O astralnej energii
'swiat ma mi dac wszystko czego oczekuje,
bez wysilku lub kosztu z mej strony'
Logo Mission Poland
"Understand that the highest and most perfect love
begins with your individual expression of the heart,
the expansion of that flame of love until all irritation is consumed
and pride is not and you stand before your God truly worthy
of whatever blessing can be given."
—Great Divine Director, July 5, 1985

Pisze korespondent www.tslpoland.org i www.tslpl.org:

"Pisze w sprawie Internet Radio. Jak rozumiem, uzywanie Internet Radio Mission Poland mialo byc bezplatne.

"W moim wypadku przez pierwsze dwa dni odbieralam transmisje bez problemu, po czym pojawila sie ikonka 'Login in 'i musialam sie zalogowac do Radio Live 365.com, gdyz bez tego sie dalo [sie] sluchac, po czym dostalam oferte oplacenia skladki czlonkowskiej (z 50 % bonifikata), i dzisiaj przypomnienie. Co z tym zrobic?

"Gdybym chciala zaplacic, to i tak nie mam konta dolarowego. Dziekuje za te cenne informacje, ktorych mi udzielilas—beda pomocne tez dla innych.

"Zzyjemy w zupelnie innych warunkach (dostepnosc kont walutowych, przelewow itp.), takze znajomosc obslugi uslug internetowych jest inna (przynajmniej u niektorych . . . )"


Odpoweidz webmastera:

Dziekuje za twe uprzejme uwagi.

Rejestracja, o ktora Live365 Membership prosi cie jest jedna z BEZPLATNYCH prosb tej instytucji internetowej. Stwarzasz pseudonim i haslo, ktore identyfikuja cie dla tego radia Live365 dla celow statystycznych. Poprzez to rowniez torujesz krotsza droge do znalezienia Mission Poland—stacji posrod tysiecy innych w Internecie.

JEST TO BEZPLATNA JEDNOMINUTOWA AKCJA Z TWEJ STRONY. Jesli to zbyt wielki wysilek, zaiste problem jest nie do rozwiazania.

Wniebowstapiony Mistrz El Morya mowi:

'Istnieje cena [niematerialna] do zaplacenia za bycie studentem Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych.' Powyzej jest opis jednego z jej przykladow.

Istnieje tez kilka innych aspektow partycypacji w Internet Radio Live365; jedna jest VIP Membership, co pozwala na eliminacje reklam podczas programow w jezyku polskim i angielskim.

Twoja podstawowa BEZPLATNA partycypacja [opisana powyzej] NIE JEST W ZADNYM STOPNIU WYELIMINOWANA przez udzial, czy jego brak, w jakichkolwiek platnych extra/dodatkowych wyborach odnosnie Internet Radio Live365 VIP Membership.

Ponizej oferuje kilka uwag, napisanych z najwyzsza miloscia mego serca—uwag odnosnie powyzszych zapytan i komentarzy od ciebie.

Z twych uwag wyglada, ze niektorzy maja dluga droge do pojecia ekonomii kapitalistycznej, w jej czystej formie popieranej przez Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych Wielkiego Bialego Braterstwa. Energie wymagan, lekow, braku zaufania jak i monopolizacji czyjegokolwiek czasu przez zadawanie powyzszych, raczej prymitywnych pytan—nie sa dobra podstawa do pracy dla Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych wsrod studentow nauk Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych. Polecam kilka godzin fioletowego plomienia i list z przeprosinami do Mistrzow Karmy i Saint Germaina.

Wiecej na stronie:

O naukowych odkryciach Wieku Wodnika
i o technologii Saint Germaina

Sle gorace zyczenia pracy duchowej nad eliminacja twych lekow, podswiadomego osadzania innych o klamstwo i braku zaufania, jak tez braku podstawowej wiary i cierpliwosci. To nie jest dobra duchowa platforma dzialania. Uprzejmie powtarzam:

Wniebowstapiony Mistrz El Morya mowi:

'Istnieje cena [niematerialna] do zaplacenia za bycie studentem Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych.' Powyzej jest opis jednego z jej przykladow.

Od czasow zwyciestwa Solidarnosci ponad dwadziescia siedem lat temu [mialam osobisty przywilej przekazac energie tego zwyciestwa Lechowi Walesie od Saint Germaina] kazdy Polak ma prawo otwarcia konta bankowego zagranicznej waluty w Polsce.

Prosze uprzejmie, nie graj roli nieobeznanej z miedzynarodowymi narzedziami cywilizacyjnymi. Podrozujesz za granice i z zasady musisz uzywac walute zagraniczna, ktora uzyskalas na otwartym rynku na terenie Polski.

A o tym, czego nie wiesz, prosze uprzejmie naucz sie w kraju, od poinformowanych, inteligentnych i obeznanych wspolziomkow. Istnieje olbrzymia kadra miedzynarodowej wspolpracy Polski z zachodnimi bankami w kapitalistycznym systemie USA, jak i calego swiata zachodu.

Wiedza jest potega.

Czas jest darem Boga.

Uzywaj go dobrze.

Z gleboka miloscia i zyczeniami, aby Polacy stali sie przykladem madrosci, praktycznosci i zaiste roztropnosci dla swiata Nowego Wieku Wodnika i poszukiwaczy Swiatla Boga na swiecie, bo taka jest rola studentow Mistrzow Wniebowstapionych, goraco polecam cie sercu Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej.


