Chart of Your Divine Self

"Yes, a planet can be cleaned up, beloved ones, and there are two possible routes
whereby the earth might once again become habitable: (1) planetary cataclysm
and (2) world transmutation. May your choice be the latter because you
the people take stock of your planet and respond to her need and act in time
and by the sacred fire of God determine to bring redemption to the earth body
and her people by world transmutation and without planetary cataclysm.
I trust I know what your choice will be."—Archangel Michael, June 26, 1993

"Forces will have been set in motion beyond the reckoning of the senses.
Sequences of events from the corners of the world will draw gradually together,
and miracles and coincidence will bring the inevitable to pass."—Joseph Campbell

"The world as the center of the universe, the world divided from the heavens,
the world bound by horizons in which love is reserved for the members of the in group:
that is the world that is passing away. Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon
but to the fact that our ignorance and our complacency are coming to an end."
Joseph Campbell

'We have had enough Walter Mittys on the Path.'—Elizabeth C. Prophet
142. "The technique of foresight will become a great science in the future,
but it can be given only when human consciousness gains its sanity."
—El Morya, Supermundane 1, 1938

334. "When Uranus draws into coalescence the currents of the subtlest energies,
it may be said verily that Uranus confirms all manifested paths and that its currents
impel evolution forward. Thus the currents of the luminaries quicken the march of events,
and the spirit of our Uranus accelerates the movement of the chain of evolution."
—El Morya, Infinity 1, 1930

"This is how the world ends . . . Not with a bang but a whimper."
—T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men

"End of history? Beginning of nonsense."—Maggie Thatcher

Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels to South America
to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth

Welcome to the twenty-first century!

Welcome to the heart of Saint Germain!

And welcome to my heart!

Today I am going to tell you a story.

It’s a story about you, and it began a long time ago.

South America is a diverse, vital landmassfrom the life-giving rain forests of the Amazon to the spacious pampas. The Andes are symbolic of this continent’s aspirations and spiritual potential. They form the world’s most extensive range of high mountains. Their pinnacles pierce the skies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. They are studded with volcanoes that are part of the Ring of Fire.

Historians say that man first migrated to the Western Hemisphere from Asia and arrived in South America about 20,000 years ago. The native Indian cultures flourished here for thousands of years. Following the voyages of Columbus, the Spanish and Portuguese arrived, bringing slaves from Africa. And in modern times other Europeans have migrated to these shores.

If we scan a handful of snapshots of Latin American history, we see scenes from the great civilizations of the Incas, the Aztecs and the Mayans. We are astonished and perplexed by the “pre-historic airstrips” at Nazca and by the pyramids of Peru, as mysterious as those of ancient Egypt.

We gaze upon the ancient city of Cuzco, a mecca in the Andes, and the holy Incan sanctuary at Machu Picchu. We see the wars of liberation and the profiles of South American heroesSan Martín, Bolívar, Mirandaand the faces of many others whose toil and blood and sacrifice and creativity have built a civilization that may one day be the light of the world.

In the years since liberation from European control, South America has had a remarkable political history. Her people have experimented with many kinds of governmentrule by strong-men, juntas and the military; governments on the Left and the Right; and the establishment of democratic republics.

South America has achieved much under difficult circumstances in a short time. She has thrown off her colonial past and abolished slavery. She has modernized and urbanized. And she has educated a large percentage of her people.

Today South America has difficult economic, political and social problemsfrom the maldistribution of wealth to failure to educate the poor. But some political scientists see the emergence of a new, distinctly South American democratic ideology. And the genius of Latin America that Bolívar spoke of so eloquently may evolve political structures that lead to a unique and vital culture of freedom.

Earth, a Crossroads in the Galaxy

But our search for who we are, where we came from and where we are going takes us into the distant past, beyond the reckoning of historiansback to the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria, back to the time when people from other worlds arrived on earth in spacecraft.

The records and artifacts of ancient Sumer, Egypt, India and even the Incan civilization bear witness to these visitors from distant planets. They arrived here with superior technology some 500,000 years ago. The aliens were not benevolent, and they manipulated the evolutions of earth. They practiced genetic engineering and taught men the arts of war.

They were followed here by people from Maldek, a planet that at one time was in our solar system but was destroyed by warring factions. All that remains of Maldek is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. When the Maldekians began to incarnate on earth, they too brought an advanced science and a warlike nature.

The Mahabharata, an ancient Hindu text, talks about great battles, flying war chariots and advanced weapons of mass destruction. It all sounds like something out of George Lucas’s Star Wars. But it is a vision of the past, not the future.

Earth has become a crossroads in the galaxy. She has many different evolutionspeople who have their origins here, others who started out on other systems of worlds. Some are of the Light. Some have committed themselves to Darkness. Some are men, some are fallen angels who have taken embodiment, and some are angels of light. It is a complex tapestry.

Our Long-Awaited Role:
To Help Saint Germain Make Aquarius a Golden Age

Our story is more than a chronicle of the coming of aliens. There were great golden-age civilizations on Lemuria and Atlantis. Many of us were there. We were guided by Masters and advanced adepts. We knew and applied the laws of God, and we enjoyed a quality of life superior to what we have today.

Many of us have a soul memory of Lemuria and Atlantis. We have an inner awareness of past golden ages in which we played a part and we remember when, under the influence of the fallen angels, we betrayed our mentors.

This betrayal and the abuse of technology led to the sinking of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. All that remains of that continent is the Ring of Fire, which traces the boundaries of the Pacific Ocean along the west coast of the Americas and the east coast of Asia. About a thousand years later Atlantis sank. The once great continents of Lemuria and Atlantis now lie beneath the oceans, their triumphs and their failures covered by the shifting sands of time.

Since then, the ages have rolled like cars on a great Ferris wheel. Civilizations have risen, flowered, declined and disappeared. And the people of Lemuria and Atlantis have reincarnated again and again, making good and bad karma along the way. And today many have gravitated to the Americas.

It is against this backdrop that you, the people of South America, are about to take your place on the stage of cosmic history. Your role, our role is to help the Ascended Master Saint Germain make the Aquarian age a golden age. This is a role you and I have been waiting lifetimes to play.

I personally feel that I have been languishing here and there around the world, just waiting for Saint Germain to come into my life. Stop a moment and ask yourself: “Where have I been for the last 10,000 years? Who am I? Where have I come from? And where am I going?”

That’s exactly what we’re here to find out. So let’s continue our voyage of self-discovery.

Our Goal As Pisces Closes: To Realize the Son of God Within

There are twelve astrological ages, each about 2,150 years long. They take their names from the signs of the zodiac. The entire cycle of twelve ages spans about 25,800 years.

New ages are related to the “precession of the equinoxes.” In astronomy this is the slow backward rotation of the earth around its polar axis. As the earth so rotates, the point of the spring equinox moves through the signs of the zodiac, denoting which age we are in.

No one knows exactly when each age begins or ends, but we do know that we are in the waning days of the age of Pisces. Because of the precession, we move through the ages in reverse order. Prior to the age of Pisces, we were in the age of Aries and before that the age of Taurus, and so on. In each age we are destined to assimilate an attribute of God and express the positive aspects of the sign.

The opening of these epochs is often accompanied by the birth of an avatar, or God-man, who embodies the spirit of the age that he inaugurates. The age of Pisces brought the awareness of God as the Son, revealed to us in the Universal Christ personified in Christ Jesus.

Jesus came to show us how to walk the path of our personal Christhood so that we could realize the Son of God within ourselves. Jesus is the sponsor of the age of Pisces and the example of what we could have, and should have, become. During this 2,150-year period, only the saints have achieved that goal!

Aquarius Will Be a Golden Age Only If You Make It Happen

The dawning age of Aquarius brings us the awareness of God as the Holy Spirit and as the Divine Mother. Aquarius can be an age of freedom, peace and enlightenment. It can be a time of technological progress combined with spiritual development. It can be a time when we break free from the past.

