O czarnej magii

Obraz Twego Boskiego JA

"Medrca szkielko i oko . . . "—Adam Mickiewicz
"Malo wiedzy jest niebezpieczne."—Francis Bacon

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Na poczatku dziekuje, ze istnieje strona Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa w Polsce. Pisze do Pani gdyz chce sie ustrzec bledu.

Trafilem na ta strone dzieki Mistrzowi Saint Germain i Zlotej Ksiedze, która wraz z kilkoma znajomymi przeczytalem.

Od tego czasu duzo w moim zyciu sie zmienilo uswiadomilem sobie, ze nie ma swietego bez przeszlosci ani grzesznika bez przyszlosci.

Postanowilem kroczyc droga, która wskazuja Wniebowstapieni Mistrzowie czytam wszystkie lektury zalecane i poczawszy od Alchemii poprzez ksiazki Zacharia Sitchin a konczywszy na Listach starego diabla do mlodego jest to fascynujaca lektura.

Niedawno jeden z moich znajomych trafil na strone . . . i zakupil ksiazke Wtajemniczenie do Hermetyzmu i jest nia bardzo zafascynowany. Przegladajac dokladnie strone Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa nie znalazlem zadnych wzmianek o tym autorze i nie czytam jej. Prosze o jakies informacje na temat Franza Bardona i jego ksiazek.

Odpowiedz webmastera:

Droga kart tarotu i tak zwanej 'magick"—w odroznieniu od bialej magii Swiatla Boga—nie jest droga powaznego studenta Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa oraz niezmiennego od eonow czasu prawa kosmicznego, ani tez nie prowadzi do wniebowstapienia.

Doprawdy wysmienicie okresliles stan twego znajomego, ktory oddaje sie studiom tego typu —zafascynowanie.

Zaiste czarna magia jest w stanie zahipnotyzowac i nieomal przejac wladze nad myslami i dzialaniem jednostki oddanej takim studiom. Studium Kabaly jako takie jest wysmienite dla studenta Wielkigo Bialego Braterstwa, ale nie ze zrodel, ktore podaja elementy czarnej magii wplatane w temat czystego Judaizmu.

Wspolczesny swiat krytykow literatury "o duchu" nadaje tytul "adepta" tym, ktorzy sa w stanie zapanowac nad materia fizyczna. To sztuczki czarnej magii, nie sa one trudne do opanowania, ale karma za bledne uzycie energii Boga jest zaiste poteznym ciezarem dla jednostki i swiata za takie wyczyny.

Tak jak w czasach Mojzesza, jego—dana mu przez Boga—sila Swiatla, byla automatycznie w stanie zanulowac energie "magick" magikow faraona praktykujacych czarna magie, tak tez istnieje wiele innych przykladow naduzycia czarnej magii, co pomoze nam pojac bezmyslnosc i bezsensownosc oddania sie studiom nad tym tematem.

Tak zwane "sidhis"—sily fizycznych "cudow" i "nadludzkich" mozliwosci przemiany materii nie sa podstawa pracy studenta Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa.

Podstawa jest oczyszczenie czterech nizszych cial z karmy osobistej droga uzycia fioletowego plomienia i zyskanie zdolnosci rozroznienia [dyskryminacji] zla od dobra, pojecia co jest zlem a co jest dobrem i sily postanowienia kroczenia sciezka Swiatla.

Gdy te elementy pracy staja sie codzienna rutyna studenta na sciezce, nadchodzi czas, gdy sily opanowania materii staja sie automatyczne, aczkolwiek drugorzedne w obecnych karmicznych czasach.

Gdy nawala karmy 28 000 lat spada na ludzkosc—tak jak w obecnych czasach—prawy student Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa poswieci cala energie Boga do jego dyspozycji dla utrzymania balansu Swiatla na ziemi i podtrzyma platforme ewolucji dla innych. Nie ma czasu i potrzeby objawienia "wyzszych" sil w nieistotnych sprawach osobistej dumy czy tak zwanego ego.

Gdy Jezus Chrystus rozpoczal swa publiczna misje awatara i adepta Wieku Ryb, bylo to na weselu w Kanie Galilejskiej. Jego matka, Matka Boska, w pelni swiadoma "kalendarza" duchowego Jej Syna, przypomina mu o tym: "Wina nie maja."

Jezus wkracza w tym momencie na scena publiczna i swiatowa—jest to Jego pierwszy oficjalny cud —przemienienie wody w wino. Ale nie jest to "magia czarnej sily"—to przyklad, alegoria i powiesc o przemianie wody nizszej swiadomosci na wino wyzszej swiadomosci. To takze uswiecenie stanu malzenskiego, jak i pokaz i dowod poziomu adepta przez Jezusa.

