth to outpicture peace and the purification of the elements—of the seas and the earth and the air. And with some cooperation of hearts of light, there will be a cleaning up of the environment and of pollution.

"But you understand, even in this area there is the momentum of the anti-Buddha forces who pollute the environment and go unchallenged and unchecked, as there is corruption even at the top levels of the government in the misuse and misappropriation of funds where they should be applied immediately to remove the most dangerous hazards to health of the people (not only of this nation but of every nation upon earth) and for the binding and the judgment of those individuals who persist in violating the beauty of elemental life in all of its pristine glory.

"I refer to the majestic whales, to the mighty beasts that must be held as a manifestation of the Holy Ghost and understood, that when life is held sacred in these wonderful beings of light, then, beloved hearts, that life will be transformed by your own Christhood and your own resurrection flame. [highlighted by webmaster]

"As a matter of fact, the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ with the children of God who have the threefold flame now has also imparted new hope to elemental life. And there has been communicated to one and all a new sense of freedom.

"And therefore, I, Gautama Buddha, pronounce therefore the binding and the breaking of the curse of the black magicians over certain beings of the elements who have been held imprisoned and therefore not been able to perform their perfect work for keeping this planetary body a beautiful and safe place for the sons of God. We also call from our level, beloved hearts, as we do engage in fervent prayer for the judgment of the fallen ones who make life miserable for the embodied angels, for elementals (especially those imprisoned), and for the children of God on earth. Our prayers ascend and gather momentum by your own, even as the reverse is true. And therefore, we together, as co-members and joint members of the Great White Brotherhood, do indeed make our impact with the Four and Twenty Elders, the Great Central Sun, and the Holy Kumaras."

Gautama Buddha
April 4, 1983

"The Life of God is present in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms and throughout the unseen world of Nature spirits—a kingdom teeming with ‘elemental’ life, the happy chatter of elves and fairies, gnomes at work (though not always whistling!), sylphs arranging clouds and tumbling in the winds, undines splashing in the waves and salamanders dancing in fiery rings of rainbow rays.

"So great a weight of mankind’s karma do they bear that the gnomes themselves take on man’s ways, becoming grumpy, grouchy until a sweet teacher appears (like the blessed Mother in the guise of Snow White) to lead them gently up the scale of their earthly evolution under their hierarchs, Virgo and Pelleur, the masterful beings who maintain the balance of forces in the earth. The gnomes serve in the physical plane just beyond the veil (spectrum) of ordinary sight. Here they are called the earth elementals. Sometimes you catch sight of them out of the corner of your eye —then think you must have imagined it!

"Sylphs service the domain of the skies and the air purification and pressure systems. This all observe in the alchemical changes of weather and cycles of photosynthesis and precipitation. These elementals are masterful creatures who expand and contract their airy ‘bodies’ from microcosmic to macrocosmic levels, always keeping the flame for the realm of the mind, the mental plane which corresponds to the air element—one of the four elements designated by the ancient alchemists. Hence, sylphs are known as the air elementals. They respond to the command of their hierarchs, Aries and Thor.

"The configuration of the earth body and earth chemistry, reduced to four distinct stages or qualities of substance—fire, air, water, and earth—by the mystical brotherhood of early scientists whose quest to control natural forces included the elusive goal of turning base metals into gold by transmutation—was in fact not far from higher truth.

"The four lower bodies of man do relate to the so-called four planes of Matter serviced by cosmic forces focusing through the lesser evolved beings of Nature. In fact, you may be interested to know that the elementals were also created by Elohim to serve the sons and daughters of God as they, too, master the earth sciences and take dominion in space (both inner and outer) and in time. As man seeks to conquer his world in the sea of waters and in the sea of light, in the vibrations of subatomic and supersonic realms by way of proving his God-control of the universe step by step in all facets of the four kingdoms, unbeknownst to his outer awareness he is cooperating with elementals who have kept things under control for millions of years.

"The fiery salamanders hold the secrets of the fire element, corresponding with the etheric body. At precisely what point the physical fire, elusive and most difficult to control, becomes the sacred fire is a mystery taught by the Holy Spirit, observed in the sacred heart of the saints, touched upon lightly by nuclear scientists, but held firmly in hand by the fire elementals.

"In obedient and loving service to their hierarchs, Oromasis and Diana, their domain stretches from the nucleus of every atom and cell of Life to the core of the earth. They are compassionate and brilliant teachers ready to teach mankind practical ways of harnessing universal energy—from the heart of the electron to the heart of the sun.

"The water elementals, portrayed in the elusive but enchanting mermaids, have inspired many a tale of romance between the human and elemental evolutions. ‘Crossing over’ from the elemental to the human kingdom is a known phenomenon. It is a door that has opened and been shut again to allow, in certain isolated cases, a particularly precious elemental of virtue and attainment to move on in the scale of evolution through the family of humanity, ultimately to acquire the divine spark.

"More frequently, elementals cross over to the animal kingdom, accelerating evolution by serving man through the highly intelligent species, such as elephants, whales, porpoises, and even particularly loving and responsive dogs or horses. [highlighted by webmaster]

"The race memory of such occurrences goes back to the mists of Lemuria and Atlantis and is held today as legend or fairy tale, myth or make-believe by those whose lives would be too turned around to suit their pace or personal self-esteem, were they to take seriously this ‘sub-level’ of a lifewave, perceived at subconscious levels but denied everywhere except in the play of a midsummer night’s dream.

"Nevertheless, the serious work of the undines moves on as the oceans and the rivers and the lakes, streams and rivulets and raindrops all play a part in the formation and re-formation of the body of our planet and of man, utterly dependent upon the elementals.