Chananda, Chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood, stated in 1962: “The Aquarian age is intended to be an age of absolute cooperation between God and the Ascended Masters, the Ascended Masters and man, and between people everywhere. The symbol of Aquariusa water bearer with balanced urnsreveals harmonious service and bountiful supply. This rhythmic spirit of cooperation must be the basis of every relationship, replacing outworn selfishness.” <1>

Some believe that Aquarius will be a golden age no matter what. But that thesis excludes free will, and free will is our divine birthright. The Ascended Master Lanto, who comes to the West from the Taoist tradition, recently said: “It has been prophesied that a golden-age civilization shall once again rise in South America. But do not be superstitious. It will not happen unless you make it happen. It will not come to pass automatically.” <2>

There are many reasons for this, starting with karma. As the age of Aquarius begins, we can capitalize on the positive karma we have made in Pisces and prior ages, but we still have to deal with the negative karma of Pisces. In addition, we’re also dealing with the negative karma of the ages of Aries and Taurus and all the ages that came before, going back 25,800 years. The burden of history is upon us, and it is a heavy, heavy karmic burden.

Using Astrology to Predict Coming Challenges

Astrology shows that what has happened before can happen again, for astrology tells us when our positive and our negative karma will return to us. On the negative side of the ledger, the cycles of the next 12 years, the next 33 years and the next 200 years portend wars, plagues, political tyranny, economic turmoil, even the sinking of continents.

But this need not be. Roger Bacon, the first modern scientist, said the purpose of studying astrology is to avoid its negative portents. Bacon believed that it was possible to avoid wars through the study of astrology. He said that if leaders of the Church had read the astrological warningssuch as the comet of 1264, which preceded the battles that broke out all over Europe they might have averted the wars of their times. <3>

Saint Germain was embodied as Roger Bacon. He read the handwriting in the skies when he was Roger Bacon, and he reads it today. He brings a warning and a prophecy of the negative portents of Aquarius. He also comes to tell us that we have the power to change the future and to make the Aquarian age a golden age.

What, then, does the current astrology tell us?

Let’s look at a major astrological cycle that’s just begun. It’s the 12-year transit of Pluto in Sagittarius. It will conclude in 2008. [highlighted by webmaster] During this cycle we can expect momentous changes in religion and government, in our values and beliefs, and in our education and culture. We will see a dramatic transformation in the vision we hold of ourselves, our world, our place in the universe and our relationship to God.

In the past, the transit of Pluto in Sagittarius coincided with the golden age of Pericles in Greece, the mission of Jesus Christ, the Italian Renaissance and the Enlightenment in Europe. It saw the introduction of Buddhism in central China and Christianity in Saxony. It coincided with the first unification of China and the codification of law in the sixth-century Roman Empire and in eleventh- century Russia.

Adventure, discovery and vision were on the march. The Portuguese reached China by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. Roger Bacon predicted the invention of the steamship, the airplane and television. The Sorbonne was founded in Paris, and many cathedrals and temples were built in Europe and Asia.

This cycle also coincided with great religious conflict. Jesus was crucified and John the Baptist was beheaded. The Roman emperor Diocletian unleashed his notorious persecution of Christians. In Athens, Plato’s school of philosophy was shut down because of its so-called pagan ideas. In Persia, Mani was executed for claiming he was a prophet who received divine revelations. In Europe, Germans persecuted so-called heretics and Martin Luther led the Protestant Reformation.

The cycle of Pluto in Sagittarius also coincided with warwar over the control of the oracle of Delphi, the Second Peloponnesian War, the Second Punic War and the Seven Years War.

Portents of Pluto in Sagittarius

So what does all of this mean?

During the next 12 years, we can give birth to an age of enlightenment and a new world religion. But we must anticipate a counterforce to this progressthe repression of religions and new ideas. And we could see religious wars.

This could be a time of optimism and expansion. We could see advances in education and greater appreciation of foreign cultures, but we could also see education denied to people or used to indoctrinate and control them. Information and culture will move across borders as never before. We may be richer for the experiencebut we could also see cultures in conflict, conflict of the kind that is now taking place in Bosnia, Rwanda and the Middle East.

Persecution along class or ethnic lines could cause mass migrations, and that could have unpredictable effects. The question of immigration will be debated in many nations. Some nations will accept refugees; others will not.

This 12-year cycle will set the stage for a transformation of governments and even the nature of government itself. Empires and groups of nations are likely to expand and come into conflict with each other. In the process, they could be destroyed or reconfigured.

This will be a time of political ferment like the one that preceded the American and French revolutions. A new world order will take shape. New powers will emerge. We will settle the question that has dominated most of the twentieth century: Can the world exist half slave and half free?

A political system of freedom or one of tyranny and chaos will begin to coalesce. The political culture developed during this cycle will begin to crystallize into the dominant form of government that will be established during the transit of Pluto in Capricorn, the 16-year cycle that runs from 2008 to 2024. [highlighted by webmaster]

Uranus in Aquarius:
Impulse for Freedom, Potential for War

Another current astrological cycle is the transit of Uranus (the planet of freedom) in Aquarius (the sign of freedom). Uranus will stay in Aquarius until 2003. It will be joined by other slow-moving planets during that time. The combination of these planets and the transit of Pluto in Sagittarius have much to do with the inauguration of the age of Aquarius.

These planets can give us the impulse for freedom, a transcendent spirituality and a sense of brotherhood. We could find new solutions to our many social problems and dissolve the barriers that divide us by religion, race, nationality, class and gender.

But we must be careful how we “fix” the social order. The last two times Uranus was in Aquarius were periods of war and revolution. There were revolutions and independence movements in Europe and South America. Slavery was abolished in Mexico and the British Empire, and the movement to abolish slavery gained power in the United States.

These events were momentous, but they are overshadowed in the pages of history by two conflicts that caused millions of deaths and changed the course of historythe Russian Revolution and World War I.

It is dangerous when two cycles that portend war coincide, especially when nuclear proliferation is accelerating and when so many Russian leaders are trying to restore Russia to the “good old days” before the breakup of the Soviet empire. But still more ominous is the fact that there are other powerful cycles between 1998 and 2001 that portend war, even a world war.

In the past, the transit of Uranus in Aquarius has also coincided with great scientific discoveries and technological progress. Einstein, for example, formulated his general theory of relativity during such a transit. Today we are on the verge of making another great technological leap.

Imagine a world without television or computers, a world in which man had never traveled to the moon or launched a satellite, a world where man had not split the atom or unlocked the DNA code, a world without the Internet!

These scientific and technological advances have taken place during the last complete revolution of Uranus. It is from this base of knowledge that we will launch the next revolution in sciencein microelectronics and microbiology, in computer science, information science, military science and communications technology.

The scientific breakthroughs of the next 12 yearsand the next 200 yearscould greatly improve the quality of life for all. They could provide greater wealth and leisure, greater health and longer life. They could help us launch a real revolution in education.

These new discoveries will give us new powers. But we will need a commensurate spiritual revolution so that we will use these powers wisely and well. In our lifetime, we will have to decide where to draw the line.

Scientists have already genetically engineered pigs and cows to bear human genes. <4> They have grown a human ear on the back of a mouse. <5> It was precisely this kind of genetic manipulation taken to extremes that led to the sinking of Atlantis. The message: Man should not play God!

Technology is a two-edged sword. It can imprison just as easily as it can liberate.

Will we use new communications technology to educate and informor to control people and deprive them of their privacy?

Will we decide that people with defective genes shouldn’t be allowed to procreateor even to be born?

Besides a technological challenge, we will also face a social challenge. Scientific progress is on the verge of permanently dividing societies into those who understand technology and those who do not. If that happens, the technological elite will control the wealth and power. The technological have-nots will become a permanent underclass. That’s a formula for disaster.

During the transit of Uranus in Aquarius, we must change and grow. But we must avoid anarchy, and we must avoid revolution along the lines of the Russian Revolution, which promised freedom but delivered tyranny and stifled the human spirit.

Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, Brings a Solution

These are issues we will have to deal with.

What can we do to beat the Fates?

How can we bring in an age of enlightenment?

Enter the Master Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, luminary of the twenty-first century. He brings a solution to the problem of our very ancient, very complex karma. He brings a teaching and a way of life. Of greatest importance, he brings the gift of the violet flame, a spiritual energy that when used in accordance with the laws of alchemy can actually erase karma!

Saint Germain is the Master Alchemist, but his solution is only as good as the people who apply it. If we invoke the violet flame daily, religiously, as if the world depended on us, we can literally dissolve the mountain of karma that besets us!