Cuda oparte na tak zwanej bialej magii—Swietle Boga—sa alchrmia ezoteryki a nie kompendium aktorstwa i fizycznego studium gestow, regul i zachowan.

Przykladem alchemii cudow Jezusa Chrystusa jest rozmnozenie chleba i ryb. To najwyzsza matematyka i geometria Boga—dwa plus piec rowna sie siedem—co odpowiada siedmiu promieniom i siedmiu czakramom.

Publiczny pokaz nadprzyrodzonych sil to rowniez wyzwanie opozycji sil zla, ktora gromadzi "dowody" na Jezusa proces ukrzyzowania. Adept jest zawsze czescia tego planu i Jezus w pelni pojmuje Jego krotki czas, pozostawiony mu w planie bozym do wykonania i wypelnienia Jego misji.

Taka jest rowniez droga adepta Wieku Wodnika—utrzymywanie balansu i rownowagi Swiatla w karmicznym punkcie planety, gdzie przebywa on/ona, oraz odpowiednie uzycie energii Boga danej mu/jej poprzez konserwowanie jej dla wyzszych uniwersalnych celow.

Prawdziwy adept to jednostka, ktora opanowala uzycie energii Boga i Swiatla, wyjasnione w obu tomach Studium Alchemii, podyktowanych przez Mistrza Wieku Wodnika, Saint Germaina.

Goraco polecam kontynuacje lektury tego epokowego dziela, poswieconego przez Mistrza Wieku Wodnika, Saint Germaina, wszystkim tym, ktorzy chca podazyc droga adeptow.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Wyslanniczka Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa
po dyktandzie Archaniola Michala 30-go grudnia 1980 roku

Powyzsza fotografia ilustruje przezroczystosc ciala Wyslanniczki Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa sila bialego Swiatla Boga po epokowym dyktandzie Archaniola Michala w Camelot, w Kalifornii. Takie manifestacje duchowosci jednostek nie sa codziennym darem Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych dla niewniebowstapionej ludzkosci z dwu wzgledow:

1. jak podano powyzej, kazda czastka energii Swiatla musi zostac uzyta dla transmutacji karmy swiata w obecnych czasach jej nawrotu,

2. pokazy poziomu adepta sa nieistotnym elementem sciezki studenta i niepotrzebnie fascynuja go czy powoduje idolizacje Wyslannika.

Osobiscie uczestniczylam w powyzszym wydarzeniu po dyktandzie Archaniola Michala i na wlasne oczy widzialam rozemocjonowanie i fascynacje kongregacji na skutek tego wydarzenia.

To na wielokrotna prosbe czlonkow The Summit Lighthouse Elizabeth C. Prophet dala zezwolenie na publikacje powyzszej fotografii, z zaznaczeniem, ze to sam Archaniol Michal byl autorem tej manifestacji..

Polecam nastepujace strony:

List o dawaniu porad
przez studentow Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych

List o mieszkancu na progu

List o klamliwych prorokach
i ich naukach

List o modus operandi
falszywych prorokow

List o bytach bezcielesnych
i energiach zla

List o eliminacji
negatywnych spiral w czterech nizszych cialach


Z miloscia i pokora w Chrystusie,


" . . . Therefore, let none be without a pictorial mandala of that Tree of Life, nor without the understanding of that Tree of Life which comes by the studying of the teachings of the Kabbalah given by the Messenger and the accompanying books written by Kabbalists. * For as you climb that Tree of Life, stair by stair you shall be internalizing the great T’ai Chi, the great sphere of Light that is the uppermost of the ten sefirot.

"I bid you understand that your life is surely the climbing of the ladder of the Tree of Life, which is and was Jacob’s ladder. So understand that that ladder restores the totality of being unto the image and likeness of God in Tiferet [the Son], in Keter [the I AM THAT I AM].

"Yes, beloved, that is the path of the ascension through the Son and the Father, and you who choose to see it in this manner will derive profound insight from your meditation on the Tree of Life as set forth by Abraham. And that insight is akin to that given by one who held the Chohanship of the Seventh Ray before I did, the beloved Kuan Yin. The Lady Goddess Avalokite\asvara/Kuan Yin will teach you much about the points of mercy—mercy by mercy by mercy. Mercy that is given and returned: this is the true road to completeness and wholeness.

"I, Saint Germain, then, as Samuel the prophet, now known as Uncle Sam because of that embodiment, have come in the earth. I have tarried in quasi retirement at this ranch, but I will tell you now that now is the hour when by dispensation I shall determine to be one with every Keeper of the Flame who is one with those legions who have come today and those lifewaves assigned to earth from the Violet Planet. I must have at least one Keeper of the Flame who will keep the vigil for my presence in your city, your town, and I shall be there."


