The Great White Brotherhood
in the History of the Polish Solidarity

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men,
undergo the fatigues of supporting it."—Thomas Paine

"Posterity—you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve
your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."—John Quincy Adams

"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments,
or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume
of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased
or obscured by mortal power."—Alexander Hamilton

"Beloved hearts, how each one reacts to the reaction of the Soviet force
(the Nephilim force) against the lightbearer will make all the difference.
Those who are the lightbearers of Poland have determined to take their stand
and hold the line on all freedoms won. Yet the Communists have determined
to take away all freedoms won, in the name of a declared state of emergency
—even a declared state of war. It is indeed the real war. It is the war
of the Watchers against the lightbearers."—Pallas Athena, December 13,1981

"I say it unto you in the streets of Los Angeles and New York
and Philadelphia and Berlin and Warsaw—and in the very heart of Taiwan.
I say: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!"—Jesus Christ

"The true test of civilization is not the census, nor the size of cities, nor the crops
—no, but the kind of man the country turns out."—Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Where there are no physical defenses, beloved, it must be the hearts
of those of freedom who are so intense and whose intensity
does attract so many angels that the hosts of darkness truly fear
to carry out their Armageddon."—Goddess of Liberty, July 2, 1988

"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come
from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance.
The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power,
not the increase of it."—President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."—Kris Kristofferson
"I am not a diplomat . . . even less an intellectual. I am an uncouth man,
a worker . . . and I am a man with a goal to reach."
Lech Walesa, Solidarity leader

On 1943-March 29, 1981, the front page of the Los Angeles Times
carried a picture of Lech Walesa getting out of his car.
Showing through the windshield was a sign that read, “It’s exciting to be Polish.”

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."
—W.B. Yeats

"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily.
To not dare is to lose oneself. "—Soren Kierkegaard

"Solidarity was inspired by itself—not by socialism
but by the ideology of Christianity."—Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

"Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world,
that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground
is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth." --George Washington

Inscribed on the monument erected at the entrance to the Gdansk Shipyard
in memory of those who died in December 1970 are the words of the Psalm:

"The Lord will give power to His people;
The Lord will give His people the blessing of peace."


"Solidarity . . . the union of those who hold in their hearts the sacred labor of the Mother of Poland . . . I am for the union of hearts in the ethic of work!

" . . . Some of you thought Archangel Michael’s statement 'I AM for the Union' was for you
and your private understanding alone. He spoke of Solidarity! He spoke early of it. He spoke of the union of those who hold in their hearts the sacred labor of the Mother in Poland.

"I, too, am for the Union—for the union of hearts in the ethic of work! Overthrowing the impostors of this sacred labor is the only way a world will be forged and won. The misrepresentatives of the people in the Communist parties, in the Politburo and even in some labor unions of the West have no part with the true shepherds.

"I say to you with the intensity of determination: go to the workers of America with my message and with the teachings of the Ascended Masters! Build now a mighty movement becoming the Manchild after the pattern of the saints in Poland! Do not neglect this labor.

"Understand that it is the humble people who work the land and build and toil in the
factories who are the very foundation of life . . . I say: Rescue them! Educate them! Love them!

" . . . Take then the lesson of Poland as an archetypal pattern for every nation upon earth. For every nation, United States not excluded, must pass through this fiery trial.

"I pray that you will be ready . . . as the people of Poland have been prepared through my own heart and their devotion to it."

Mother Mary
(for audio click here)

"We will surround the nation of Poland. We as bodies of light—we will lay down our bodies and we will also stand in our ascended master light bodies with you, through you, as one, and we will be the reinforcement of the light. And where we stand, there stands the Great White Brotherhood and there is the sign of the cosmic cross of white fire and there is the upraised right hand—They shall not pass! They shall not pass!

"Let there be the hearing of the Word of Portia who sets her hand upon this people for the deliverance of those who will in glory recite the Hail Mary as the rosary of Life.

" . . . O light of God, thou whom we adore in the heart of the Word, even in the heart of the Ancient of Days, come now to rest and bring a little bit of heaven into these hearts and into the hearts of Ireland and the hearts of the people of Poland. We bring light to all people this day, but we concentrate our ray upon the deadly serpents and their death cult."

Saint Germain

[Poles] " are fervent seventh-ray people. They have come to earth with the charge of Sanat Kumara to maintain the light of freedom. Voluntarily they went under the enslavement of the Soviet boot for the very purpose of proving that free hearts will never say die.

"Blessed ones, it may be calculated that the Communist government of the USSR cannot tolerate further encroachments upon their entire mechanism, but it may also be said that the light-bearers of the world will not tolerate further encroachment upon their heart flames! The immovable object and the Rock of Christ—do not close your eyes to the inevitable encounter.