Archangel Zadkiel’s Vision: Two Futures

Archangel Zadkiel, the Archangel of the Seventh Ray (or violet ray), has given us a vision of alternative futures. The first is a vision of our hemisphere covered by violet flame. “It is a future of hope, prosperity, . . . light and [the soul’s] inner walk with God.”

The second is a vision of warfare and bloodshed in the United States, a future that can be voided only by divine intercession and our invocation of the violet flame. <6>

Zadkiel refers to more than the mere repetition of such wars as we have had in the past. He is talking about the “Great War” that will come to pass if we do not take the necessary spiritual and material steps to stop it before it begins.

So he sets before us two futures. We have to choose: this or thatthe bright future or the lapse into the barbarism and darkness of the past.

The philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” While that is true, even those who do remember the past will repeat itif they do not use the violet flame.

On February 26, 1996, the Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, departed on a 33-day stumping tour of South America. Her lecture “Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the Aquarian Age” was the keynote address in each of the seven cities where she spoke: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pôrto Alegre, Santos and São Paulo, Brazil; Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia; and Quito, Ecuador. In each city, Saint Germain and one of the Seven Archangels dictated.

1. “‘Medicine Cow’ Worth Billions” (Associated Press), Billings Gazette, 21 December 1993, p. 7A; Richard Seltzer, “First Transgenic Bull Sires Transgenic Calves,” Chemical and Engineering News, 14 February 1994, p. 30; and “In a Pig’s Organ: Scientists Breed Pigs with Human Genes for Possible Organ Transplants” (AP), Bozeman Daily Chronicle,” 23 May 1995, p. 1.

2. “Human Ear Grown on Mouse” (AP), Billings Gazette, 25 October 1995, p. 2A; and Anastasia Toufexis, “An Eary Tale: A Bizarre Creature Shows a New Way to Replace Organs,” Time, 6 November 1995, p. 60.

3. See Archangel Zadkiel, November 25, 1987, “The Vision of a Future That Could Be: The Choice Is Yet in the Realm of the Possible,” in 1987 PoW, pp. 591-95.

4. Chananda, February 9, 1962, “Opening the Windows of Heaven: Sons of God in Pursuit of Paradise Regained,” in 1962 PoW, no. 6, p. 2.

5. Lord Lanto, June 25, 1995, “Earth Is an Angry Planet: Wise Self-Dominion Is the Answer,” in 1995 PoW, p. 343.

6. The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon, trans. Robert Belle Burke, vol. 1 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1928), pp. 267, 401.

"For God seeks a greater harvest. And, beloved ones, I tell you the reason for the withholding and the staying action of the judgment of the fallen ones in the presence of this great injustice against Almighty God is because, precisely, the children of the light have not aligned themselves with the light; and therefore, should the judgment come now it would also destroy the people of light.

"Therefore, in the great mercy of Almighty God there has been a holding action of cataclysm and of the collapse of the economy. And Saint Germain has told our messenger that the greatest opposition to the light of love in America today is the hatred of America directed right at the level of the economy, and there at the dollar, and there at the gold supply, and there at the balance of the nation and the flow of currency on the national and international markets.

"Beloved ones, were it not for the presence in embodiment of the messenger and the chelas, I tell you the economy of this nation would have already collapsed. And this is a truth which I bear to you that you might understand how powerful is that light that is held in this dispensation. And I give tribute to the children of the light who have already become aware of the teachings of Saint Germain in South America and in the other nations of the earth, for they, too, have held the flame.

" . . . Beloved ones, when you have the mass buildup of pollution, you have many elementals who are incapacitated and unable, then, to use their body temples as a point of transmutation of mankind’s karma. They become so burdened by the physical pollution that therefore they are limited as to how much energy of the karma itself they may transmute, and thus you see the stepping up of cataclysm. Wherever there is cataclysm you must understand that it is because nature, the Holy Spirit, demands a balance of light and darkness. And because it has not been transmuted in the threefold flame of the sons and daughters of God or by the lightbearers because they have not been sufficient in number or dedicated enough to call forth the light, then it spills over into the economy and into the elemental kingdom."

Lord Shiva

"We know that Martians embodied on this planet today carry the consciousness of war. The ancient warlords of Japan are an example of those who descended from the false hierarchy of Mars. Not only does the exploration of Mars advance the technology of the Soviets but it also probes the astral belt and opens up the astral records of war that spill out into the solar system and pollute Earth. Each time we have had an encounter with Mars through space exploration we have seen the increase on Earth of Martian consciousness and Martian misuses of the base chakra of the Divine Mother, turning the sacred fire to war—thus the appearance of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that have been used in past ages in rival wars of the gods on Mars, Maldek, Hedron and Earth.

"I submit that the real reason the Soviets are going to Mars (not necessarily consciously) is to link up vibrationally with the false hierarchy of that planet on the physical as well as on the astral plane, much of that false hierarchy already being on Earth. I believe that there are aliens who assist the Soviets in their space program—aiding and abetting the cause of World Communism to maintain control of the Lightbearers of Earth—and that some of these are also connected with the Martian evolution, who, after rendering their own planet uninhabitable, reincarnated on Earth and other dense spheres bearing the contaminating karma of war."

Elizabeth C. Prophet
January 3, 1988

"And I AM come to declare to you this day that the Word has gone forth and the Watchers have declared their intransigence. And so they are set, one against the otherArgentina and Britain, the Soviet Union against the people of light worldwide, the Afghans, and those in the Middle East who set themselves one against the other and will stop at nothingno thing to defend their cause!

"These are they who would plunge the earth into chaos and old night, into anarchy and into war! And, I tell you, the judgment of the nations is upon you. And you ought to recognize it and be prepared and understand that the untimely weather is also the fulfillment of the word of the judgment of the messengers of God that abortion and the abortionist are judged!

"And that nation and that people who will tolerate the murder of the Almighty in his ownthat nation shall suffer cataclysm. And who will say where it shall manifest, whether in a spring blizzard or in the economy or in the households where brother is set against brother and there is the divisive force because the karma of their own hatred of the Christ has descended in their midst.

"And therefore, you see the nations angry and you see argu­men­ta­tion and you see arrogance at the root of enmity. And you see the pride of the fallen ones as they will not say die but rather take with them an entire evolution of Light!

"I sound the warning and I tell you there will be collapse of certain systems of the economy and the monetary systems of the earth! I tell you there will be that collapse. And you will wander in the streets, wondering where you will derive your next sustenance, if you do not find yourselves prepared.

" . . . Let there be the girding up of the light-bearers and let them understand that the generation of the wicked must pass! It shall pass because, with all of the preaching of the Word, they yet mock my ministers of the Holy Spirit. They mock my shepherds of the flock who rebuke them for their pornography, for their violence, for their misuse of the light of Alpha and Omega and their exposure of the sacred fire of man and woman, publicly and on television, and their violation of the little children! This generation shall not stand but it shall pass! And I tell you, it is so.

"And you must understand the judgment is of the soul. And you must realize that there is the mist and there is the crystal; and so long as there is the holding back of the judgment of God in the level of the mist, then there is time and yet time. But when there is the crystallization of the judgment, lo, beware of the prophecy and let not your flight be in winter.

" . . . Therefore, when they cry, 'Peace! Peace!' and there is no peace—beware! And when they declare their safety in their systems and in their banking-houses
—beware! And when they declare their safety in all outer things and take counsel together—beware! For the Lord shall break them in pieces! He shall hold them in derision.

" . . . I, Uriel, have spoken to you this day and I speak and I still speak! And therefore, you will not turn back this judgment by wishful thinking. [highlighted by webmaster]

"Therefore, align yourself and become the ensign, become the root of Jesse, and assemble yourselves. For the highway of God is provided unto the remnant. Therefore, there is a way out. And the way out is the mighty River of Life descending from your own Mighty I AM Presence!"

Archangel Uriel

The Eye of God
NASA's photo

"We choose to come with our momentum of the violet flame. We choose to enable you to understand that those things which may cross the planet ere the New Day is born may be a chemicalization such as described in these seven trumpet judgments, a chemicalization that may accrue from war or cataclysm or merely the melting of the elements of human karma with such a fervent heat as to cause many untoward and hitherto unseen conditions.