* Books on the Kabbalah available through Summit University Press: Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah (1974; reprint, New York: Meridian Books, 1978), <#>3240. Charles Poncé, Kabbalah: An Introduction and Illumination for the World Today (1973; reprint, Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1978), #3184. Perle S. Epstein, Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish Mystic (1978; reprint, Boston: Shambhala, 1988), #3249.

Saint Germain

" . . . I make my plea for freedom—freedom for the souls of lightbearers from the perversions of vision, of beauty and of truth, freedom from the perversions of the beauty of the chakras of God in their body temples. In the name of the Mother I send forth the lightning of the Mind of God to shatter the forcefield of human bondage! And in the name Jesus Christ I say: shatter the forcefield! Shatter the forcefield of human bondage! In the name of the Christ I, Paul, demand the binding of the false hierarchs of love by the Archangels of Love, Chamuel and Charity!

" . . . Blaze forth the light! (repeated 20 times)

" . . . Precious hearts, the attack is on Love—divine Love blazing from the hearts of God's people as the nucleus of the new age. Therefore say with me in the name of Almighty God, and visualize the Great Blue Sphere from Alpha and Omega: Blaze forth the love! (repeated 22 times)

"Use this technique, precious ones. It is for the transmutation of energy fields of Darkness. By the rhythm of the sphere of Love from your causal body you will invoke an action of the blue lightning angels of the first ray serving under Archangel Michael who by the power of the Will of God will break down forcefields of misqualified substance so that the violet flame angels and the legions of Astrea (the Starry Mother who wields her circle and sword of blue flame for the exorcism of possessing demons of addictions of every kind) can come back again and again for a whirling action of the sacred fire as they hold the balance for your soul's liberation from all evil on the first and the seventh rays (of God's Will and Freedom).

" . . . I am Paul. I seal you now in the third eye. It is a seal of beauty, a kiss of love. And it is my hand cleaning the windshield of your consciousness. Aum, ma ray."

Paul the Venetian
July 3, 1977

". . . while others have slunk away and said, "It is too hard. I must have this and that in my ordered life. I am not here to work through the day and the night, to neglect my family or my this or my that." Beloved hearts, I have stood by and literally wrung my hands as I have seen cowards reborn, called "wimps"—who are wimps, for they are spineless—fail to understand a period of sacrifice or even to comprehend that there must be a means of separating the "humans" from the Sons of God, the goats from the sheep.

"Do you not remember how those were chosen to fight the battle, those who carried sword and armour? Blessed ones, they were told to drink of the waters of the river. And those who laid down their swords while they drank were cast aside, and those who kept their swords were chosen.

"As Morya said, we have a right to test and know the mettle of our chelas apart from the glory and the drama of an exclusive property in Malibu and a famous leader—or infamous, as they have attempted to make her and myself. We have a right to know who will survive a nuclear war among you and who will be the crybabies—and I tell you, we have discovered it!

"And there is no other word but failure for those who cannot rise to the occasion of sacrifice when the very angels of Sanat Kumara stand by with their flame in hand ready to transfer it to a heart if that heart would only cry out and say, "O God, give me the strength to fulfill this task for Saint Germain!"

"Thus you understand my silence during which many have asked: What is Saint Germain doing with his new dispensation? When will he speak of it? Thus, beloved, I speak of it when I know that I have hearts who can be trusted and who are not here for the merry-go-round or the titillation of senses.

"Let it be known that there were outcasts in Israel and there are outcasts today. Let it be known that there are those who may still go down in ignominy preferring their satin beds and creature comforts, and there are those who will stand and still stand as my minutemen and -women of the hour.

"Thus, first of all, let the criticism of the Messenger and of the strictness of our order cease. Let it be understood that we have drawn the line in the entire Community, including in Montessori international. Let chelas come to our school. Let nonchelas be not pampered by their parents or by themselves.

"Blessed hearts, whether you are parent or Community member, do not point the finger at our decision, our discrimination, and our discernment. The battle at hand is frightful. We draw a circle of light and we demand that those who choose to be in it cease their bellyaching, cease their fantasies concerning members of the opposite sex, cease their human consciousness and recognize that in the time it took to play this piece, the 'Rakoczy March,' blessed hearts, in that short a time, you could cease to exist through a nuclear first strike.

"Now, if you desire to dally in your demanding of rights for creature comforts another round, I suggest you contemplate just how much dalliance there will be in the world that is left. And I shall not speak of it again! The discipline of Maitreya be upon you and your own woes as well! For I, Saint Germain, am not permitted to engage my vow with God with you when you have proven or prove yourselves faithless—faithless to our covenant or rule of order in this Community.