" . . . I recall you to the great truth that there is a line where light and darkness must meet. And the line may very well be the line of the people of Poland because, in this hour, they are the most daring and intrepid chelas of my heart.

"Realize the great truth, then—and do not close your eyes, do not close your eyes!—that there are people upon earth, namely the Polish people, who will prove to the world, as Jesus Christ did, that it is better for some to give a public example of the crucifixion than for all to go down beneath the boot of World Communism."

Saint Germain

" . . . the Mother flame will rise in this fourteen-month spire, and the cosmic cross of white fire in the hand of millions of seraphim will be in the earth as the impetus for the purification of the mental belt, where the Mind of God is intended to manifest in the mind of man. And it, too, will have consequences in the physical octave, for the purging of the mind becomes the purging of the subconscious mind and the lowering of the superconscious mind into the very chalice of the heart.

"Thus, the fount of purity rises from the base unto the crown for the alignment of purity and the victory of wisdom. Thus, Father and Son, Mother and Holy Spirit, from the base chakra to the crown chakra, is the alignment of life within you. This is for the straightening of the axis of each individual upon Terra.

"Thus, when illumination, fired by the rocket of the Mother flame, goes forth into the world, I say, "Watch out!" Be watchmen upon the wall of the Lord. Be vigilant, for this white fire and this piercing light of yellow fire combine, then, to awaken all of the serpents in the earth and all of the laggard evolutions who have thwarted the divine plan of God."

Serapis Bey

"Century upon century the saints have given and given. The saints made it possible for those of us who are now ascended to work the works that we had to work in our day. In the days when we were unascended, we reached our goal, we accomplished our ends because we had friends, beloved—friends such as you who are here today."

Saint Germain
March 19, 1995

"You wonder why Solidarity didn't make it—why World Communism hasn't collapsed? Because this government [the government of the United States of America] decided to protect the international bankers instead of the freedom fighters in Poland—that's why!"

Elizabeth C. Prophet

"Although the facts are known, there seems to be a certain political naivete, regarding the base elements and tenets of World Communism. Thus, I, your Guru, El Morya, on behalf of the Darjeeling Council and Kuan Yin, who represents the Karmic Board at this quarter, do address you concerning the worldwide problem of Communism and the inability of Western nations, powers, and groups to effectively combat this force and this cancer.

" . . . Though some may think they know the path of Morya, I tell you, even in my dictations and service we have only scratched the surface. Therefore, do not presume that you know the path of the will of God until you have assimilated the body and the blood of that living Will incarnate in all sons of heaven who have achieved to the attainment of the first ray of the dawn.

"We guide you with precision, for precision is the requirement of the hour—and timing. Thus, occupy till I come, for this space is now reserved for the speaking to you of the beloved Kuan Yin."

Messenger’s Invocation

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, I call upon the sacred fire. I call upon the mighty Elohim of God. I call unto the Great Central Sun Magnet to raise up Friends of Freedom on mainland China and in Taiwan.

Raise up the Light of God within them! Raise up the mighty threefold flame! Raise up the Buddha! Raise up the Christ! Raise up the Divine Mother of Kuan Yin, Gautama Buddha, AvalokiteÑvara—the Christ of Lanto and Lord Confucius, the Christ of Jesus and Kuthumi, beloved El Morya, and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood! And let the Christ of their own hearts descend—The Lord Our Righteousness! Seal all Friends of Freedom on earth in that mighty Christ flame!

I call to beloved Mighty Hercules to protect all freedom-fighters and lightbearers in mainland China and Taiwan. Raise them up now! Seal them by the power of the sacred fire! Bind the Antichrist and all opposition to them now!

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother, we call to you, Friends of Freedom from out the Central Sun and the octaves of Light! Descend into embodiment with your people in mainland China and Taiwan! Descend now, Cosmic Christs and lightbearers, and defend the Way of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother, Amen.

El Morya

"Indeed, the Fourth Horseman stalks the earth. And there is war and rumors of war. And unless those who incarnate the living flame of peace [messenger forms the abhaya mudra ] raise the right hand for the manifestation of peace and the reversing of war, you can see that there is no stopping the fallen ones and their advancement, for they are marching to their own death march. They have heard the death knell, and therefore they will march until they are no more!

"You must understand that they will march across any and every land where the freeborn allow it, where the sons of God do not intervene, where the children of the light do not have the shepherds to contact the living Word. Sometime, somewhere the sword of steel must be drawn and the right hand of the Buddha within you must be raised!

"Realize, then, that nations are making decisions. The president of the United States and his cabinet are making decisions—decisions that ought to be made by the people through their representatives in Congress! Yet these decisions * are being made and not questioned. As greater and greater power is centered in one individual, there is the greater opportunity for calamity by reason of the wrong choice and the wrong decision."