"Blessed hearts, though my message is one of Victory, there is one line that I would leave with you and that is 'Prepare for the worst.' Therefore, when ready and prepared, you can 'Live for the best' and continue to roll back the tides of Darkness and go forth to rescue souls. [highlighted by webmaster]

"Blessed ones, it is your hour and the hour of your God-mastery of the physical octave—of the mind and especially of the emotions. Therefore I leave to your discernment, beloved ones, what is the necessary preparation for the worst and, in fact, what might be the worst that may be coming upon this planetary body.

"Apart from this, beloved, we take heart. We take heart indeed that many have been called from inner planes to become Keepers of the Flame. We take heart in progress, individual by individual.

"We pray for greater alertness and we could desire more. But, beloved, we are grateful for that which is. We affirm it. And we declare it before the Court of the Sacred Fire: that the chelas of El Morya, that the Keepers of the Flame of Saint Germain have determined to plant their feet in this earth and not to leave the earth until God-victory does appear in their very temples

" . . . Beloved hearts, understand that as we view the world in this hour we are seeing and understanding that choices made are being made by the weight of world karma, by the manipulation of the fallen ones, and by the absence of virtue and the raising up of the Light within. It is an hour, beloved, when those who have not banked the fires of the resurrection and have so very little going for them can scarcely make it to the exalted state that you have achieved by the long years of your service or even by the intensity of your service in the short hours and days of your affiliation with this activity.

"Realize, then, that those who have not seen the vision nor ridden the tide of the incoming Light, these have not the wherewithal, beloved, to enter in to the maximum grace and the higher Light, and they are truly left high and dry. And they have naught else to do but to see and to make their decisions based upon what they refuse to see and what they have refused to be." [highlighted by webmaster]

Saint Germain

"Thus, beloved, here below Christhood pure cannot long endure the mockery of a mortal mind that long ago and since time began could not contain the immortals.

"Thus, I say, adjust. Adjust yourselves to the new cycle and the New Day, else, stuck in the mud of this mortal consciousness, you may be called a stick-in-the-mud by those who pass. Pray, then, it be not Maitreya, whose garments can be heard rustling and be mistaken for the wind in the branches.

"Beloved, cycles do not sit still. Why do ye, then, sit still when God does descend in the power of his glory as not since ancient days have you been told such a story of eternal Life?

" . . . Thus, dear hearts, those who have ever thought that to attain immortal Life would be like joining a caravan of covered wagons across America, those who have thought that by merely joining our bands or bandwagon they should arrive must understand that to take the spoon and gently tap the egg, one may remove a shell and find inside the hard-boiled egg or the yolk. Blessed hearts, the point is skins can be peeled away; thus finding another day and traversing an octave, you discover another self and a higher love.

" . . . Blessed hearts, I must give you a sense of co-measurement of how powerful is this Word, what a grid of Light is formed and that its necessity becomes to you more and more apparent as you understand the nature of the presence of aliens, not in some distant past or space apart but in this very time; for in these days when you also walk the earth, they occupy space in close proximity to your own.

"Blessed ones, these spacecraft and their inhabitants are up to no good upon this planet. But they do have an agenda. Therefore, Alpha's Agenda, delivered by his Servant-Sons and the Lord of the World and himself, must be studied and implemented and organized even as you organize yourselves for effective action.

"It is an end of an age, when those who come from the Twelfth Planet and even another called the 'Thirteenth,' beloved, anticipate a rejoining with those evolutions which their overlords engineered. A number of those in these craft are mere automatons. Their intelligence is not their own, but it is stolen from the Mind of God. Yet by manipulation in Matter, they become tools of that Force [that is Absolute Evil] that is known as the anti-Mind. It does exist. [highlighted by webmaster]

"And thus, all who have no allegiance to the I AM Presence by the threefold flame multiply themselves in physical universes according to the false hierarchy of anti-Life. Thus, they are in reality dead and only claim to be alive. Ye who have the Sun of the Presence in your heart are truly the living. Thus, Life must prevail in an octave where Death seems to swallow up and cover the land even as the sands of the desert, creeping and crawling, devour homes and vegetation and towns.

" . . . Keepers of the Flame, it is by degrees that you have become acquainted with varied and subtle dangers upon this planet. Thus, the wise ones and the mature have come to a realization, O beloved, of the wiles of the sinister force and that realization has not unseated them nor has it caused them to entertain undue anxiety. Thus, by much communication of misguided psychics, so-called UFOs have already gained a dangerous entry into this very octave. The allegiance of many is utterly and completely given.

" . . . Beloved, they desire the Light and the genes of the Lightbearer. And thus, they would approach those of the highest attainment for one purpose: to combine the seed of the fallen ones, even of Satan and Lucifer, with the seed of the highest Christed ones. For thereby they have determined to do in this age what they have accomplished in many ages: the prolongation of the life of their own bodies and then that of the robot creation which they have brought forth. You will realize, then, that the very presence of the seed of Light in their genes can extend the life of that particular physical evolution for long decades, centuries and aeons.

"Therefore understand, beloved, how critical have been the laws handed down by the patriarchs unto the seed of the true Hebrews and Lightbearers which stated that they were not to commingle that seed with the lesser creation that had been created by the fallen angels. Now the plague has come upon the race, beloved, for the ancient Atlantean karma, worse than sodomy, of animalism whereby these laggards, these godless ones, did cohabitate with their own animal creation, producing a genetic mutation that has survived to the present for which the curse and the judgment has now descended.

"Therefore, we see how Life has judged Death and the misuse of the sacred fire. And in the midst of the Darkness of this planet our Lightbearers raise up a standard, our chelas raise up a sacred fire. And thus we see the creations of heaven and hell rubbing elbows in the subways of life.

" . . . Thus, we address the topic brought to the fore concerning an ancient calendar and a date. Among the misguided psychics who have promulgated a message of 'communion' and 'harmonic convergence' with UFOs (by invoking these gods and surrendering to them) are some who are the descendants of the gods, having been created by them. They know only the Nephilim as their creators, and none other.

"You will know them by their allegiance. For by a man's allegiance, the place where he puts his highest honor, you will discover who is his god. If it be envy or resentment or anger, then that is his god and you know his source and you know his seed. Blessed ones, where the heart is, that is where the individual's god is.

"Now, beloved, these fallen ones have placed their races upon this planet for this hour when they might be the negative electrode in embodiment for the anchoring of their energy, their control and their final manipulation of the children of the Light. Understand the complexity of a half a million years, ten million years of programming. Understand the nature of false hierarchies and of the anti-Mind itself.

"It is a giant network and it has long moved throughout the Matter spheres for only one goal: to take millions of its own kind in order to devour the Light of one son of God who has descended into Matter. They will stage a conspiracy for thousands of years to accomplish the undoing and the fall of a single son of God.

" . . . Safety on earth, then, is when you are sealed in the Light from above. There is none other. Thus, the Mighty I AM Presence is your safety when you invoke it. But that I AM Presence remains in the octave native to its own vibration, Absolute Spirit, absent your call.

" . . . Now we are about the challenge that does come when, through an erroneous psychic prediction, there has been the gathering of many thousands who are determined to achieve that number of a critical mass necessary for a vibrational convergence with the false gods of the UFOs. The first order of business for Keepers of the Flame of Life, then, is to visualize and call forth from the octaves of Light a blue sphere around the planet at the line where the physical meets the astral plane. Let this sphere be a barrier between those in physical embodiment and the aliens in their spacecraft who seek to find a window of contact and consonance on those two days noted of the sixteenth and seventeenth of the month of August.

"Blessed ones, as my scribe has written down this day, if the people of earth in these numbers elect to establish this tie with these Nephilim gods and their spacecraft, if the allegiance be established and the tie made, there will be no recourse from unleashing cataclysm from the highest levels of the Cosmic Council. There will be no life worth living for Lightbearers on earth, as there occurs a grave overtaking of those who have not yet discovered the seed of Light within themselves. Understand just how critical these days and weeks are and just how much it does indeed lie in your hands to prevent this tie." [highlighted by webmaster]

El Morya

"Beloved, the cycles have turned. Aye, they have turned for thee and for me. The cycles, then, confer in time and space a delivery of the Word and a lowering from your own God Self, from your own I AM Presence, that intensity of sacred fire that in the twinkling of the eye of God can indeed transmute that Fourth Horseman’s delivery of Death and Hell.