"This year has seen leaders of local study groups becoming involved in affairs with new students, both leaving the Path, thus using the energy of the altar either for psychic channeling and delivering private messages from the Masters to their little groups or for the arousing of the untransmuted baser energies. It is well-known that the Holy Ghost and the power of the Brotherhood that does go forth will indeed activate all momentums of Darkness as well as of Light. This is why we have Keepers of the Flame Lessons. This is why we have studies and disciplines. It is necessary to remember them. It is necessary to guard oneself.

"How can so great a Light as Sanat Kumara come into your midst when the very presence of the Light causes you to criticize your neighbor or to lust after another man's wife or to neglect your own family? Keepers of the Flame, be on guard!

"This is my final opportunity and I guard it well. Therefore, you also should understand that you keep the flame of Maitreya and you ought to be concerned when you observe violations of the flame and recognize that your silence on human compromise, seeking popularity, places in jeopardy the entire Community. There are none so fooled and so damned (which means judged by the Law) as those who allow human rationalization to compromise the most basic principles of our Path.

" . . . for all that has been given and gone forth there is a desire on the part of our students to appropriate the light to their private uses and to mold a new image and a new way of life for the Community that is apart from the path of chelaship which Morya has established. And not the example of the Messenger or the qualified staff has in any way deterred those who have said, 'We will do it our way. We will prove that we can take the Teachings and do it our way. We will show that these rules and principles are no longer prevailing.'

"Beloved ones, thus does begin the compromise of the founding principles of every religion. Beware of it. We know of the psychics and other religious leaders who take our teachings, our books, and our decrees and blend them with their version of an anti-Guru, anti-Christ path. So they have said, in Germany and elsewhere, 'Why can we not take the decrees and the songs and leave the rest? We do not need the Messenger. We have our own messengers and our own seers.' Thus, beloved, no graver mistake has ever been made than by those who stand neath the boot of the Soviet, only miles from the border.

"If you speak of apathy and indifference, speak, then, of somnambulance! Speak of those who sleep in their pride of intellect and of the false theologians who have come out of that nation, always destroying the spirit and confounding the innocent with their misuse of the letter.

"Blessed hearts, it is a shame to turn aside my mouthpiece. It is a shame to look at human idiosyncrasies or the pressures upon this instrument and to judge by some imagined divine standard that the Messenger does not measure up. Beloved hearts, early in her training—very early, in an hour when the burden of the bearing of world karma was too great for Mark Prophet to bear—this Messenger, by the age of twenty-three, was bearing the burden of half of the weight of planetary karma with Mark.

" . . . If you consider how so easily you are drawn apart by the machinations of your own mind to stray from my heart though you love me still, let me tell you, beloved, those who have a little more karma, a little less light are swept away by false-hierarchy impostors of myself who cleverly, cleverly disguise themselves as teachers of righteousness. The personality cult and the hypnosis practiced by the leader is all-enveloping. It must have your forthright decree work.

" . . . I speak, then, to those who weary themselves, their families, and us in the prolongation of their psychological problems and their physical ailments. Blessed ones, if you will remember sins committed against you by another, I can only say, God pity you, for you contain the seeds of your old age and your demise. I say, God pity you who have not known me or the violet flame!

"And I have cried out to many a disturbed person who has come, disturbed by the very fact of desiring to manipulate others and thereby attracting to himself demons, possessing and otherwise, and I have said, 'Is there not a violet flame? Have you not called to the violet flame? Do you not believe in the violet flame? Have you no mercy upon your God, your family, the angels who tend you? Where is the violet flame? Where is mercy?' And this is what the Law will not allow —the unmerciful servant, the unmerciful heart, the one who says he forgives but never forgets and thus has not transmuted the wrongs of a true brother of Light.

"Blessed ones, we all, I included, have passed through many periods in the human consciousness in many embodiments for which we have no pride. And when we look at these moments, we are grateful for the Holy Spirit, the violet flame, and those who have sponsored us. Thus, if there were to be held against me or you all of the foibles and mistakes of all past lives, there would be no salvation.

" . . . And let there be less animal magnetism in this Community. Let God act in your life and do not so easily succumb to Death entities who come in the guise of sympathetic attractions, involvements, the tying up of one's energy, et cetera, et cetera."

Saint Germain

"You can become the inner lodestone and the active Presence all at once. This is the fulfillment of the androgynous nature of God: as above, so below! as within, so without! Let God reign and be supreme within you, without!

"And you shall know with the fiery determination given to you of old in the very center of God the way and the means to make use of every precious erg of energy, every precious moment and hour."

Mighty Cosmos
June 30, 1973

O mocy slowa mowionego
i o dekretowaniu, cz. II

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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