Z miloscia i pokora w Chrystusie,


" . . . There is a time for self-correction, which has nothing to do with self-condemnation! A mistake begets a joyous desire for excellence, for self-overcoming, for reaching the star, for being like El Morya. It is not a question of guilt. It is not a question of sin. It is not a question of self-flagellation. It is a realization of limitation: 'I will conquer! I see this. I will cut through it. I will put it behind me.'

"You know that the great Law has written that if you continue to call upon the law of forgiveness and [to] invoke the violet flame for the same repetitious cycle of mistakes, one day the Keeper of the Scrolls with your own Christ Self will stand before you with the announcement that the legions of the violet flame [and] cosmos itself may no longer deliver to you the violet flame in answer to your call. And what's more, the full accountability of all previous misuses of the sacred fire will come home as karma on your doorstep.

"You cannot thwart the Law. You cannot violate it. Mercy is an immense gift. It is not something that is on a shelf. It is not the next paper towel in the roll that you tear off and use again to mop up after yourself. It is a precious dispensation from God. It is given to His sons and daughters.

"Did you know that the fallen ones and the godless are not given the violet flame? Do you know that those individuals who have come to this activity and said, 'Decrees do not work,' are right? They do not work for them because they are the godless! And they have denied the living God! They have condemned their brothers and sisters. And the law [of transmutation] ceases to function in their lives because it is a grace and a gift that you must appreciate and [for which you must] show forth your gratitude to all life by giving of it more liberally [to others] and by serving."

July 7, 1984

"Blessed hearts, know the difference, then, between a chela initiated by El Morya at Summit University and one who is not. There is simply no comparison. Those who are not, yet retain a certain glaze and gloss of the astral substance that may shine as silver but never as gold.

"Thus understand, beloved, that without the quickening, where shall the Son of God appear? And without your chalice upheld, where shall the Messenger come to? Thus you have established this sanctuary. Now you must fill it with the fire of your heart. And let your fire, then, shoot forth through all your veins and atoms and through your minds, renewing yourselves with the Power, Wisdom and Love of the mighty threefold flame of the Eternal Youth, Sanat Kumara.

" . . . if there ever were true indulgences of heaven, know this for a truth, that those who decree and stand and preach the Word, teach the Word and spread all those facts and figures and teachings given by the Messengers, you shall indeed have a multiplication factor of Light unprecedented added unto you for your service."

July 14, 1987

" . . . Therefore I say to you, Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

"Wake up and put first things first! What must be first in your life is your determination to wholeheartedly embrace the path of chelaship under the Messengers and me. You will not advance without submitting to chelaship! And I will not give you of my fiery substance nor will any other Ascended Master give you of his fiery substance if you do not tackle your human creation.

"One way or another, it must be done.

"Either you break the momentum of your human consciousness or it will break you and you will find yourselves returning to planet earth again and again. I will not tell you when the Ascended Masters will retire for a time from their involvement with earth's evolutions. But I tell you this: You would be wise to take your ascension during the dispensation of our remaining centuries of service on earth.

"Beloved, I have much to say. But I am come chiefly to deliver in you a fire that will devour your human selfishness, your human indulgence and your human nonsense! These three enemies cause me to place my hands over my ears and cry, Halt! Halt! I will hear none of this foolish chatter! Get on with the saving of a world if you intend to one day be an Ascended Master.

" . . . I am your friend. You are my friend. And I tell you candidly, beloved chelas around the world who are tuned in, I need you. The Darjeeling Council needs you. Now let us be up and doing. And let us become missionaries of the Everlasting Gospel while there is time.

" . . . Make your move now, beloved. For you may never have another chance to fulfill your God-appointed round.

"I AM Morya. The love of my heart for you is intense, enfiring, and as great as great are the sun and the stars themselves.

"I AM Morya.

"Fight for your victory!

"Fight for your victory!

"Fight for your victory over self!"

El Morya

" . . . What is the greatest point of alienation upon the planetary body? What is the greatest conglomerate of anti-Christ? It is the point of alienation that begins with the anti-Self and then becomes the false hierarchy's version of the Community of the Holy Spirit."

Elohim Heros and Amora
January 1, 1982
"We come to disperse confusion and all chaos that assails the white flame of the White Goddess. Her children do not know the difference between discarnates, astral beings and ascended masters, nor have they learned to perceive the difference in the vibrations of these astral entities and the Ascended Ones. They have taken a smattering of the Teachings of the Brotherhood and they have thought in their vanity that they have come to the knowledge of the Truth."

January 18, 1976

Our Guru El Morya, who overshadows Mother, is actually a Zen Master. Mother once told her students that his disciplines are specifically calculated to defy the reasoning mind so that the chela will have to develop his heart chakra and approach the path of discipleship with the discipline of the heart and the wisdom of the heart.

El Morya separates the sheep from the goats by giving his chelas disciplines that are like Zen koans. It is something like the Gordian knot. If you cannot undo the knot, or the koan—if you cannot figure it out with the logic of the mind—you just have to take a knife and cut right through!

Those who have the love of the Guru in their hearts thrive under this type of discipline. Those who do not leave in anger with a great sense of injustice because they believe their egos have been insulted.


Teachings of the Ascended Masters
Worldwide Internet Radio in Polish

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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