"Therefore, people of the Light, do not tarry in the false teachings of a false hierarchy that does not extend to you a vision of what in actuality is coming upon the nations but concerns itself rather with personal entertainment or even the promise of deliverance through UFOs.

"I tell you, beloved, the hour has come when the Lightbearer must choose between the path of the Divine Mother and the true ascension or the path of the UFOs, which promise a flesh-and-blood deliverance but, beloved, cannot give you that which you already have, which only you can acquire through the magnificent consummation of your spirit with the living presence of God!

"Let God, then, be your Saviour and none else! Let God be your teacher/deliverer, for he is a consuming fire. And those of us who are among the immortals, those who are the Ascended Masters, show you now at inner levels the pathway of your soul that you can win and thereby endow a planet with victory even as you take your own in this life.

"Indeed, it is possible for you to transcend all of the cycles of your karma in this age. But whatever the calling or the choosing of your soul, remember it cannot be accomplished without the Holy Spirit’s gift to you of the violet flame. And truly it is given in this hour. And there is no mantra more necessary to your deliverance and survival—for the violet flame is a physical flame!

" . . . Fear not, beloved. For the fallen angels who would promise deliverance through a prophecy of peace or psychicism or those aliens from other systems are only there to deter you from the true and living God who has loved you with such a fervor as to place the divine fire in your very breast.

" . . . In fact, once you were beings of a cosmos waiting to be born. Once with twin flame you saw the face of Father/Mother God and rejoiced that Elohim created you to go forth and manifest the divine polarity in universes unborn. You indeed came trailing clouds of glory, beloved.

"Yet there was a losing of the way at the influence of the fallen angels who in their pride defied the Lord God in his sons and descended into density, were cast into the earth and made to take on physical bodies such as those you wear. For they were determined to move against the Divine Manchild who is the Christ—the Christos, or Light—the Anointed One of every one of you.

"Thus, beloved, you have lost the way of the understanding that some minds in this universe set themselves to Absolute Evil, which is to destroy the potential and the realization of that potential of Christhood by each and every one of you.

"They have taught the lie of 'only one Son of God'—that only Jesus could attain to this. Yet the only begotten Son of God is the Cosmic Christ who is individualized in ye all as that potential whom Jesus incarnated, exter­nalized, and was fully the representative of for the Piscean age.

"Beloved hearts, fallen angels in embodiment and aliens with no good purpose, though they also speak about love, have come to this planet for one purpose alone—as pied pipers to lead the sons and daughters of God away from the Divine Source and the reunion with Light.

"Because you have been taught by philosophers, psychologists, and even some men of the cloth that there is no evil or evil intent, you therefore have been lulled to sleep concerning that debacle of nuclear war that hangs as a threat—a threat against whom? The Lightbearers, beloved. For it is they who will lose all. And when I say 'all,' I mean the opportunity at the end of an age to found a golden age and to bring it forth hand in hand with the heavenly hosts, the Archangels, and elemental life.

"The hour of Opportunity is at hand and has never been greater for the victory of a universal enlightenment and an age of peace. Beloved ones, I implore you and I come to ask you this. I ask you to buy fifty years of peace for me and I will show you what the heavenly hosts working through you may do to save this planet utterly from disease and death and war." [highlighted by webmaster]

Saint Germain

"Therefore, with one track upon the moment-by-moment events and eventualities and the other that I extend to you by the Lord’s servant, so I must deliver to you, beloved, an understanding of the burden of Saint Germain, though he has received the balancing of that karma made [incurred] by those who have received the gift of his dispensations.

"Beloved, there is an intercession that he cannot make. And this I would speak of. It is the weight, as though it would burst, of the fallen ones themselves. Neither the Knight Commander nor the Lords of Karma nor the Lord of the World may mitigate or stand between the fallen ones and their own descending karma.

"What does keep, then, this karma from becoming physical? I will tell you. It [what keeps it from becoming physical] is like a giant tent the size of the nation. And the light of the Lightbearers becomes like a mighty fan; and therefore as the light is held by the Lightbearers, this tent is billowed up. And as it is held up, as one would say, by the wind of the Holy Spirit of the embodied saints, so it does press [up] against the Darkness and prevent it from descending.

"Beloved, if any of you have observed such a canvas tent or one of synthetic material held aloft by air alone, you can understand that if the fan should cease or lessen, so the tent should descend. Therefore, beloved, has Saint Germain cried out even unto his own as he has cried unto us, 'Give to me those fifty years and we will see that we can bring about a golden age of Light!' [highlighted by webmaster]

"But, beloved, it is a cry made almost in desperation, with a tear in the eye not alone of Saint Germain but also of Jesus.

' . . . This one thing I will tell you, then, of a certainty. As it is written, so it shall not be turned back: Of the seed of the wicked it is decreed they shall not escape their karma. Unless, then, there is the conversion and the turning to the Light, you can expect that the accounts are due of the sowing of Darkness by this group of fallen ones throughout America and the nations.

" . . . As to when and how these seed of the wicked shall be judged, it is indeed an edict of the Lord that is shielded from us all but which will be triggered when the weight of karma of the fallen ones is heavier than the rising incense of the devotions of the children of the Light. Ultimately, nothing will withstand this judgment. Therefore, get thee out of the way of a sinful society and know that thou art anointed in this hour to survive by illumination’s golden flame and oil.

" . . . Conserve energy. Be thrifty. Determine how, where, and when to survive this descent of the Lord’s judgment upon the betrayers of his Word. For it shall come swiftly. Thou hast no part with it. Depart, we say."

Goddess of Liberty

"We look, then, for those bodies (and correspondingly those souls) that can contain more Light. And we look to the deliverance of [your souls as well as] your bodies, which are the body of the Mother, from all stress and burden and pain and distress that comes about by the accumulation [of poisonous substances in the organs].

"Surely, beloved, the fallen ones have genetically engineered more than coffee and more than caffeine for their own entertainment and to the destruction of the Lightbearers, as Morya revealed this day. For he has shown the Messenger that this is true and that these substances are enjoyed as stimulants by the Nephilim themselves, who brought such products [as well as recreational drugs] from the Twelfth Planet.

"Well, they brought many more products [with them to planet Earth than] drugs for [pleasure and simulated states of exhilaration], as you were told, whose harmful effects they neutralized with [special] equipment. The substances they brought, beloved, included pesticides and all types of contaminants that do not agree with the natural order or the natural vibration of planet Earth [and her evolutions. Their] knowledge of chemistry [enabled them] to create toxic substances that always produce a negative spiral that turns counter to the positive clockwise spiral, even [counter to] the upward spiraling flame of the resurrection and [counter to] the positive spiral [with which God as Elohim originally charged] every cell and atom of your being.

"Thus they have introduced into the bodies that were provided for the souls of Light on this Earth substances that are totally intolerable [and totally] destructive, [causing degeneration, disease and death]. You must understand that this [systematic] destruction of the Lightbearers is a masterminded process.

"And [these fallen ones] do indeed fear the soul's contact with her Christ Self and the tremendous Power, Wisdom and Love of the Inner God, the Inner Buddha, the Inner Christ of everyone who is the issue of the Light of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun. They are desperate. They are envious. They are angry. And they have never ceased in their perpetual hatred of the Woman and her seed.

"And therefore they are as machines of imperil grinding out that imperil [and directing it] against you, seeking to trap you in every way possible—whether it be in psychological sockets wherein you bemoan your fate, whether it be in [mental and emotional states] of depression that are caused by these substances in the body, whether it be through schism in the psyche, whether it be that they have moved against your parents and those with you to cause all manner of burdens to be experienced by you in your childhood.

"No matter what the case [or circumstance], beloved, when you look at limitation and when you look at the [obvious] determination [of some one or some force] to snuff out your opportunity and your life, look to the Twelfth Planet, look to their organized confrontation with the forces of Light of planet Earth and just remember that that Twelfth Planet is the headquarters of Armageddon for the forces of the dark side in this sector of this universe.