"The undines, who also laugh and play in the waves and waterfalls, lovingly follow the example of their hierarchs. Neptune is the king of the deep and his consort, Luara, is mother of tides, governing cycles of fertility and the water element as it affects the emotional body (known as the water, feeling, or desire body) and the communications of mankind’s joy, grief, guilt, anger, and love through the astral plane, strongly influencing the collective unconscious of the race.

"There is a great difference in the consciousness of the mineral, vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms serviced by the four types of elementals. Just as the body of man is not aware of itself in sleep, so the mineral kingdom does not possess self-awareness but manifests a specific quality of ‘mineral density’ which elemental life has charged into the substance of matter.

"For example, the gnomes, although scarce recognized by the average Westerner—yet made known to the Irish as the 'little people,' or as mischievous fairies called leprechauns—do exist and impart to the mineral kingdom a wonderful quality of spiritual radiance which passes through the consciousness of the elemental’s own being directly from the sun parents of this system—Helios and Vesta. The gnomes are charged with the responsibility of administering the divine pattern for each rock, precious stone, and element of mineral life. By a like token, there are also many ethereal angelic beings (of the devic evolution) responsible for ensouling the God-design in the natural order.

"Trees and plants, of course, do not possess the awareness of either the human or the elemental consciousness but have imparted to them, by the advanced devas who watch over them, a greater degree of Life awareness than that retained by the mineral kingdom.

"The ensoulment of trees and plants by the devas who direct the specific plant elementals assigned to categories of flora—and exist in such numberless numbers as to tend, literally, everything that grows—accounts for the undeniable fact that people who attune their spiritual centers to the Nature kingdom are able to speak to trees and plants and receive a physically perceptible response to the spark of consciousness communicated to the plant through its 'nerve system.' The life-force in plants and animals has been isolated in Kirlian photography, revealing an aura of universal energy, an electromagnetic field, also common to man.

"Stepping up in the scale of Life-expressions from flora to fauna, we discover by like attunement the group-soul of animal species manifesting qualities of higher intelligence. Many animals possess almost human characteristics and an uncanny sense, almost psychic in its display. This is especially true of certain breeds of dogs and horses, and is marked in the elephant and the lower primates.

"Mammals of the sea, fish, seals, and penguins are not excluded from a very wonderful intelligence, and further study by sensitive scientists will reveal a marvelous attunement, through the heart of all Life, everywhere in the Nature kingdom. Entomologists never cease to be amazed at the wonders of the ant; and the goad of the wise man 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard . . . 'indicates that man has a great deal to learn from the veritable mysteries of Nature.

"All this lovely creation imbued with a portion of the Divine Intelligence is deemed the “footstool kingdom” of God and was originally placed under the dominion of man as the manifestation of God. Through contaminating vibrations of cruelty, Nature has absorbed human imperfection. The savage qualities of jungle beasts are considered animalistic, whereas in reality, when the truth of life is known and the record of akasha and the planetary aura is accurately read, it will be learned that animal as well as elemental life originally absorbed their gross and sometimes grotesque outpicturings from mankind.

"Savagery, cannibalism, violence, revenge, and killing originated in mankind’s lowest evolutionary descent and were transmitted directly by vibration (here proving that the power of example can also be the worst teacher) to the subspecies. Therefore, the animal magnetism in humans—often sub-animal, wreaking a devilish wrath—must be redeemed (i.e., transmuted by the violet flame) in the process of freeing the planet.

"This you can begin to effect right now by fervent calls for the action of the circle and sword of blue flame of Astrea, the universal Mother figure functioning at the level of Elohim (personified in the East as Kali) who cuts free her children evolving in every kingdom from the imposed evil matrix of the vengeful fallen angels. The violet fire that flows from your determined, heartfelt decrees literally lifts the pall of human consciousness from all elemental life. It is integral to the reclamation of Nature’s beauty.

"Beloved Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters have in various associations of their embodiments had contact with elemental life evolving through the animal kingdom. In some cases, this necessitated their later intercession on behalf of certain elementals embodied in animal form. The freeing of these blessed elementals ‘imprisoned’ in dense bodies has on more than one occasion been the gift of love and violet fire from the ascended one to that elemental part of Life with whom they had prior contact.

"Through the radiation of kindness, joy, and gratitude, all Nature will ultimately attain a pristine state of Edenic perfection where 'the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard with the kid, the calf and the young lion together . . . ' The law of the savage jungle will be abrogated by Christ-power, and those men so fortunate as to remain upon this planet will be living Christs. Through their intercession, all elementals will be set free from confinement to the temporary animal forms. The radiation of divine Love rising to a pulsation of great power will instantaneously sever and dissolve the connection of the evolved elementals with the self-limiting animal matrix and consciousness.

"Some of you will recall reading of my love for the birds and creatures and that they came to me without fear. Beloved hearts, in most animals fear is the result of mankind’s own feelings which are, or have been, projected to the animals through the mass mind. Man’s survival instincts retained from prehistoric times sustain a fierce desire to self-protect. Race memories of past encounters with savage beasts keep alive a record and an automatic reflex whereby man reverts to a defensive posture when sensing the presence of certain wild animals."

November 15, 1963

" . . . those who used to go out in their whaling ships distracted the whales from overturning those ships. They’d throw out big barrels and let them float on the sea. And the whales who were being harpooned would come and attack the barrels. They’d wear themselves out attacking the barrels until they were exhausted and were then easily taken by man, their predator."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
May 4, 1985

In the name I AM THAT I AM I ask for Elohim Cyclopea's kiss of hope upon my forehead and upon the foreheads of these coming after me that the doorway of our souls will open wide to receive grace, more grace, more grace, more grace and love and power; amen, aum.
July 1,1966

Blue Whales
Cataclysm by the Waters Dr James Herriot

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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