* Refers to economic sanctions imposed by President Ronald Reagan December 23, 1981, against the Soviet Union for what he termed Moscow’s “heavy and direct responsibility for the repression in Poland” in conjunction with the December 13, 1981 military crackdown (see Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, p. 22, n. 2). During the 10 days that lapsed before sanctions were imposed, Polish workers in mines, steelworks, and factories sustained heroic resistance through strikes, sit-ins, and demonstrations. By December 23, clashes with police and military troops left at least 100 dead and hundreds more injured; over 40,000 were interned
in makeshift, open-air prison camps. At mines near Katowice about 3,000 miners barricaded themselves in, in defiance of martial law, and stood their ground despite freezing temperatures in the mine shafts as a result of a power shutoff. Church sources reported that the government was trying to starve out the miners by refusing them food. According to Polish government reports, by December 30, martial law had effectively ended active resistance.

El Morya

Lech Walesa on the First Day of Protests
in the Gdansk Shipyard
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains
and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take,
but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"—Patrick Henry, 23 March 1775

"Challenge those who deny the God-given rights of the citizens of Earth."
Gautama Buddha

"Of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number
have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people,
commencing demagogues and ending tyrants."—Alexander Hamilton

"In every great cause it is not the numbers of fighters that counts
but it is the quality of which they are made that becomes the deciding factor."
—M. K. Gandhi

"History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid."
—Dwight D. Eisenhower

"If there is one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire
better than another, it is a brave man—it is the man who dares
to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil."—James A. Garfield

Duchowa historia Solidarnosci 1
Duchowa historia Solidarnosci 2
(Polandthe Proletarian Paradise
It Is Exciting to Be Polish!)

E.C. Prophet, 24 sierpnia 1980
Camelot, USA
audio K8032
Copyright © 1980
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Elohim Purity
niesie krzyz Polski

(Purity Bears
the Cross of Poland)

Elohim Purity
E.C. Prophet, 24 sierpnia 1980
Camelot, USA
audio K8033
Copyright © 1980
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Otoczymy Polske
(We Will
Surround Poland)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 7 grudnia 1980
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1980
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Rosyjska armia
na granicy Polski

(Soviet Troops Aligned
on the Borders of Poland)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 25 grudnia 1980
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1980
All rights reserved.

Uwolnij moj lud
w Polsce!

(Let My People Go
in Poland!)

El Morya
E.C. Prophet, 15 lutego 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Jestem gotow
uwolnic ludzi Polski

(I AM Prepared to Free
the People of Poland)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 15 marca 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Znak Lecha Walesy
(Lech Walesa's Sign)

E.C. Prophet, 29 marca 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Archaniol Michal
o Solidarnosci
popieram ten zwiazek!
(Archangel Michael
about Solidarity -
I AM for the Union!)
Archangel Michael
E.C. Prophet, 2 lipca 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Zastepy Archaniola Michala
maszeruja wzdluz granic
totalitarnego panstwa

(Archangel Michael's Legions
March on the Borders
of the Totalitarian State)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 31 lipca 1981
Ellecom, Holland
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Polska rewolucja

(It Is Exciting
to Be Polish!)

E.C. Prophet, 12 pazdziernika 1981
Camelot, USA
audio B8176
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wszelka wrogosc
w stosunku do Polski

(All Malintent
Against Poland)

Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara
E.C. Prophet, 12 pazdziernika 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Moi najbardziej bohaterscy
i nieugieci studenci w Polsce

(My Most Daring and Intrepid
Chelas in Poland)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 1 listopada 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Meczennicy Jezusa w Polsce cz.1
Meczennicy Jezusa w Polsce cz.2
(Martyrs of Jesus in Poland
part 1 and part 2)

El Morya
E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
audio K8163
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Nastepny krok—rozaniec
do Najswietszej Marii Panny
dla adepta w wieku Wodnika
(The Next Step)

Mother Mary
E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
audio K8164
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Apel w sprawie Polski
(Jesus Christ's
Christmas Address)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 25 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

List z Polski
Do Boga wolnych gwiazd!
(A Letter from Poland
To God of Free Stars!)

E.C. Prophet, 24 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
audio K8163
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Modlmy sie za ludzi w Polsce
—nie za niegodnego proroka

(Let's Pray for the People of Poland
—not for the Unworthy Prophet)

E.C. Prophet, 27 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Wolam o uwolnienie
dzielnych dusz w Polsce!

(I Call for the Liberation
of the Valiant Souls in Poland!)