" . . . Now, beloved, look across the plain—the plain that surrounds the Inner Retreat at inner levels and extends as far as the horizon, representing the world and [its day-to-day] doings. For on that plain this night there is a mist; and that mist is penetrated by the Eye of God, even the 'night radar,' as you would call it.

"Beyond the mist, then, we see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They are there, beloved, and they are at rest. They are awaiting the command of the Four Cosmic Forces to go forth [to deliver yet another] release of karmic judgment to the planetary body. Their time is not yet, but it soon dawns with the dawning of the sun.

" . . . Therefore, beloved, it is the place where the victory of Light must be won. Though it is preordained, it is not predestined. By this I say that that which God preordains, his sons and daughters must confirm and bring forth in the physical octave and in the Matter universe. This is the choice of the sons and daughters of God.

"If the battle is not won on this planet as it is intended, it will be taken to another and to another until there may be many souls lost in many systems of worlds. The battle will rage stronger as the forces of Darkness see themselves strengthened for the failure of those who have not understood that the victory is to those in embodiment who take their stand [against embodied Evil] and are unflinching and unswerving [in their dedication to the cause of the Great White Brotherhood]."

Lady Master Venus
October 8, 1990

"Have done with what we call the psychic, the lower astral plane! Have done with the spirits that mutter and peep. Have only one spirit—the Holy Spirit, whom I represent to you in a personified form.

" 'Choose you this day whom ye will serve.' So it is written. Serve one cause and let the Great White Brotherhood take care of all machinations of evil forces, whether of the power elite or of those who come from the Twelfth Planet or across the galaxies in their spacecraft. Have nothing to do with them, beloved, for they have nothing to offer you. All that you need is your Mighty I AM Presence, the righteousness of your Holy Christ Self and your soul's pursuit of the path of the Law.

"Beware of 'this' and 'that.' Beware of all that phenomena. Everything is out there, beloved. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the powers of God shall be added unto you.

" . . . when people by their own free will become not only addicted to but enmeshed in the psychic consciousness, they must by their own free will determine to cut themselves free from it. If you have dabbled in it, I tell you, work diligentlywork diligently to seal those places in your psyche that are open doors to the astral plane until nothing out of the lower levels of the astral plane can touch you. And furthermore, see to it that the glitter and glamour of the psychic no longer interest you.

"For your days are numbered. Your days are numbered even as the very hairs of your head are numbered. And those days and those hairs you must count, beloved, for you are yet finite and you shall not wear the robes of immortality until you ascend to the octaves of immortality.

" . . . So then, understand that there must be healing. But there can be healing only where individuals are truly on a path of service to the living Saviour and of balancing their karma. If people pay their way, paying as they go with violet flame and healing-green decrees, thereby transmuting the cause of their conditions, they will be healed according to the will of God.

"This is the price you must pay, beloved. By cosmic law, we cannot bestow either empowerment or healing unless there be deeds of merit on your record showing your active engagement in balancing your karma by the alchemy of service to life. In addition, you must seek and find the cause and core of disease in the karma recorded in each of your four lower bodies. From ancient times to the present, by the law written in texts and in your inward parts, your Jesus has given you all the keys that you need for healing if you will only follow and obey. [highlighted by webmaster]

" . . . There are only two choices. There is nothing in between. You are neither half-alive nor half-dead. You are either awake in everlasting Life or asleep in everlasting Death."

Maha Chohan
July 4, 1994

"Beloved ones, the Death Rider rides. That rider moves in the earth. And the karma of death is upon the nations, the karma of death, beloved, and of the aborting of life in the womb, the aborting of life—any part of life that is God, any part, beloved. This crime of the age that you have discussed this day surely comes back upon those who have set it in motion.

" . . . Blessed hearts, may you decree for the judgment of the source of Death and Hell, the source of abortion, which is again the fallen ones and again the fallen ones of the Twelfth Planet. There are many lines of hierarchies that come from that place, beloved. Let us be about the business of our Father-Mother God and go after them! For this is a most critical situation, as you have been told again and again and again.

" . . . Blessed hearts, we are gathering the teachers, the professors, the counsellors. We are gathering those who will truly teach the science of all the world's religions and the true spiritual foundations of all the world's science. This is an hour, beloved, of the stepping up of instruction and it does come from the heart of Lord Maitreya, whose Mystery School it is.

" . . . Even as the Death Rider now narrows the distance from the previous one, so we say, beloved, the Four Horsemen are moving and they are on the move and may you stay close to the God Star."

Sanat Kumara
and Lady Master Venus
January 1, 1991

"How do you turn around AIDS and promiscuity and all of the diseases that beset the people even while there are this day cures for those diseases that are not even being released?

"I will tell you how you turn it around. You remind yourself at least once a day that it is the dark ones, those spiritually wicked in high places, the fallen angels, the demons, the false hierarchies of the Twelfth Planet [who have infected an unsuspecting and a karmically vulnerable humanity with diseases that eat away at the heart and soul].

"All children of God and all sons and daughters of God, with very few exceptions (those exceptions being those who have truly taken the left-handed path), I tell you, beloved, are of good heart, good will and good mind. And regardless of what they have been taught or how they have been indoctrinated in their systems of education or brainwashed in their areas of religious [or political persuasion], these individuals mean well. They would do the best if they could see the best, if they understood the entire equation of Light and Darkness and Good and Evil, which does continue on planet earth.

" . . . The Law does count the opportunities given to each one. So many are turned down because they come so easy, as though your soul were approached by a suitor day after day and you tired of him and did not take seriously his offers and then one day the repetition of his coming would stop and all of a sudden you would say, 'Where has my suitor gone?' And the suitor would be gone forever. So does God pursue the soul. So does the Guru pursue the soul.

"Know this, O beloved ones: there comes a day, and it is an exact moment and it is calculated, when God and angels and Ascended Masters have pursued the soul for the last time. Now the soul must turn around and must chase after the Great Ones, who are dissolving into higher octaves. And in order to be with them, the soul must put on filigree veil upon veil upon veil to mount the higher octaves. And if she is not able, for she has not taken and applied the Teaching, then the gates close, the vision is gone, the higher octaves are sealed and she wanders the earth again, only God knows how many lifetimes.

"Yes, beloved, it is my key announcement to you today. I want you to live every day of the rest of your life with the conviction that you have but one life. Of this life you are certain, for you are here and now in physical embodiment. You cannot be certain of any other.

"I wish you to accept this bent of the mind, this cast of the mind, therefore eliminating all procrastination, beloved ones. For some of you who are young think you have many years ahead. Do not assume it! When it comes down to it, all that is guaranteed to you each day is that the sun rises on that day and at the end of that day the sun sets. [highlighted by webmaster]

"Thus, contemplate this mystery, beloved. It comes under the Law of the One. One universe of God is apportioned to you each day. It is a raindrop become a universe. What you do in that universe is stamped on your record permanently—permanently when it is good, permanently when
it is not, until you erase that karmic record.

" . . . Yes, beloved ones, seek to be real! Seek to be real! Seek to be real! I AM real! And I expect the extensions of myself, namely you, to have at least a portion of themselves that is absolutely real and is absolutely qualified with God-Reality every day of the rest of this life!"

Gautama Buddha
July 4, 1992

"Therefore take note, beloved, of those events in the scriptures that follow [the marriage of the Lamb]; for Armageddon must be fought and won and you are the physical anchor point for legions upon legions upon legions of Light. Those who have already joined you from the Great Central Sun and from out the great cosmic heights, are they not also a part of the armies of Karttikeya, Sanat Kumara? Indeed they are.

"And these legions of Light shall intensify according to your call, now that the seed of the Wicked One has seen to it that all who are the best of the sons of men in the earth have been shipped off to the Middle East, leaving the West and this nation not under the guardian spirit that it should be under, leaving that point of vulnerability, squandering the Light and the money and the supply of the people when the greatest defense ought to be mounted, as has been preached by me through this Messenger for so long.

"Evil men in high places, in the top places of this nation, have at inner levels cooperated with the fallen ones and with the Nephilim of the Twelfth Planet to bring about this situation. It is not the will of God, but it is the will of man in defiance of God. Therefore I say, let the judgment be upon those who would so easily spill the blood of my sons and daughters for their own self-gain and pride! They shall not prevail!

" . . . You do not see the programming from the Twelfth Planet of these individuals who pose as benign leaders. You do not see the inner pacts that they have made and their long-term agenda to rid the earth of the Lightbearer. You do not see how they have directed even the forces that assail you, those individuals in positions of power and even the spiritual wickedness in high places. All the way to Rome, to Moscow and Washington, whether in Church or State, you see the condemnation in inner circles of this Messenger and this Path and this Teaching.

" . . . Therefore understand that everyone who has ascended from this planet and from situations similar to yours has known the problems that you have known. We were not special or chosen except that long ago we chose to be that Christ. And from the moment we had our victory, we have never ceased to give that Christ to all whom we would meet.

" . . . Those who will reject my teaching and this science may also reject me. They fear the coming of the Lord's judgment; therefore they seek to deny the prophecy of that judgment. Do not count yourself among them, for they go the way of all flesh and the way of the captains and the kings and the mighty men.

"Therefore know that the calculations are true and the prophecies are true. And therefore they have been set forth through the Messenger. And you must look at them and give your violet flame [decrees] for yourselves."

Jesus Christ
November 22, 1990

"For by the momentum [of your service to this hour] and the [timing of the] moment, we may see heaven and earth meet in an extraordinary way, beloved. You have heard these words before, but I say to you, the convergence of heaven and earth in this hour is truly in the capstone that I now place on the pyramid of the United States of America at the etheric octave. [16-second applause]

"O the wonders of the Love of the Chela unascended and the Guru ascended! O the wonders of the Love of heaven and earth! It is a Love story, beloved. For it has been the great desiring of those above to visit those below in this tangible way[through the real 'harmonic convergence': the meeting of souls ascended and unascended in the Eye of the capstone]!

"And it is truly the desiring of those below to enter in to the hearts of the saints robed in white, the numberless numbers who gather round the throne of the Lamb and even those who are beneath the altar of God awaiting the victory of the saints in embodiment. [And their God-Harmony is found in their unity of perception and their singleness of purpose.]

"Blessed ones, I unveil to you the true meaning of the All-Seeing Eye in the capstone. It is the place where those dwelling in the unascended state do meet those who come from the ascended octaves or etheric planes. It is the designated place, beloved. And thus America is the designated place for this convergence whereby there is no longer separation in the Mystical Body of God.

"Beloved, the cumulative effect of all that has gone before in your sustaining of the momentum [of Light] in these prayer vigils and these labors [for the Lord] has brought [us to the] moment when the remnant of Lightbearers above and below could have that long-desired communion and that union. And so the prophecy of old and the writing in the great Book of the Law is this: not until those below could reach that etheric level and that vibration (for heaven cannot descend any lower, beloved) could there come about the placing of the capstone on the pyramid of this civilization.

" . . . Blessed ones, this is why we deem so important the publishing of the early Ashram Notes and the Pearls of Wisdom. For on [the foundation of] these teachings and in the footprints [of the Messenger who did] walk through them does rest that initial vibration whereby I did send forth the ray of my All-Seeing Eye of God to provide a beacon in the physical octave by which the Lightbearer could ascend to that place of [the capstone in] the Great Pyramid.

"Thus, you see, that highway of our God and that ascent, even within the shaft of light, is a spiral. And the blessed Mark did pioneer the way. Wherever he did walk, beloved, his footprints were the original ones in the sand and in the snow; and each and every one of you cycling upward [to the capstone] has placed your footprint in his. Blessed hearts, this is the accomplishmentthis unification of heaven and earth [in the capstone] that has come aboutthat can make the difference in whether or not Saint Germain shall have his golden age of Aquarius.

"And let us also praise the name of Micah, the Angel of Unity, who has made it his mission since the very start [of "project America"] to unite that heaven and earth. So unity is a powerful flame and that flame does enable the full power of the faith of Archangel Michael to come into form.

"Blessed ones, therefore let us understand that the placing of the capstone [on the pyramid of the United States of America] is the sign that in the etheric octave the remnant of Lightbearers have set the matrix for what that golden-age civilization can and ought to be. And those Lightbearers include the Ascended Masters, the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, the saints who are ascending from the etheric octave and even lifestreams from other solar systems.

" . . . Blessed hearts, know the wonders of Love, and know what wonders have been brought forth by your dedication. If you desire to continue in your labors [for the Lord] in [the arresting of the spirals of Darkness in] the Soviet Union and of the support [of World Communism by] Western capitalists and bankers, I say to you, we can provide the labors night after night. It is up to you.

"But I wish to express to you just how much [your tackling of these labors] means to beloved El Morya and to the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. For you see, beloved, El Morya does have his plan in hand, which he has worked on for decades, [for God-government in] the golden-age civilization [envisioned by the Darjeeling Council].

"It is a plan for the nations and for every nation upon earth as to how they shall evolve to that place [of participation from the Christ level]. And this plan truly depends on the fulfillment of the call and the calling of Gautama Buddha for true education and a curriculum that does cover the child's development from birth to [full maturity at] age thirty-three.

"Blessed hearts, upon the foundation of your teaching the souls of Light whom we may soon send you—as you are establishing that curriculum and as you are showing yourselves able to transmit [human and divine knowledge] in Lovethose other souls of Light [who are capable of transmitting the torch for a golden age of Aquarius] may also come into embodiment. And those souls of Light who have the karmic ties to all nations may begin to bring in that culture of the Divine Mother [and to restore] that culture of the Motherland.

"Therefore, although El Morya would not tell you just how much [these labors] mean to him, he does know that in this hour [your prayer vigils are] putting the brake on those who have camped in the Soviet Union. Not only [have they reincarnated] out of Death and Hell, the astral plane of this planetary body, but [they have also come] as aliens [in their spacecraft], intermingling with Soviet society. And they have come for one purpose: to destroy the United States of America as that Place Prepared where heaven and earth should meet.

"But, beloved, they have not met their timetable! They have not prevented [this placing of the capstone on the pyramid of America]! And therefore any holocaust or war that they should stage will not have been in time to prevent this manifestation!

"Now I say, let [this victory of the Divine Union of heaven and earth] be sustained by all who have a realistic comprehension of just what [level of] dynamic decrees it takes to sustain the mind and the heart in this etheric octave of the clear vision, the immaculate vision of the Blessed Mother. By transmutation and violet flame saturation pressing down into the electronic belt, [i.e., the subconscious,] beloved, there is the natural rising of the Light that carries the soul aloft to the capstone. [And The Summit Lighthouse beacon ever lights the way for the wayfarer who must make his way through the astral plane.]

" . . . There is more than one way to the capstone, beloved, and the builders have found that that way does come to them also. Therefore you are builders. And we build a new civilization from the within out. We build from the Retreat of the Divine Mother. We build from that etheric retreat [positioned over the Royal Teton Ranch] because in this hour you find that you are entering there, [your soul clothed in your etheric body,] by the wings of Light that you have invoked, by the momentum of your upward movement.

"The Lord Sanat Kumara is pleased. And yet, beloved, I also tell you that the effort made is the minimum requirement for this [placing of the capstone]. Thus, we would desire to see you meet the maximum requirement that there might be some [reserve momentum] when on certain days you are not able to fully sustain that line of contact and that line of energy flow [with the All-Seeing Eye of God]. Blessed ones, many conditions can change because of this; and that clear passageway from the physical octave to the heaven-world [at the Inner Retreat] can be kept open.

"All of the Elohim rejoice in the creation of the crystal chalice in the Heart. And now you understand how that crystal chalice has taken another form in the Heart to be the stupa for the residence of body and soul, [from which Maitreya and Morya's staff may] face that which may come upon the planetary body. Blessed hearts, [the same technique you applied] by the resurrection flame in your building [on the etheric plane] of that chalice, [which extends from the Heart of the Inner Retreat and embraces octaves of Light,] can be applied in this hour, as the resurrection flame may be used by you to sustain this contact [with the Eye in the capstone].

"I tell you, beloved ones, there is great rejoicing in heaven in this hour that this [placing of the capstone on the pyramid of America] has been sealed!