El Morya
E.C. Prophet, 31 grudnia 1981
Camelot, USA
audio B8204
Copyright © 1981
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Brak pomocy dla Polski
(Neglect to Assist Poland)
Elohim Apollo and Lumina
E.C. Prophet, 1 stycznia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Brat przeciw bratu w Polsce
(Brother Against Brother in Poland)
Elohim Heros and Amora
E.C. Prophet, 1 stycznia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Klejnoty ametystowe w Polsce
(Amethyst Jewels in Poland)

Elohim Purity and Astrea
E.C. Prophet, 2 stycznia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Badz gotow do drogi!
(Be Mobile!)

Keeper of the Scrolls
Elohim Peace and Aloha
Arcturus and Victoria
E.C. Prophet, 3 stycznia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Puste slowa
do ludzi w Polsce

(Mere Words
to the People of Poland)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet. 20 lutego 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Jestesmy w Polsce!
(We Are in Poland!)

E.C. Prophet, 22 lutego 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

mych swietych w Polsce

of My Saints in Poland)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 11 kwietnia 1982
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Serca w Polsce
wymagaja poparcia!

(Hearts in Poland
Require the Stand!)

Serapis Bey
E.C. Prophet, 27 sierpnia 1982
The Inner Retreat, Montana
Copyright © 1982
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Niszczyciele zwyciestwa w Polsce
(Destroyers of the Victory in Poland)
Mighty Victory
E.C. Prophet, 31 marca 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Jestem z Polakami
(I AM with the People of Poland)
E.C. Prophet, 2 kwietnia 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Modlimy sie za tych,
ktorzy cierpia w Polsce

(We Pray for Those
Who Suffer in Poland)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Propghet, 3 kwietnia 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Ponownie powrocili do Polski
by ponownie walczyc o wolnosc

(They Again Returned to Poland
to Again Fight for Freedom)

Gautama Buddha
E.C. Prophet, 4 kwietnia 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Rosyjska agresja
w Polsce

(Russian Aggression
in Poland)

E.C. Prophet, 19 czerwca 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Blogoslawiony, ktory przybywa
w imie Boga w Polsce

(Blessed Is He That Cometh
in the Name of the Lord in Poland)

Jesus Christ
E.C. Prophet, 24 listopada 1983
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1983
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Bliscy memu sercu
w Polsce

(Those of My Heart
in Poland)

Mother Mary
E.C. Prophet, 26 sierpnia 1984
Camelot, USA
Copyright © 1984
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Polscy patrioci
(The Polish Patriots)

Saint Germain
E.C. Prophet, 2 grudnia 1984
Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 1984
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Polscy ludzie
(The People of Poland)
E.C. Prophet, 31 marca 1985
Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Copyright © 1985
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Powojenna historia Polski
—rola czterech jezdzcow Apokalipsy

(Post WWII History of Poland
—the Role of the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse)

E.C. Prophet, 21 maja 1989
Sheraton Center Hotel, New York
Copyright © 1989
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.
Pierwszy nie-komunistyczny
premier Polski

(The First Non-communist
Prime Minister in Poland)
E.C. Prophet, 22 maja 1989
Chicago Teaching Center, Illinois
Copyright © 1989
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

Gdzie sa
moi bracia i siostry?

(Where Are
My Brothers and Sisters?)

E.C. Prophet, 29 marca 1997
Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
Copyright © 1997
The Summit Lighthouse
All rights reserved.

For more information:

Expose on Poland, February 19-22, 1982 by the Messenger of the Great White Brothehood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Expose on Poland, February 26-28, 1982 by the Messenger of the Great White Brothehood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet.


"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."Thomas Paine
"It does not take a majority to prevail . . . but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."Samuel Adams
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."—Patrick Henry
"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?" —Thomas Jefferson
"When things are investigated, then true knowledge is achieved; when true knowledge is achieved, then the will becomes sincere; when the will is sincere, then the heart is set right (or then the mind sees right); when the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated; when the personal life is cultivated, then the family life is regulated; when the family life is regulated, then the national life is orderly; and when the national life is orderly, then there is peace in this world."Confucius
"Real valor consists not in being insensible to danger, but in being prompt to confront and disarm it."Sir Walter Scott
"The best service that can be rendered to a Country, next to that of giving it liberty, is in diffusing the mental improvement equally essential to the preservation, and the enjoyment of the blessing."James Madison

"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."Alexis de Tocqueville
"Courage is a character trait most oft attributable to men. In fact, it is the universal virtue of all those who choose to do the right thing over the expedient thing. It is the common currency of all those who do what they are supposed to do in a time of conflict, crisis, and confusion." Florence Nightingale
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival."—Winston Churchill

Creeping Marxism died with Solidarity

The Martyrs of Jesus in Poland
Military Crackdown on Polish People

Heaven on Earth
Solidarity's Worldwide Role

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

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