" . . . I tell you, beloved, this is the hour of mitigation, and the mitigation does come in the setting back of the timetables. It does not come in the averting of calamity; for there is too much personal and planetary karma involved that must be expiated and [there is] the necessity for the judgment of the fallen ones. It is hard to imagine that these things will come to pass without some upheaval [in society], some disturbance [in the earth], some of the manifestations that have been prophesied. Nevertheless, even the postponement does give day and hour and opportunity! And see what we have done with it this day! See what the Lord, with your hearts, has wrought!

"I AM Cyclopea with Virginia, and my eye is only upon the All-Seeing Eye of God and only upon the capstone. May you walk about in the days ahead thinking upon this (until you may fairly ache in your third-eye chakra!), seeing the Eye in the capstone, seeing the pyramid of this American civilization, seeing yourselves as holding, truly, that immaculate matrix for the return of the mighty eagle of Sirius, for the return of those [elements of past golden ages], even at the [level of the] etheric octave. For because that octave is united to the physical through that capstone, it can [once again] begin to be lowered into the physical. And because you are in physical embodiment and may bring others into embodiment, there is hope.

"Hope is the flame of fire, even ascension's flame in the heart of this pyramid. For as the resurrection flame is a part of pyramids, so the pyramid of this civilization does have within it the ascension flame because, beloved, it is America's destiny and the destiny of her people to ascend to the heart of God and to do so through this very passageway through the All-Seeing Eye.

"I AM Cyclopea! And I AM well pleased. I desire to see other Lightbearers cut free who could lighten your burden and strengthen your ranks. I desire to see it, beloved. And I commit to you that I shall use the maximum that the Great Law will allow me to use of your daily Cyclopeas to fetch them to your hearts, to seal them where they are, to protect them.

"Let the Divine Mother carry you and them in her arms. Let this moment and this hour be for your meditation in the heart chakra; for the heart chakra is the springboard to the victory of the Eye of God.

"In the words of Pelleur spoken long ago I say:

"You are our hope! You are our hope! You are our hope, beloved. And hope shines brightly in ascension's flame for thee, for thee this night.

"Manjushri and Maitreya, keep them till I return. In the name of the World Mother, I have come. In her name I shall return."

November 26, 1989

"We have seen the shadow of coming events in various parts of the world, as you have also seen this shadow. In the case of the visit to the United States of the head of Red China and his presence here in this hour, in the attempt by this government to keep China as friend and therefore to encourage and sign pacts of trade, we see the same danger in the building of Red China as was the case early in this century in the building of the Soviet Union—the same psychology, the same political view, and that is: rather than remain enemies, it is better to remain friends; rather than to have extremism and a harsh regime, to encourage moderation.

"Although the facts are known, there seems to be a certain political naivete, regarding the base elements and tenets of World Communism. Thus, I, your Guru, El Morya, on behalf of the Darjeeling Council and Kuan Yin, who represents the Karmic Board at this quarter, do address you concerning the worldwide problem of Communism and the inability of Western nations, powers, and groups to effectively combat this force and this cancer.

"I tell you, therefore, that the fundamental reason Kuan Yin is with you in this hour is to direct a spearhead of angels, legions of light, and saints in the etheric octave who have been slain for the blood of the Lamb in the name of World Communism. This spearheading is a frontal and all-out attack by the science of the spoken Word and the sign of the solar ring on the malignant force in the earth that does threaten to swallow up the very flame and flower of freedom . . .

"Thus, in taking up the burden of Kuan Yin, you see that the forces of World Communism in China are pitted directly against the heart of Mercy, the Mother of Mercy, and the very hearts of the lightbearers of mainland China and Taiwan. It is Kuan Yin who is crucified daily by every deed of murder and desecration and rape of the Woman and her seed perpetrated by the fallen ones in the worldwide Communist movement. These desecrations, beloved hearts, go on and are not stopped, whether in Afghanistan or in Honduras, because the powers-that-be in the West are at a loss to understand their own political equation or that of World Communism and how to become the very stalwart defense against this encroachment . . .

"And you must understand that the only way left to us to defeat World Communism is from the Within, by the power of the Kuan Yin secret rays from the heart of Cosmos and the Buddha, by the power of Light and the dynamic decree—the relentless moving against these forces day by day from the earliest decrees in the morning—to remove the cause and core of these forces and networks of Communism imitating the antahkarana of Life with a web of darkness to capture, hypnotize, manipulate souls and minds and bodies. All are considered fodder for the revolution. There is nothing sacred, and their smiles are deceptive and self-serving.

"Beloved hearts, it is treacherous indeed, for I tell you, the capacity to misuse power and to engage in acts of cruelty by Red China is far greater than that of the Soviet Union by the very race, by the very ancestry of these individuals. And if they had the same power and development of technology, wealth, and organization as the Soviet Union today, I tell you, they would not hesitate to move and take on the entire world."

El Morya

For the Messenger's lectures on prophecy through astrology see:

"Prophecy for the 1990s III," May 21, 1989 (see vol. 32 no. 32, p. 472 n. 8); 1989 PoW.

"A Prophecy of Karma as Seen in the Signs of the Skies 1988-1989," August 24, 1988, 2 audiocassettes, A88131; 2 videocassettes, GP88083.

"The Astrology of Canada's Destiny," April 16, 1988, 3 audiocassettes, A88064; "Prophecy for the 1990s I," 1988 PoW, Book I, hardbound volume, pp. 1-91.

"Saint Germain On Prophecy from 1988 through the 1990s-the Astrology of World Karma," February 13, 1988, 3 audiocassettes, A88024; 2 videocassettes, GP88019; "Prophecy for the 1990s II," 1988 PoW, Book II, hardbound volume, pp. 1-123.

"Hallowe'en Prophecy 1987," October 31, 1987, 3 audiocassettes, A87079; 2 videocassettes, GP87063; also in three 1-hr. cable TV shows for home use: "Prophecy: The Astrology of World Karma," HL87010; "On the Economy-The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," HL87011; "Fatima and Medjugorje," HL87012.

Insight to Mayan 2012

This is a very interesting and profound interpretation regarding the Mayan calendar in regards to 2012. Most refreshing. Enjoy.

Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya, Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the 'old ways on Turtle Island (North America).They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.

Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan. Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of

"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed."

The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij.

Devised ages ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history. For example, the day keepers who study the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce Acatal, as it was called by the Mexicans.

That was the day when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a butterfly". In the Western Calendar, the One Reed date correlates to Easter Sunday, April 21,1519 the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, Mexico.

When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface. In this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their calendars.

The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated. What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987—a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence.

Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun. From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth.

We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes.

All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. "It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. "Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate. If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr.Barrios said, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.

A Picture of the Road Ahead

From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr.Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead: The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world.

Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.
"Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way.

Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human."We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the
world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.

Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both sides, the light and the dark. High magic is at work on both sides. Things will change, but it is up to the
people how difficult or easy it is for the changes to come about.

The economy now is a fiction. The first five-year stretch of transition from August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years
deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow. The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them.

They could crash globally if we don't pay attention. If the banks crash . . . then we will be forced to rely on the land and our skills. The monetary systems will be in chaos, and we must then rely on our direct relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter.

The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise.

A Call for Fusion

As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light.

Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way. Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance."

"Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we
will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is
competition, diffusion, and no single focus.

"As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like
the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs
in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether.

The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element of the Heavens. Ether is a medium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens.

Ether the element of the Fifth Sun is celestial and lacking in material substance,but is no less real than wood, stone or flesh. "Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities," Mr. Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion.

But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012.

We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life. "To be Ready for this Moment in History Mr. Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are disturbed," he said. "We can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action.

"Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard, but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance through the years ahead. "The prophesied changes are going to happen," he said "but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people
to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the earth.

"Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own
tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely (Ormus rich food). A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways.

Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots."

"We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether, the realm where energy lives and weaves."

Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work."

"One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue colored candles. Think a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who
have the power to make war or peace."

We Have Work to Do

According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition.

The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems. "They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world."

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," Mr. Barrios advised before leaving Santa Fe. "Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you."

"Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."


Below are links to psychic predictions regarding year 2012 and beyondto be swiftly transmuted and utterly reversed by the science of the spoken word, violet flame and service to Light:

Revolutionary TimesParallels
in Pluto Cycles 2012 and beyond!
Pluto Conjunct the Galactic Center
2006 Through 2007

Precession of the Equinoxes 2012the Astronomy Connection

2012 Predictions 2012 Calendar

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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